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Plea to Bioware


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Please. I'm begging you. Release all of the armours. I don't care why they were removed from game. I know there was so much to choose from in Beta and a lot were removed (held back?) for one reason or another before SWTOR went live.


However it's coming up to the 1 year anniversary and other than those hideous armours released with 1.2 (or was it 1.3?) we really don't have anything nice to dress our characters in that doesn't look like what everyone else is wearing.


Give us options. Give us choices. Don't limit us based on class restrictions, armour requirements or light/dark side options only. I know the MMO's I've enjoyed playing the most were the ones that gave us almost endless options to clothe our characters. (CoH and CO to name just the last two I played)


There is precedence for Jedi wearing black and Sith wearing white or lighter shades.


Release those armours that were available in Beta and please work on some new stuff also.




A Fan.

Edited by Greyle
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check out the costume designs, mid level to near the end of the page on the below link. She did an incredible job capturing the star wars essence in those costumes. They are just wicked sick!






and the end of the page on this one:




Bioware needs to draw inspiration from those types of design. No ridiculous illogical looking shoulders, or useless protruding objects from forearms, wrists, or knees for no reason. No idiotic looking helms. Do you hear us ol mighty developers?

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check out the costume designs, mid level to near the end of the page on the below link. She did an incredible job capturing the star wars essence in those costumes. They are just wicked sick!






and the end of the page on this one:




Bioware needs to draw inspiration from those types of design. No ridiculous illogical looking shoulders, or useless protruding objects from forearms, wrists, or knees for no reason. No idiotic looking helms. Do you hear us ol mighty developers?


They soooo should have hired her for the outfits in this game. She knows exactly how to capture the Star Wars feel when it comes to clothing. Man, I wish we had some stuff like that...why oh why can't we have outfits like those!?!? :(

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Those are just two I quickly found. There are many more on that website of armours that "are" in-game but not available to us.


The second one is in the game, just under a different name: http://www.torhead.com/item/d0onmHj/jedi-battlelords-chestguard


But I still agree with you the more options the better, and in some departments they are really lacking in variety of gear.

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amazing to me that the art is still such crap and every new outfit/armor released is worse tan the last and hardly anyone thinks its even acceptable let alone Star Wars like. At launch I, like many others, assumed things would improve I would like to know why they have not?
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I assumed that we'd get advertised sets of armored and we didn't... What's so hard to understand in us not wanting the sci-fi cyborg-warrior armor but simple Star Wars robes?


And what's with all this tight fitting outfits? No matter what you have on, you either feel like you are a part of an 80's rock band wearing spandex or part of a 90's rock band wearing tight leather.

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The second one is in the game, just under a different name: http://www.torhead.com/item/d0onmHj/jedi-battlelords-chestguard


But I still agree with you the more options the better, and in some departments they are really lacking in variety of gear.


The one I linked to was a medium armour version and not the heavy armour version Battlelord set you linked to.


I know because my Guardian has a complete set but my Sentinel can't. :(

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Shame, it's getting moved to be lost in the oblivion of the suggestion box...


Meanwhile - join me in whining in my thread from the sig. :/


I wouldn't whine if the cash shop was live within the end of this month... I just want my armor already. I hate the perspective of Cash Shop being months away.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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They soooo should have hired her for the outfits in this game. She knows exactly how to capture the Star Wars feel when it comes to clothing. Man, I wish we had some stuff like that...why oh why can't we have outfits like those!?!? :(


I know right? Why can't we have outfits like those?!

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check out the costume designs, mid level to near the end of the page on the below link. She did an incredible job capturing the star wars essence in those costumes. They are just wicked sick!






and the end of the page on this one:




Bioware needs to draw inspiration from those types of design. No ridiculous illogical looking shoulders, or useless protruding objects from forearms, wrists, or knees for no reason. No idiotic looking helms. Do you hear us ol mighty developers?


****! Why the f**k is she not working for this game?! Whoever is currently designing costumes need to sit the f**k down and let her take over. Love her artwork!

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