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Honest Question, what legacy perks have you bought?


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I buy speeder piloting 1 from legacy and i get the repair droid on raiding toons.


other than that nothing the crap is too expensive.

I don't have time to farm dailies for cash all the live

long day like some people so I just can't get a million credits in a few hours.


my sage is my richest toon currently at 400k.

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- BH travel - its universal and a no-brainer when you do those dailies a lot and have "suffered" through going from Fleet to BH "the normal way" a handful of times.

- repair droid - cheep for its benefit

- vendor droid on ship - being able to sell junk when you get to your ship is a nice benefit. The ship droid crew skill enhancements are not bad either. (two of three characters I also invested in the ship droid crew skill buff - third character only offered efficiency: crit chance is worth 100k speed to completion not so much)

- Increased crit chance on companions' crew skills - I've noticed a difference, that makes it worth it.

- mailbox on ship - again cheep for its benefit

- Rocket boost - BEST 2 million credits I ever spent. The fact that it is universal only adds to that assessment. I did not buy early speeder access on the character I am currently leveling because of it (just used rocket boost to speed up travel). I'll be honest though, as I approached level 25 I did notice the "world getting bigger"; distances between quest areas increasing (maybe subjective I don't know). People who say the CD is too long, I respectfully disagree.


I considered increased XP from various sources for my latest character, but I decided against it, but only because I'm a cheep bastard :D - I don't spend credits on anything I do not feel I absolutely need - even though I have several million credits burning holes in my characters' pockets.

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I bought rocket boots and all its upgrades. Complete waste of money.


I disagree with this to some extent.


It's a handy little feature and it's not so bad to have on cave runs or running back on some bosses. It's damn expensive and at the moment I feel it's a little bugged for me ( I haven't seen any other posts on it but it's not lasting the full 12 seconds many times)


However, it is by far not a complete waste. It's just a very expensive purchase and one that's a neat bonus that offers a small perk for a large amount of cash.


But back on topic.

These I have bought:


Every toon gets rank one mail box and repair bots.

Every toon after my main gets speeder riding at level 10

Every toon gets the exploration bonus, bonus companion affection, class experience bonus and space mission bonus all to some degree out of the 5 possible levels.

Once crafting skill gets maxed they all get the crafting bonus legacy to max.

BH and coursant travel

Edited by Quraswren
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I've got most of the global unlocks either via earning them or paying for them. I do not have all the species unlocks, but I'll get there eventually.


On a side note, for those who think Jet Boost is a waste, I would like to point out that it works in many places that mounts don't. I find that to be incredibly useful while leveling, and I have been happy with the purchase.


I think the main question was about perks, though, which are character specific. In that regard, I ignore all of the XP perks. Even when focused on one particular area (i.e. "leveling your way") I've never had a problem staying at or above level.


My crafters all purchase the legacy of crafting perks. The extra boost to the critical has increased my crafting income by more than enough to compensate cost wise. (That is obviously toon and skill specific though.)


I do purchase the speeder perk for level 10 for all alts. The travel perks, field respec, repair and mail droid are all nice to haves I intend to get or have gotten for my level 50's. That said, they aren't so useful that I've purchased them for everyone.

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My opinion is that most (+90%) of the legacy perks are useless credit sinks. The only perks I have bought were on my alts to get the speeder earlier. Many of my guildmates have bought the rocket boots, mailbox, and repair droids. I rarely see anything else.


What legacy perks have you bought and why? I wish I could see some metrics as to what legacy perks are most popular but I doubt Bioware will ever release that data.


This is an important question because I believe the Legacy UI is perfectly suited for selling cash shop items. They could use it for that or make a new UI similar to it for that purpose. It also gives Bioware a glimpse as to what "perks" players are willing to pay for. I believe Bioware will track what cash shop items sell best and use that data to funnel dev resources toward similar items in the hopes that players will buy them.



If you want to know where I'm coming from, you can view this thread but it's not essential:




Not One. Click my sig to fing out why. Legacy is crap in it's current state. Only thing worth getting from Legacy is the FREE "unlocks" at this time. Legacy innovative? Hardly. Legacy nothing but a credit sink for useless items as to the value per cost? Most definately. :mad:

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Bought: Green.

Thought about buying: Orange

Wouldn't buy: Red



Global Perks:



  • Ship Mailbox
  • Ship Repair Droid


I had some spare credits, and so it meant my bank mules could stay on their ships



  • Operations Training Dummy - 0.5 mil for something I might use once a month and is free on fleet? No thanks. I can't even test healing on it.
  • Operations Training Dummy - 0.5 mill for something I'll definitely not use. Never.
  • GTN - 5 mill for the convenience of not listening to /1 or /3. I could be selling stuff 24 hours a day and it would never pay for itself. No, just no.


Character Perks.



  • Improved Speeder Piloting I - Ability to move through content quicker, 15 levels early for only 40k. Complete no brainer. Bought on every new alt.



  • Improved Warzone Experience - Maybe worth it if I did WZ's to level. But I don't PvP, so No.
  • Improved Flashpoint Experience - Maybe worth it if FP / LFG queue times were shorter. But they aren't... so No.
  • Improved Space Missions Experience - This might be worth it if you did Space missions each day from about level 12 to 40. But from what I've seen, most of the XP comes from killing ships/targets. The actual "quest complete" component of the XP isn't that big a deal. So it's not as attractive as it first looks.
  • Travel - Capital World. - Might save me a tiny fraction of time while levelling. Worth 20k, just.. maybe.
  • Field Repair Droid - Maybe. Though let's face it, repair droids aren't exactly hard to find during levelling and only a minor inconvenience while raiding. Worth a total of 350k? Not likely.



  • Improved Class Mission Experience. - Seriously? Most XP, even when doing the class quests is from killing mobs. Even then, XP from class quests is tiny compared with XP from non-class quests. Looks good, as long as you don't read the small print.
  • Improved Exploration Experience. - As almost completely useless boosts go... this is way up there.
  • Travel - Outlaw's Den - If I were on a server where Outlaw's Den is widely used. Maybe. But I'm not, and I wouldn't PvP even if it were.
  • Travel - Fleet Vanguard Vessel - Flying from fleet to Zoist's shadow too much like hard work? lol.
  • Travel - Black Hole - With quick transport to Black Hole from lots of shuttles these days, is this really needed? But regardless... worth 150k? No damned way.
  • Field Mail Droid - Is finding a mailbox quickly ever likely to save me 100k ? Nope. I didn't think so either. If I couldn't think of anything else to spend the money on.. maybe.
  • Field Respec - 200k ? No. Just on principle No. Quest as DPS then do flashpoints as healer? Maybe. Respec from DPS to tank in raids? If that sort of stuff is going on, you've got bigger problems. But 200k ? NO.
  • Legacy of Altruism - As soon as I get a new companion. I boost them to 6000 affection using level 1 companion gifts from fleet. Why on earth would I think I might struggle to get from 6k to 10k? And certainly not for 90k.
  • Legacy of Persuasion - See: Legacy of Altruism
  • Legacy of Crafting - 350k for a 3% increase increase chance of getting augmented gear. I know adding augments is expensive... it's not that damned expensive. Plus most of the gear I want to augment drops from bosses, I'm not crafting it. No.
  • Legacy of Leadership - Maybe, maybe level 1. But an extra 50k for level 2? Nahh


Overall... My view would be that only the Level 1 speeder upgrade at character level 10 is worth it. There are some other stuff that is personal preference, but few are ever really worth it. The rest... are just caveat emptor. There to look expensive so that they look like they might be worth real money when cartel coins make an appearance.


Or in the case of my ship mailbox and repair droid. Credit sinks for anyone who have more credits than sense.


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Edited by Woetoo
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My opinion is that most (+90%) of the legacy perks are useless credit sinks.


Completely agree. I unlock the level 1 speeder on all toons because it's stupid to design a game where you have to run everywhere. I also unlocked the mailbox because I was curious as to where it would appear on the ship. But it's certainly not worth 500k credits. But other than that, there's just not a chance in hell that I'm spending that much money on it. The unlocks are not worth anywhere near that much money.

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None at all.


Since coming back I made 2 new alts and see no point to blowing credits on thing that give what 2% or 4% xp to an already easy way to get XP ingame. Speeders I can wait till 25 since it insanely easy to get to 25 fast.


Even the companion perks why spend the cash when you can spend it cheaper just getting the gifts to reach max level on them.


If people come back most already had alts at 40+ or 50 to really no really need the legacy system.


I cant see one perk that stands out and gives the WOW amazing (not that other game) factor that is needed. To top it off most are overly insane prices.

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Legacy of Crafting - 350k for a 3% increase increase chance of getting augmented gear. I know adding augments is expensive... it's not that damned expensive. Plus most of the gear I want to augment drops from bosses, I'm not crafting it. No.


I would agree with this as it relates to augmented gear. However, keep in mind that a critical craft on upgrades and consumables yields two of the item instead of one. A 3% boost sounds small, but consider this situation.


I run an average of three crafting rounds per day creating high end augments. That means I set Kira to craft 15 items a day. With max affection and her inherent boost, I already get a healthy critical rate. Adding an extra 3% raises this yields 3 new bonus augments every 100 items. (or roughly 3 per week) These bonus items are 100% profit. Since I sell them for an average of 65k, they yield an extra 195k per week. By week two I was making profit on the purchase, and by now I've cleared several million extra with no extra effort.


So I would say it's conditionally useful. I don't plan to have it on every toon, but my dedicated crafters will pick it up.

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Seems I've bought more perks than most. I've bought all 3 speeder perks (where relevant), all relevant priority travels, crafting legacy, both character affection perks, mail bot, repair bot, mailbox on ship, social emotes and some other stuff I can't remember without logging in. I want the ship repair bot & GTN but haven't managed to save enough credits yet.


The xp perks are about the only thing I haven't bought at least once because I'm always over level for any planet I go to so what is the point?

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* Ship Mailbox

* Ship Droid Vendor

* PVE Combat Dummy

* Quick Travel Cooldown Reduction

* Emergency Fleet Pass Cooldown Reduction

* Improved Crafting Critical chance

* Reduction of time for companions to sell Junk

* Transport to BlackHole, Fleet Vanguard Ship, Coruscant (main character only)

* Sith Pureblood

Edited by jterlecki
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I bought the quick travel to black hole, gav daragon, and capital planet. repair droids, mail droids, and a few global unlocks. I also purchased getting the level 25 speeder at level 10 on one alt.


I agree most of them are not worth it. Just shinys for stupid people with way too much in game currency to spend their hard earned credits on.

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I disagree with this to some extent.


It's a handy little feature and it's not so bad to have on cave runs or running back on some bosses. It's damn expensive and at the moment I feel it's a little bugged for me ( I haven't seen any other posts on it but it's not lasting the full 12 seconds many times)


However, it is by far not a complete waste. It's just a very expensive purchase and one that's a neat bonus that offers a small perk for a large amount of cash.




the rocket boost animation might end prematurely but the speed increase persists for the full duration. you'll see the speed buff still up on your status bar, and when the speed buff ends there is a sound effect and then your companion re-appears


I find the speed buff to be really nice to have because you can use it in areas where you cannot get on your speeder, and it's a legacy-wide perk. still debating whether to get level 2 and/or level 3 though. can i get level 3 without getting level 2 first?

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the rocket boost animation might end prematurely but the speed increase persists for the full duration. you'll see the speed buff still up on your status bar, and when the speed buff ends there is a sound effect and then your companion re-appears


I find the speed buff to be really nice to have because you can use it in areas where you cannot get on your speeder, and it's a legacy-wide perk. still debating whether to get level 2 and/or level 3 though. can i get level 3 without getting level 2 first?


You can get the level 3 first, then level 2,buying level 3 doesn't automatically unlock level 2 though. That's the path i bought Rocket Boost if i remember right.

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