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Please, learn from other games


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God mode gear is a loser for the game, it been shown time and time again to be the case...but because of greed or aloofness the devs/company, they want you to do a serious grind for three months to even be competitive.


You created an awesome custom gear system that would of at least made player more competitive faster if you implemented it into pvp by offering mods vs. gear sets, plus the side benefit of not looking like everyone else in pvp.


you have to grind WZ for 14 to 15 games to get one piece of BM just to still get face-rolled in a full set by WH, I personally feel the hill is much to long and boring to climb as I have seen this system kill pvp in other games, and not too sure I want to do it again just to have the devs change it right after I grind it out and having no fun doing so.

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God mode gear is a loser for the game, it been shown time and time again to be the case...but because of greed or aloofness the devs/company, they want you to do a serious grind for three months to even be competitive.


You created an awesome custom gear system that would of at least made player more competitive faster if you implemented it into pvp by offering mods vs. gear sets, plus the side benefit of not looking like everyone else in pvp.


you have to grind WZ for 14 to 15 games to get one piece of BM just to still get face-rolled in a full set by WH, I personally feel the hill is much to long and boring to climb as I have seen this system kill pvp in other games, and not too sure I want to do it again just to have the devs change it right after I grind it out and having no fun doing so.


LOL I would have killed to be able to play 15 games and get a piece of BM gear when I grinded it out. But if it takes you that long you are doing something wrong you get 100 coms just from the daily that takes 4 loses to complete and then about 60-100 coms per lose

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LOL I would have killed to be able to play 15 games and get a piece of BM gear when I grinded it out. But if it takes you that long you are doing something wrong you get 100 coms just from the daily that takes 4 loses to complete and then about 60-100 coms per lose


what are you talking about.....yeah 60 maybe in recruit gear, 80 sometimes if you are not rolled. average the cost of a BM piece of gear and its about 1400 - daily = 1300 and even at 80 coms, that is 16.25 losses per piece if you do it all in the same day.


So lets say it takes 20 min per game, which it does with queue time......that is about 5 hours 25 min of grinding per piece @ 14 pieces that around 75 hours of not fun to still be under geared.

Edited by Hexdoll
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When i did the bag grind i got four bags with the same piece of gear....lol...... last night i did about 6 RWZ's and got a piece of WH's it's really not that hard.


while i did think it was stupid for people to get recruit expecially for people like me that leveled up by only pvping... i was able to get 5 pieces of bm as a fresh 50 so it really wasn't that bad.

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what are you talking about.....yeah 60 maybe in recruit gear, 80 sometimes if you are not rolled. average the cost of a BM piece of gear and its about 1400 - daily = 1300 and even at 80 coms, that is 16.25 losses per piece if you do it all in the same day.


So lets say it takes 20 min per game, which it does with queue time......that is about 5 hours 25 min of grinding per piece @ 14 pieces that around 75 hours of not fun to still be under geared.


Chest 1400

Legs 975

Head 1050

Gloves 875

Boots 875

Belts 625

Bracers 525

Ear 625

Implant 625

Implant 625

Offhand 1100

Mainhand 1700

Relic 525

Relic 525


Sorry but you only have two items over 1400coms adn 4 over 1000. And you will not lose every game. I dont care what anyone says. I got my boots in under two hours last night on an alt.

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wow OP must've been terribad at getting gear based on other people's replies


No...its people don't pay attention before gear cost much less and most of then grinded it out at that time. back when you could only bank 1000 wz coms

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OMG OP! You exaggerate quite a lot! 14-15 games for one piece of BM?


I like PvP but I don't think it's a center piece of the game so I usually make 1 daily per week (maybe a bit more) prior to 1.4 (when you needed 6 games) and I am in FULL BM and didn't get to 50 that long ago.


It's more like 3-4 games for 1 piece and 6-8 for the really expensive ones.

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