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no hk51 for solo players


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Reminding people. This is a VIDEO GAME. It's for entertainment. You shouldn't have to spend excessive hours on ANYTHING..why because it's a Video Game and for entertainment as I just described. People love to mock those who "Don't work for it" exactly what are we working for. It's a VIDEO GAME.


Now that I have that in your head. We were sent vanity pets by mail, DDE edition sent all of the extras in by mail. Why can't we get this new companion by mail. Can anyone honestly say that they have fun grinding pointless quests to obtain something that should be able to access by everyone. That's what this is about. Can everyone access it.


There are people who PVP solely. Those who use dungeon finder solely and those who do the main story. It's not impossible to play this game solo with legacy perks if you wanted to. It shouldn't be hard to obtain access to content and yes I'm one of those "Just give it to me" I paid for months of no content. I deserve and even entitled to this new branch of content.



yes i agree!

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Reminding people. This is a VIDEO GAME. It's for entertainment. You shouldn't have to spend excessive hours on ANYTHING..why because it's a Video Game and for entertainment as I just described. People love to mock those who "Don't work for it" exactly what are we working for. It's a VIDEO GAME.


Now that I have that in your head. We were sent vanity pets by mail, DDE edition sent all of the extras in by mail. Why can't we get this new companion by mail. Can anyone honestly say that they have fun grinding pointless quests to obtain something that should be able to access by everyone. That's what this is about. Can everyone access it.


There are people who PVP solely. Those who use dungeon finder solely and those who do the main story. It's not impossible to play this game solo with legacy perks if you wanted to. It shouldn't be hard to obtain access to content and yes I'm one of those "Just give it to me" I paid for months of no content. I deserve and even entitled to this new branch of content.


Some of us want to do missions, know places and fight better enemies. And, just for that, get better things in this game. If I don't deserve, please don't send in my email, I don't want to play only for the prizes.

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Some of us want to do missions, know places and fight better enemies. And, just for that, get better things in this game. If I don't deserve, please don't send in my email, I don't want to play only for the prizes.


Getting better things or an advantage is just an illusion. Yes I can pay someone 20k a person to do the mission and get the EXACT same thing as you. This is about E Peen you wanting to be a special snowflake that somehow is different. It's just time consuming. It's not impossible to pay off people to do the mission. It's just a hassle. ou are not getting an advantage on anything.


And if you were getting an advtange. Then dev's need to seriously need consider the game in favor os one people other another will never end well.

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Because we're paying customers just like you. Our money helps keep the game alive. There are alot of solo players paying for this, which means, there must be some equivalent provided to us that we can work at. Some people don't like using others for their own gain.


It's not about using others for their own gain. It's about learning to work together towards a common goal. Teamwork. It sounds like a concept you're not familar with, but it is one this game is built on.


No man is an island. I think that sums it up.

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No I can play strictly solo.End game is when the story is over.What others do its their business.I just get a kick out of the control freaks crying and wetting their panties.Oh noes it is a mmo..noes go play single player.Same talking points every day.Same boring people wanting to control other players.Oh noes someone has a different opinion.Quick post talking points.


You can play strictly solo. Unless you want better armor and weapons than you currently have. In which case NO. You CANNOT play strictly solo. It has nothing to do with being a control freak, it's *how an MMO was *always* meant to be played* Massively Multiplayer. Not Massively Single player all the time if you want and still be able to get all the stuff. WoW has ruined a LOT of what would otherwise be good MMO players

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You can play strictly solo. Unless you want better armor and weapons than you currently have. In which case NO. You CANNOT play strictly solo. It has nothing to do with being a control freak, it's *how an MMO was *always* meant to be played* Massively Multiplayer. Not Massively Single player all the time if you want and still be able to get all the stuff. WoW has ruined a LOT of what would otherwise be good MMO players


Nice to know that HK-51 is either armour or a weapon ....... oops forgot he isn't.

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You are aware that storymode versions of these FPs exist and many of us story players played them, yes?

It's the need to enter a hardmode version of said FP that's the real issue (not to mention the need to enter a PvP zone).

Granted, BioWare may want people to try out every aspect of the game, but that still leaves anyone who dislikes and avoids certain gameplay options without any way to get the HK story content without being subjected to activities one may not consider fun (which in my case applies to hardmodes and PvP). I don't mind having to group for part of that mission, but that could easily have been achieved by making the parts available in storymode so an alt could get them or by putting it in a heroic 4+.


Only Foundry/Maelstrom Prison must be completed in hard mode. That's because the story mode is level 37ish, whereas everything else pertaining to HK-51 is level 50 content. Thus the hardmode: it simply makes the flashpoint relevant to the players who will be running it. And frankly, it isn't very hard as hard modes go. Could be done in recruit gear by a PUG, if the players were methodical and determined.


False Emperor can be done in story mode.


But again, that wasn't my point. My point is that HK-51 is not being used as a way to browbeat solo players, story afficianados and KOTOR fans, but as a way to incentivize and showcase some of the best content in the game on behalf of those very players.

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Only Foundry/Maelstrom Prison must be completed in hard mode. That's because the story mode is level 37ish, whereas everything else pertaining to HK-51 is level 50 content. Thus the hardmode: it simply makes the flashpoint relevant to the players who will be running it. And frankly, it isn't very hard as hard modes go. Could be done in recruit gear by a PUG, if the players were methodical and determined.


False Emperor can be done in story mode.


Everything is level 50 content except the Coruscant/Dromund Kaas part, so there's no real reason not to use the storymode for Maelstrom Prison/Foundry as you need at least one alt anyway.


But again, that wasn't my point. My point is that HK-51 is not being used as a way to browbeat solo players, story afficianados and KOTOR fans, but as a way to incentivize and showcase some of the best content in the game on behalf of those very players.


Don't get me wrong here, I do love both "Maelstrom Prison" and "False Emperor" as they are really very well done FPs. But to force players to do hardmodes, even if it's just one of them, is the wrong way. Give players incentives to do storymode FPs, so people can actually get those done during their leveling process and get to know the FPs would be a far better solution in my opinion. Playing alts is, after all, meant to be an alternative to classic endgame stuff for those interested in story only and with no inclination to take part in the gear grind/progression. Hardmodes should only be needed by people taking part in the gear progression or done for fun because someone enjoys the added challenge of slightly different mechanics (plus enrage timer).


It's basically like having a follow-up of the class storyline forcing people to do Ops, which would be a bad design decision as well.

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.But to force players to do hardmodes, even if it's just one of them, is the wrong way. Give players incentives


Nobody is being forced to do anything. HK-51 is an incentive. An important part of any game is players playing it.


Do the content or don't, but I suggest those on the fence should give it a try.


I've posted to try to be helpful, but at this point I can be of no further use.

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Omg All you complaining about doing one freaking HM...and it's the best HM FP to boot!!!!


If you came here for "Kotor 3" then this is a definitely can't miss FP.


Hope they lock this freaking thread soon...so much whining going on.


yeah THIS is the part that I REFUSE to understand.


how can you stay here and say 'OMG I NEED HK BECAUSE HE'S SO ICONIC!!!!!' and then .not. play the freaking flashpoint where he's got a huge part in?


it's ridiculous. nothing else.

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yeah THIS is the part that I REFUSE to understand.


how can you stay here and say 'OMG I NEED HK BECAUSE HE'S SO ICONIC!!!!!' and then .not. play the freaking flashpoint where he's got a huge part in?


it's ridiculous. nothing else.


Yes 'refuse' is the correct word, shows how narrow minded you are.


If they made HK-51 a reward for a Maelstrom timed run, or some other flashpoint orientated achievement I'd have no issue with it, however they have pushed and marketed it as new content, not a reward. It's bad design to make 80% or so of a quest chain soloable then dump in level 50 flashpoints to finish it.


I don't 'understand' how you can't see that.

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Getting better things or an advantage is just an illusion. Yes I can pay someone 20k a person to do the mission and get the EXACT same thing as you. This is about E Peen you wanting to be a special snowflake that somehow is different. It's just time consuming. It's not impossible to pay off people to do the mission. It's just a hassle. ou are not getting an advantage on anything.


And if you were getting an advtange. Then dev's need to seriously need consider the game in favor os one people other another will never end well.


No its about playing the game and not expecting **** to be handed to you in the mailbox. Getting **** in a mailbox is not playing the game. I would never pay someone to carry me through anything... people that pay are just bad players.

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Yes 'refuse' is the correct word, shows how narrow minded you are.


If they made HK-51 a reward for a Maelstrom timed run, or some other flashpoint orientated achievement I'd have no issue with it, however they have pushed and marketed it as new content, not a reward. It's bad design to make 80% or so of a quest chain soloable then dump in level 50 flashpoints to finish it.


I don't 'understand' how you can't see that.


How is it bad design? They mixed solo/group/alts/pvp in what they consider an epic questline. Epic questline: Taking all the parts of the game and including them.

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How is it bad design? They mixed solo/group/alts/pvp in what they consider an epic questline. Epic questline: Taking all the parts of the game and including them.


I also have to agree it is bad design. I really hate that in other games also, start what looks like a fun solo questline only to discover that later parts of it are group content. Now in this game I happen to enjoy group content and have done most of the flashpoints in story and hard modes, but I still disagree with the mixing. They should make a questline all group, or all pvp or all solo - mixing them like they have just annoys and alienates large sections of the playerbase.

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How is it bad design? They mixed solo/group/alts/pvp in what they consider an epic questline. Epic questline: Taking all the parts of the game and including them.


It's bad design because of the way it has been advertised as 'coming' in BW/EA adverts. Those adverts never mentioned it was a reward for grouping, or for PvP.


- Some people do all the game,

- Some people only PVP and do class stories

- Some people PVE and quest

- Some people solo

- Some people do any other combination of the above.


If they had advertised it as a flashpoint reward I personally would have switched off and said meh, whatever, but they didn't.


'Forcing' people play outside of their style and/or comfort zone is a silly idea that makes people resentful and more likely to leave. By the way the outlaws den part doesn't bother me but I see how others may not like it.

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It's bad design because of the way it has been advertised as 'coming' in BW/EA adverts. Those adverts never mentioned it was a reward for grouping, or for PvP.


- Some people do all the game,

- Some people only PVP and do class stories

- Some people PVE and quest

- Some people solo

- Some people do any other combination of the above.


If they had advertised it as a flashpoint reward I personally would have switched off and said meh, whatever, but they didn't.


'Forcing' people play outside of their style and/or comfort zone is a silly idea that makes people resentful and more likely to leave. By the way the outlaws den part doesn't bother me but I see how others may not like it.


They also never said you could get him solo.:rolleyes:

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My money is just as good as the elitist in this thread. You all have also shown why most of us play solo, no drama or bad attitudes. There is no reason for you all to lash out when we ALL pay the same amount each month. You say it isn't fair for us to be able to get this companion since we don't want to put in the time. I don't think anyone in this thread wants to be handed the companion. We would just like a way to get him solo or in a small group. I personally feel it is unfair for me to have to pay (with my monthly fee) for content I will never use or see. I don't PVP and I don't do group instances/raid. So my money is already wasted when all I would like is more story ;D.


So again, please give solo/small group players a way to get this companion. For some of us meatbags we want to work for him but asking us to do a pug is a little much. I would rather be set on fire than subject myself to another pug ;P

Edited by Beyorn
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I pay my money to play this game just like EVERYONE else. I have to laugh at these people saying "Work for it" we're all sitting down on our butt's playing a video game for HOURS. It's supposed to be entertainment. The new companion is content. They should let everyone access content regardless.


It shouldn't be solely or partially on PVP, or Dungeons to complete. It should not be a quest line. It should be as EASY to obtain as logging in. WHY? Because we're all playing a video game. Let's not act like we're doing hard work sweating our butt's off.


Your only making people who don't like to sit with others forcing them to do that content. It's without morals. We got the founders title easy enough logging in. Why do I have to rebuild the world in order to play the companion. GIVE ME MY DARN COMPANION if you want me to stay subbed.

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There's your problem, you cannot ever assume anything. It's your fault for taking something out of context.


Nope it's Biowares problem, hyping things for a limited subset of players without saying it upfront is the perfect way to get people to leave.

Edited by mothear
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I pay my money to play this game just like EVERYONE else. I have to laugh at these people saying "Work for it" we're all sitting down on our butt's playing a video game for HOURS. It's supposed to be entertainment. The new companion is content. They should let everyone access content regardless.


It shouldn't be solely or partially on PVP, or Dungeons to complete. It should not be a quest line. It should be as EASY to obtain as logging in. WHY? Because we're all playing a video game. Let's not act like we're doing hard work sweating our butt's off.


Your only making people who don't like to sit with others forcing them to do that content. It's without morals. We got the founders title easy enough logging in. Why do I have to rebuild the world in order to play the companion. GIVE ME MY DARN COMPANION if you want me to stay subbed.


Why are you so upset that it should take you say 10 hours of gameplay? All that means is that you get it in 5 weeks at 2 hours per week instead of the same day. :confused:

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I pay my money to play this game just like EVERYONE else. I have to laugh at these people saying "Work for it" we're all sitting down on our butt's playing a video game for HOURS. It's supposed to be entertainment. The new companion is content. They should let everyone access content regardless.


It shouldn't be solely or partially on PVP, or Dungeons to complete. It should not be a quest line. It should be as EASY to obtain as logging in. WHY? Because we're all playing a video game. Let's not act like we're doing hard work sweating our butt's off.


Your only making people who don't like to sit with others forcing them to do that content. It's without morals. We got the founders title easy enough logging in. Why do I have to rebuild the world in order to play the companion. GIVE ME MY DARN COMPANION if you want me to stay subbed.

It's pretty amazing some people are making such a stink about this. HK-51 is a luxury and companions at 50 are pretty much useless anyway. The reason for the long quest to get him is the lore behind him. I find it amazing that the solo players who play this game for the story content don't want to go through story content to get a companion whose only redeeming value is having a deep rooted storyline throughout the KOTOR series. It's baffling. The lore and story to get HK-51 is what's the entertaining part.

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