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Is it still worth playing SWTOR?


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I've just joined swtor and have tried it for the first time. I'm in love with it. This is the best MMO i've ever played in my life and i never want to switch back to wow.


However, my concern is that this game is dying. I live in the UK, so cannot play on US servers due to high latency. I really want to make some good friends through guilds as well! :)


Is it still worth playing swtor and progressing to end game? Or will the game have collapsed by then?


There is nothing to worry about. With F2P there will be more players than ever roaming about.


Theres also alot of people that went to try other MMO's and realised that SWTOR is actually quite good and are returning. Theres just this overall urge to hate on the internet and it spews onto MMO's. P2P games are especially susceptable to it cause they live on subs and consumers feel like they are empowered by it to dictate the game individually. They dont get their way: they quit. Eventually they come back when they cool off.


The things is, aslong as theres content coming out, people will come. And Bioware has promised new content every 6 weeks after F2P. So, the future is looking bright.

Edited by Nemmar
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Do you want to run Ops? Do you want to PvP? Do you want to RP? Those are the basic things I see happening all the time for endgame on The Ebon Hawk. We have a pretty active group there, though I do find it hilarious when someone starts proclaimations of doom because they can't get a full ops/pvp team together at 10am. "OMG There aren't 50,000 people logged in to this server during the time when most of the players on this EST server are at work! The game must be dying!" *rolls her eyes*
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I've just joined swtor and have tried it for the first time. I'm in love with it. This is the best MMO i've ever played in my life and i never want to switch back to wow.


However, my concern is that this game is dying. I live in the UK, so cannot play on US servers due to high latency. I really want to make some good friends through guilds as well! :)


Is it still worth playing swtor and progressing to end game? Or will the game have collapsed by then?


It's pretty unlikely the game will collapse. IMO it's reasonably healthy, if not on life support right now...perhaps stable would be the best word. It feels like it's still bleeding...but that bleeding has slowed down considerably.


In other words I think this game will be around for quite a while. I think it's safe to invest your time in it if you enjoy it. I highly doubt EA will pull the plug like NCsoft did with CoH and Paragon studios.

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Wow that's incredible. I get around 90ms latency on US, but it may be worth it if the population is that high.


I'm just worried that i'll have nothing to do at level 50 due to a lack of people playing.


Lack of people playing? :confused:


Although I'm not 100% on numbers with Euro servers, there are tons in the game 24/7 that I've been noticing well before the last server merges.


Is TOR worth playing? I tested in Beta and have been here ever sinse, I've been following TOR sinse the rumors / 2008 and I'm completely hooked. The story alone makes TOR a great MMO in my opinion.


Only you can make a choice, but I'm not to sure on why you are almost trying ot convince yoruself that the game is dying or something? Has TOR lost subs? Yup.


WoW lost 1mil+ subs before MoP Expansion, but after people get bored of that people will leave until the next expansion, and so forth.


F2P will most likely get TOR a ton of players if not fast profit from the cash store we'll get.


I have hopes for TOR and I believe this game will last for many more years. Do not listen to the doom and gloom sayers on the forums that try to get TOR to die.

Edited by Eillack
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My recommendation to you would be (since from the posts I read I assume you seek a server from Europe)


unless you are German / French pick the English servers. There are 3 servers each catering to slightly different needs and all 3 have steady and healthy population in Europe:


1) Tomb of Freedon Nadd: This is a PVP server meaning the opposing faction has the right to attack and kill you in planets apart from faction capitals, starting areas and fleet (and faction camps in various planets as you level).


2) The Red Eclipse: This is a PVE server meaning the opposing faction cannot attack you unless you pvp flag yourself or enter a Warzone - world pvp areas like Ilum or Tatooine


3) The Progenitor: This is a RP server meaning players will be more likely to be critical of actions deemed not rp-like, for example bunny jumping around in fleet, having an ooc nick (darthvapor in a smuggler for example). People are more likely to engage in rp activities in this server.


All 3 options are good, all 3 have decent communities and good population. It's up to you at that point. You are even welcome to join my guild as a social player which is in Tomb of Freedon Nadd if you wish. Don't let doom and gloom posts deter you. Play the game and make your own judgement :D

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I suggest not reading too much into forum negativity. Forums = interwebz, which = an overabundance of whiny, immature people venting emotionally like toddlers. The end is always nigh according to them. There're bugs etc., but welcome to online gaming.


I play on US PVP server Prophecy of the Five after merging from 2 others. It has a fair amount of Europe-based players on it, and typically 200 + people on fleet whenever I log in. Below 50 and at 50 plenty of people questing, doing flashpoints and ops, PVPing, and generally socializing. Plenty of guilds doing stuff too.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Wow that's incredible. I get around 90ms latency on US, but it may be worth it if the population is that high.


I'm just worried that i'll have nothing to do at level 50 due to a lack of people playing.


we got 190~400 ms latency on US,

and server will eventually die again,

(aspc transfer died,

b4 server merge died,

forced server merge died,

look at the fatman and aspc pvp server)

if bw still don't or can't do a cloud galaxy.

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A more in depth answer would be appreciated :)


Play the game and all its content. All the PvP, all the PvE, all the storys, all everything. Weight what you like the best, and what you don't like. If you have more fun doing what you like than doing what you hate than its worth it to play.



Here is the answer you are not going to get.... you are not going to get an answer stating "pvp is the best", or "pve is the best" If what you are looking for is a system of play, or playstyle that is better than anything else available out there than I suggest you keep on walking because NO GAME is like that. Every game has its pitfalls and this game is no exception.



So like the guy said... if you enjoy it then stay. If not then leave.

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Fantastic reply.


That is exactly how I feel. Which server are you on? I might come and join you guys! :)


Heh glad to be of service!


The majority of my characters are on the Prophecy of the Five, but my main (and where I'm in my guild) is The Shadowlands server, so feel free to shoot me a mail or something and look me up! :)

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if you enjoy it then play it until it isnt fun

Bingo. I'm still here because of my guild, that's really it. If they decided to go to WoW or Rift I would probably go with them. "Probably".


But that's me. Just because I may like or dislike a game doesn't mean you should decide what to do based on my opinion. I'm sure that there will still be a dedicated group that will continue to play this game long after I've left that you'll get to enjoy the end game content with.


So enjoy!

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Lol, NEVER listen to the doom sayers stuff on the forums......its generally people saying they are rage quiting because they want chat bubbles, or same sex romances etc, so the game MUST be dying. :rolleyes: Crazy stuff blown totally out of proportion.


My guild is on doing end game stuff every night and has been for months.


The game is not dying, everyone I know playing is having a blast. :D Get into it! :rak_03:


Pretty much this. My guild is awesome. I've met some really cool people. IMO, its a much more adult demographic than the WoW demographics. The game isn't dying any time soon.


If you don't mind rolling a US server, you might find it a bit more packed.

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For a usa server i recommend shadowlands. Also today i checked the euro servers and they are doing very well. all were standard and heavy.


4 servers heavy today : T3-M4 PvE (German),The Progenitor RP-PvE (English) ,Mantle of the Force PvE(French),The Red Eclipse PvE (English)

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Yeah the game is still worth playing and will probably be for allot of years until SWG2.


I have been playing since pre-launch and I have to say the game has graphically improved tremendously since those days. They have already added so much and will continue to do so. Also many of us are eagerly waiting for any word on the 3d full flight space combat system, which would just make the game perfect.

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The Harbinger ftw~ :D


But no seriously - this game - to me is a lot of fun. I've played SWG, city of heroes, and WoW all before (still play WoW on and off) but this game to me is the most addictive and fun - its probably the engaging storyline, the voice acting. I was a big fan of KOTOR so it really brought back some of those old feelings.


I've only been playing for about 2-3 months now, but I've already got 12 characters - 5 of them lvl40+! My brothers got me into the game - so playing with them and making our own guild and whatnot really made me want to stick around for a long, long time!


This game for me has a lot more room to grow than what the doomsdayers say - like everyone else says F2P is going to bring in more players (I know one of my friends is going to be playing the day it happens!) and while it seems silly, F2P = Free so why would that bring in money; but micro-transactions, paying for what you want and nothing extra - a little bit goes a long way in the end. So stick around for a while! I know I Will! :)

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Thats not really a question anyone else but you can answer, as its looking for a value judgement call. since no one else has your values, no one can answer the question to the depths that you may wish to have it answered.. Only you can decide if its worth it for you..


^Spoken like a true jedi.

Edited by DegreesOfFreedom
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Beware of those that paint the game's state as all roses as well. Those on both sides, the extremes, those that say the game is doomed and those that say everything is fine are both way off base IMO.


Neither contribute to the health of the game. Those that take a more realistic, measured approach, willing to accept the games shortcomings but not willing to denounce the game are probably more accurate.


Detractors and cheerleaders will forever battle for the soul of the playerbase, but in the end only you can decide how you feel about the game. Let the extreme fringe on both sides battle it out, look for the more moderate voices. It's probably best to ignore the rest.

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If you haven't got anything constructive to say, please don't reply. I'm only going off what I've heard on the forums. This is my first day playing SWTOR so I don't have much to go off, a part from whiny trolls on the forum.

my advice to you: ignore the forums. the information you seek is in the game. people say negative stuff about everything. sometimes it's constructive and true, sometimes it's baloney. the best way to figure out if the game is worth your time or not is to experience it for yourself and come to your own conclusion.


i myself have been playing this game since the November beta stress test. preordered. got in early access day three. don't intend on leaving the game anytime soon.

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my advice to you: ignore the forums. the information you seek is in the game. people say negative stuff about everything. sometimes it's constructive and true, sometimes it's baloney. the best way to figure out if the game is worth your time or not is to experience it for yourself and come to your own conclusion.


i myself have been playing this game since the November beta stress test. preordered. got in early access day three. don't intend on leaving the game anytime soon.


*sigh* Still not into the whole "Critque" thing >_>

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Awesome. I've been following these forums since 2008, but never got around to playing the game.


It's fantastic to hear all these positive reviews about the game.


I'm used to reading posts about how SWTOR is about to drop to 300k subs, or how game is going to die within a year, most of the SWTOR team has been laid off, blah blah blah.


Also, UGH why you have to get the info to the BS'ing people

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