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If you could improve Mercenary Class with one power:


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In an effort to be more positive.... even in hopes of getting a Dev. to actually read something perhaps -useful- rather than negative, I came up with this post.


Let's say you get to play developer for a day. Your challenge is to come up with one power! (I strictly suggest we stick with one power so this doesn't become ridiculous with wish-listing, and over complicated.)


Your goal is to come up with something that solves your major issues with this class, in a condensed, balanced ability.


Here is my submission:


Mandalorian Shield Prototype:

- Your Mercenary takes a defensive stance, deploying an energy shield spanning 15 meters. All allies within this shield take 20% less damage. While Mandalorian Shield Prototype is active you are uninteruptable. This power lasts 15 seconds and is broken on movement. Grants immunity to knockdowns, knockbacks, and movement impairing physics.


Imagine the animation from Gunslinger Scrambling field (snipers too). It is far from overpowered, but gives us SOMETHING to share with teammates yet it helps us in one of our most disturbing down falls: being shut down by interupts.


This power has a weakness: The Gunslinger variant can be used while "Hunkered Down" which means you can't CC the Gunslinger. We'd still be prone to stuns. This is my only hesitation to the power, however, it might be the best for balance sake.


This power imho would give us a minor defensive boost (a second cool down!) at 20%, helps our team in some way (obviously limited to defensive roles) and helps our Arsenal tree AND even our Pyrotech tree for casting issues. The only issue is healing. Is this a power best suited for Arsenal only? Would it be broken for healers? Pyro could certainly use it as well as Arsenal.)


Summary: not overpowered, triggers an effect that the team benefits from, attempts to 'magic-bullet' some of the biggest issues in Mercenary with one power.


Considerations: Cooldown time? Should the power grant limited CC immunity? Duration? (I chose 15 seconds because it is the bonus alacrity timing and uninteruptable status of Polarity Shift (1.4 changes) and 15 seconds is the duration of Scrambling Field).

Edited by Krozis
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That sounds way too over powered. Something that is a bit more realistic that would help bring the Merc on par with the other classes would be...


Superlaser (the energy source for the Death Star). This is an instant ability on a 3 second cooldown and lasts 10 seconds. It immediately fills your resolve bar in addition to this it instantly heals you to full health. It also takes 100% of the health from your target and has an aoe affect that takes 100% of the health from all targets with in a 15m range of your first target.


The animation to this would be 5 like arms that unfold from your jet pack in a star formation. Each arm would shoot a laser at an angle that would make all 5 lasers intersect right at the chest level of the Mercenary. When the 5 lasers meet they then combine into one laser that looks like 15 railshots going off simultaneously towards your target.


This is the only ability I can think of that can even come close to bringing Mercs on par with other classes in this game with out being too over powered.

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Would have to be "The Hedge Clipper"



On a more serious note.

How about a jet-pack ability. Sort of like a fixed destination force-run.

When activated the bounty hunter uses his jet-pack to break movement imparing effects and rocket to a new position 30meters ahead.

Make it a fixed point at 30 meters in the direction facing so it's a point and shoot.

Give it a quick enough cooldown and it would be a pretty darn helpfull escape skill with some offensive uses.


Minimal PvE impact.

Would actually make the rocket-punch root worth using, and give mercs some breathing room.


Granted there may be issues here and there with pathing/access that may need to be hammered out.

Lets face it, that jet pack we lug around shouldn't just be for looks, right?

Edited by Voranis
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Would have to be "The Hedge Clipper"



On a more serious note.

How about a jet-pack ability. Sort of like a fixed destination force-run.

When activated the bounty hunter uses his jet-pack to break movement imparing effects and rocket to a new position 30meters ahead.

Make it a fixed point at 30 meters in the direction facing so it's a point and shoot.

Give it a quick enough cooldown and it would be a pretty darn helpfull escape skill with some offensive uses.


Minimal PvE impact.

Would actually make the rocket-punch root worth using, and give mercs some breathing room.


Granted there may be issues here and there with pathing/access that may need to be hammered out.

Lets face it, that jet pack we lug around shouldn't just be for looks, right?


I think being able to direct the jump might become a problem in things like Hutt ball, where even a Jugg/Guardian needs a target to jump. However, I think a tactical retreat (jump back X meters) or even a jump forward, but without being able to change elevation drastically (no jump up from the pit.)


The only question, is how would this fit with their mirrored class, Commando?

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I think being able to direct the jump might become a problem in things like Hutt ball, where even a Jugg/Guardian needs a target to jump. However, I think a tactical retreat (jump back X meters) or even a jump forward, but without being able to change elevation drastically (no jump up from the pit.)


The only question, is how would this fit with their mirrored class, Commando?


Commandos should get the concussion grenade from the hope cinematic.


At the moment what happens is you stand there, blow the grenade and everyone is thrown away.


The cinematic and more realistic one blows the enemy and the trooper back from the blast. Miraculously still keeping their limbs, digits and even their unprotected faces...


Thus a gap is created and the evil sith can be finished off :)

Edited by Gyronamics
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I think being able to direct the jump might become a problem in things like Hutt ball, where even a Jugg/Guardian needs a target to jump. However, I think a tactical retreat (jump back X meters) or even a jump forward, but without being able to change elevation drastically (no jump up from the pit.)


The only question, is how would this fit with their mirrored class, Commando?


Seeing as commandos uses gravity for their attacks (grav round and gravity vortex debuff if im not mistaken) give them gravity propulsion. They would target the ground infront of them and shoot a gravity blast out of their gun that would launch them backwards. Mercs would have the ability jet pack disengage (or something like that) that activates their jet pack to launch them back. This would look sweet im sure and give us another way to create distance between us and the target. (the ability would work similarly to a hunter's disengage in WoW)

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I would return Death From Above to it's former radius. It's not like the damage is insane (agent orbital strike deals way more damage to a bigger area anyway), but having it with a large radius was one of the things that made PvE plain FUN on a merc. I mean.. it was just so satisfying. Now it's pretty much MEH.
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Jet Disengage

Basically like Jet Boost, except you knock yourself back.

The animation could be similar to the Powertech's Jet Charge, but in reverse.

As with Jet Charge, the target is rooted for the duration of the flying animation.

Can only be used when the enemy target is within 10 meters of the player.

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I would return Death From Above to it's former radius. It's not like the damage is insane (agent orbital strike deals way more damage to a bigger area anyway), but having it with a large radius was one of the things that made PvE plain FUN on a merc. I mean.. it was just so satisfying. Now it's pretty much MEH.


Yeah, I miss those fun days. Now it just knocks them out of it's range and makes me sad.

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I would return Death From Above to it's former radius. It's not like the damage is insane (agent orbital strike deals way more damage to a bigger area anyway), but having it with a large radius was one of the things that made PvE plain FUN on a merc. I mean.. it was just so satisfying. Now it's pretty much MEH.


But on the other hand the agents orbital strike sucks if you want to use your AOE for a fast hard strike on targets which may be moving.


If you want to hit the targets you need to aim ahead because of the cast time and even then the damage is not all at once.


Mercs will have smashed them with DFA and have an explosive dart ticking and be flamethrowering them by the time the cast (let alone the damage) is done.


Swings and roundabouts, smaller circle, faster damage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll add a couple of abilities for the bodyguard spec that i feel would be most beneficial




Dual Life Support- Place a life support system on a target. For 20 seconds, Rapid scan and healing scan will also heal this target for 50% of the amount. 2 minute cooldown


Bodyguard- Jumps to a friendlly target, reseting the active cooldown and allows for an automatic critical hit on emergency scan. 1 minute cooldown


EDIT: Added more skills




Mandalore's Call- Call upon Mandalorian reinforcements for support for 20 seconds. The Mandalorians will support you depending on what gas cylinder you have on.


Combat Support Cylinder- Mandalorian Medtechs will use advanced kolto tech to heal your current target

Combustible gas cylinder- Mandalorian Firebugs will use prototype flamethrowers to attack your current target

High Velocity gas cylinder- Mandalorian Siegebreakers will use heavy ordinance to attack your current target

High Energy gas cylinder- Mandalorian Blademasters will use the deadliest of melee weapons to attack your current target.

Ion Gas Cylinder- Mandalorian Honor Guards will use carbonite shield tech to defend you against your current target.


Obviously I'm thinking this ability could be base line and works well with any given spec/AC

Edited by Akam
Adding additional skills
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Jet Disengage

Basically like Jet Boost, except you knock yourself back.

The animation could be similar to the Powertech's Jet Charge, but in reverse.

As with Jet Charge, the target is rooted for the duration of the flying animation.

Can only be used when the enemy target is within 10 meters of the player.


i like this ideia, also i think tech overide should make maybe all attacks instant for the next 10 seconds, only 1 skill is just laughable.

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Jet Disengage

Basically like Jet Boost, except you knock yourself back.

The animation could be similar to the Powertech's Jet Charge, but in reverse.

As with Jet Charge, the target is rooted for the duration of the flying animation.

Can only be used when the enemy target is within 10 meters of the player.


This in place of Power over-rides in the Arsenal tree. yes please and thank you.

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That sounds way too over powered. Something that is a bit more realistic that would help bring the Merc on par with the other classes would be...


Superlaser (the energy source for the Death Star). This is an instant ability on a 3 second cooldown and lasts 10 seconds. It immediately fills your resolve bar in addition to this it instantly heals you to full health. It also takes 100% of the health from your target and has an aoe affect that takes 100% of the health from all targets with in a 15m range of your first target.


The animation to this would be 5 like arms that unfold from your jet pack in a star formation. Each arm would shoot a laser at an angle that would make all 5 lasers intersect right at the chest level of the Mercenary. When the 5 lasers meet they then combine into one laser that looks like 15 railshots going off simultaneously towards your target.


This is the only ability I can think of that can even come close to bringing Mercs on par with other classes in this game with out being too over powered.


LOL, so true, so true. I am up in the air with my merc in PVP at present, and really disappointed with how they have let this class really go down hill :(. It use to be fun to play merc in PVP, but then it went gravely down hill, in the damage department. I have played with the skill trees, augments, asked about, and yea I tried the Pyro/Arsenal way which added a little extra damage but certainly nothing to write home about and certainly nothing like it was a few months back before the grim reaper came back yet again and took away something else that us mercs badly needed. I have also noticed that very few play merc in PVP now, other than healing, does that say something about the damage of this class now?. I am glad I am migrating to my Operative, it offers much more than a merc, is much more fun to play. I expect the "critic trolls" who think they know everything to cuss down what I am saying here, afterall they are so special in everything they do and all.


I logged on my merc for the first time in 3 weeks earlier, I won 5 WZ, but this was only because I was in a class group that all I had the upmost respect for, and no it had no Dark Jester's in that group, it is why I respected that group I was in :). But I felt like they carried me through and they knew I was struggling to keep up with the damage and defensives they have, a group with no mercs bar me, again does this show where this class is going?. People with Battlemaster armor with considerably less stats doing more damage than a fully war hero and aug up merc?. Makes loads of sense to me, NOT.


Those who say stack power are wrong, those who say stack aim and endurance are wrong, simple as. At the moment, it does not matter what you stack, the merc class is up the spout until they do something major to revive this class. Sure when you have a great group, with loads of heals, the merc looks great, does the dps, but only because the healer has to use all its energy keeping you alive in order to lay down that damage which is a waste of the sorcers resources to keep just 1 alive. Gone are the days of 450-500k+ damage and those mercs claiming they do this damage still all the time are talking out of there behinds, period. Real time damage is more like 200-250k maybe you get lucky and get 285k, but certainly not the dizzy numbers of before nerf 1,2,3 etc, etc.


PVE is not an issue though, great in PVE.


I have huge respect for the mercs who are dps spec in PVP regardless of what guild they are in, they truly are the real pvpers in TOR who have to deal with a lack of literally everything to be able to compete at a high level, RESPECT. Those mercs who have gone heals, easy option out of what is by far THE hardest class to learn in PVP. So not advisable to troll me on this, is not worth your while because if you are skilled in PVP, you know darn well what I am on about.


I will still PVP with my merc, just because it now has a whiff of "if you can pvp with a merc, you know any other class you play, you will own with".


Good luck.



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