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Class Popularity?


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Good Morning/Evening everyone, just thought i'd post a quick question which leaves me a bit boggled.


Currently Leveling my main (a PT BH) on Tattooine and just wondering what class is everyone seeing the most of recently?

Noticed a lot of Mercenaries running around as well as Marauders, but where are all the Operatives?

Whats everyone seeing the least of as well? Feel free to post if your Empire or Republic, would love to hear your thoughts


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I would say I'm seeing least of...





I see a fair amount of all other classes empire-wise except for powertech. And I would say Sniper is probably close second





Scoundrels are hands-down the least played Republic class. Which for anyone unaware Scoundrel is the equivalent to an Imperial Operative.


That's my opinion. And my Server is Jedi Covenant.

Edited by DunderMiff
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People gravitate toward whatever class just received a buff and shy away from whatever just got nerfed. Right now I'm seeing an influx of dps assassins, mercenaries, and sorc healers while seeing a decline in powertech dps and assassin tanks. In previous patches people dropped their sorc healers like a bad habit after the spec was unbroken. It's all flavor of the month, and changes every time classes are rebalanced.


These observations are from PvE on the imperial side, I don't pvp much so I really don't have a clue there.

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I play mostly Imp side as healer, so here are my observations of each role:


DPS: I mostly see marauders or snipers as dps, but sometimes I see my share of powertechs, sorcs and jugg dps. dps ops, assasins and mercs are very rare.


Healz: The most common type seems to be the sorcerers, but after that I dunno, it's rare to find Ops and mercs healers around.


Tanks: The most common tank is the jugg, followed by the powertech. Assasin tanks are the rarest of the bunch.


So at the end, the class I've seen less is the sith assasin, maybe is because is hard to play and master (specially tanks), and they are not the FoTM.

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People gravitate toward whatever class just received a buff and shy away from whatever just got nerfed. Right now I'm seeing an influx of dps assassins, mercenaries, and sorc healers while seeing a decline in powertech dps and assassin tanks. In previous patches people dropped their sorc healers like a bad habit after the spec was unbroken. It's all flavor of the month, and changes every time classes are rebalanced.


These observations are from PvE on the imperial side, I don't pvp much so I really don't have a clue there.



class population changed because of stupid BW's nerf or buff.

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I don't see many Operatives anymore. People dropped them after they ceased to be perceived as the PvP "I win button" class. Now that status has passed to Marauders whom I see everywhere. This is on Ebon Hawk.


Ebon Hawk has FAR more Sentinels than Marauders, especially at 50.

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