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no hk51 for solo players


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I totally agree with the OP. I'm a solo player too, or sometimes with my hubby. We like it this way, no drama, no wasting time, we just play and have a good time.


It's unfair that we have to do a HM to get this droid.


I'm also sick of these elitist jerks that tell solo players that its an MMO...yeah, no kidding. But some of us like to earn our own things, instead of using a bunch of other people to get it for us. There has to be some task equivalent to the HM so that soloers can get a droid too.


What about legacy? I'm legacy 50, worked damn hard to achieve it. Can't legacy cut the solo player a little slack? After all we didnt even get a bloody title.

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Tell me why you think a solo player has the right to acquire everything in this game w/out the help of others? If you can tell me why a user gets to do that in the genre of an MMO, perhaps you and I can discuss this topic civilly, but you seem content and reducing it down to insults others who disagree with you simply because this game doesn't follow exactly what you want.


Because we're paying customers just like you. Our money helps keep the game alive. There are alot of solo players paying for this, which means, there must be some equivalent provided to us that we can work at. Some people don't like using others for their own gain.

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I can't understand why anyone would want one.


1) you are solo player and the regular companions are more than sufficient. Once you get to 50, the game is over and you role a new toon.


or 2) you are a group player. You get to 50 and most of what you do is in a group where you rarely have a companion anyways.


This seems more like a vanity mount in WoW....Take it out once in a while and say "Look at my shiny new toy" then put it away again and go back to playing.


Offensive question: Did you never play KOTOR1 or KOTOR2, Meatbag?



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I'm also sick of these elitist jerks that tell solo players that its an MMO...yeah, no kidding.

I don't get where you feel entitled then. You and every other solo player is arguing they feel entitled to whatever they want, in this case, a non-necessary companion, by completing this game solo. You seem to accept that this game is an MMO and you seem to understand how an MMO works, but you refuse to put 2-and-2 together and accept that certain content requires group activity, which is the foundation of an MMO.


It would be like playing Starcraft, which is a Real-Time-Strategy, and demanding the ability to issue commands to your units while the game is paused. It's like you guys get the "strategy" part of the game w/out the "real time" part of it. Just because you want to turn a Real-Time-Strategy into a Turn-Based-Strategy game doesn't mean it should happen. It probably means you bought the wrong kind of game and perhaps should go buy a single-player rpg. No one would accept that someone playing a Single Player RPG deserves the right to play co-oply with a friend, so why should the reverse hold true?

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What this guy said... seriously. MMO games are meant to be played with other people. Stop crying please and just use the LFG tool to get the damn thing done.


You should quit crying.It is really boring hearing all this whining about people who want to play the game the way they want to.You don't pay their sub and you didn't buy their game.HK was suppose to be a special thing.Reasons not to group.People on this forum.I didn't pay to put up with alpha hotels.I did in the Army but they paid me so big difference.

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The HK-droids are an integral part of both KOTOR games. They were my favorite characters in both games. The idea that Bioware would make his inclusion (into TOR) contingent on non-solo play... there's just something wrong with that. Other bonus content, fine. But I want my HK whether or not I enjoy group play. :D This just feels like a slight slap in the face to the people they know bought this game strictly to solo (most likely old diehard KOTOR fans).

HK-51 isn't HK-47, and if someone wants to see HK-47 he or she has already to go into a flashpoint, had never heard a complainet about that. But now when some get not the new HK then it is suddenly terrible.


D, ... Dulfy has disproven that HK-51 MUST be done multiplayer. According to her, it is soloable. :cool:

I guess taht OP does not flashpoints, Operations and PVP or any other stuff one has to group up for, so I am not sure what gear s/he has on his/her character and the companions, and I don't know what gear duffy has, so I don't know how hard it might be to get HK-51 for such a player.


Companions are, by and large, only useful when soloing. That would seem to make companions "solo content".


You (for the most part) need to do group content (HM flashpoint) to unlock this solo content.


That seems somewhat fubar to me.

All the companions one needs are easy to get (actually one cann't miss them), but HK-51 is something you have to work for. Not getting him will be no issue, since you don't need him. It is just something you collect and be happy about it. And if s/he really can't get it alone, then OP has simply to wait until BioWare raises the level cap high enough so that this content will become so easy that there will no problems to get it then.


Not to get him right away without any effort is such a minor issue that I really can't understand how people can complain about this.

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I don't get where you feel entitled then. You and every other solo player is arguing they feel entitled to whatever they want, in this case, a non-necessary companion, by completing this game solo. You seem to accept that this game is an MMO and you seem to understand how an MMO works, but you refuse to put 2-and-2 together and accept that certain content requires group activity, which is the foundation of an MMO.


It would be like playing Starcraft, which is a Real-Time-Strategy, and demanding the ability to issue commands to your units while the game is paused. It's like you guys get the "strategy" part of the game w/out the "real time" part of it. Just because you want to turn a Real-Time-Strategy into a Turn-Based-Strategy game doesn't mean it should happen. It probably means you bought the wrong kind of game and perhaps should go buy a single-player rpg. No one would accept that someone playing a Single Player RPG deserves the right to play co-oply with a friend, so why should the reverse hold true?


I don't like your use of the word 'entitlement'. It suggests that we feel we should be 'given' this droid for nothing. That's not the case. We're more than willing to grind something, or do however many soloable activities as needed that is deemed an equivalent. What I want is equal treatment for equal money. You and I both pay the same fees, why shouldn't we play our content the way we enjoy playing it? To me, my MMO is a bit like real life...I have a house and a car and other toys that I bought with my own money and effort. I didn't go out, grab 20 strangers off the street and hold them up, and say, now i want a car, lets storm the dealership.


I can't relate to your Starcraft analogy, I've never played that, but in all other MMO's I've been in, the gear I got was never dependant on a group...you could group if you wished, but there was always a solo-able alternative. That's all us solo'ers are asking for here. We would like a comparable means of achieving this without using other people for our gain.

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Because we're paying customers just like you. Our money helps keep the game alive. There are alot of solo players paying for this, which means, there must be some equivalent provided to us that we can work at. Some people don't like using others for their own gain.

I like how you keep insulting group players as if we're using each other. I like to work cooperatively with other people to accomplish goals.


I also understand that you're a paying customer. But please understand that just because you pay for something doesn't mean you're entitled to it your way. You bought a game that's labeled as an MMO. You found a way to play w/out others... that doesn't mean you're entitled to everything in the game simply because you play.


Do you believe that you're entitled to every feature in the game played exactly how you want to play it, simply because you paid money?


If so, then you really need to take a step back because paying to play a game doesn't guarantee a win. The point of a game is to seek rewards (via high score, items, end of the game) by playing the game and accepting the rules of said game. Buying Street Fighter 2 doesn't entitle you to see the ending of every character until you've beaten it with every character.


If you understand that paying doesn't simply entitle you to everything in the game, then understand that HK-51 is one of those things you're not entitled to just because you pay for the game.

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I'm honestly more annoyed I need a cross-faction alt.


You're telling me. I have cross-faction alts already...2 Level 50 Imps and a Level 21 Legacy, but they are on a different server than my Pubs. lol


No HK-51 for me...well, until the F2P store launches at least. Probably will be able to get him there for $$$.

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I don't like your use of the word 'entitlement'. It suggests that we feel we should be 'given' this droid for nothing. That's not the case. We're more than willing to grind something, or do however many soloable activities as needed that is deemed an equivalent. What I want is equal treatment for equal money. You and I both pay the same fees, why shouldn't we play our content the way we enjoy playing it? To me, my MMO is a bit like real life...I have a house and a car and other toys that I bought with my own money and effort. I didn't go out, grab 20 strangers off the street and hold them up, and say, now i want a car, lets storm the dealership.


I can't relate to your Starcraft analogy, I've never played that, but in all other MMO's I've been in, the gear I got was never dependant on a group...you could group if you wished, but there was always a solo-able alternative. That's all us solo'ers are asking for here. We would like a comparable means of achieving this without using other people for our gain.


Your analogy for the "real life" bit isn't very good. How did you earn that money? Did you make that money out of thin air? Or did you have to work with other people at a job to acquire the money? Did you build that car with your own 2 hands? Did you do the same with your house? Did you cut the tree down to make the wood to build your house? We're just arguing semantics, but in terms of "real life" there's nothing you do solely on your own ("No man is an island, Entire of itself.")


As for your description of other games, that's fine. You were able to obtain some of the gear the way you wanted to play: via solo play. Were you able to acquire all of the gear? Some things in MMO's require group effort, that is the nature of the beast. Arguing against MMO's requiring group effort to acquire all the content is really a wasted argument. You are arguing that a game built on the principles of group activity should be accessible on a solo level in every way is just as futile and pointless. You can state that you don't want everything accessible, but the moment you point to any one thing in this game and say you want that accessible via solo play, well, now you're redefining an MMO as a single player. This game was never advertised at that and you're sort of wasting your time demanding this game change to that style of genre.

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I like how you keep insulting group players as if we're using each other. I like to work cooperatively with other people to accomplish goals.


I also understand that you're a paying customer. But please understand that just because you pay for something doesn't mean you're entitled to it your way. You bought a game that's labeled as an MMO. You found a way to play w/out others... that doesn't mean you're entitled to everything in the game simply because you play.


Do you believe that you're entitled to every feature in the game played exactly how you want to play it, simply because you paid money?


If so, then you really need to take a step back because paying to play a game doesn't guarantee a win. The point of a game is to seek rewards (via high score, items, end of the game) by playing the game and accepting the rules of said game. Buying Street Fighter 2 doesn't entitle you to see the ending of every character until you've beaten it with every character.


If you understand that paying doesn't simply entitle you to everything in the game, then understand that HK-51 is one of those things you're not entitled to just because you pay for the game.


You're not understanding a word of what I'm saying. And I think its amusing, when I say that I don't agree with your use of 'entitlement' you use it 50 times in your post, lol. I'm not saying I support Pay to Win, that is ABSOLUTELY NOT what I am saying. If that was so, i'd say lets be able to buy HK from the cash shop for real money, which is NOT what I want at all.


This game is a subscription based game. They want my money, they gladly take it, from soloers like me and others, so why shouldn't we have a right to request a soloable equabalent to EARN the droid.


The way you speak, its almost as if people don't have the right to ask for things. Are you saying all the pvpers are wrong for their constant demands? All they're doing is asking for their desired fixes. Are you going to tell them too, that they should suck it up and deal, and play the game as given?


A game needs to constantly grow and evolve, and if they don't listen or take into account suggestions that it's patrons give, then why bother.

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Your analogy for the "real life" bit isn't very good. How did you earn that money? Did you make that money out of thin air? Or did you have to work with other people at a job to acquire the money? Did you build that car with your own 2 hands? Did you do the same with your house? Did you cut the tree down to make the wood to build your house? We're just arguing semantics, but in terms of "real life" there's nothing you do solely on your own ("No man is an island, Entire of itself.")


As for your description of other games, that's fine. You were able to obtain some of the gear the way you wanted to play: via solo play. Were you able to acquire all of the gear? Some things in MMO's require group effort, that is the nature of the beast. Arguing against MMO's requiring group effort to acquire all the content is really a wasted argument. You are arguing that a game built on the principles of group activity should be accessible on a solo level in every way is just as futile and pointless. You can state that you don't want everything accessible, but the moment you point to any one thing in this game and say you want that accessible via solo play, well, now you're redefining an MMO as a single player. This game was never advertised at that and you're sort of wasting your time demanding this game change to that style of genre.


LOL, the real life analogy works for me just fine...cause what you're saying sounds like CRAFTING. Sure, i buy and sell things on the market all the time to make money. Guess what, I can solo crafting. I make stuff solo, I gather and quest for my crafting mats solo, and just like in real life I make money. I grind the various jobs for money to buy crafted items others provide that they crafted...so I think your point isn't a very good one really.

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HK-51 isn't HK-47, and if someone wants to see HK-47 he or she has already to go into a flashpoint, had never heard a complainet about that. But now when some get not the new HK then it is suddenly terrible.



The only real difference between the HK-51's and HK-47 is the paintjob and how they designate lifeforms (Meatbags vs Organics). Same voice actor--most certainly the same sharp wit. An old republic game without your own HK companion is a travesty :p

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I love this mantra that 'It's how the game is meant to be played, therefore by extension, you are obligated to do it in a group, and it sohuld be easy, because that's how the games designed.'


It's not a problem with the game. It's not a problem with group finder. It's a problem with People.


People in general, tend to overplay, calculate all the numbers, and get all the gear; things I simply don't have the time for, and, given what i've seen, are not really all that necessary. However, groups will give you endless flak if you don't have Super mega-world Boss flashpoint Endgame ultra-drop armor set, because then your damage is slightly less than what's necessary to overkill the final boss in one hit.


and don't say they don't, because it's all over chat every time I head to fleet.

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This game is a subscription based game. They want my money, they gladly take it, from soloers like me and others, so why shouldn't we have a right to request a soloable equabalent to EARN the droid.


The way you speak, its almost as if people don't have the right to ask for things. Are you saying all the pvpers are wrong for their constant demands? All they're doing is asking for their desired fixes. Are you going to tell them too, that they should suck it up and deal, and play the game as given?


A game needs to constantly grow and evolve, and if they don't listen or take into account suggestions that it's patrons give, then why bother.

In all fairness, I was writing up this post with multiple uses of "entitled" before I saw your post about not liking me use the word. So what you saw was pre-"i hate that you use the word entitlement" thread.


However, the problem is that not you want to put effort in, but the way you want to put effort into it. You want to force this game, which is an MMO to be a single player game. And that's not how this game works. You can't compare single player vs MMO to pvp'ers. They are arguing for PvP changes within the realms of PvP. You are arguing for single player playability within the realms of an MMO.


Going back to your "I pay so I should have the right to earn"... case. Do you think that you have the right to EARN every codex in this game (i.e. the accomplishment of beating every boss, including those in Operations) via a solo play-style simply because you pay for a subscription? Do you think you have the right to EARN specific mounts, pets, and costume pieces found only in Operations, all through a solo play-style simply because you pay for a subscription.


Because if all it takes is money + effort w/out any group play at all then you should be able to EARN everything in this game w/out group play, right? But that's not the case. You seem to accept that. But you're drawing the line in the sand of where you want it to be. You want a specific thing to be obtained via solo play. And that's what makes no sense. You feel you have the right to earn Item A the way you want but seem to accept that the same right isn't there for someone desiring Item B under the same premise that you defend your beliefs by.

Edited by Lostpenguins
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LOL, the real life analogy works for me just fine...cause what you're saying sounds like CRAFTING. Sure, i buy and sell things on the market all the time to make money. Guess what, I can solo crafting. I make stuff solo, I gather and quest for my crafting mats solo, and just like in real life I make money. I grind the various jobs for money to buy crafted items others provide that they crafted...so I think your point isn't a very good one really.

You're comparing other people in real life as your companions. Companions aren't other real life people free to do whatever they want. They are tools, merely extensions of yourself. In real life you can't just order someone to do exactly what you want like you can with your companions... so your comparison falls short.


You didn't "solo" your job. If you needed one other person to help you complete a project, congrats. You have just, effectively, done group content.

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I love this mantra that 'It's how the game is meant to be played, therefore by extension, you are obligated to do it in a group, and it sohuld be easy, because that's how the games designed.'


It's not a problem with the game. It's not a problem with group finder. It's a problem with People.


People in general, tend to overplay, calculate all the numbers, and get all the gear; things I simply don't have the time for, and, given what i've seen, are not really all that necessary. However, groups will give you endless flak if you don't have Super mega-world Boss flashpoint Endgame ultra-drop armor set, because then your damage is slightly less than what's necessary to overkill the final boss in one hit.


and don't say they don't, because it's all over chat every time I head to fleet.


Hah! It's true, and it's sad, but that's MMO's in a nutshell. I knew I hated WoW for a reason :rolleyes:


Even in-guild, with hardly any members, the big-wigs are busy excluding members because newly-christened 50's aren't geared enough for whatever raids they're running. I have a more laidback style, but some people prefer to enforce non-existent rules?

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Well considering that you need a level 50 alt just to get the HK-51 companion it does not concern me at the moment, as I do not have an level 50 alts yet. I am only at level 34 with my main.


I do have an opinion though. I would also prefer to solo for the HK-51 companion. It should be accessible for all players. That would include those that strictly solo. There are a lot of people that play this way. Developers should keep that in mind when it comes to something as popular as the HK-51. Every once and a while you will see content come out that does require interaction with others. In my opinion though they should limit it to things that are not part of a main feature of the game. (I.E. - A Companion for this instance. One that deals with a Story Arc.) A vanity pet maybe, but a Companion that deals with stories? That to me just seems wrong.


Thankfully though it seems that the HK-51 can be solo'ed. At least from what I have read. If so I hope it stays that way when it goes live. Maybe I 'll have a level 50 alt by then. :p



On another note:

I often see people say that if you solo, then MMO's are not for you. The second posting in this thread is expedience of that. That is a false statement. Even though some people mostly solo it does not mean that they do not interact with others and socialize. For example, I just prefer to do a lot of quest or missions by myself. I still interact with others. I even ran a guild in SWG for a while. So you can still enjoy MMO's even as a solo player. Plus, even if you do not interact with others, MMO's can still be fun for the player.

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Well considering that you need a level 50 alt just to get the HK-51 companion it does not concern me at the moment, as I do not have an level 50 alts yet. I am only at level 34 with my main.


I do have an opinion though. I would also prefer to solo for the HK-51 companion. It should be accessible for all players. That would include those that strictly solo. There are a lot of people that play this way. Developers should keep that in mind when it comes to something as popular as the HK-51. Every once and a while you will see content come out that does require interaction with others. In my opinion though they should limit it to things that are not part of a main feature of the game. (I.E. - A Companion for this instance. One that deals with a Story Arc.) A vanity pet maybe, but a Companion that deals with stories? That to me just seems wrong.


Thankfully though it seems that the HK-51 can be solo'ed. At least from what I have read. If so I hope it stays that way when it goes live. Maybe I 'll have a level 50 alt by then. :p



On another note:

I often see people say that if you solo, then MMO's are not for you. The second posting in this thread is expedience of that. That is a false statement. Even though some people mostly solo it does not mean that they do not interact with others and socialize. For example, I just prefer to do a lot of quest or missions by myself. I still interact with others. I even ran a guild in SWG for a while. So you can still enjoy MMO's even as a solo player. Plus, even if you do not interact with others, MMO's can still be fun for the player.


You don’t need a lvl 50 alt, you need a level 15ish alt of the opposite faction to your lvl 50 main. Say your 50 is imperial, then you’ll need a lvl 15ish alt on republic side, or vice versa.

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Thankfully though it seems that the HK-51 can be solo'ed. At least from what I have read. If so I hope it stays that way when it goes live. Maybe I 'll have a level 50 alt by then. :p


I see nothing in the link to suggest HK-51 is soloable to someone who does not run operations or FP's.


a. People keep saying 'you have to be well geared' well by definition solo players have difficulty getting their level much over 130ish, so not that well geared then.


b. Dulfy is only suggesting that the non-FP parts can be soloed.


Prepare for disappointment my friend.

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I see nothing in the link to suggest HK-51 is soloable to someone who does not run operations or FP's.


a. People keep saying 'you have to be well geared' well by definition solo players have difficulty getting their level much over 130ish, so not that well geared then.


b. Dulfy is only suggesting that the non-FP parts can be soloed.


Prepare for disappointment my friend.


I don’t know too many people who can solo a Hard Mode Flash Point, and I can think of two classes that couldn’t if they wanted, no matter their gear level, so people thinking HK-51 will be solo friendly are in for a shock I guess.

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why do you force us solo players to do a hm fp to get HK-51.

is no-one playing these fp that you heve to force the solo players to do those FP.


Solo players can play MMOs. But don't you dare demand that this be turned into a single player game in order to accommodate the solo player.


This is an MMO. The reason it is an MMO is because the game developers decided they wanted to take advantage of a massive online community of players, all playing with each other at the same time. This includes rewarding players who complete group content. Likewise, the reason many (read: most) of us choose to play MMOs is because we, too, are excited to take advantage of a massive online community of players all playing the game together.


If you don't share that vision, there is still a place for you in ToR. But you have to understand that you are the one making the choice not to take full advantage of the system offered to you, and that comes with drawbacks.



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