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Everything posted by Taltal

  1. Me as a returning player who haven't played for nearly over a year I find new discipline system very clear and very well optimized. I no longer have to go through useless skills picking up 3%-9% dmg increase in skill to advance up in skill tree.
  2. My last rage quit happened today. Did HM fe myself as a tank in almost full collumi and healer with 12k hp in almost all green. got wiped at first bounty hunter boss 2 times i realized it will take a while so i continued for next boss (2 robots) got wiped 3times in a row... healer always ended up healing me when i had hp pool of 10-15% never healed me above 2k... i just wrote "i dont have time for this" and i quit.
  3. game core bugs take a lot longer to fix and u need professional coders to fix it.. not just hire new people who are not familiar with game coding and it would take months. So no 1 week is not enough. Do i want this game to shut down for month or more... ofcourse not. none of the in game bugs are game crashing experience for me...
  4. Lol @ SWTOR even warhammer online players got theirs event and that game is practically dead with less than 3k subs active...
  5. Biggest holiday of the year and u give out free consumable fireworks? and bunch of sht in cartel market? sure u wana test it if u can make money out of holidays but seriously ***?!
  6. And how will player with expensive mods will prove it? He'd be "I may not look like i have rakata gear but i assure u i have all the mods i just cant show it.. since they are bind on use?" seriously i am in a pretty good guild with ~25 - 40ppl at peak times 90% of em lv 50. Took me day and a half of grind to get full collumni gear simply via group finder. Obviously
  7. whats the point of buying $ since most of the high end stuff is bound/ comm related.
  8. considering the bad optimisation of the game implementing features of ps2 would require 12gram 2gb vram i7 processors to run the game on medium. Tho no doubt i would love to see some massive pvp/rvr action.
  9. i had no trouble as fresh lv 50 tank in T1 HM FP's ... After full respec to defence it became even more simple.
  10. I'd say do hard mode flashpoints. Tho as mostly dps u'll be spending long time in que's. U can do pvp/space missions/all skipped quests on other planets, gain affection with ur companions, help out newbies etc.
  11. Yes its sad. As a fresh lv 50 u get 2 items of ur choise (considering u already maxed out comms) and 2 pvp items in pvp is not enough u get destroyed in matter of seconds most of the time by geared up players. And i dont think its fair.. sure dont let ppl stack comms to 15k+ or whatever but atleast let them buy pvp gear at lower lvls...
  12. I hate this quadruple population increase.. i cant even join my server as a sub. since its full of freeloaders.. i dont mind them as long as they dont interupt my activities but.. serriously ***?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  13. bussiness or not buyable monthly sub prices even out ,because its easy to keep track of them on the market and seller logically wont sell his item for higher prices compared to other sellers. In most games u can make required ammount of in game money within 1-14days depending on ur knowledge of the game.
  14. There are several games such as EVE online, puzzle pirates etc. Where you can buy monthly sub directly from in game market/other players depending on market price, only by spending in game currency(credits). The way it works is a player with real money buys an item which is consumable (30day subs card/badge/license etc) and sells it on the market where other players can buy it. It works good both ways due to simple fact: 1. people like to stack in game money 2. Not all players can use a credit card due to young age or/and dont have enough money to buy sub. In some areas 15$ is a big deal. In my country for 15$ i could watch 3-4 movies in cinema or play bowling for 5hours or buy ~20 bottles of beer. 3. There are plenty of people (look at points 1 and 2) which would be willing to buy such items and it would naturally bring more dedicated players and players in general to the game. And developers would make more money by doing so.
  15. BW could implement the system which EVE has you can ''buy'' a sub directly of market sold by other players. (who payed real money to get it). Would work both ways.. people could have full package without spending any real life money and developers would get more money from people who would buy and then resell subs to other players.
  16. Game is choppy at times while playing at max. Normally its 28-36fps but sometimes it tends to drop to 19-16 fps for no reason in world where its just me and bunch of mobs around no other players. I already have 1gb vram (520gtx) and 6gb ram and such low fps makes me scratch my head.
  17. Well thats just rude on subs part. Freeloader or not i treat every person the same way in FP unless hes healer then he gets extra guard love from me
  18. Why people QQ in the first place? You get full story content for free up to lv 50 for all classes. There are games which are f2p but far more restrictive compared to swtor. U should be lucky they didint introduced a shop with potions/buff packs where you can buy and have pay2win implemented. Besides its not like people need 5 bars to be ''competitive'' in pve.
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