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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stupid F2P Restrictions


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Only restriction I really have a problem with is "can't equip most purple items". Does this also apply to orange gear or any item with purple mods? I don't think I'd bother playing this game at all even for free if I couldn't wear certain gear without paying extra.
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we should already be glad that we have an option to revive on the spot, for me coming from wow that was a BIG bonus, no more endless corpse running, try finding your body again when you fell off a cliff into another zone due to no-flying restriction and have to pass 3 zones to get back to your body, 30+ minute run :)

going to medcenter isn't that bad, sice there are multiple medcenters in tor zones, you will never be far off of where you died.


I just went back and re-read the text. It says you get five in-field then forced to med center. That actually makes sense. The way I read it the first time I thought they were saying med center was the only option and you just couldn't revive a 6th time if you died. Makes more sense after comprehending what I read :o

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my question is what happens when someone sub runs out and their wearing that restricted purple gear does it automatically come off tell they pay or what should of just did it like STO f2p mainly just sell cosmetics and mounts

i also think some of the restrictions should be disable as long as you been sub for at least one month

Edited by Froippi
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my question is what happens when someone sub runs out and their wearing that restricted purple gear does it automatically come off tell they pay or what should of just did it like STO f2p mainly just sell cosmetics and mounts

i also think some of the restrictions should be disable as long as you been sub for at least one month


From their various statements, it seems Bioware is going to take things away if you go from sub to free. Unlike other games where what you have you keep at the time. Even STO's restrictions can be unlocked like their EC limit on free accounts. Bioware seems like they are really playing hardball and we'll see how that works out for them. CoX had the more hardball approach too and we see what good that did them and Bioware is being harder than they were.

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From on the QQ going on here from people this is what I partake from them.


I dont want to pay but I want to play all still.


My guild will lose members due to F2P now since people wont pay.


I was waiting for F2P to drop my sub but I still want to PVP all day for 9+ hours with out paying.


It isnt fair that sub players get all that but I dont.


If you dont like it than pay like the rest us of will. To all who keep saying this game isnt worth $15 a month than why are you complaining what you get with F2P? Did you all honestly think in f2p you will be able to run FP's WZ's an such as much as a subbed player. You got to be kidding yourself! Go look at DConline F2p they only get to carry $2k in cash after that they have to pay RL cash to get more ingame cash from their escrow. They get nnone of the expansions unless they buy stuff monthly. EQ2 you cant wear no fabled armor (purple here), No raids, limited cash, limited chat, cant be guilded, limited auction house, limited mail functions. EQ1 is the same but even worse.


I dont like that they give the buy in option to run OP's. That should be locked out and only available to sub players. All the other F2p settings are right on par. F2P is for the core of them game level 50 story line with a little perks to give you that small take to hope you spend or sub. Not to give you all for free and shaft paying players. Sub player are not paying monthly so you can play for free with all the options.

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my question is what happens when someone sub runs out and their wearing that restricted purple gear does it automatically come off tell they pay or what should of just did it like STO f2p mainly just sell cosmetics and mounts

i also think some of the restrictions should be disable as long as you been sub for at least one month


So people would just sub a month then have much less restrictions? Logic behind that?


Concerning your current gear:

As of NOW (subscription model), if you let your subscription wear off, you cannot use your gear either. Heck, you can't even log into the game!!

As of later, if you let your subrsciption wear off, you'll be able to log, but not equip your purple gear.


Either way, you win.

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those 2 extra seconds of waitin time aren't going to kill you, besides, i've been in many fp pugs with group finder and there's always a slacker in the grp. (mostly me when healing hehe)

If those 2 extra seconds doesn't matter much then why not just give them sprint at level 1 then instead of possibly pissing off both non-subscribers and the subscribers they party with? Besides, 2 seconds every at every fight will quickly add up to minutes and even hours in the long run.


It may not affect me much but it does affect me if I choose to play with a non-subscriber. I was just using it as an example and say that it is possible that the restrictions to non-subscribers can affect subscribers and I think that is something Bioware should strive to avoid if possible.


And if you don't think it matters much if you have sprint or not, try leveling a character with sprint turned off and compare the leveling times with a character that uses sprint. :)


Btw, does it say anywhere when non-subscribers will get Sprint? Will they get it at level 14 (or whatever it was when SWTOR was released) or will they not be able to get it at all?

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What I learned most from this thread was that a shocking number of presumed adults really can't comprehend written English very well, e.g, endless posts complaining about things that aren't actually happening.


It's like people read three words out of a sentence then come to rage post about it before reading the rest.

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I'm ok with the restrictions.

The F2P option has 2 main goals:

  1. Get money from F2Players
  2. Lure F2Players into subscription option

So, if you want to go the F2P you can't expect perks or high stuff.

I'm going to keep my subscription anyway. After all, 50 dollar cents (43 euro cents) a day doesn't even pay for my coffee for God sake! I just can't understand such whining. I think that being able to enjoy all the story for all the classes is very good for a F2P option.

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If those 2 extra seconds doesn't matter much then why not just give them sprint at level 1 then instead of possibly pissing off both non-subscribers and the subscribers they party with? Besides, 2 seconds every at every fight will quickly add up to minutes and even hours in the long run.


It may not affect me much but it does affect me if I choose to play with a non-subscriber. I was just using it as an example and say that it is possible that the restrictions to non-subscribers can affect subscribers and I think that is something Bioware should strive to avoid if possible.


And if you don't think it matters much if you have sprint or not, try leveling a character with sprint turned off and compare the leveling times with a character that uses sprint. :)


Btw, does it say anywhere when non-subscribers will get Sprint? Will they get it at level 14 (or whatever it was when SWTOR was released) or will they not be able to get it at all?




people in my guild used to be annoyed at me for being to cheap to get the lvl 3 speeder and for a looooong long time I was still cruising around with the lvl 1.... it really isn't that important, but it's a convenience thing and I bet something that will sell like sliced bread.

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So people would just sub a month then have much less restrictions? Logic behind that?


Concerning your current gear:

As of NOW (subscription model), if you let your subscription wear off, you cannot use your gear either. Heck, you can't even log into the game!!

As of later, if you let your subrsciption wear off, you'll be able to log, but not equip your purple gear.


Either way, you win.


LOTRO would do this would unlock all trait slots as long as character was made when sub currebcy cap was removed some other thing i can't remember off the top of my head but it was not everything only some things

Edited by Froippi
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When I heard SWTOR was going FTP, I actually went and bought a month just so that I could come back into the game and fall in love with it. Now that I see the kinds of restrictions on FTP players, I'm once again facing the sinking, ice-in-the-gut feeling that is one simple fact: The game isn't worth paying to play, and FTP is just going to be a headache.


Three flashpoints a week? Outrageous. I run that on a new toon in the Esseles instantly. Three warzones a week? I burn them out in about two hours if that. Limiting inventory space and cargo hold space for cartel coins? Sheesh Bioware and EA, you might as well tell players "here is a butchered, neutered trial version of our game for you" and just get rid of the free-to-play notion.


Well, yeah, the idea is to draw people in, get them excited, and grow subscriptions or cash shop purchases. Afterall, why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?

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answer is easy tbh:

1. play for free, live with the restrictions and dont moan about it. remember the game is for FREE!!!!

2. play subbed with no restrictions. its costing you 50c per day. you spend more on food, cigerettes, petrol or giving the homeless guy some change, per day.

3. dont play at all and move along.... move along....

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I dont like that they give the buy in option to run OP's. That should be locked out and only available to sub players. All the other F2p settings are right on par. F2P is for the core of them game level 50 story line with a little perks to give you that small take to hope you spend or sub. Not to give you all for free and shaft paying players. Sub player are not paying monthly so you can play for free with all the options.


I'm fine with this. No F2Per will ever really run a HM+ Op, because no one will take an F2Per along unless they're so invested in the game that they're better off with a sub in any case.


SM Ops are now easy enough (esp. SM EV and KP) that they can wet a F2Per's whistle for endgame and encourage a subscription.


On the whole, I think they've got the balance just about right. I do think the weekly WZ allotment should be higher, just due to the ups & downs of WZ play based on who's queueing. With only 3/week, it'll be far too easy to get discouraged if you happen to queue at a bad time.


Couple of notes:

-They say FULL REWARDS from 3 Flashpoints per week. What exactly that means will have to be seen, but it doesn't give any indication that you can't continue to participate, just that you can't expect to get maximum rewards.

-Heavy investment in purples isn't necessary or even a normal part of the game experience pre-50. There is absolutely a gap for expired players who'd return for F2P, but those players will also have an allotment of cartel coins waiting to go that can be used to recover access to their existing purples.

-"Preferred status" is obtained by making a purchase. It does not say that such purchase must be a subscription. It is very possible that ANY purchase of cartel coins by F2P members will unlock level 1 sprint, basic cargo hold access, and chat+secure trading. More clarification will be needed here, but all 3 things listed in the "Preferred Status" section are exactly the sorts of features that you want to dangle to give players incentive to make use of the cash shop.


I'm totally fine with the restrictions on quality of life features. The field revive is a huge luxury compared to nearly every other MMO, so your "free" option drops you to parity with how every other game does it. Travel is already not excessively onerous in this game due to speeder networks, and the loss of an Emergency Fleet Pass really isn't a big deal.

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My only concern with the restrictions center around the emergency fleet pass.


Right now as a subscriber we get:

18h cooldown emergency fleet pass

option to buy for 1000 in game credits separate fleet passes if we have a security key


After as a subscriber it sound like we get:

18h cooldown emergency fleet pass

option to buy for real money separate fleet passes


or are they keeping the security key vendor and passes there and make them an option as well? Either way it sounds like I am going to stock up just in case.

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LOTRO would do this would unlock all trait slots as long as character was made when sub currebcy cap was removed some other thing i can't remember off the top of my head but it was not everything only some things


This is not LOTRO. Some were so hell-bent on how F2P is the next best thing, that they didn`t read some text, how this is SWTOR and not LOTRO.

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Sick of people complaining about restrictions, I've heard more and more people buying top quality machines for £1000 then complaining about having to pay a mere 8.99 for a subscription. Of course there's going to be restrictions that are there so its worth paying the sub fee for bw don't want people to pay for free for nothing! Nothing good in thisworld is free!
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See this is the problem when trying to do a hybrid(subs and non-sub) customer base. EA clearly wants you to sub, which means they have to restrict the FTPlayers, and entice you to start subbing. This creates a segregation of the community, and the balancing act of not giving the FTPlayers too much versus punishing them for not subbing becomes a cumbersome task at best, and one that I don't feel EA based on their past business practices are equipped to handle.


Also the free-to-play option seems to be a marketing gimmick to mask the backdoor introduction of Micro-transactions. So even if the FTP option is only marginally successful, they now have MTs as an acceptable feature to further get coin out of subs pockets.


To be honest I was every happy at first hearing of the FTP options, and I had three friends, one who had played the game before and left after 50 and two others who have never played, who were going to start with the FTP option; now after hearing the finer details they have all reconsidered, and as a paying subscriber I don't blame them.

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If those 2 extra seconds doesn't matter much then why not just give them sprint at level 1 then instead of possibly pissing off both non-subscribers and the subscribers they party with? Besides, 2 seconds every at every fight will quickly add up to minutes and even hours in the long run.


It may not affect me much but it does affect me if I choose to play with a non-subscriber. I was just using it as an example and say that it is possible that the restrictions to non-subscribers can affect subscribers and I think that is something Bioware should strive to avoid if possible.


And if you don't think it matters much if you have sprint or not, try leveling a character with sprint turned off and compare the leveling times with a character that uses sprint. :)


Btw, does it say anywhere when non-subscribers will get Sprint? Will they get it at level 14 (or whatever it was when SWTOR was released) or will they not be able to get it at all?


we were talking about flashpoints right? where we run from 1 trashpack to another? it rly won't make a difference at all, since you only have to run a few meters. the sprint is there because of the long runs on low-lvl planets until you get a speeder (as you mentioned youself, but in normal leveling it doesn't affect us subscribers, unless you are helping a f2p player, and in that case, you decide to help/lvl with him so you should cope with it). and if you spend hours in a fp, then you are doing it wrong, i have never been in a fp longer then an hour, even with killing most of the trash and watching cinematics, imo that is not an argument. (and again, you are playing an MMo wich generally is a time-sink ;))


and to that last question, i have no answer, sorry, i can't find an official statement on that.

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