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My friends are logged in and they say...


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Today , 07:00 PM


It is rather disappointing when it comes to developers saying, watch your emails. So you got hundreds and thousands of people refreashing multiple pages hoping for an invite. Its like asking a person to look in the sky, but not telling them for what.


You will get up to 5 days early access, people flame that , then add 2 days, and people still start to get more upset. Just during the 2nd last beta, i remeber 750,000 people getting invited to the stress test and how it went. Invites for just a tiny fraction of that watching the servers. Do you really expect the servers to act that much differently when you all crammed 750K+ people over 2 days.


People also seem to forget as well, they may of added 2 days of head start, to make people look the other way to the Promised Grace Period. Everyones attention is so hell bend on waves that they dont see the false information that was provided over several months about how a grace period will be allowed.


Wave wave wave, if people really want to flare, then u got to have those invited mention what day they pre-ordered if they get an invite, so those who didnt get in, know what day, and month they are up to.

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Also dividing the player base. Sorry but I want to start with all my guild members. Not have one or more of them 10 levels above or behind me. Split all because we pre-ordered and got our codes on different days. Some the fault of retailers like Best Buy.


Good thing there isn't any realm first stuff or I would be really pissed.


You can't wait until everyone gets in? Why the rush? Sorry, but this complaint has no merit to me.

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They're definitely going too far, one person reported 16 people on his entire server. I'm not advocating that I be pushed up to the front of the line, but I would like to see this line speed up, especially since I have multiple friends online right now who I can clearly see on livestream walking around zones that are entirely devoid of other players.


The concert isn't full yet, lets get this show on the road.

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I'm surprised there are as many people as there are playing right now. It is a weekday after all...people should have jobs. hahaha.


It's not a weekday, it's a national holiday, or might as well be for anyone who preordered this game the minute it went up for preorders. If I was at work and got my email telling me I could play I'd spontaneously come down with the "flu" and be home in 5 minutes if I didn't get multiple speeding tickets on the way.

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I'm not complaining or whining, just discussing.


I love how this disclaimer is now necessary. Saying anything that could even be remotely possibly interpreted as some sort of criticism of the launch and early access draws endless and immediate lecturing posts by self-righteous sermonizers chiding people for daring to express their disappointment. It seems like over half the complaining and whining I've seen today has been people whining about all the supposed whiners.


That said, I'm cancelling my pre-order, filing a class action lawsuit, and occupying SWTOR immediately.

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...that the starting worlds are very underpopulated compared to the previous beta weekends. O_o



Looks like a lot of folks haven't even gotten a chance to take advantage of their early access.


It's highly unlikely that you have friends.

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It's a Tuesday.. most MMOs are played by adults that either work or have school (college).. the beta weekends were on days that virtually no one had to work or be in class, so it stands to reason that "most" of those with early invites are at work or class.. college kids will be coming in throughout the day, and working people will be getting on around 5pm their time. The servers will be jammed up this evening and into late night, just watch..
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...that the starting worlds are very underpopulated compared to the previous beta weekends. O_o



Looks like a lot of folks haven't even gotten a chance to take advantage of their early access.


A lot of people (myself included) had to work today. It's killing me to be at this desk right now...


But wait until around 5-6pm and I think you'll see the starting areas MUCH more populated.



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Underpopulated starting worlds is good, when I logged in to the stress test as it started there were hundreds of people in the Tython Masters retreat and the lag was incredible, had to go spend an hour creating a sith warrior and doing a few quests before going back to my knight just so it would be playable.
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It's not a weekday, it's a national holiday, or might as well be for anyone who preordered this game the minute it went up for preorders. If I was at work and got my email telling me I could play I'd spontaneously come down with the "flu" and be home in 5 minutes if I didn't get multiple speeding tickets on the way.


And not everyone at work has access to email, or can just walk off the job on a moment's notice. And some people would rather not risk their job for a game.. just because you would (or have the luxury of being able to leave) doesn't mean the vast majority of people out there do.. or would behave the same way as you.

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...that the starting worlds are very underpopulated compared to the previous beta weekends. O_o



Looks like a lot of folks haven't even gotten a chance to take advantage of their early access.


Less than 3% of preorders have been allowed access its bs.

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I am watching a guildies livestream... near empty zones *** is this?



How about we let no one in and then the servers will have AWSOME performance!



best launch ever!


You do realize the zones are instanced right? Only so many players per instance.

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*looks at clock*


It's not even primetime yet...


It is here Europe (20:30 CET) and the EU servers are far from full!


They are way too cautious and this is gonna backfire at them big time! Especially if they really plan to stop after wave 5!

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