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1.5 On PTS There's Hope Yet!


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So 1.5 just went up on the PTS this means that BW is so far adhering to their 6 week cycle. There's probably gonna be a lot of hate (why doesn't it have this... probably just give us more bugs... etc etc) But the most important question is this... Can we romance HK?




What does everyone think of this recent development does it make you optimistic, hopeful?

... or not?

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Glad to see BW is sticking to their 6-week content production commitment. Not real thrilled about HK-51 though considering both my Pubs and Imps are on separate servers and I can't unlock him. Oh well. Should be a nice PvE addition for a lot of people.


they did mention a few months back that hk would be unlocked by having a character of each faction, so they did give warning.

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they did mention a few months back that hk would be unlocked by having a character of each faction, so they did give warning.


I know they did. Just didn't want to reroll for a second time. Maybe I will roll a Jugg on The Bastion and redo the Sith Warrior story again (the best of all the class stories imo), but I doubt it.

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they did mention a few months back that hk would be unlocked by having a character of each faction, so they did give warning.


Oh, I missed that part - is there a certain point each character has to be up to? Level or story-wise?

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1.5 may be on pts but that also means its only going to get limited testing by like 2 16m raiding guilds...which means just like terror from beyond we will get something too weak and easy. Also I'm sure they could use more testers for all the new stuff on belsavis...need to test that new world boss etc. Bioware needs to stop flopping and allowing char copies every PTR. They even did a test with the big servers with chars transferring to a test server before they did the big server merges! They have the capability I dont get why they dont just let us have our test chars so we can get less bugs on live!
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... aaannd already some people are whining; "It doesn't have this. It doesn't have that".


Content every 6 weeks means SOMETHING every 6 weeks, people. It does not mean "everything we currently have in development" every 6 weeks.


Personally I think this is great. A constant drip, drip of new stuff is exactly what this game needs. Bravo BW!

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Ill admit, im suprised Bioware are sticking to there content every 6 weeks plan (for now anyway). Sort of disapointed that the patch notes seem a bit bare, was hoping to see the new warzone there.


well they can always add more content to it. better to have less options and then slowly add in more so more content can be tested at once

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What does everyone think of this recent development does it make you optimistic, hopeful?

... or not?


I think I thought you were lying...after verifying you were not, I must admit, I'm...curious and pleased.

Edited by TUXs
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