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Honest Question, what legacy perks have you bought?


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Thank you swtor community for your answers. It pretty much confirmed what my feelings are about the legacy perks.


Bioware is doubling down on legacy. I think that is a huge mistake. Resources could be spent more wisely on developing other game enhancements. We'll all see soon enough what players are and are not willing to pay for.


Really? Loads of different people tell you they bought some, or all, or none, or an optional set of perks as suited their whimsy, and you decide that means it's useless? I really have to wonder if there was anything that would convince you otherwise -- you seem determined to disregard hundreds of people here, at any rate.


What I see in this thread is that people are using the legacy system as it was intended - to customise their playstyle in a manner which suits them. Not everyone buys the same thing, because not everyone values the same shortcuts and speedups.

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All of my toons after my first two mains (they were pre-Legacy 1.2) have the capped WZ XP perk and the Speeder at level 10 unlock.


That's it, but both of those are essential for my Alts at this point. I've thought about investing in the Class Story perk since that's really the only PvE I run, but I haven't done it yet and I'm not even certain how that works.

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bought the following


ship droid

ship mail box

ship pve target dummy

sith race unlock

human race unlock for presence bonus


for all four 50s (my standard for hitting 50)


bh instant travel ( must have imo)

fleet travel


four all 8 toons


summon mail box

summon repair droid

reduced companion sell


for all 4 sub 50s


companion diaolog affection gain

affection gift gain (add one 50 to this too)

speeder ranks (add one 50 to this too)


might get the gtn sometime.


i have the credits why not spend them on stuff that makes the game more fun for me. having them sit in the bank does nothing. oh and i have only two toons with slicing with one maxed.:D

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3 questions.


Droid selling +5 cybertech critical for your ship-droid, worth it or not? I only have schematics buyable from the trader, so no fancy 1 mil armoring etc. Doubt I'll do enough ops to get the ones worth more and the luck to reverse engineer them for a schematic, ouch.


Affection from gift bonus, is this worth it if you get most of the gifts ~2.5k each? Half of the gifts I get myself with UWT and those my companions don't like I trade with friends.


Affection from conversations, has anyone found this worth it in general? I have it on my female sorcerer and assassin for Ashara (she only 'likes' gifts, no favourites or love) so I assume in the long run it will be worth it on her, but most companions at least have favourites.


Thank you.


and for those who care: speeder piloting on every alt for the obvious reasons. Black hole traveling so I avoid my ship pretty much permanently (from fleet --> bh-travel --> shuttle-ilum --> shuttle-belsavis --> fleetpass) Increased warzone experience (I PvP a lot, but hardly notice the difference, only really worth it in the long-run I guess) Rocketboots, still saving up. To make my yet-to-make bounty hunter look cooler and speedbuffs <3 And the former mentioned voice of persuasion for female inquisitors. No worries Ashara, I don't like you either. Human race unlock for presence bonus (I should really have made a human first when changing servers)

Edited by Gloomycakes
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Rocketboots (all 3 levels) before the speeder perks became available.

Speeder perks (each level, each char)

all 3 crafting perks (for the characters that actually craft, (as opposed to those who just have biochem to use reuseables my actual "crafting" biochem makes for them)

Ship droid w/ the crewskill bonus modules. (repair droid?)


And I believe that's it. Don't (yet) have the legacy lvls for the GTN, though I have more than enough cash to buy it. (being a crafter gets you cash, not so much legacy exp)


Not sure if I'd buy it anyways, no real issues parking my characters in fleet most of the time.

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1. Black Hole travel


2. Ship and on ground mailbox


3. Jet speed thingy when on foot


4 .Training dummy ( A complete waste of credits) Don't ever buy this,


5. Repair 'bot


I have lots of credits and being bored, I spent them on these things. Other then the dummy, the others have come in handy.

Edited by RikHar
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Everything but the improved rocket boost boxes, companion sacrifice, warzone dummy and kiosk. I got all the rest though. As for character perks, i have class mission XP boost on 2 of my alts, the legacy of crafting boxes, all the mail and all the repair droid perks (for my alts that are level 50). priority transport black hole, too
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I am surprised more people don't buy the priority transport fleet vanguard vessel one, its good for another quick travel to the fleet. The warzone experience boost is great and I always pick up the plus 30% from giving companion gifts, those are the ones that I am for sure to spend credits on anyways.
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Low level characters: level 10 speeder, quest xp boost (just one/character), crit crafting boost.


High level characters: BH quick travel, crit crafting boost, repair droid


All characters: Legacy of Sacrifice, fleet pass cooldown II, Rocket Boost I, and some others I can't recall right now that I rarely use.

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hmm, i bought pretty mcuh all of them except the pvp xp bonus one and a few others. Anything that boosts the game, i bought and i havent looked back.

The droid repairer, the travel points, the early speeders, the field respec are on most of my characters. If its useful whilst leveling, i bought it.

yup, i only didnt buy the "fluff" or "emotes" ones or the "unlocks this race" ones ... if i had know about the race one at the start, i would have leveled 4 50s on imp side and then 4 50s on pub side. Id have then made 8 alts of all colours of the rainbow.

i'd have been the united colours of swotr.

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I bought field respec because the guild paid for it so I could switch to Imm/Veng hybrid for Huttball.

I have the Transport to Outlaws Den...


I also purchased the XP boost for PVP on an Alt but its still so Slow he will likely never reach 50 regardless...


Only thing I ever really wanted was to purchase the Class buff Unlocks for the two I dont have...and of course you cant purchase those....So Legacy perks to me seem over priced and mostly useless... Ive always viewed the system as a credit sink and nothing more. Its a waste of development resources that were badly needed elsewhere....Legacy Perks are something that should have been focused on well after the core game had reached a stable place.....

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Low level characters: level 10 speeder, quest xp boost (just one/character), crit crafting boost.


High level characters: BH quick travel, crit crafting boost, repair droid


All characters: Legacy of Sacrifice, fleet pass cooldown II, Rocket Boost I, and some others I can't recall right now that I rarely use.


Legacy of Crafting only adds a chance to add an augment slot to weapons/amor, it does not increase your crit crafting for anything else.

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Thank you swtor community for your answers. It pretty much confirmed what my feelings are about the legacy perks.


Bioware is doubling down on legacy. I think that is a huge mistake. Resources could be spent more wisely on developing other game enhancements. We'll all see soon enough what players are and are not willing to pay for.


oh noes bioware has a legacy system they are such fools... lol


look at the patch notes and up comming content and tell me bioware is doubling down on legacy. and then answer these questions for me so I can make a post saying "see I knew I was right, trolls have gotten lazy in this game and need a new script because they are grasping at straws for things to complain about now"


- what new legacy updates are comming in the future?

- how much focus is 1.4 or 1.5 on legacy?

- why do you think that bioware can only develop 1 system at a time?

- how come with only one patch that introduced the legacy system [along with alot of other content] and 1 update to that system in another patch is all the legacy content we have seen?

- why are developers like jesse sky focused on ops and converting the rest of the flash points to HM FP if they are only concentrating on legacy?

- why do you care? if you dont use the system then dont, I dont plan to go F2P but they are commiting resources and time to developing F2P. do I care? no, why? because it will be used and some people want it, just because I do not does not mean I should try and ruin it for the people who do.


please stop obsessing over every out of context quote put up on reddit or gaming sites full of hater agendas to try and make swtor look bad. there are plenty of real issues [cough* game preformance] that are real problems with out all this anti legacy crap from one quote [not even by the lead game designer or bioware austins GM] that obviously isnt the end all factor in game development. not to mention it only makes sense if you ignore everything said by the other devs and all the content released since launch. the legacy systems wasnt even in at launch how much time do you really think they have devoted to it. as it is now it is bare and unfinished almost a year into the game. makes me think they focused more time on endgame and pvp then the legacy system not to mention server merges and group finder additions to the game while converting to free 2 play


that said plaease focus more on the legacy bioware the game needs more convience features / quality of life changes and make my legacy 50 mean something, the family tree really needs alot of work too it basicaly pointless right now.

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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Bought every single legacy perk, because I can :jawa_cool:

Also I really love rocket boost and all ship upgrades. I wish there were more ship upgrades, like augmentation table, jukebox, maybe a daily terminal near space mission terminal, etc; so that I would never have to leave my ship again. But even with current ship upgrades I rarely have to leave it.

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