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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is anyone else losing interest?


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Since 1.4 has launched I've slowly began losing interest in the game. I'm capable of completing the elite war hero grind, I just don't see much of an incentive behind it. Backque is broken, I've had 6 people for entire matches. Rated ques are nonexistent across many servers. The ones where they aren't generally only have 2-3 teams who won't let anyone run with them but their chosen 8, leaving other players out of an opportunity to play competitively. Many of the other changes I've desired don't appear to be coming, and if they are it's so distant in the future that it probably won't matter.


Midterms are approaching, MoP is coming, and it just doesn't seem like the game has much of a pulse in it anymore.

It appears like bioware just isn't timing their releases properly to keep people interested going into the holiday season.


Anyone feel like arguing for the glass being half full? I'd like to keep playing but the game is going down a landslide.

Edited by Order-Sixty-Six
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Anyone feel like arguing for the glass being half full? I'd like to keep playing but the game is going down a landslide.


I'm having fun. And it's Star Wars. Also depends a lot on whether you get into a guild you can click with. Playing with your friends, especially on voice, makes the game more fun.


I'm concerned too but I am hoping for the best.

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MoP is coming


MoP is already out. I reactivated (hence my sig) but I lost motivation on my Panda Monk within a day or two. WoW is a great game but it's the same game I played for 6 years.


Despite the bugs, I'm having more fun in 1.4 because the changes at least mixed things up a bit.

Edited by Antipodes
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I've always defended this game and thoroughly enjoyed it... until 1.4.


I've probably played as much in the last week as I normally do in one day sometimes. Not including that one lazy Sunday where I stayed home, didn't shower, ordered pizza and played 14 hours straight. Honestly... attempting that again post 1.4 sounds like hell.

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Since 1.4 has launched I've slowly began losing interest in the game. I'm capable of completing the elite war hero grind, I just don't see much of an incentive behind it. Backque is broken, I've had 6 people for entire matches. Rated ques are nonexistent across many servers. The ones where they aren't generally only have 2-3 teams who won't let anyone run with them but their chosen 8, leaving other players out of an opportunity to play competitively. Many of the other changes I've desired don't appear to be coming, and if they are it's so distant in the future that it probably won't matter.


Midterms are approaching, MoP is coming, and it just doesn't seem like the game has much of a pulse in it anymore.

It appears like bioware just isn't timing their releases properly to keep people interested going into the holiday season.


Anyone feel like arguing for the glass being half full? I'd like to keep playing but the game is going down a landslide.


You won't find that defense from me, I made a thread denouncing Bioware, and they moved it to the suggestion box forums even though the thread was 50% about PvP's current state. The only reason I stay here is because I see no better alternatives either... I thought GW2 would be enough for me to not play this game anymore, but I got bored of that game quickly. I think Bioware gave up even quicker than us on this game and it's part of why the game was and is losing massive subs. I used to be someone who had faith in Bioware because I know the first few months of MMO launches can be rough and that people complain like crazy during those times no matter how good your MMO is. However, after about 6 months, I saw the big picture that Bioware really isn't going to do anything. I'm not gonna repeat what I said in my earlier thread, I'll just say that if you find another game that is really good let me know so I can leave this game! (just kidding)

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I see your point but I still enjoy for the most part

Try advertising for a ranked team and do it often for a while - from there you will find a core group of some pugs/some guildies on a semi regular basis, just work at it

If you dont advertise and just wait for things to happen, then you wont move far

On top of that, make an effort to help newbies, explain to them they can expect a thrashing till battlemaster but then things will get better, let them make mistakes and advise them where they went wrong, slowly things will get better and less newbies will flag pvp

Edited by Blockk
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I still love to play PvP even though I am gimped. Haven't lost much interest, I actually want to try some new characters and some new FP's.


I do get mad about all these "nerf's" though, if anything would make me leave it's them.

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Since 1.4 has launched I've slowly began losing interest in the game. I'm capable of completing the elite war hero grind, I just don't see much of an incentive behind it. Backque is broken, I've had 6 people for entire matches. Rated ques are nonexistent across many servers. The ones where they aren't generally only have 2-3 teams who won't let anyone run with them but their chosen 8, leaving other players out of an opportunity to play competitively. Many of the other changes I've desired don't appear to be coming, and if they are it's so distant in the future that it probably won't matter.


Midterms are approaching, MoP is coming, and it just doesn't seem like the game has much of a pulse in it anymore.

It appears like bioware just isn't timing their releases properly to keep people interested going into the holiday season.


Anyone feel like arguing for the glass being half full? I'd like to keep playing but the game is going down a landslide.


Roll a new character. Or wait for the release of F2P/next expac. You can't do anything forever and expect it to remain just as novel and enjoyable as it was when you started. That's the nature of things. No reason to stick it out if you aren't enjoying it, so just wait until there's new content you will enjoy.

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I wouldnt say losing interest in swtor as I actually have been having a lot of fun with the pve side. That said pvp has started to take a back seat for me. I used to at least get the dailies/weeklies done on all 3 of my 50s, but last week I only did the weekly on my trooper and daily a couple times on my merc. The new op looks like alot of fun so I've started to shift to a heavier pve mix and I'm actually enjoying the game a ton these days.
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Since 1.4 has launched I've slowly began losing interest in the game. I'm capable of completing the elite war hero grind, I just don't see much of an incentive behind it. Backque is broken, I've had 6 people for entire matches. Rated ques are nonexistent across many servers. The ones where they aren't generally only have 2-3 teams who won't let anyone run with them but their chosen 8, leaving other players out of an opportunity to play competitively. Many of the other changes I've desired don't appear to be coming, and if they are it's so distant in the future that it probably won't matter.


Midterms are approaching, MoP is coming, and it just doesn't seem like the game has much of a pulse in it anymore.

It appears like bioware just isn't timing their releases properly to keep people interested going into the holiday season.


Anyone feel like arguing for the glass being half full? I'd like to keep playing but the game is going down a landslide.


Can you blame anyone for leaving? This game is HORRIBLE.

How are the same 4 warzones for the past like 10 months over and over..."content"??


What this game is BEST for:

- Casual to UBER-casual solo players interested strictly themepark/spoon-fed content

- Immersing yourself in Class story (which i think is utterly horrible, tbh).

- Strictly PVE Guilds who do raids/operations

- Someone who has never played an MMO before and is too ignorant to know how bad this one is.



What this game is HORRIBLE for:

..Trying to do anything competitively

...PVP and ANYTHING related to it. (this includes forming pvp guilds, Open World PvP, and class balance, etc.)

...Crafting and a community of crafters (see below)

...Player to Player Uniqueness. This game has 0 diversity. Everyone looks the same. Little to NO appearance options.

...Having an ACTUAL MMO Community (can't even talk to the other faction). Hardly anyone knows any names of anyone else. (I dont even look at enemy names when I enage them, its so meaningless. Not like you can talk to them. I dont even know any good sith's names). Not really any incentive to seek anyone out for anything, as nothing crafted is unique so...

...Content Updates. SWG on life support in its last years had more content patches and updates than this brand new "mmo" has had thus far.

...Socializing. (see also: "No Community" above)

...Feeling Star Warsy and Iconic. Nothing about this game feels anything like the movies that we have all known and loved. This is just KOTOR online.....and its BAD.

...Liking anything Sandbox Related (no player housing, no world/object interactions available, no unique emotes and animations, no physical 3D objects :rolleyes: (just a 1/4" by 1/4" colored icon in your ''inventory'' that lets you know you have something)

...Creating your own content (see also: "No Community" above)

...walking around in a 'live' environment. There are no weather or day/night cycles. This game has over a dozen planets that you will never again see once you hit 50, with 0 incentive to ever go back to them. And when you are there post-50....they are just dead zones, that don't feel alive at all because hey guess what...no one else is there either.




This game is bad. And November's Free-To-Play announcement will make or break this game. Either they release 10 months of backed content that they have been sitting on now, just so they can release it for F2P and this game flourishes......or it goes F2P and continues to have 0 content and little to no content updates and it dies by January or February 2013 when its subscription status drops to 50k total subs.

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I'll admit the only thing that stopped me from hitting the cancellation button was the recent merge of PvP servers, sadly the only thing that keeps me sub'd is the Ranked matches currently, which tbh we have a fair amount of them on PoT5. Our team specifically, rotates around 12-15 peeps into matches every night, regardless of gear/profession, just to avoid the moronic play that typically comes with regular 50 PvP play.


We lose some matches, but we're having fun working together as a team, and not caring so much about rating or whatever. It is what it is, I'm not "excited" to hurry and get home and play by any means, and the horrendous development and broken features coupled with said development, makes it as such. The team is terrible, we all know this regarding PvP, but I can find a happy medium with the peeps I'm gaming with atm.

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I am having issues with the resolve changes, lack of back filling, and server lag.


I like that they reduced the range on many stuns, but the resolve changes just lead to a stun lock plague. I liked the original resolve system much better. If it filled up too quickly then too bad. People just need to learn to use stuns and snares effectively. Don't hand hold those that can't.


I'm hoping the back filling and server lag issues are temporary, but while they exist pvping is just a chore. I too pvp on 3 different 50s, and when I'm in game after game where it is 6 or less against a team of 8 the entire game I'd much rather do something else. I can't comment on ranked as I never play those, but if I did I'm sure I would be even more bored with the game playing against the same few teams over and over.


Maybe I'll just play some other games for a while hoping that things improve, because when they worked I really love the pvp.



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Anyone feel like arguing for the glass being half full? I'd like to keep playing but the game is going down a landslide.


I'm usually the glass half-full guy, but I've already returned to two of my previous MMOs (Rift and LOTRO). Patch 1.4 just didn't do anything for PvP except muck things up and PvPing is all I really do in this game. Both of those other MMOs have significant expansions coming within the month so I suspect I won't be logging into SWTOR as often as I used to pre-1.4.


Not canceling, but definitely not as stoked for the game as I was prior. I still enjoy the PvP combat in this game so I blow out my dailies/weeklies on my two mains and bail pretty much.

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I enjoy it due to it being Star Wars. Call me a fanboy if you will, but that is enough to keep me around. I picked up GW2 to play with some friends from time to time (no sub fee, so why not) but the atmosphere just doesn't do it for me. I much prefer to be a mandalorian out on the hunt.
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Can you blame anyone for leaving? This game is HORRIBLE.

How are the same 4 warzones for the past like 10 months over and over..."content"??


What this game is BEST for:

- Casual to UBER-casual solo players interested strictly themepark/spoon-fed content

- Immersing yourself in Class story (which i think is utterly horrible, tbh).

- Strictly PVE Guilds who do raids/operations

- Someone who has never played an MMO before and is too ignorant to know how bad this one is.



What this game is HORRIBLE for:

..Trying to do anything competitively

...PVP and ANYTHING related to it. (this includes forming pvp guilds, Open World PvP, and class balance, etc.)

...Crafting and a community of crafters (see below)

...Player to Player Uniqueness. This game has 0 diversity. Everyone looks the same. Little to NO appearance options.

...Having an ACTUAL MMO Community (can't even talk to the other faction). Hardly anyone knows any names of anyone else. (I dont even look at enemy names when I enage them, its so meaningless. Not like you can talk to them. I dont even know any good sith's names). Not really any incentive to seek anyone out for anything, as nothing crafted is unique so...

...Content Updates. SWG on life support in its last years had more content patches and updates than this brand new "mmo" has had thus far.

...Socializing. (see also: "No Community" above)

...Feeling Star Warsy and Iconic. Nothing about this game feels anything like the movies that we have all known and loved. This is just KOTOR online.....and its BAD.

...Liking anything Sandbox Related (no player housing, no world/object interactions available, no unique emotes and animations, no physical 3D objects :rolleyes: (just a 1/4" by 1/4" colored icon in your ''inventory'' that lets you know you have something)

...Creating your own content (see also: "No Community" above)

...walking around in a 'live' environment. There are no weather or day/night cycles. This game has over a dozen planets that you will never again see once you hit 50, with 0 incentive to ever go back to them. And when you are there post-50....they are just dead zones, that don't feel alive at all because hey guess what...no one else is there either.




This game is bad. And November's Free-To-Play announcement will make or break this game. Either they release 10 months of backed content that they have been sitting on now, just so they can release it for F2P and this game flourishes......or it goes F2P and continues to have 0 content and little to no content updates and it dies by January or February 2013 when its subscription status drops to 50k total subs.


I am reasonably certain you have never been happy with anything in your life.

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Since 1.4 has launched I've slowly began losing interest in the game. I'm capable of completing the elite war hero grind, I just don't see much of an incentive behind it. Backque is broken, I've had 6 people for entire matches. Rated ques are nonexistent across many servers. The ones where they aren't generally only have 2-3 teams who won't let anyone run with them but their chosen 8, leaving other players out of an opportunity to play competitively. Many of the other changes I've desired don't appear to be coming, and if they are it's so distant in the future that it probably won't matter.


Midterms are approaching, MoP is coming, and it just doesn't seem like the game has much of a pulse in it anymore.

It appears like bioware just isn't timing their releases properly to keep people interested going into the holiday season.


Anyone feel like arguing for the glass being half full? I'd like to keep playing but the game is going down a landslide.


same boat as you. I cancelled my sub (still have around 50 days left) but cant even get myself to log in. It could just be I'm burned out. 1.2 made me quit and try Tera , but got bored in that so I came back. Even tho there isnt really any other game Im interested in this time I still cant log in to SW:TOR

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Yeah I hear ya. The thing is pvp is predictible. In the first 30 seconds of the match, you know how the match will be played the majority of the time. Huttball against a team with a majority of consulars/inquisitors is easy to know how this will end. Novare coast is pretty much the only game that can be turned around for the upset. The game is becoming getting the objective first and having a mob run back and forth focus burning down the stranglers. You know whether or not you have a group that will play as a team or a bunch of lonewolves. It doesn't take long to figure out how geared the healers are on the other team or if the other team has more than yours. If you are playing a premade you know it won't end well. If the other team is all in warhero while yours is in recruit gear, you know the game is gonna be bad. The team with the most maruaders/sentinels usually owns. I know the redid the resolve systen, but I am still being stunned and burned down for 80% of my hp. The lag seems to be worse now in pvp. The entire group is complaining about it in game. I now see the same names popping up more often for pvp so I think the population doing pvp is going down some. It's nice they lowered the daily for it but now I'm losing 4 a day instead of 6. I only won 3 pvp games last week and that is with doing the daily everyday. I wish I had leveled more imp toons now cause they seem to have advantages with some of the animations. An operative can pull off 3 knife moves in the time a scoundrel pulls off his backblast. I know pvp is way better with a premade, but I'm not always able to do that. I want to get full war hero gear but the game is just not being fun enough to do the daily grind to get it. Edited by manchusabre
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Can you blame anyone for leaving? This game is HORRIBLE.

How are the same 4 warzones for the past like 10 months over and over..."content"??


What this game is BEST for:

- Casual to UBER-casual solo players interested strictly themepark/spoon-fed content

- Immersing yourself in Class story (which i think is utterly horrible, tbh).

- Strictly PVE Guilds who do raids/operations

- Someone who has never played an MMO before and is too ignorant to know how bad this one is.



What this game is HORRIBLE for:

..Trying to do anything competitively

...PVP and ANYTHING related to it. (this includes forming pvp guilds, Open World PvP, and class balance, etc.)

...Crafting and a community of crafters (see below)

...Player to Player Uniqueness. This game has 0 diversity. Everyone looks the same. Little to NO appearance options.

...Having an ACTUAL MMO Community (can't even talk to the other faction). Hardly anyone knows any names of anyone else. (I dont even look at enemy names when I enage them, its so meaningless. Not like you can talk to them. I dont even know any good sith's names). Not really any incentive to seek anyone out for anything, as nothing crafted is unique so...

...Content Updates. SWG on life support in its last years had more content patches and updates than this brand new "mmo" has had thus far.

...Socializing. (see also: "No Community" above)

...Feeling Star Warsy and Iconic. Nothing about this game feels anything like the movies that we have all known and loved. This is just KOTOR online.....and its BAD.

...Liking anything Sandbox Related (no player housing, no world/object interactions available, no unique emotes and animations, no physical 3D objects :rolleyes: (just a 1/4" by 1/4" colored icon in your ''inventory'' that lets you know you have something)

...Creating your own content (see also: "No Community" above)

...walking around in a 'live' environment. There are no weather or day/night cycles. This game has over a dozen planets that you will never again see once you hit 50, with 0 incentive to ever go back to them. And when you are there post-50....they are just dead zones, that don't feel alive at all because hey guess what...no one else is there either.




This game is bad. And November's Free-To-Play announcement will make or break this game. Either they release 10 months of backed content that they have been sitting on now, just so they can release it for F2P and this game flourishes......or it goes F2P and continues to have 0 content and little to no content updates and it dies by January or February 2013 when its subscription status drops to 50k total subs.


then please unsub and stop posting on these forums if it is sooo horrible lol jeeeez some ppl just like to complain...how long did it take you to type up that rant? Do you feel better now? Most likely not.

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Came back to PvP on my alt, after significant 'work' had been done on it. Like the gear progression, don't mind grinding. Last week's patch took me from slowly but surely advancing back to stunlocked death about 80% of the time.


Subscription is good for a couple more months. No plan to renew at this point. Trying to explain to my gf who I'm getting in to MMO's why stuns have a place, other than the fast track to the spawn point.

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I'm still enjoying the heck out of the game. I would say the gear grind the last 2 months started to wear on me, started to feel like a job rather than entertainment.... But now that they're geared up, I enjoy playing, starting alts, and gradually gearing up the alts just through casual daily play.


I'm reasonably sure I will end up playing through all 8 story lines, and ideally get them all in war hero eventually. And yes, that should keep me pretty busy for months to come.

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......until your class story ends, and you realize there isn't anything to actually hunt or do because this game has 0 actual content past the story.


god I miss REAL Bounty Hunter, in SWG


Even in SWG, player content was vastly superior to the "revenge bounty" system. Also keep in mind that the SWG player bounties didn't take effect well into the second, if not third year if I remember correctly. At any rate, they weren't included at launch.

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