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Size of Makeb (map)?


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I would have no problem having Makeb being a medium-sized planet, spread out with all areas reachable only through transit points (like taxis or a train system). Something like Corellia or Nar Shaddaa, but slightly larger.


That way content can be added through additional zones reachable by new transit lines (novel idea) or new instances accessible via shuttle or door (a la Black Hole).

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1) It doesn't say anywhere Makeb will be a payed expansion, although it is almost certain f2p players will have to buy it


2) It doesn't say anywhere that the new level cap will be + 5 levels (55) that is an idea that has been floated around the forums but it has not been confirmed. There are also rumors of it being +2 (52) so don't assume now and be disappointed later


So from what we have been told about the new level cap/planet (nothing) we can guess Makeb will be either as small as Korriban or bigger than Hoth which really narrows things down for you :p

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Wow! Those are all YOUR words, not mine. I never said anything you've written and if you reply to me again with such blatant lies, I'll report you. I said your expectations are too high and they'll never be met. Lower them.


calm down a little, you said my expectations are too high, but all I expect is that BW does exactly what they said and announced.

Check out your OWN implications, I only translated them how your reply sounds. You sound like you believe nothing BW said, and EA is not further interested into real game improvements. I don't agree with you, that is all. You want to report opinions? Go ahead...

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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The comments made by Jeff Hickman interview here: http://www.swtor-life.com/video/the-future-of-swtor-jeff-hickman-interview/7112/

It is definitely still for discussion whether we sell that to the subscriber or the subscriber gets that for free because it is a big beefy chunk of content.

My two cents - I'll pay for this content via my Cartel Coins if I've enough issued on day one. I'm not willing to part with more money after spending $15 a month for months on end waiting for content updates.


Sorry Bioware - I love the game :), but would join the ranks of those not willing to pay $15 a month or pay for new content. Survey input would be "Not worth the $15 a month" not that I wanted F2P instead. IE: I'd most likely bail from SWTOR after a great run. (Not interested in F2P)

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calm down a little, you said my expectations are too high, but all I expect is that BW does exactly what they said and announced.

Check out your OWN implications, I only translated them how your reply sounds. You sound like you believe nothing BW said, and EA is not further interested into real game improvements. I don't agree with you, that is all. You want to report opinions? Go ahead...


I am calm, but please, don't ever imply I said such things.


I believe what I see at this point from Bioware, nothing more. I'm not being a jerk by suggesting you temper your expectations, I'm trying to save you from future frustration. Bioware has a track record of delivering less than expected.


I LOVE hearing your opinion too! I will not have you misquoting me though :)

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northrend? *** is that?


anyways, if they want me to pay for makeb, the map better be Hoth x10 especially if it involve lvl cap raise, otherwise they should make an additional planet beside makeb and reduce the size a bit.


Hmm. I like small planets. I hate walking so much, getting lost, waiting for friends.


My perfect planet is one where the "size" is based on how many events there are, people it contains, or secrets there are to find. Not by the actual size. If they give us a huge planet with nothing to do on it but a couple of new missions, and no one is around to group up with... that would suck a lot more for me.


Isn't quality better than quantity?


But to each his own.

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I know this is off topic here. But is "....." after every frickin sentence the new thing or something?


Whatever happened to periods?


"I don't know.......it's like the size of Hoth maybe........that would be cool........"


Can somebody maybe tell me what the ... means when people say it after EVERYTHING? I can understand after some, but after everything


Is it something like you have a running thought in your mind while typing and not really done but just done for now? Or what?

Edited by Sarfux
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I know this is off topic here. But is "....." after every frickin sentence the new thing or something?


Whatever happened to periods?


"I don't know.......it's like the size of Hoth maybe........that would be cool........"


Can somebody maybe tell me what the ... means?


Is it something like you have a running thought in your mind while typing and not really done but just done for now? Or what?

It's a virtual "pause". Meant to inflect some sort of personality into otherwise boring text.

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It's a virtual "pause". Meant to inflect some sort of personality into otherwise boring text.


I meant when people do it after everything. Are they just overdoing it? Say for instance.


"I really enjoyed Hoth.....I mean....it was so great. I loved it....it was cool. "


That's too much lol. I do it sometimes, I was just wondering why some do it after every sentence? Is it just habit maybe? Just the way they type?

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I meant when people do it after everything. Are they just overdoing it? Say for instance.


"I really enjoyed Hoth.....I mean....it was so great. I loved it....it was cool. "



Perhaps it´s only William Shatner posting :D


But then it would be more like: " I really enjoyed.....Hoth I mean it...was.... so great. I loved.. it, it was cool"

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I meant when people do it after everything. Are they just overdoing it? Say for instance.


"I really enjoyed Hoth.....I mean....it was so great. I loved it....it was cool. "


That's too much lol. I do it sometimes, I was just wondering why some do it after every sentence? Is it just habit maybe? Just the way they type?


Hmmm...now that you mention it, I do see that happening more and more. Yeah...not sure on that tbh. I use it a lot myself, but only as a 'pause' to the reader.

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I know this is off topic here. But is "....." after every frickin sentence the new thing or something?


Whatever happened to periods?


"I don't know.......it's like the size of Hoth maybe........that would be cool........"


Can somebody maybe tell me what the ... means when people say it after EVERYTHING? I can understand after some, but after everything


Is it something like you have a running thought in your mind while typing and not really done but just done for now? Or what?


LOL! Really?.........


Yeah. I'm guilty of that too

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