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Consolidated Post: APAC/Oceanic Server Concerns


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Hey all,


This Saturday (3rd November) I'll be streaming on Twitch, to show just how difficult it is to play the game on the Asia Pacific servers, compared to the American servers.


I'll be creating Republic characters, one on Master Dar'Nala, the other on the American PvP Server The Bastion - and playing them both for 9 hours. The characters will only be leveled through Warzones, with no Legacy perks or upgrades.


Due to the time difference, both characters will be leveled on the same day, at the same local time of 2pm-11pm.


APAC Server Stream:

2pm-11pm AEDT, Saturday 3rd November

(8pm Friday - 5am PST Saturday 3rd November)


American Server Stream:

2pm-11pm PST, Saturday 3rd November

(8am-5pm AEDT, Sunday 4th November)


Still working out the finer details of everything, but the times are definite. We're sure to at least get some interesting stats out of it. I know pre-50 is getting more frequent pops than 50, but even so the population is still terribad and bound to have an effect. I have a 50 character on The Bastion and may do a similar experiment to show the difference in 50 pops.



Edited by Scorpiooooo
Incorrect times
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Only thing i'd add to this is that with f2p they will bring out paid character transfers with the result being many current players leaving APAC for higher pop servers before f2p makes any impact

Which is probably the reason why they don't have paid server transfers in the initial offering.

We shouldn't have to pay to fix a problem like low server pop.

I won't be abused like that.

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APAC is not just Australia. Thought you knew that.

That's debatable. It may not be just Australia, but it's mostly Australia. The Pings from SIngapore and HK are worse than to the US servers. I'm playing from Japan, and I don't often meet any non Aussies on the server.

I'd say 90% Australian/those living in Australia on the servers.

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Hey all,


This Saturday (3rd November) I'll be streaming on Twitch, to show just how difficult it is to play the game on the Asia Pacific servers, compared to the American servers.


I'll be creating Republic characters, one on Master Dar'Nala, the other on the American PvP Server The Bastion - and playing them both for 9 hours. The characters will only be leveled through Warzones, with no Legacy perks or upgrades.


Due to the time difference, both characters will be leveled on the same day, at the same local time of 2pm-Midnight.


APAC Server Stream:

2pm-11pm AEST, Saturday 3rd November

(8pm Friday - 4am PST Saturday 3rd November)


American Server Stream:

2pm-11pm PST, Saturday 3rd November

(8am-5pm AEST, Sunday 4th November)


Still working out the finer details of everything, but the times are definite. We're sure to at least get some interesting stats out of it. I know pre-50 is getting more frequent pops than 50, but even so the population is still terribad and bound to have an effect. I have a 50 character on The Bastion and may do a similar experiment to show the difference in 50 pops.



Please spread this out there because it seems like EAWare does NOT care! :(

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I just got off the phone with customer support requesting some sort of transfer to a high pop server the Representative did inform me he was actually a player on the server Master D aswell and has had many calls regarding this issue and we should expect some sort of update in the coming week, tho i was not able to get an xfer to another server he said to make an ingame ticket and try my luck heh but this issue is getting looked at and reviewed by the high up department.


Its funny he mentioned this thread cause i acted like ive never read and heard about this thread yet and he was the one telling me about it and that is it indeed getting looked into, so just because they aren't posting here that doesn't mean they aren't reading everything

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I just got off the phone with customer support requesting some sort of transfer to a high pop server the Representative did inform me he was actually a player on the server Master D aswell and has had many calls regarding this issue and we should expect some sort of update in the coming week, tho i was not able to get an xfer to another server he said to make an ingame ticket and try my luck heh but this issue is getting looked at and reviewed by the high up department.


Its funny he mentioned this thread cause i acted like ive never read and heard about this thread yet and he was the one telling me about it and that is it indeed getting looked into, so just because they aren't posting here that doesn't mean they aren't reading everything

I have to say you really got a good CS Rep who actually cares!





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I just got off the phone with customer support requesting some sort of transfer to a high pop server the Representative did inform me he was actually a player on the server Master D aswell and has had many calls regarding this issue and we should expect some sort of update in the coming week, tho i was not able to get an xfer to another server he said to make an ingame ticket and try my luck heh but this issue is getting looked at and reviewed by the high up department.


Its funny he mentioned this thread cause i acted like ive never read and heard about this thread yet and he was the one telling me about it and that is it indeed getting looked into, so just because they aren't posting here that doesn't mean they aren't reading everything


Just dropping a post in to let us know that they at least acknowledge the problem and are working towards a possible solution in the near future wouldn't hurt them.

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Just dropping a post in to let us know that they at least acknowledge the problem and are working towards a possible solution in the near future wouldn't hurt them.


Telling us they are working on something would hurt even less.......but that's logic. :rolleyes:

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Folks, I wanted to take some time to let you know that we are listening to your concerns and that they're important to us. Oceanic servers WILL be getting 12 slots, just like the other servers and we're going to implement this change the next opportunity that we have.


Additionally, we've seen your concerns about Oceanic server populations and we're going to be evaluating this in the next few days.


We're listening, and I know you've all been patient with us, and for that, I thank you. As soon as I get any update to this, I will let you know here.


Thanks again.


Thanks mate.


I for one support an Oceanic Super Server :)

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Ok I for one think these few facters account to the decline in Asion Pasific numbers;

1. the down time of matinance/patches the down time is in the asian pasific main peek times and this affects the numbers as players miss out on to manny days/nights play due to this.

solution: find a time that impacts less on all server main/prime times to ruduce this affect.


2. Comunity bassed events such as the Racgual event you had at one stage these give the odd break from the norm to most players and keeps an interest in the game.

solution: as most other games have realised holiday small ingame events increase the player bass due to breaking up the norm and keeping the interest ex: Haloween Christmas and easter events bassed on what they would be like in the SWTOR universe.


3. Guild accomlishments and/or events for guilds to feel more united as a guild this brings more players as they feel more apart of something.

solution: bring in the elusive capital ships we keep hearing abought with guild accomplishments as decorations when a guild compleets such thins as HM/nightmare FPs and OPs this will do two things;

1. give guilds a place to go and enjoy guild social events and to see exactly how and were there guild is going.

2. make players feel more appart of a united group/guild instead of just a name in a guild list hopping to be apart of things.


I hope this has been an informative responce to help in the development and numbers in not only the Asian Pasific servers but all servers.

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Hey all,


This Saturday (3rd November) I'll be streaming on Twitch, to show just how difficult it is to play the game on the Asia Pacific servers, compared to the American servers.


I'll be creating Republic characters, one on Master Dar'Nala, the other on the American PvP Server The Bastion - and playing them both for 9 hours. The characters will only be leveled through Warzones, with no Legacy perks or upgrades.


Due to the time difference, both characters will be leveled on the same day, at the same local time of 2pm-Midnight.


APAC Server Stream:

2pm-11pm AEST, Saturday 3rd November

(8pm Friday - 4am PST Saturday 3rd November)


American Server Stream:

2pm-11pm PST, Saturday 3rd November

(8am-5pm AEST, Sunday 4th November)


Still working out the finer details of everything, but the times are definite. We're sure to at least get some interesting stats out of it. I know pre-50 is getting more frequent pops than 50, but even so the population is still terribad and bound to have an effect. I have a 50 character on The Bastion and may do a similar experiment to show the difference in 50 pops.




Hey Mate


What a great Idea. I will try and tune in sometime. Can you try and get as much exposure to this as you can. I am not over familiar with live streaming and how its promoted but if you can spread the word, please do. When you log over to Master D, perhaps put a post up on the SWTOR General section. It will atleast get some more attention.


Good work :)


Thanks AGAIN to EVERYONE for their continual support regarding this thread!!! - special mentions to those that arent even affected by this but have shown their support.

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Been almost 2 months since this thread was started, 48,000 views and 800+ posts.


Bout time y'all talked to US, the paying customers !.



Master Dar'Nala is dead in the water, PVP of any kind takes for ever to pop and when it dose your up against the PVP nutters in full WH.


LFG ques are insanely long, if it pops in 30 mins then that's considered good atm.



Fix our gosh darn servers already or give us the option to transfer. We all paid money for a product and service and we are not receiving it. The American servers are populated, have a thriving in game economy and content that is accessible by all. WE DO NOT HAVE ONE OF THOSE THINGS.





EDIT: Nice profanity filters BTW, I wrote G.O.D DAM and it turns out as 'gosh darn' ?

Edited by Sitholat
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Still no update?


It's starting to get to the point were I only log on for Ops now because the population can't really support FPs while levelling (and solo questing gets boring). In a 6+ hour window of play on any of my alts I'm lucking to get more than 1 FP pop. Even as a tank or healer on either faction.

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Still no update?


It's starting to get to the point were I only log on for Ops now because the population can't really support FPs while levelling (and solo questing gets boring). In a 6+ hour window of play on any of my alts I'm lucking to get more than 1 FP pop. Even as a tank or healer on either faction.

No kidding! Especially at higher levels. Doesn't help the group finder waits for a whole group for planetary content. 2 players is all you need for most Heroics.

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Hey Mate


What a great Idea. I will try and tune in sometime. Can you try and get as much exposure to this as you can. I am not over familiar with live streaming and how its promoted but if you can spread the word, please do. When you log over to Master D, perhaps put a post up on the SWTOR General section. It will atleast get some more attention.


Good work :)


Thanks AGAIN to EVERYONE for their continual support regarding this thread!!! - special mentions to those that arent even affected by this but have shown their support.


Cheers for the support! I had the account set up to stream warzones but got the inspiration from watching your vid on how long the 50 pops took.


Times are confirmed, both characters are created and sitting in the Republic Fleet, ready to go! I'll do some promo in the general chat tonight!

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This is getting beyond rediculous. Atm (9.20pm on a Friday night) on Dalborra there are 55 people on republic fleet, 4 on ilum and 7 at Black hole. Been qued for sp Op (EV/KP) for last 1-2hrs without a pop, havent tried HM fp yet as hasnt reset yet for BH comms.



Am bout ready to pull the plug as sub rolls over on tuesday, will prob let it for now but if nothing happens b4 end of Nov ill say farewell as this is total crap!!

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So Dalborra is not much better than Master D? ... well that's scary. People won't transfer there if it's not significantly better than what we have. Best option for you Bioware, and I hate to say it, is to offer no transfers at all...just merge the servers... otherwise all the players will transfer off APAC rather than consolidate.

If you consolidate the APAC servers then it will live on .... if you offer us transfers elsewhere then APAC will be ghost towns.

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So Dalborra is not much better than Master D? ... well that's scary. People won't transfer there if it's not significantly better than what we have. Best option for you Bioware, and I hate to say it, is to offer no transfers at all...just merge the servers... otherwise all the players will transfer off APAC rather than consolidate.

If you consolidate the APAC servers then it will live on .... if you offer us transfers elsewhere then APAC will be ghost towns.

Essentially this, we've already suffered from people rerolling alts on other servers, we can't really take mass leaving beyond this. Majority of us are beyond caring about server types, we just want people to play with.

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