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What Did YOU WANT When you Bought This Game?


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Something between KOTOR 3 and the standard MMO format.


Can't say I'm disappointed. I'm fully enjoying the game.


edit: But, the game has been out for over a year, do we really need to have this discussion?

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I played during the beta, so I knew that SWTOR would be some kind of WoW in space... But do I wanted it to be that? No! Having played RIFT before, I hoped that BioWare might find a way to make dynamic content so that the world feel more alive. I hoped that later worlds might be more open to give me all I as an explorer could wish for. I hoped to see some awesome open world PvP. They failed on almost everything I would have liked. Sure, I found other things to enjoy, but it could have been so much more! Anyway, I have now GW2 to give me all the things that are important to me in an MMO and keep SWTOR still hoping the game might improve on those things.
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I was looking for a game that would combine the would have the nice RPG elements of Dragon Age Origons, with the cool atmosphere of Star Wars, with the some of the nice grouping dynamics that I enjoyed past MMOs like City of Heroes, Guild Wars, and Dark Age of Camelot.


In my estimation the game did well with the first two elements, but had some trouble on the third. Yes you could group etc. But grouping wasn't as easy or rewarding or for me fun as in my past MMOs. And this is for a variety of reasons. The need / vs. greed system was a detriment. The class story system (that I love) makes me less inclined to group in those areas because of bad experiences in the original guild wars where players tried to peer pressure you into skipping cut scenes. There are also just a lot mechanics issues. Like City of Heroes had a really nice chat, and invite system. You could teleport other players (if you took the TP power set) which was great for grouping. etc.


I think this game is good for grouping if you are willing to work at or invest in it. But unfortunately for me, I've been spoiled by the other games. For instance, it was not uncommon in City of Heroes, if you were getting a little bored with grinding and doing missions to get a friendly message from a player to his group and to have a great time socializing, getting a lot of loot (with a few deaths in between and a little death penalty) and lots of XP. With really no work on your part whats over. (Because of both the game culture and the game features etc.)

Edited by Addaib
grammar, typos
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I played during the beta, so I knew that SWTOR would be some kind of WoW in space... But do I wanted it to be that? No! Having played RIFT before, I hoped that BioWare might find a way to make dynamic content so that the world feel more alive. I hoped that later worlds might be more open to give me all I as an explorer could wish for. I hoped to see some awesome open world PvP. They failed on almost everything I would have liked. Sure, I found other things to enjoy, but it could have been so much more! Anyway, I have now GW2 to give me all the things that are important to me in an MMO and keep SWTOR still hoping the game might improve on those things.


That, but i haven’t bought gw2 yet. I hoped for different play styles than the old cup of tea... (tokens, dailies, raids with poor crafting, poor exploring, ordinary and boring)


Hopefully swtor will change because of F2P... for a couple of reasons..


NOBODY will pay for tokens, raids, dailys and warzones... They will see that, when the f2p begins, as people need a more open world online game, not to be maintained in just a couple of things.. So the only way to impliment stuff in swtor will be open world expansions.. additions.. To do more stuff... And they must always keep alive/active the f2p audience, So they can sale this expansions..


Hopefully this will make the game more interesting than raids, tokens and dailys. I dont have any problem with that, but you cant have only that!!!


I am very positive about it, because we see this marketing approach we the makeb expansion!... BIOware will release it after the f2p addition, also MAKEB is not A MAJOR expansion, its just 1 planet and 5 levels... That means, they know...


So what I need after f2p?


1) better crafting and more active and advanced economy...

2) A stadium or stadiums with arenas

3) less tokens.. More crafting, they can keep the tokens for the raids and wz

4) space stations, guild spacestations.. whatever (we have lots of great ideas, what to do with the spacestations).

5) open world pvp.. BUT I AM SURE.. f2p players will find their own path in the open world pvp.. because BIOWARE will restric warzones.. hehehehe

6) and many many more..


Bioware will fail with the F2P, if they ...


1) restric dramatically the game, just to force you pay...

2) they dont give lots of content, free or with a retail price...

3) they start ban people because they find different ways of joy.. Open world pvp for example..

4) and many many other things.. hehehe

Edited by Oyranos
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Simple. Straightforward. What did you want when you purchased SWTOR?



SWG 2.0?

WoW-style MMO?


Not calling any particular group out, just want to see where we stand as a community in what we want TOR to be.


KOTOR3, got it 8 times. Couldn't be happier.

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Simple. Straightforward. What did you want when you purchased SWTOR?



SWG 2.0?

WoW-style MMO?


Not calling any particular group out, just want to see where we stand as a community in what we want TOR to be.


None in particular. All I wanted was an MMO with a Star Wars theme (with lightsabers and iconic classes), with some innovations to the genre (nothing revolutionary or heavily evolutionary, as such thing often fail with the broader player base).


Each MMO is unique and has it's own merits and challenges, which is why I personally have adopted a play style of having several in my acitve play list at any given time.


Most MMOs copy/share some features (because you must stay somewhere in the familiarity zone for the player base, regardless of what the player based claims in contrast). No two MMOs are indentical, regardless the hyperbole given to suggest otherwise, or desires expressed by factions within the player base.

Edited by Andryah
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Simple. Straightforward. What did you want when you purchased SWTOR?



SWG 2.0?

WoW-style MMO?


Not calling any particular group out, just want to see where we stand as a community in what we want TOR to be.


As it is The Old Republic and from Bioware, of course it's a Kotor sequel...... And this is why I bought it. I'm not a SW fan, but for sure a Kotor one.

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I had a feature list that I wanted, not a specific game in mind. In my mind, they only achieved one of the features I wanted: class balance. There are, ofc, still imbalances, but they are far less than most MMOs.


What I specifically wanted was:


  • LOTRO stat / character complexity
  • Simplified-but-still-complicated SWG crafting
  • SWG Player Housing
  • DAoC RvRvR PvP
  • WAR Scenarios (pvp)
  • LOTRO Social stuff (player music, fishing, cosmetics etc)
  • Strong community
  • Star Wars feel
  • Class balance
  • I really, truely, wanted to be able to make an impact on the world.


TOR made an attempt at each of these things, but basically failed. This game is soooo dumped down compared to LOTRO that I can't believe it (lotro is aimed at casuals). The pvp, whilst there, is meaningless and repetitive. The social aspect is flat out missing. Crafting is pointless. It doesn't even feel like Star Wars as most of us know it!


However, its still Star Wars (even if it is a borked version of it) and there aren't any credible alternatives for me right now. So, I'm still here, with my friends, waiting for the next MMO to disappoint me :D

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can I ask you something... How do you imagine the housing in swtor..


just enter a small space and stay still? because it sounds borring... Can you please analyse your housing statement.. also you can suggest it if its good to the suggestion box.


They could implement for example small villages... clans.. something bigger than guild (thats innovative).. And other clans go and destroy, attack and defend.. create black markets inside, etc... Just an idea.. create aliances and enemies.. But is it hard?


An other idea... Better crafting so we can create our own druids.. So its home will have a druid as a bank and as vendor.. so we sell stuff 24 hours per day... And its time we speak to our druid, it gives us our earnings..

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can I ask you something... How do you imagine the housing in swtor..


just enter a small space and stay still? because it sounds borring... Can you please analyse your housing statement.. also you can suggest it if its good to the suggestion box.


Swtor housing could be our ship. Few models to choose from, inside of the ship could be fully modifiable, colored and decorated. And it could be used in X-wing style space combat!


Would be cool to fly into combat with your house! And dock on guild frigates.

Edited by Ameepa
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