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That doesn't mean you shld nix groups in WZ's though. If anything, it should encourage grouping, not encouraging solo only. This is a group oriented game, with the option of playing solo (in wz's) if you prefer to be anti-social. But if you prefer that route, you shouldn't QQ that it's unfair either.



This exactly. As I've stated in other threads, the game has been out for nearly a year. At this point, those who are solo queueing have actively given up their right to QQ about "unfair teams" simply because they are now CHOOSING to avoid any sort of premade group composition on their part.


I form "premades" all the time. Solo queue, then identify three other competent players in the warzone. Once the warzone is over, offer to group with them and queue together. Problem solved. it ensures that you not only have 3 other decent players on your team, but also greatly decreases the chances of having a team of morons (by nearly 50%!).

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That doesn't mean you shld nix groups in WZ's though. If anything, it should encourage grouping, not encouraging solo only. This is a group oriented game, with the option of playing solo (in wz's) if you prefer to be anti-social. But if you prefer that route, you shouldn't QQ that it's unfair either.


So once your in the WZ...your with 7 other people, and against 8 more...and this makes you anti-Social? Its still Multiplayer....Your not being anti social...Your queing for a WZ with a specific dynamic...with a bunch of other people. If you want team based PvP go hit the Ranked button....If you want Randomness hit the Normal button...Thats what Im advocating. I play both...When I want team play...I want to play against a team...I hit the ranked button....When I want solo Play I hit normal....and then sometimes I get hit with a premade...and oh well.


MMO's are multiplayer in the sense that your on the same server....No where does it say this is a game where you must always 100% of the time play with a bunch of your friends....It doesnt...read the box!


You can choose to solo que a WZ and not be anti social...Such a funny arguement. Its a Massive Multiplayer Online Game....It doesnt say they are all playing together!

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Fair enough. IMO, I don't think PvP ops should be any different than PvE ops. Players should be encouraged to find a team that balances out what they're trying to achieve, and this shouldn't be different in either aspect. WZ's have the ability to solo que though, and with that option, comes pains to overcome if you prefer solo. I guess I just don't think "forming group for regular wz's, PST" is that difficult, nor making a few friends or joining a guild. I think it would benefit everyone if groups were mandatory for WZ's, as opposed to solo only. Perhaps an IG voice comms, which is optional and a solid LF group WZ tool would help. Just never found it hard to group is all. /shrug


Here is the Rub....Your operating under the assumption that people want regulars to be single queue only because they cant find friends or unwilling to find 3 other people. Im operating under the idea that I want Normals to be single queue so that I have a choice to not queue with my friends if I dont feel like it...and not be forced against premade groups in an unrated environment....We have a place for preform teams...that choice is present..its called Ranked WZ's...We do not however have an environment where we can hit a WZ at random and not be forced against a premade team...Its about choice not peoples social behavior.

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So once your in the WZ...your with 7 other people, and against 8 more...and this makes you anti-Social? Its still Multiplayer....Your not being anti social...Your queing for a WZ with a specific dynamic...with a bunch of other people. If you want team based PvP go hit the Ranked button....If you want Randomness hit the Normal button...Thats what Im advocating. I play both...When I want team play...I want to play against a team...I hit the ranked button....When I want solo Play I hit normal....and then sometimes I get hit with a premade...and oh well.


MMO's are multiplayer in the sense that your on the same server....No where does it say this is a game where you must always 100% of the time play with a bunch of your friends....It doesnt...read the box!


You can choose to solo que a WZ and not be anti social...Such a funny arguement. Its a Massive Multiplayer Online Game....It doesnt say they are all playing together!


Groups are working as intended. No other way to explain that to you. You can either choose to form a group, or don't.


If you look under the Sith teachings in the scrolls of uber leet lawds, rule # 2 is group with other Sith, it is the true nature of the force. I promise!



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With every balance change comes an influx of premades. Not to roll pugs, but to gear their alts and FOTM's. It's the nature of gear based MMO's and will always continue.


This is what guild mates are for.



P.S. There is no crying in SWtOR

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Groups are working as intended. No other way to explain that to you. You can either choose to form a group, or don't.


If you look under the Sith teachings in the scrolls of uber leet lawds, rule # 2 is group with other Sith, it is the true nature of the force. I promise!




So your qouting the "Rule of Two" as your rebuttle? The rule that basically insighted Darth Bane to wipe out all other sith besides Himself...Thats your basis to confirm 4 man premades in Normals? Really?


A rule based on the individual housing the concentrated power of the Dark Side....One that has the Power and one to crave it.....Not a good refference at all...It was totally about the Individual.

Edited by Soljin
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Make ranked pvp a 4 man queue(two groups of 4) option and let normal wz's be single only. Problem solved.


I already know what the backward thinkers will say so I'll try to address issues for them.


"I run with 4 friends, I shouldn't need to get 4 more people to do PVP."

Make more friends, kinda the suggestion you give to casuals, right?


"I don't like getting owned over and over by a 8 man premade, it's not fair and balanced."

Make more friends and get better since you lack the skill. The suggestion you give to casuals right?


"I'm just bad at pvp that's why I don't queue up for ranked pvp"

At least you can admit it.


"I only queue up for normal wz's because it's easy comms and I win all the time, ranked is too tough"

Ah the truth is finally out!


Gear> Skill

Premade > Puggers


Respond at your own peril.


... and if ranked queue NEVER pops on my server (or only after a two-hour wait) then what? Should I just give up on playing PvP with friends?


Cross-server queueing and matchmaking based on gear are good ideas. Making normal warzones single only is utterly retarded.

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... and if ranked queue NEVER pops on my server (or only after a two-hour wait) then what? Should I just give up on playing PvP with friends?


Cross-server queueing and matchmaking based on gear are good ideas. Making normal warzones single only is utterly retarded.


Actually before you insult anymore mentally challenged folks....Taking group Queue out of Normals would increase ranked queue's....All the people that wont PvP solo could just hit Ranked...especially if they placed a 4man mating system so two 4mans could be placed together in Ranked.

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So your qouting the "Rule of Two" as your rebuttle? The rule that basically insighted Darth Bane to wipe out all other sith besides Himself...Thats your basis to confirm 4 man premades in Normals? Really?


A rule based on the individual housing the concentrated power of the Dark Side....One that has the Power and one to crave it.....Not a good refference at all...It was totally about the Individual.


My sides hurt, lol.

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I have a dream that one day this server will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all advanced classes are created equal."


I have a dream that one day on the dusty hills of Tatooine, the sons of former jedi and the sons of former sith will be able to sit down together at the fleet of brotherhood.


I have a dream that one day even the planet Correllia, a planet sweltering with the heat of ganking, sweltering with the heat of farming, will be transformed into an oasis of credits and commendations.


I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a galaxy where they will not be judged by the color of their light saber but by the content of their legacy perks.


I have a dream today!


I have a dream that one day, down in Alderaan, with its vicious womp rats, with its emporer having his lips dripping with the words of "nerf" and "over powered" -- one day right there in Alderaan little sith boys and sith girls will be able to join hands with little jedi boys and jedi girls as sisters and brothers.


I have a dream today!


I have a dream that one day every class shall be balanced, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the empire shall be revealed and all shall see it together.


This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the fleet with.


You literally took the words out of my mouth.. I was just about to start in on my I have a dream.. that PT's will be respected, and not called FOTM. "sniffle"

Edited by Letallis
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You literally took the words out of my mouth.. I was just about to start in on my I have a dream.. that PT's will be respected, and not called FOTM. "sniffle"


LOL... I'm glad I wasn't the only one that thought it was funny. :D


It's all I could think about when I read the OP. :D

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Actually before you insult anymore mentally challenged folks....Taking group Queue out of Normals would increase ranked queue's....All the people that wont PvP solo could just hit Ranked...especially if they placed a 4man mating system so two 4mans could be placed together in Ranked.


It's still a stupid idea. People with friends should be able to enjoy some PvP together. Ranked is a competitive environment, not everyone likes that but most people like to queue with a friend or two for some normal warzone fun. Taking that away because some people whine about losing... it would be the biggest mistake ever made in the history of MMO management.

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It's still a stupid idea. People with friends should be able to enjoy some PvP together. Ranked is a competitive environment, not everyone likes that but most people like to queue with a friend or two for some normal warzone fun. Taking that away because some people whine about losing... it would be the biggest mistake ever made in the history of MMO management.



Haha! I like how everything is so extreme with your posts...But, you make a good point. Its difficult to think of a plan where a couple folks can hang out together for some causal PvP vs. Elite WH 4man teams que'ing for Normals so they can dominate other players...But hey it was worth a shot.


Thinking about it now there just really isnt enough PvP variety in this game...I guess thats what really bothers me...What I wouldnt give for an Alterac Valley type WZ just to change things up...The same 8vs8 crap is getting old.

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I must be very special then.


With full BM I can beat a lot of full WH and a bunch of WH+aug.


I remember back in 1.2, b4 the server merge, 7 Pugs and I beating the self proclamed best PvP Guild team (Empire side) 3 times the same day.


I know a full recruit wont beat a WH. Its like asking a lvl 40 to beat a lvl 50 full recruit gear. But you can beat any1 if you have a competitive gear


Well I'm glad you agree with me that Gear> Skill, since you admit that recruit stands no chance against a WH geared player. I'm not gonna say you don't hold high standards to certain groups but when someone proclaims something, especially in a MMO, it doesn't have much credibility.


You are correct though, with the right gear you can stand a chance. Hence the problem we face now, not everyone can fight back in PVP on a competitive level. So I hope this gets fixed sooner rather than later.

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It's still a stupid idea. People with friends should be able to enjoy some PvP together. Ranked is a competitive environment, not everyone likes that but most people like to queue with a friend or two for some normal warzone fun. Taking that away because some people whine about losing... it would be the biggest mistake ever made in the history of MMO management.


I love how you call people out about "whining about losing" when you are given a easy way to enjoy PVP...ranked pvp. You don't want to do ranked because sometimes you want to have fun. Which translate to: You lose a lot in competitive pvp so you rather farm recruit geared people and feel better about yourself.


Thanks for admitting the type of PVP you are, also thanks for being bad at posting coherent thoughts.

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Bad idea. Ranked warzones are dead. What youre suggesting is that people with friends should have to wait up to 18 hours(from the end of prime time to the start of it) to even have a chance at playing a warzone.


Since all the 4 man premades are signing up for regular wz's instead of ranked. Gee I wonder why ranked is dead.


Hold on, lets get sherlock holmes on this one.


You guys crack me up.


"You saying I shouldn't play with my friends?"

How about you play with your friends with other people playing with their friends! Oh wait...that's not gonna be fun is it?


You make it too easy.

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