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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lucas Arts taking more Interest?


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So I see the press release of the new Live Steam Event 1, and this is a bit a surprise; seeing Lucas Arts name more in the headlines. So far it seemed more BW and EA always on top. I honestly think this was not a typo...


What do you think?



BioWare and LucasArts are excited to announce a new monthly LiveStream Q&A Event. The objective of this new LiveStream event series is to answer any questions our Community has concerning the content within each Game Update. Below is all the information you need in order to watch and participate in the first monthly LiveStream Event.


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What do I think?


  1. All smugglers will have their ability delay increased so thay can NEVER shoot first.
  2. Oh crap we are getting Gugans and Ewoks! :eek:
  3. All the light effects in SWTOR will be "enhanced"
  4. Maybe we will finally get continuous music?
  5. All the emotes will be retuned for all Sith Characters so they will be as EMO as Hayden Christensen!!



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So I see the press release of the new Live Steam Event 1, and this is a bit a surprise; seeing Lucas Arts name more in the headlines. So far it seemed more BW and EA always on top. I honestly think this was not a typo...


What do you think?



BioWare and LucasArts are excited to announce a new monthly LiveStream Q&A Event. The objective of this new LiveStream event series is to answer any questions our Community has concerning the content within each Game Update. Below is all the information you need in order to watch and participate in the first monthly LiveStream Event.



No surprise here IMO. Two companies with a business interest in a popular IP doing some MARKETING ahead of Freemium. :)


It's an awareness program using both companies brand along with the IP.

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LucasArts should take all rights away from EA for this game. The old guys from BioWare should all go to LucasArts and work on this game right :)


That's what I truly would like to happen. Screw EA. Seriously...


Without commenting on your suggestion, I have always wondered why LucasArts didn't just develop a MMO on their own after SWG. I guess at the time Bioware was hot and they didn't think it worth it.

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LucasArts should take all rights away from EA for this game. The old guys from BioWare should all go to LucasArts and work on this game right :)


That's what I truly would like to happen. Screw EA. Seriously...


I actually think LA would do a worse job than what we currently have.

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With Bioware now fully under EA's banner maybe LucasArts is taking more of a predominant role in the game as the reputation of this game is stinking.


George would not let anything with the Star Wars trade mark sink to the point that it put mud on a trade mark he created.


This was pretty funny considering JarJar and the episodes of pure crap he released. If Lucas wanted the Star Wars trademark to shine again, he'd let someone with talent write a film based on Jedi and Sith.

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I actually think LA would do a worse job than what we currently have.


Yeah. LA has a terrible track record with trying to produce their own software. In fact, I think they have gotten completely out of that end of things and are focused on IP licensing only now days. They gutted their internal development teams back in 2008 if I recall correctly.


Besides, the management team has been on a revolving door at LA for years now. This is a company in protracted turmoil... so having their hands directly on anything would be a disaster.

Edited by Andryah
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LucasArts should take all rights away from EA for this game. The old guys from BioWare should all go to LucasArts and work on this game right :)


That's what I truly would like to happen. Screw EA. Seriously...


Then LucasArts would owe EA a looooooot of money.


And LucasArts were the ones who in part tried to pull out of the project during development, so I don't see them wanting a bigger role now.

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lol to you for thinking George would do anything bad to star wars.


Everyone who hates George Lucas is just jealous at his success and he thinks of these amazing stories all in his head. Lucas wouldn't let EA ruin this game. He would pull the reigns just like he did with SOE with SWG. Unfortunately, Lucas did not know at that time that it was too late for the games fans. But he did say SOE was never touching a Star Wars game again. Perhaps he has learned this time and if he sees anything going very wrong with TOR, he will pull the plug on EA for anything to do with Star Wars.


THAT would be great huh? EA not allowed to touch anything related to Star Wars anymore then LucasArts takes over publisher rights on TOR? :) Dreaming but it could happen.

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George would not let anything with the Star Wars trade mark sink to the point that it put mud on a trade mark he created.


I always saw LucasArts and Bioware together, on each video.


George's personal feelings towards Bioware won't be a factor. Ofcourse, after they (voluntarely or were forced) skipped Celebrations three weeks ago, the relationship can't be good, that's for sure.

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I would say I think everybody could agree on it would be really great if BIG IF Daniel Erickson, James Ohlen and others from original TRUE bioware went to work at LucasArts, LucasArts takes the reigns on this game somehow from EA, George tells EA "NO!! *slap* just like he did with SOE with Star Wars Galaxies and this game gets more ..star warsy.


That's what I would like to have happen. Will it happen? Unlikely. But there is hope ;)

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What do I think?


  1. All smugglers will have their ability delay increased so thay can NEVER shoot first.
  2. Oh crap we are getting Gugans and Ewoks! :eek:
  3. All the light effects in SWTOR will be "enhanced"
  4. Maybe we will finally get continuous music?
  5. All the emotes will be retuned for all Sith Characters so they will be as EMO as Hayden Christensen!!




And we'll all yell Nooooooo!!!!!!!! every time we take damage.

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He already did.


Gungans (need more be said). :eek:




Han Shot FIRST!!!!!! (stupid re-editing). :mad:




You forgot...



Ewoks and the Smiley Ghost Celebration Choir.

Every single minute of The Prequels.

The Christmas special.

Naming his scary anti-hero/villain "Annie" (Was Suzy taken?).

Replacing awesome miniature effects with horrible CGI ones (Ep IV Spec. Ed.).

Forever tarnishing the image of good actors (Sam Jackson, Natalie Portman, Ewan MacGregor, Liam Neeson).

Forever gouging his fans with "special editions".


He should be lauded though for his pioneering work of offering acting jobs to human-shaped pieces of wood (Jake and Hayden).

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lol to you for thinking George would do anything bad to star wars.


Everyone who hates George Lucas is just jealous at his success and he thinks of these amazing stories all in his head. Lucas wouldn't let EA ruin this game. He would pull the reigns just like he did with SOE with SWG. Unfortunately, Lucas did not know at that time that it was too late for the games fans. But he did say SOE was never touching a Star Wars game again. Perhaps he has learned this time and if he sees anything going very wrong with TOR, he will pull the plug on EA for anything to do with Star Wars.


THAT would be great huh? EA not allowed to touch anything related to Star Wars anymore then LucasArts takes over publisher rights on TOR? :) Dreaming but it could happen.


You truly never cease to amaze me lol.

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I would say I think everybody could agree on it would be really great if BIG IF Daniel Erickson, James Ohlen and others from original TRUE bioware went to work at LucasArts, LucasArts takes the reigns on this game somehow from EA, George tells EA "NO!! *slap* just like he did with SOE with Star Wars Galaxies and this game gets more ..star warsy.


That's what I would like to have happen. Will it happen? Unlikely. But there is hope ;)


No!!!! That would NOT be good in ANY way!!! Those guys are the exact same guys who created THIS game! With a MASSIVE budget and all the employees you could ever dream of - up to 800 were reported.


George doesn't give a flip about Star Wars...have you seen the Clone Wars cartoon? Did you ever play SWG and see the wings?! George doesn't care at all what happens in a video game.


No!!! This game is better off without the guys who created what we have. Until I hear differently, from them, they were the freaking masterminds here.

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