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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Quality of Life Improvements in Game Update 1.4


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I like every one of these improvements. The Group Finder teleport was especially annoying for flashpoints that leave you on Ilum, which takes a fair bit longer to load than the fleet. The option to return to where you left from will be a huge time saver. Annoying to have just landed in the Black Hole, or even burned your priority transport, to have group finder pop 2 minutes later. Then you have to go the long way back... I've abandoned BH quests more than once because of this.


Delayed binding would have come in handy last week, when I accidentally bought the wrong set piece (Force Master instead of Force Mystic) with my Tionese comms. Oh well, I'll pull the mods and legacy ship them to another character I guess.

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For teleporting back to the area in which we were previously adventuring, would we need to deal the killing blow on a boss, or just the group kills one? If it's the former, healers are going to feel pretty cheated.


umm...huh? I'm pretty sure they mean when you are done with the op for fp you will be transported back. There's no easier way to say it.

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Still no word on chat bubbles, I assume? That would be a quality of life improvement - especially for us roleplayers. Right now it's almost impossible for me to keep track on a conversation with more than 3-4 people.

These changes are still nice though, just wish they would add the chatbubbles.

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This all looks great , the only real concern is if someone rolls need for an item in a group mission aren't they going to be tempted to leave party and sell said item within the 2 hours at the fleet ? Think carefully Bioware , because basically I know this change is supposed to improve group missions and get rid of a lot of the arguments that occur , but it seems like it might cause more arguments. Ninja looting w/e you want to call it.


As I have suggested before maybe just don't let people trade money on such items in that 2 hours ? Or something similar.


O and I second the chat bubbles , it's about time we had those , it what makes an mmorpg an mmorpg , in my eyes.





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These little things are certainly nice, I especially like the return of animated moods to the game. Too bad you haven't added animations to all the emotes that lack animations still - but it's a start.

I have to say that I honestly don't understand how any of the UI features listed in the article were a higher priority than must-have features like speech bubbles for the UI team.


Speech bubbles are a necessary, basic and industry-standard MMO feature for a great number of players, including but not limited to socializers and RPers and have been promised to be a high priority feature for launch and shortly thereafter and been promised that they were coming soon over and over again, the last time at the end of July. Yet we still don't get those and get puny little improvements for things that could be worked around already instead, without a real workaround for the lack of speech bubbles.


What's just as sad is that a wonderful, constructive thread about chat bubbles that has been around since launch hasn't gotten a single Bioware reply in all these months:




Doesn't Bioware understand how important a social feature like speech bubbles is in a MMO and has been for over 10 years? It really boggles my mind that a studio that prides themselves in creating the best RPGs doesn't grasp the concept of social roleplay in MMORPGs like the Old Republic. And then they wonder why they have been loosing subscriptions in masses since launch. Social interaction between players is the staple of MMORPGs, and Old Republic is sorely lacking those. It feels like a single player game with an optional multiplayer component slapped on it. A solid and robust chat system is the most important key to social interaction. Speech bubbles that can be toggled on and off are a huge part of it. Without it, MMOs feel lonely. It's like you're playing single player games with an IRC client running in the background. There is no way to feel truly immersed into the game with other players when you have to stare at the chat window instead of being able to keep your eyes on the world you try to immerse yourself in to communicate with other players. Especially the more casual players as well as socializers ande role-players are being repelled by the game because of the lack of this feature. Socializers and RPers are also the core group of any MMOs that keeps playing a game for many, many years, far longer than any PVPer or PVEer who will jump to the next big game in a heartbeat, no matter how much you cather to them. Socializers and RPers a more satisfyable bunch, provided the bare minimum of basic, industry standard tools and features are available to them - which TOR still hasn't provided after almost a year.


I advise that speech bubbles should be in the game in time for it to go free to play, otherwise you will never reach the audience you likely wish to reach by going free to play.

Edited by Cave
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After much discussion, design came up with a compromise that we think will work pretty well. Starting in Game update 1.4, when you leave the Flashpoint by any means, you will be offered a teleport back to your adventuring location IF you have killed at least one boss in that Flashpoint (or in some cases, hit a significant checkpoint). This will be presented in a menu – players can choose instead to jump to the entry of the Flashpoint (in case you want to just jump to the Fleet to repair, for example).

I'm really curious as to why this restriction on returning players to their starting locations is here at all. Is there a reason?


There are many times, especially at low levels, when the group can't kill the first boss for whatever reason, the group falls apart, and you're left stranded on Fleet. With this restriction still here, your only options are to 1) sit in queue forever waiting for a new group or 2) go through loading screen/speeder/run-to-wherever hell. It still leaves you with that moment when you're out in the middle of nowhere and the queue pops and you sit there and think, is it worth it? Nah. Decline.


Is there a reason? I'm at a loss to come up with one that makes sense, but perhaps I'm missing something.

Edited by iamthehoyden
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Hello everyone,


Please discuss this week's Quality of Life Improvements in Game Update 1.4 blog in this thread!




when will we be able to get the so called dual spec like wow or somthing els


its a great thing to special in ops...were u will be able to swap in to another specc quick and able to like have a tank spec and a dps at the same time or an pvp and a pve spec

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when will we be able to get the so called dual spec like wow or somthing els


its a great thing to special in ops...were u will be able to swap in to another specc quick and able to like have a tank spec and a dps at the same time or an pvp and a pve spec

there is a legacy perk that allows you to respec in the field, imo that is more then enough and makes a dual spec not needed.

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