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From Jedis I went to Charrs, then Pandas, and now back where I belong


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Hi there

Not pretending telling you "what you should do or what you should think", simply that after 2 months of wandering in what I thought that would become "my game(s)", I'm back to my StarWars roots, and honestly I dont regret it.


So I played with Charrs, loved the game I wont name here, seen it at very innovative and well done. But get bored of it pretty quick. Why? I didnt believe what I played, I wasnt attached to the lore, to my toon.

Then went to Pandas, enjoying the graphics and the fluidity the other game I wont name here offered me in its expansion. But get bored, pretty quick... why you may ask? Same: I didnt believe what I played, I wasnt attached to the lore, to my toon.


Cause here's my point: SWTOR may have flaws -and it has flaws!- but overall it works, it's getting better, and above all, I believe in the story, I am attached to the SW universe in it, to my Jedi or my Trooper. Feeling the immersion is important for me, and there's no way I can feel any kind of immersion in the panda expansion or the charrs' universe.


But all that is really subjective!

I'm a Star Wars freak, it's like that, you cant change me, and I dont pretend to change you by saying so :D

But I bet that there's a lot of players like me, who are more than happy to play SWTOR, a solid mmo with a Star Wars theme.

Have a nice week-end, and may the Force be with you all! ;)

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I play TOR on an APAC server with low population. My favourite class had it's range nerfed, so my rotation is completely off balance. I get weird server disconnects a million times a day. New content is not released as often as I'd like... HOWEVER.


I love this game. I'm looking at my Steam Library, and the games I've played.

Skyrim : 139.8 hours.

Saints Row 3 : 88.3h

CS - Source : 56.2h

Borderlands 2 : 32.8

Saints Row 2 : 29.3

New Vegas : 28h

X3 : 27.3h

Mass Effect 2 : 25.9h

>Insert a million games between 10h and 20h here<


All games I love, and played. However... If I type /played onto one of my lvl 50's on SWTOR...

17 Days, 0 Hours, 52 Minutes.

Roughly 409 hours of gameplay, on ONE toon. With all it's faults, bugs, trolls and whatnot, this game has actually hooked me.

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welcome back, i left pandaland too

but solid?,,no,,this is crashing hard, watch the wreckage:(

Hehe you spend too much time in the forums listening at apocalyptical doomsayers whining all the tears of their body :cool:

Enjoy the game as it is, F2P will bring more players, the game will be just fine. (at least stable)

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WoW never was something I wanted to play. Checked the trial to know what it´s about, hated it with all my soul.


Bought GW2.. I want my money back. Well in fact I sold my account so nearly got it back. I should have known there is something fishy if a company basically sells a lifetime sub for 60$ (calls it "B2P".. lol). Boring, atrocious story, the most silly of fetchquests ever experienced. The most sleep inducing cutscenes and pathetic attempt on doing a motivating story, EVER)


Got SWTOR: Still hooks me and I want it to get better, looking forward to what is coming


SecretWorld: My favourite at the moment. Very well done, very innovative, fantastic story and lore, immersion 100%.

Got the lifetime sub grandmaster pack and it was the best single thing I ever spent money on.


EvE: For my sandbox need and the feel to be part of a cool and gritty, living universe



So, my gaming preferences boil down to: TOR, TSW, EvE


Single Player games: CRYOSTASIS (love it), Alan Wake (love it), Red Dead Redemption (best single player game of all times if you like the old West).. and soon.. X-COM ENEMY UNKNOWN

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I play TOR on an APAC server with low population. My favourite class had it's range nerfed, so my rotation is completely off balance. I get weird server disconnects a million times a day. New content is not released as often as I'd like... HOWEVER.


I love this game. I'm looking at my Steam Library, and the games I've played.

Skyrim : 139.8 hours.

Saints Row 3 : 88.3h

CS - Source : 56.2h

Borderlands 2 : 32.8

Saints Row 2 : 29.3

New Vegas : 28h

X3 : 27.3h

Mass Effect 2 : 25.9h

>Insert a million games between 10h and 20h here<


All games I love, and played. However... If I type /played onto one of my lvl 50's on SWTOR...

17 Days, 0 Hours, 52 Minutes.

Roughly 409 hours of gameplay, on ONE toon. With all it's faults, bugs, trolls and whatnot, this game has actually hooked me.


i feel glad, that u found a game , that u enjoy (a little envious)

the bad part,, it cant go on like this,,with so high costs (voiceovers, license fee to Lucas)

this game has to be a casual , mainstream game, if they want it to continue

that would take revamp of the whole game, and the money isnt there for that

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All will be fine Simplius, the F2P model and their item mall system will bring enough money for the game to be ok.

It will remain a niche game, for SW fans and those who want to play a break from the elves and orcs in a traditional theme park mmo.

So not the super mega mmo À la WoW with millions of players but who cares?!)

(some websites speculate that the f2p option will double if not triple the amount of players. We dont know, but one thing is sure, more players will come, which is all good)

A good alternative for the years to come. That's all we need right? ;)

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welcome back, i left pandaland too

but solid?,,no,,this is crashing hard, watch the wreckage:(


I also left because of Pandaland but I atleast didn't even buy it. The Beta was enough to chase me away.


Now I do not agree with you at all. There is no wreckage. This is a great game. I stopped having fun in said other game long agao. SWToR is fun. I love the story and I feel like I am taking part in a real story. Other game never had that.


SWToR would be #1 if people could leave games they are attached to. See I played SWToR on release but so did about 20 guildies from said other game. Other game pulled them back. Less and less time in SWToR. Seven years invested in another game and guild is hard to seperate from.


Now I did manage to finally do it and once I did I was able to see SWToR for the really good game it is. People just never let themselves open up to the idea there is life beyond the other game. I do miss the people I left behind but there are many more out there to meet and get to know.

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It's just Jedi. It's not Jedis. Just, Jedi.



Just saying.

Just as Panda...

Sorry :rak_03:


On a side note: I'm French, but I play the game in English.

For me it somehow sounds better in English, it's the language of Star Wars.

(and playing as the Republic it's almost like playing against the evil Brits' Empire haha)

Note that for any other game around I play in French exclusively!

But for Star Wars, no doubt in my mind :D

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Just want to voice my love for this game. I still don't have a level 50, but this is the best game I have ever played (in my opinion) and I plan to stick around till the servers are shut down. I am a Star Wars fanboy and I thank Bioware for this amazing game.
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Just want to voice my love for this game. I still don't have a level 50, but this is the best game I have ever played (in my opinion) and I plan to stick around till the servers are shut down. I am a Star Wars fanboy and I thank Bioware for this amazing game.


Again this is so right. SWToR really is a amazing game. Just wish more people would have opened up to the idea of switching to this game instead of going back to thier old MMO. Switching is hard. Going from one universe to another. Very big step for a lot of people.


SWToR didn't fail! The players did.

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I would just like to say that SWTOR is the MMO that got me to play an MMO. For a very long time, I swore to myself I would never play an MMO. I just didn't understand them. I thought why would anyone want to play a game with millions of other people? That just seems weird. Well, now I get it. I realize why MMOs are so much fun and can be so addicting. And SWTOR is one of the best, if not the best MMO out right now, in my opinion. I tried LOTRO and Secret World and couldn't get into either one of them, although I adore Lord of the Rings and the story of SW is quite fascinating. However, they just couldn't compare to the sheer polished quality of SWTOR. The game isn't without flaws, but it's still an amazing game. I am looking forward to the future of this game. I am sure I will be around here for quite some time. :)
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  • 3 weeks later...
I left WoW because it was getting dumbed down to placate people that whined about difficulty.Came to this game and was instantly hooked by it's story and the challenge it offers.Out of all 4 times I've done the foundry I've only managed 1 sucessful run.HK-47 you are so brutal.
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Just as Panda...

Sorry :rak_03:


On a side note: I'm French, but I play the game in English.

For me it somehow sounds better in English, it's the language of Star Wars.

(and playing as the Republic it's almost like playing against the evil Brits' Empire haha)

Note that for any other game around I play in French exclusively!

But for Star Wars, no doubt in my mind :D


If ur really from France that's awesome. Tho if ur a Canadian pretending, ur not one of the good ones.

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I'll be honest, WoW has some really challenging Heroic Raids - HM TfB isn't anywhere near pre-nerf Heroic LK with no buff, or pre-nerf Heroic Ragnaros(2nd time) with no buff: but when I want a challenge I normally play single player games (Demon Souls and the like).


GW2 has some really cool mechanics - underwater combat, combining abilities and combining abilities with other players. That world bosses scale is cool as well, can't overpower the Fire Elemental with 100 people, heck sometimes the Fire Element is easier when you have just 2 good players rather than 2 good players and 8 so-so players.


That said, GW2 seems to lack something (it's not the sub fee, I'm fairly well off so I never feel like playing due to sub). I think it's the community to be honest. IN GW2 people don't need to group outside of Dungeons because they can just get together for an open event and then disperse. I'm a PvE player not a PvP player so the fact that all the PvE Dungeons are 5 mans and that there are no Raids sort of kills it for me. 5 people in mumble chatting back and forth, oh joy. I can remember 25 man groups with people that I still hang out with in real life - heck had an old 25 man guildy sleeping over in my bed and I slept on the couch since he was in Vancouver on a road trip. Do I see close knit friendships being forged in GW2? Not really, people seem form guilds to get Explorables done and that's about it.


I left WoW because of the Horde favoritism, I was Alliance all the way and seeing the Horde get all the good stuff killed me inside (yes I considered faction change but in the end I just let my sub run out).

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