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@ BioWare: Is the population wrong or did Marauders Need Buffs & Mercs Nerfs?


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No need to explain all the changes for these 2 classes, it's all in the patch notes.


So if a moderator would care to elaborate if the warrior class needed another spec buffed while mercenary class getting almost no positive change/nerf based on the data you have collected, or is it a simple case of the population not understanding the proper playstyle or talent spec that needs to be played in order to be effective in pvp?



Concerned Frequent PvPer (With Both a Valor 100 Mercenary & Marauder)

Edited by DkSharktooth
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Warriors will keep recieving buffs untill they kill any other class just by looking in their gneral direction. They will also recieve another 5 defensive cooldowns, especially marauders, marauders allways need more buffs.


"facetank" bad, "use all your skills" good. There is no OP class just OP players. That is all thank you.


So why does a marauder have such strong defensive cooldowns that said marauder can facetank every other class and no class can facetank a marauder, which basically because of those cooldowns and the damage output is a tank and dps in one ?

Edited by SajPl
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Warriors will keep recieving buffs untill they kill any other class just by looking in their gneral direction. They will also recieve another 5 defensive cooldowns, especially marauders, marauders allways need more buffs.


Yet our best defensive cool down just got nerfed by 1 second.

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No need to explain all the changes for these 2 classes, it's all in the patch notes.


So if a moderator would care to elaborate if the warrior class needed another spec buffed while mercenary class getting almost no positive change/nerf based on the data you have collected, or is it a simple case of the population not understanding the proper playstyle or talent spec that needs to be played in order to be effective in pvp.



Concerned Frequent PvPer (With Both a Valor 100 Mercenary & Marauder)


Yeah, I'd kinda like to know what's going on here too.


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So why does a marauder have such strong defensive cooldowns that said marauder can facetank every other class and no class can facetank a marauder, which basically because of those cooldowns and the damage output is a tank and dps in one ?


If you knew how to play and stay at ranged you'd know a marauder can't face tank every other class. You'd know a sniper counters us pretty hard.

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If you knew how to play and stay at ranged you'd know a marauder can't face tank every other class. You'd know a sniper counters us pretty hard.


the problem with that is you cant jump to snipers but u sure as h3ll can jump to any other ranged class. so enlighten everyone how to stay at range when a) ranged classes are turrets and b) stay out of the way from being jumped to while we are being a turret

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the problem with that is you cant jump to snipers but u sure as h3ll can jump to any other ranged class. so enlighten everyone how to stay at range when a) ranged classes are turrets and b) stay out of the way from being jumped to while we are being a turret


Don't bother. He plays a Marauder, and by default, has zero understanding of what it's like to do anything but godmode on an OP class.


On the same note, It should be obvious to anyone which direction this game is going. It's melee-centric. Even the hybrid range class (PT/Vanguard) has been nerfed into melee range with 1.4. If you want to play a ranged class in PvP, play a Sniper. It's the only viable option.

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Don't bother. He plays a Marauder, and by default, has zero understanding of what it's like to do anything but godmode on an OP class.


On the same note, It should be obvious to anyone which direction this game is going. It's melee-centric. Even the hybrid range class (PT/Vanguard) has been nerfed into melee range with 1.4. If you want to play a ranged class in PvP, play a Sniper. It's the only viable option.


lol true. its ok bw can keep driving the game into the ground and maybe after they are under 100k subs they will start to wonder why everyone left.

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the problem with that is you cant jump to snipers but u sure as h3ll can jump to any other ranged class. so enlighten everyone how to stay at range when a) ranged classes are turrets and b) stay out of the way from being jumped to while we are being a turret


Learn to kite them.

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only brought it up because he thinks that everyone needs to learn how to play when he doesn't even play a ranged class and he cant jump to snipers and melt them like he can with every other class.


So you don't like that we can jump to you..... But you do like that you can shoot melee from 30m? O


Okay... then how about this you take away our jump and give us a pull?


No that would not be ideal for you either because its a gap closer and you don't want us to have one.


So what would your solution be?

Edited by Dacer
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So you don't like that we can jump to you..... But you do like that you can shoot melee from 30m? O


Okay... then how about this you take away our jump and give up a pull?


No that would not be ideal for you either because its a gap closer and you don't want us to have one.


So what would your solution be?


the cooldown on your jump should be much longer than it is PERIOD.a gap closer on that short of a cd with that much burst is just r3tarded and bw is to r3tarded to see it.... everyone else does. i have a 12 sec shield that reduces dmg by 25% of course marauders have 2 bubbles can stealth, a w.t.f. moment and reduce dmg by 90% for 5 sec now? so my 30m doesn't mean sh*t when you jump to me interrupting what i am casting/channeling. can't kite because we have to be standing still. so tell me what else should you be able to do? maybe fly around? maybe we could give you a 2 minute companion in pvp that does 10 million dmg per second to every enemy you can see? is that enough for you?

Edited by Slicktime
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the cooldown on your jump should be much longer than it is PERIOD.a gap closer on that short of a cd with that much burst is just r3tarded and bw is to r3tarded to see it.... everyone else does. i have a 12 sec shield that reduces dmg by 25% of course marauders have 2 bubbles can stealth, a w.t.f. moment and reduce dmg by 90% for 5 sec now? so my 30m doesn't mean sh*t when you jump to me interrupting what i am casting/channeling. can't kite because we have to be standing still. so tell me what else should you be able to do? maybe fly around? maybe we could give you a 2 minute companion in pvp that does 10 million dmg per second to every enemy you can see? is that enough for you?


It just shows how much you don't really know about the class. Force Charge has Burst ? my force charge does 600-800 damage. My basic rage builder does more damage.

and stealth..... lol its force camo and it only lasts a few seconds.


I gave you a chance to give a reasonable solution and all you did was reply in a rant.

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It just shows how much you don't really know about the class. Force Charge has Burst ? my force charge does 600-800 damage. My basic rage builder does more damage.

and stealth..... lol its force camo and it only lasts a few seconds.


I gave you a chance to give a reasonable solution and all you did was reply in a rant.


do you know how to read? i didn't say your force charge is the burst... im saying you have to much burst and to many tools to stay within range. EVERYBODY ELSE KNOWS IT. all you are doing here is defending your op class and you look ridiculous doing it. oh bw oh bw please oh please don't make it a fair fight against the other classes. thats how you look. it doesn't matter how long force camo lasts... ITS USEABLE AND IT IS STILL RIDICULOUS TO HAVE.

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Having played a marauder since beta I can say yes they did need to buff that tree slightly.


at release the only viable spec was anni



the other two were simply broken


1.2 fixed carnage and largely ignored the third


now the third is fixed.


next few patches marauders should largely be ignored by the devs and they will begin to focus on another class.


marauders are not unkillable, and in fact we can be rather easily countered if you pay attention.

stuns are our bane, we only have one breaker with a big cooldown so stun us, and kite us. stay at 15 m or so unless its an anni marauder. they have the short jump if it's specced.

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Having played a marauder since beta I can say yes they did need to buff that tree slightly.


at release the only viable spec was anni



the other two were simply broken


1.2 fixed carnage and largely ignored the third


now the third is fixed.


next few patches marauders should largely be ignored by the devs and they will begin to focus on another class.


marauders are not unkillable, and in fact we can be rather easily countered if you pay attention.

stuns are our bane, we only have one breaker with a big cooldown so stun us, and kite us. stay at 15 m or so unless its an anni marauder. they have the short jump if it's specced.


what a coincidence. i only have 1 stun. since slows and roots ignore resolve that really doesn't help any one to get away from marauders. so again marauders are given everything to keep people within range with a short cd on force charge.

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...a gap closer on that short of a cd with that much burst...


I can read just fine.


do you know how to read? i didn't say your force charge is the burst... im saying you have to much burst and to many tools to stay within range. EVERYBODY ELSE KNOWS IT. all you are doing here is defending your op class and you look ridiculous doing it. oh bw oh bw please oh please don't make it a fair fight against the other classes. thats how you look. it doesn't matter how long force camo lasts... ITS USEABLE AND IT IS STILL RIDICULOUS TO HAVE.


I'm not trying to say, "oh bw oh bw please oh please don't make it a fair fight against the other classes" because bioware has already said that marauders are preforming within their intended range.


I see good players counter marauders all the time. I'm sorry you are not counted among those people.

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I can read just fine.




I'm not trying to say, "oh bw oh bw please oh please don't make it a fair fight against the other classes" because bioware has already said that marauders are preforming within their intended range.


I see good players counter marauders all the time. I'm sorry you are not counted among those people.


i know there are better players than i am. but it still doesn't change the fact that marauders are op and my commando is seriously lacking in tools to defeat them. just because bw says "working as intended" means nothing. everyone knows they are op. you still are not listening to a word i am saying. go roll something else that is considered underpowered if you are so great.

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Commandos got a pretty sizeable buff to the Assault tree, or is everyone just reading patch notes and not even playing? Assault Plastique and Sticky Grenade no longer share a cooldown, which is a decent buff to both overall damage while mobile and to burst.
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i know there are better players than i am. but it still doesn't change the fact that marauders are op and my commando is seriously lacking in tools to defeat them. just because bw says "working as intended" means nothing. everyone knows they are op. you still are not listening to a word i am saying. go roll something else that is considered underpowered if you are so great.


I didn't say I was great. I'm actually just a pretty average marauder player. Commandos have the tools to counter a marauder. Not to mention can get a bubble that makes then uninterpretable.


I played a marauder when they were Underpowered; Damage was subpar, a number of abilities didnt work correctly, and there were a few talents that didnt apply their correct damage increases and multipliers.


The fact is marauders are not overpowered. But they do counter some class more effectively than others. Stealth classes and snipers can destory all but the most pro-marauder players.

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