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Force vs Non Force Characters


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Sometimes posts are so wrong you don't need to explain why.


Well it's kind of like that latest Avengers movie , if you think that Hawk (sniper) and Black Widow (operative) are equal to the rest of the team then you can keep saying 'wrong'...


Or you can grow a pair and play a non 'Force' toon in lvl 50 pvp.

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Not at all , the poster is actually correct. Play 5 WZ matches in a row and notice it's always magic weilding Jedi/Sith that get the most damage, medals and always always get the most kills.


The other classes are mostly a novelty item to compliment a game that should more appropriately be named jedi vs sith.


Ouch. You are so off base with this.


You can get the most damage or most heals with every class if you know how to play the class and not suck at it. My scoundrel always gets top heals in WZ's.

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Well it's kind of like that latest Avengers movie , if you think that Hawk (sniper) and Black Widow (operative) are equal to the rest of the team then you can keep saying 'wrong'...


Or you can grow a pair and play a non 'Force' toon in lvl 50 pvp.


Powertechs and snipers have incredible dps right now...also terrible terrible analogy.

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OP you have the access to two of the best dps classes in warzones and what some would say the best healer in game. What are your concerns?


lolwut? please tell me you're talking about agents in general and not the op ac. they are great hit & run. but other than that, they need someone else to bring down a target. concealment is a nuisance, more often than not, nothing more.

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lolwut? please tell me you're talking about agents in general and not the op ac. they are great hit & run. but other than that, they need someone else to bring down a target. concealment is a nuisance, more often than not, nothing more.


I believe he was referring to OPs being the best healer in the game. Seeing as the other 2 classes the op posted are great DPS and neither have a healing spec.

Edited by Technohic
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force users frustrate the hell out of me, but that's at least partly intentional because I play non force using classes, and force attacks are not counterable or defensible - for the most part. the frustrating part of that is the fact that a commando or scoundrel cannot cleanse a sorc dot. those dots are insane. every heal class should be able to cleanse that. between the snares and the dots. look...cleanse is on a 4s cd. you can't cleanse everything. and snares/roots go out like candy in this game. for that reason alone (forget about the damn dots), cleanses ought to disregard force/tech differences.


additionally, speaking as a healer, if a teammate in voice doesn't actually tell me to cleanse him, it's hard as hell to cleanse ppl in a timely manner. I mean...I *could* blow up my raid window to take up half my screen, but that screws with my los and when I have to point and click a target cuz tabbing is so utterly slow and reliably inefficient when there are multiple possible targets.


finally, let's say the average ops has 2 healers. one of which is going to be a scoundrel. the other is probably a sage, but could easily be 2 scoundrels or even 2 sages. well then...you're completely boned with 2 sages cleansing tech and vice versa with force. or what if you have one of each, but your sage is on the other side of the map healing at the east node, and you're getting blasted by some sorc serial dotter. no heals is going to work on that. you need to cleanse it. with what? your scoundrel? no. fail. :(


my point: let the cd on cleanse and the resource cost prevent healers from abusing it. don't play this pot luck system of tech vs. force. hope the right healer is near you at the right time horsey poo.

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lolwut? please tell me you're talking about agents in general and not the op ac. they are great hit & run. but other than that, they need someone else to bring down a target. concealment is a nuisance, more often than not, nothing more.


Good grief...



...ok he said he played a PT, sniper and operative...we all know that power techs and sniper can put up amazing numbers and my reference to the best healer would well derp de derp be op healers, they have the cc HoTs and instant heals to be top heals when played perfect. Not sure what your response was but good for you for posting on the forums.

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I wouldn't come down from there at all unless I am going to grab the ball and throw it to a teammate right away. Then it is right back up.


Yup. As a sniper, I own mid if I have at least a little back up and only jump into the fray to grab the ball for a quick pass or to prevent the enemy team from getting it. Otherwise, I own/camp mid. Sometimes, if the other team is turtling, I'll own mid from their platform and do area denial on the enemy platforms.

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Good grief...



...ok he said he played a PT, sniper and operative...we all know that power techs and sniper can put up amazing numbers and my reference to the best healer would well derp de derp be op healers, they have the cc HoTs and instant heals to be top heals when played perfect. Not sure what your response was but good for you for posting on the forums.

yep. misunderstood what you meant by 2 dps. already clarified above. my bad. ;)

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Log on that sniper.

Get in hutt ball match.

Stay on catwalk by mid

find sage/sorce taht wanders into the middle.

Nail them with your best rotation.



If you are not LOLing hard. You did something wrong.


It works until you get the ball by killing the Ballcarrier, then everyone converges on you.

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Some interesting points. I hadn't realised the difference between the way force and tech abilities are sometimes treated e.g. cleanse


It has occurred to me that force classes are more memorable, buzzing lightsabres in your face are more noticeable than being sit by a sniper from 30m. I'm starting to work on a few tactics now like not hitting my knockback as soon as I am leapt to. Go for evasion first wait for any immunity to wear off then knock back and all being well leg shot sticks....


I'm definitely in the camp for learning more about the classes that p### you off and work out how to beat them. Some may just be your hard counter and you aren't meant to win that fight one on one. In general I do think this game rewards the more skilful...

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