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After one day in Mists of Pandaria, I'm back for good!


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First, I want to start off by saying that we really need to cut bioware some slack here. I didn't realize how remarkable this game was until I foolishly bought MOP. After spending a night in Pandaria I couldn't shake the feeling that I was playing a super mario brothers MMO. Gone is the dark and Gothic atmosphere that made WoW such an engrossing experience, it's now been replaced with a bright and cutesy theme that almost makes it mundane and unplayable.


I think we really need to give bioware some more time, and bioware needs to learn to listen to it's player base also. This game has so much more potential than any other game in the market, they just need the right minds to bring it to fruition. IMO you can accomplish that by hiring proven talent. I dream of the day when Swtor has a super warzones like Altarec Valley or Winstergrasp in WOW, and a Starship warzone would be out of this world. I've made my decision that I'm staying with Bioware to the end, despite the fact that they've nerfed my Madness Sorc into the ground.

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The game is great and I love it. Its their patches that I find "little" lacking. I say this with the most kind way possible.


They keep fixing problems -> Good, bravo and thanks. Just try not to create new ones so much :D

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First, I want to start off by saying that we really need to cut bioware some slack here. I didn't realize how remarkable this game was until I foolishly bought MOP. After spending a night in Pandaria I couldn't shake the feeling that I was playing a super mario brothers MMO. Gone is the dark and Gothic atmosphere that made WoW such an engrossing experience, it's now been replaced with a bright and cutesy theme that almost makes it mundane and unplayable.


I think we really need to give bioware some more time, and bioware needs to learn to listen to it's player base also. This game has so much more potential than any other game in the market, they just need the right minds to bring it to fruition. IMO you can accomplish that by hiring proven talent. I dream of the day when Swtor has a super warzones like Altarec Valley or Winstergrasp in WOW, and a Starship warzone would be out of this world. I've made my decision that I'm staying with Bioware to the end, despite the fact that they've nerfed my Madness Sorc into the ground.


Its is good to hear to see a posetif post. I meself think that can make a great game of this.and when it will go f2p alot of new people will come and see this aswel.

good to have u back at the game ;-)

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Agree to a certain point. I have been a fan since beta, but you guys forget "The secret world". Also a story driven mmorg wich take place in the modern world. TSW is also a great game and somhow remind abit about swtor. I will continue rotate between these two
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I absolutely hated TSW. But I know some people love it. That's the crazy thing, some people like some games, an some people don't. So weird! Sarcasm aside, I have played WoW since Vanilla and I am in fact enjoying MOP somewhat, but then I come back to SWTOR and I feel like this is just the game I WANT to be playing. Also I should note that Blizzard clearly took some pointers from SWTOR in some things, there are so many more cinematics and voiced dialogue quests that involve your character than there ever has been. But the questing still feels dull in comparison. And I do NOT want to rep grind....ugh.
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I for once think that blizzard totally blew it. talents are now like diablo3 which I hated (I actually don't like the whole game, its good but since a totally different team worked on it it's TitanQuest-good not Diablo1+2-good, basically d3 was just as good as any other diablo2 clone but not more, add RMAH to it.... well those are the reasons I am not still totally nerding in d3 like I did in d2)


the talents of d3 and mop suck, the whole expansion is aimed towards the younger audience, I know a lot of people will argue against it, but see it like this:


it's wow's decision not to grow with it's customers but stick the 12y label. but people grow up so there's new 12yr olds. I have a brother who s eleven and he's crazy about pokemon. other media franchises like harry potter decided otherwise and matured with their audience (hence later titles were rated for 12 years olds instead of 6 year olds).


wow is for the new generation of kids and we're not it :)

so yeah if you want a wow-esque mmo, then star wars is the next thing (or maybe rift which is also a wow-clone)

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I am not really a fan of the new talent system either.....I feel they have oversimplified things a bit too much. However, having actually played most of the content in the expansion, I don't think they are aiming the game at any younger of an audience then they ever have. I was a bit surprised by the adult nature of a few of the quests I encountered. Yeah, there is essentially Pokemon and Farmville in the game now...but you can ignore it if it's not your thing. Blizzard wants to give the non-raiding people something to do....and it's working. SWTOR could use a few more little mini game type things for those kinds of people as well.
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First, I want to start off by saying that we really need to cut bioware some slack here. I didn't realize how remarkable this game was until I foolishly bought MOP. After spending a night in Pandaria I couldn't shake the feeling that I was playing a super mario brothers MMO. Gone is the dark and Gothic atmosphere that made WoW such an engrossing experience, it's now been replaced with a bright and cutesy theme that almost makes it mundane and unplayable.


I think we really need to give bioware some more time, and bioware needs to learn to listen to it's player base also. This game has so much more potential than any other game in the market, they just need the right minds to bring it to fruition. IMO you can accomplish that by hiring proven talent. I dream of the day when Swtor has a super warzones like Altarec Valley or Winstergrasp in WOW, and a Starship warzone would be out of this world. I've made my decision that I'm staying with Bioware to the end, despite the fact that they've nerfed my Madness Sorc into the ground.


Listening to the player base and actually implementing what the players want are two very different things. But I agree that SWTOR has a lot of potential, and that they need to hire some competent people for PVP Development.

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Lol, I paid a visit to my old wow guild's website a few days ago...


Most of them quit literally the day before MOP went live. Pretty much all of them said the same thing. Which is they have dumbed the game down for kids and just don't have any desire to continue playing.

Edited by NasherUK
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Lol, I paid a visit to my old wow guild's website a few days ago...


Most of them quit literally the day before MOP went live. Pretty much all of them said the same thing. Which is they have dumbed the game down for kids and just don't have any desire to continue playing.


I quit for just that reason. I had no desire to keep playing WoW. I played WoW for over seven years. I wanted the game to get more challenging. Not dumbed down.


While SWToR needs work. It is the better game and can be so much more with the right choices made. But as with D3 and WoW we do know many wrong choices can also be made.


My hope is that Bioware is paying attension and doesn't repeat the bad choices made by other companies.


Edit: I didn't buy MoP but I did hang around to see a person get a lev 90 monk on my realm the first day. That was the last straw for me. I mean a expansion I can level threw in less then a day isn't worth it to me.

Edited by Gryphandor
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Edit: I didn't buy MoP but I did hang around to see a person get a lev 90 monk on my realm the first day. That was the last straw for me. I mean a expansion I can level threw in less then a day isn't worth it to me.


Most likely they used the Refer a Friend bonus to do that, but still pretty insane.

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the talents of d3 and mop suck, the whole expansion is aimed towards the younger audience, I know a lot of people will argue against it, but see it like this:


it's wow's decision not to grow with it's customers but stick the 12y label. but people grow up so there's new 12yr olds. I have a brother who s eleven and he's crazy about pokemon. other media franchises like harry potter decided otherwise and matured with their audience (hence later titles were rated for 12 years olds instead of 6 year olds).


wow is for the new generation of kids and we're not it :)

so yeah if you want a wow-esque mmo, then star wars is the next thing (or maybe rift which is also a wow-clone)


Interesting, I had never really thought of it this way, but I think you are spot on. I viewed it as dumbing down much like AD&D did but in reality it is simply staying 12 years old!

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I dream of the day when Swtor has a super warzones like Altarec Valley or Winstergrasp in WOW, and a Starship warzone would be out of this world.

Would love to see this in the future. Would make the actual pvp tank set worth having instead of tanks running around in the DPS sets.

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You know, I was actually a Warcraft 1 and 2 fan...



I have, however, refused to play the monstrosity that is WoW. It seems more geared toward soccer moms and people who want their hand held through an accessible "fun online experience".


Do children even play this game?


You know, when I was 12 I wanted to play games that my parents' objected to (Doom/Quake, C&C, WC, Myth), not games they wanted to PLAY TOGETHER as a family.


Pandaria? WTH is this? Giant Panda Monks? Mixed Up Mother Goose Online?



Perhaps this "cutesy" experience is what sells. Or maybe there are people with a proper gaming spirit left.


- Arcada

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Lol, I paid a visit to my old wow guild's website a few days ago...


Most of them quit literally the day before MOP went live. Pretty much all of them said the same thing. Which is they have dumbed the game down for kids and just don't have any desire to continue playing.

It gets even worse with the likes of DBM walking players step by step through boss fights that already border on the inane. If TOR was WoW a typical boss fight mechanic would go something like this:


"Have the party take two steps left for three seconds, dps for 5 seconds, bend over and shuffle right while farting and dodging blaster fire from force power-absorbing rotating walls until the boss's eyes begin to glow flourescent pink, then curb all ranged for 10 seconds so the tanks can trade off while the boss scratches his gonads and spins cleverly in place as he AoE's anyone wearing tech power armor that's been organically milled on Nar Shadda. Once his enrage timer expires then everyone MUST blow their quest item CDs and dash back to square one before a 20' section of floor melts the party's legs off for no reason whatsoever. Rinse and repeat except this time party movement is in the reverse direction and healing force power is reduced by 10%. Someone doesn't finish farting before the boss's eyes light up and the party wipes ... "


Woof. No thank you.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Remember when someone created that addon, I think it was called AVR, and it drew lines and images on the ground that told people where exactly to run to and stand at all times. I'm glad they banned it but it was kind of funny at the time. But I still use G.T.F.O (had to put dots because they filter that acronym, lol) and DBM which kind of still do tell me exactly what to do. What can I say, I'm lazy, I need to concentrate on my rotation so I can top the dps meters. Edited by chuixupu
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I do have to say, not having played WoW more than few times, tried it out basically, when it was still "fresh", that I couldn't see me ever subscribing to it.


I haven't obviously played MoP and never will, but, I thought of this all along, when you "have to" introduce pandas to a game that was originally supposed to be about orcs and humans and such, me like some others on this thread having been one of many fans of Warcraft series, sincerely think that, that has to be it for the game and there is something terribly wrong about the whole scenario.


I just can't see what on earth do pandas have to do with Warcraft. Something is badly wrong with current Blizzard in general, they have done a great job (at least trying their very best) to ruin Diablo series with D3, not to mention the utter disappointment, that was Starcraft 2 (for me anyway) and it seems that they are going the same way with WoW.


I don't care anymore though, because of all the great games that are available these days.


On a much more positive note, I'm extremely glad that I did finally subscribe to SWTOR, was involved in beta phase and had thought all along to subscribe at some point, just didn't have the time to (properly) play it prior to just now basically. I didn't care about the F2P option, I wanted the full experience and also thought to myself that it is definitely worth to pay even though I could get some form of game without paying.


I do also agree with other posters that this game has massive potential, it has everything it needs to do so. I personally think it is absolute blast even at the moment, but the possibilities for improvements, new things etc., are pretty much endless.


I for one, plan to stay with this one for quite some time, subscribed to 6 months straight away and will most likely renew, when closer to expiry date :)

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Hey now... my new Holy Avenger talent gives me the Ashbringer! :D But still.. meh to the new talent system.


Ima wait for the expansion that brings back Kil'Jaeden and Sargarus.


WoW is dated. For me I do not think they could do anything to bring me back. The game just didn't grow with the players it had. It has been so dumbed down to the point a player was able to get a level 90 Monk the first day MoP released. Even with recruit a friend that should not be possible. One week minimal!


Blizzard just isn't the company it once was. SC2 slipped, D3 was horrible (Torchlight 2 AWESOME!), and now this MoP. MoP was designed to clean up the mess Cataclysm made hence the expansions title. Now Bioware while in need of time to iron things out and add content has a product here with real potential. More and more people are slowly seeing that. I didn't see it right away myself. Blinded by WoW I guess.....until I realized nothing I did was fun anymore.


I know it isn't saying much but I look forward to playing my SWToR toons each day. That my friends is for me a step in the right direction.

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Yeah, there is essentially Pokemon and Farmville in the game now...but you can ignore it if it's not your thing. Blizzard wants to give the non-raiding people something to do....and it's working. SWTOR could use a few more little mini game type things for those kinds of people as well.


I agree. I want to earn XP for picking flowers or get new titles for pet collecting. Non-mandatory mini-games would be great too. Swoop bike/pod racing! Pazaak! All this game offers is combat, combat and more combat. Need variety pls!

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See I'm the opposite. I genuinely hate the 'face' of MoP, yknow pandas and all that. And although the talent system is interesting, it's too simple for my preference.


But behind the mask, there is a lot of good in MoP, a lot of stuff to do when not doing the competitive stuff. It may seem like boring old stuff, but it kills time and it keeps people in the game.


I like the direction swtor is going with, and if my RL friends quit WoW and joined SWTOR id probably be loving it so much more. It'd also kill some of my WoW temptation :p I was inches away from buying MoP the other night.


But absolutely swtor could learn a lot from WoW. They've taken a lot from a old WoW, and brought in some of the new. And as someone mentioned, ironically, WoW has adopted a few of swtors ideas too, like the loot distribution (which swtor later scrapped in 1.2 i think).


I guess I should say, I'm lucky I'm so busy with Uni that I only have time for 1 MMO, which will be swtor.

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First, I want to start off by saying that we really need to cut bioware some slack here. I didn't realize how remarkable this game was until I foolishly bought MOP. After spending a night in Pandaria I couldn't shake the feeling that I was playing a super mario brothers MMO. Gone is the dark and Gothic atmosphere that made WoW such an engrossing experience, it's now been replaced with a bright and cutesy theme that almost makes it mundane and unplayable.


I think we really need to give bioware some more time, and bioware needs to learn to listen to it's player base also. This game has so much more potential than any other game in the market, they just need the right minds to bring it to fruition. IMO you can accomplish that by hiring proven talent. I dream of the day when Swtor has a super warzones like Altarec Valley or Winstergrasp in WOW, and a Starship warzone would be out of this world. I've made my decision that I'm staying with Bioware to the end, despite the fact that they've nerfed my Madness Sorc into the ground.


When a game gets to the point where they release a theme completely outside the context just to please marketing you know it is over. We saw this with UO as well.


As far as cutting BW some slack, yes and no.


Yes, this game is way better than WthoW was when it was released. People should know WoW had no PvP except world, which contray to nostagia sucked, and the endgame content did not come till like a year later. There was no group finder, it was bare bones.


If the original WoW and this game we released on the same day, the original WoW would fail bad.


No, the problems we are seeing at this point are indivdual workmanship issues and low level management failures, we should not cut them slack anymore than you would cut a plumber slack if he gouged up the chrome on a new faucet with a tool.


Poor workmanship is never excusable, the issues we are seeing should have been caught by the engineers in unit testing, they either ignored the problems or skipped unit testing.

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