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no hk51 for solo players


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People like to joke that those who complain about not wanting to do a hard mode are wanting "Free Stuff" this is a Video Game. Not a job. When I plug in my 15 bucks a month ON TOP of the actual price of the game. I play for entertainment.


You create a game where "everyone" has to work insanely hard to get one item. That's called a Grind and they are not fun. Despite what Elite people say it's the solo players who rarely go into hard modes who are more likely to use this companion. My price to obtain this companion is the cost I pay per month.


Yes. I do want Bioware to give me my companion FREE. It's been MONTHS since they told us it was coming. We have to jump through all these hoops. This is a BAIT AND SWITCH. Just like with Legacy. We THOUGHT we were getting super cool items to encourage us to play ALT'S.


Wrong. We unlocked the option, twice for the item. Then we have to pay to use it. It's disgusting. Just GIVE US THE COMPANION. You gave us vanity pets, The Founders title in our mail. Why do we have to grind for a companion.


Bait and Switch, thats laughable at best. You need to go look up what that means. Secondly, this game was always advertised as an MMO. That means some things need to be grouped for. Now go cancel your sub,

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People really have a hard a time with other people wanting to have something that won't affect them at all.


Solo players want HK. Having HK won't affect group players at all. In fact, group players probably won't even use HK, whereas solo players might.


Way to be selfish about something that doesn't even make you give anything up for other people to enjoy it.


Full of false.

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An interesting tidbit - I just calculated the time since the comlaining started in this thread, and it roughly coincides with the time it would take to run about 216.5 Hard Mode Flash Points. :rolleyes:


I'd much rather group to get a component in lieu of how the last world event was handled - you know - standing in line for up to an hour at the droid racetrack because nearly everyone wanted to do it "solo".

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An interesting tidbit - I just calculated the time since the comlaining started in this thread, and it roughly coincides with the time it would take to run about 216.5 Hard Mode Flash Points. :rolleyes:


I'd much rather group to get a component in lieu of how the last world event was handled - you know - standing in line for up to an hour at the droid racetrack because nearly everyone wanted to do it "solo".


Yeah, at this point the complaining has got to stop.


1. You can 2 man FE and HM Foundry.

2. If you wait until 1.6 is out, the gear available via grind (assuming current trend of one sub-tier behind BiS is kept) will allow you to freaking solo HM Foundry regardless of class (currently only doable on a tank in Dread Guard with +500 Presence).

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People like to joke that those who complain about not wanting to do a hard mode are wanting "Free Stuff" this is a Video Game. Not a job. When I plug in my 15 bucks a month ON TOP of the actual price of the game. I play for entertainment.


You create a game where "everyone" has to work insanely hard to get one item. That's called a Grind and they are not fun. Despite what Elite people say it's the solo players who rarely go into hard modes who are more likely to use this companion. My price to obtain this companion is the cost I pay per month.


Yes. I do want Bioware to give me my companion FREE. It's been MONTHS since they told us it was coming. We have to jump through all these hoops. This is a BAIT AND SWITCH. Just like with Legacy. We THOUGHT we were getting super cool items to encourage us to play ALT'S.


Wrong. We unlocked the option, twice for the item. Then we have to pay to use it. It's disgusting. Just GIVE US THE COMPANION. You gave us vanity pets, The Founders title in our mail. Why do we have to grind for a companion.


i totally agree

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Uhm. It's an MMO..Massively Multiplayer Online game..SOME things need to require groups. SOME things need to require you help and be helped by others. You want a solo game? Go back to the Knights games. Like it or not The Old Republic is meant to be played with others. Those people wanting HK need to suck it up and accept that.


No I can play strictly solo.End game is when the story is over.What others do its their business.I just get a kick out of the control freaks crying and wetting their panties.Oh noes it is a mmo..noes go play single player.Same talking points every day.Same boring people wanting to control other players.Oh noes someone has a different opinion.Quick post talking points.

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No I can play strictly solo.End game is when the story is over.What others do its their business.I just get a kick out of the control freaks crying and wetting their panties.Oh noes it is a mmo..noes go play single player.Same talking points every day.Same boring people wanting to control other players.Oh noes someone has a different opinion.Quick post talking points.


This is an MMO, yes, you can still play solo, yes. But alas, if you choose to play solo, you've got to deal with the cards you've been dealt, you don't like it? Don't play solo. Simple. :)

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This is an MMO, yes, you can still play solo, yes. But alas, if you choose to play solo, you've got to deal with the cards you've been dealt, you don't like it? Don't play solo. Simple. :)


That is why I said I am a 1-50 player.Story game over.Do another story.I don't expect to solo ops or any of the other stuff.Folks like that stuff more power to them.What this brew haw is about is HK.There are people that want him that play solo.He is a special companion so I don't see why they can't have it set up for them.I don't want him but folks that do shouldn't have to group or go thru a pvp area.I pvp once in awhile but it is my choice.My game is going thru the game.Still it hurts no one to let the players get hk without grouping.All this fuss for a pile of desh with a VO.Now if they had Visas Marr with Kelly Hu as the VO then I might group

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No I can play strictly solo.End game is when the story is over.What others do its their business.I just get a kick out of the control freaks crying and wetting their panties.Oh noes it is a mmo..noes go play single player.Same talking points every day.Same boring people wanting to control other players.Oh noes someone has a different opinion.Quick post talking points.


Of course you an play how you want. Expecting the game to be designed to suit you is another thing.

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You solo players that dont want to group to do this hard mode are missing out. Its probably the funnest instance out there. Atleast get 2 of you like minded solo players and try to duo it. Its alot of fun and has some backdrop story to it from the past.
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I can't congratulate Bioware any more on this HK business. Look at it this way, the majority of people who want him are fans of KoTOR, a single player game, this is an MMO, so how do you fix their mentality? Put something they want in game and make them have to participate to get it.


Not to also mention, one of the major aspects they draw on in this game is making alts, what's another thing that is required for HK? A second character on the opposite faction. :D

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Omg All you complaining about doing one freaking HM...and it's the best HM FP to boot!!!!


If you came here for "Kotor 3" then this is a definitely can't miss FP.


Hope they lock this freaking thread soon...so much whining going on.


If this is KOTOR 3 then they should let you use 3 companions in FPs. :csw_yoda:

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I might be a little behind on all this. I remember a while ago reading something about having at least one of each faction at level cap...is that part of it or is it just the FP?


I believe you have to have one level 15 on the other faction.

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You solo players that dont want to group to do this hard mode are missing out. Its probably the funnest instance out there. Atleast get 2 of you like minded solo players and try to duo it. Its alot of fun and has some backdrop story to it from the past.


I use to do hell mode in D2 and hard mode in GW1.Also did the elite missions.I play a game for fun.When it started I group occasionally for a FP/heroics.Too much backbiting and people got kick for stupid reasons.Guy gets stuck and they kick him.No thanks.Only reason I finished with group was I don't bail or afk.So I won't get in a group and put up with the drama.No thanks.Good idea though about 2 solo's.

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I already said this upthread, but it obviously bears repeating.


Those of you who play the game 1-50 for the story and who want HK-51 because you are big KOTOR fans are ALREADY missing something really special by not playing Foundry (Malestrom Prison for Republic) and False Emperor.


Let me be clear: HK-51 is nothing, compared to what you are already missing in terms of story and KOTOR lore.


These are vital--let me underscore that--VITAL touchstones with the lore around which the game is based.


If you aren't doing these flashpoints, don't come here crying about HK-51, about how you're only interested in story, how you're here playing SWTOR becasue they didn't make KOTOR3. You have no interest in the story. If you did--if you wanted to see your character take part in the greatest events of this epoch in Star Wars history--you'd play these two flashpoints.


Note: not all flashpoints are this central to the story of SWTOR. But these two are huge.


And that's why they are required for this event. The devs want you to expereince them even if you never experience any other group content in the game.


Well, that and... they already have something to do with HK.


Understand that I am not saying this to control anyone, to force anyone to play my way. I honestly don't care how anyone chooses to play. This isn't for my sake, it's for yours. Do yourself a favor. Bite the bullet, find some people, and run these flashpoints. Get your droid companion. What you will discover is that the companion is the least of the reasons why you'll be glad you did.

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well they desided to cancel kotor 3 for the old republic i will play this game as a single player.

its my money i play however i want


"I'm currently playing a first-person shooter but I'm pissed off that I can't play it like a flight simulator, and it's all the fault of the developer. It's my money, I play however I want."



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"I'm currently playing a first-person shooter but I'm pissed off that I can't play it like a flight simulator, and it's all the fault of the developer. It's my money, I play however I want."




dont be ridiculous you can play an mmorpg as an rpg you can't play an fps as an flght simulator

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I already said this upthread, but it obviously bears repeating.


Those of you who play the game 1-50 for the story and who want HK-51 because you are big KOTOR fans are ALREADY missing something really special by not playing Foundry (Malestrom Prison for Republic) and False Emperor.


Let me be clear: HK-51 is nothing, compared to what you are already missing in terms of story and KOTOR lore.


These are vital--let me underscore that--VITAL touchstones with the lore around which the game is based.


If you aren't doing these flashpoints, don't come here crying about HK-51, about how you're only interested in story, how you're here playing SWTOR becasue they didn't make KOTOR3. You have no interest in the story. If you did--if you wanted to see your character take part in the greatest events of this epoch in Star Wars history--you'd play these two flashpoints.


Note: not all flashpoints are this central to the story of SWTOR. But these two are huge.


And that's why they are required for this event. The devs want you to expereince them even if you never experience any other group content in the game.


Well, that and... they already have something to do with HK.


Understand that I am not saying this to control anyone, to force anyone to play my way. I honestly don't care how anyone chooses to play. This isn't for my sake, it's for yours. Do yourself a favor. Bite the bullet, find some people, and run these flashpoints. Get your droid companion. What you will discover is that the companion is the least of the reasons why you'll be glad you did.


You are aware that storymode versions of these FPs exist and many of us story players played them, yes?

It's the need to enter a hardmode version of said FP that's the real issue (not to mention the need to enter a PvP zone).

Granted, BioWare may want people to try out every aspect of the game, but that still leaves anyone who dislikes and avoids certain gameplay options without any way to get the HK story content without being subjected to activities one may not consider fun (which in my case applies to hardmodes and PvP). I don't mind having to group for part of that mission, but that could easily have been achieved by making the parts available in storymode so an alt could get them or by putting it in a heroic 4+.

Edited by Kendaric
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Reminding people. This is a VIDEO GAME. It's for entertainment. You shouldn't have to spend excessive hours on ANYTHING..why because it's a Video Game and for entertainment as I just described. People love to mock those who "Don't work for it" exactly what are we working for. It's a VIDEO GAME.


Now that I have that in your head. We were sent vanity pets by mail, DDE edition sent all of the extras in by mail. Why can't we get this new companion by mail. Can anyone honestly say that they have fun grinding pointless quests to obtain something that should be able to access by everyone. That's what this is about. Can everyone access it.


There are people who PVP solely. Those who use dungeon finder solely and those who do the main story. It's not impossible to play this game solo with legacy perks if you wanted to. It shouldn't be hard to obtain access to content and yes I'm one of those "Just give it to me" I paid for months of no content. I deserve and even entitled to this new branch of content.

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