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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No extra Character Slots for Oceanic


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What the hell you trying to play at Bioware. Not only are we getting screwed on server populations we didn't even get the extra character slots. You have got to be kidding me.


Why did you even bring our servers down?


Wow I can't believe this... Actually I can!


Surely they have some master plan for our APAC servers... Why on earth don't they tell us! No wonder people are rerolling off our servers or just quitting.

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What the hell you trying to play at Bioware. Not only are we getting screwed on server populations we didn't even get the extra character slots. You have got to be kidding me.


Why did you even bring our servers down?


That's beyond funny. Not only did they forget to update the oceanic servers, but they also brought the servers down for no reason. At the rate BW is losing rep and subscriptions by the time f2p hits there will be well below the 500k subscriptions and in the red. They are shooting themselves in the foot and f2p hasn't even hit live.

Edited by Knockerz
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Trouble is that our servers are not based on one locations e.g Australia, the servers are made up of the Asia Pacific region from Japan to Tasmania all with different time zones which mean that there is not "peak time" and so when life's demands interfere with game time server population falls.


Personally, i don't see how a server merge in our region is going to increase our pop by much, maybe (fingers crossed) that F2P will bring in the crowds

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Trouble is that our servers are not based on one locations e.g Australia, the servers are made up of the Asia Pacific region from Japan to Tasmania all with different time zones which mean that there is not "peak time" and so when life's demands interfere with game time server population falls.


Personally, i don't see how a server merge in our region is going to increase our pop by much, maybe (fingers crossed) that F2P will bring in the crowds


I am online from 4pm through to about 1am. I generally see every time that would be considered "peak" time.


Yes, a server merge is needed. We can not wait till F2P for the extra 15 or 20 players it will bring.

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I am online from 4pm through to about 1am. I generally see every time that would be considered "peak" time.


Yes, a server merge is needed. We can not wait till F2P for the extra 15 or 20 players it will bring.


So you would prefer the 15 people on the RP server be merged with the PVE server, because the 30 people on the PVP server will not support a merge of their server?


I guess we can get the 15-20 people from RP NOW instead of waiting until November when the F2P comes....:p

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Hi folks! Thanks for raising awareness for this! Rest assured that Oceanic servers will be getting 12 character slots as well. Apologies for the confusion and the wait as we work on making this adjustment. Thank you for your patience!


A time frame would be appreciated, because quite honestly it is pathetic that you would just "forget" about us. I logged on this morning specifically to create the ninth character that I have been waiting months to create, but no, only the NA and Euro servers have that option.


Despite wanting this though, DO NOT take our servers down during the usually considered prime time to fix it. We get enough of that without having another week of it.

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So you would prefer the 15 people on the RP server be merged with the PVE server, because the 30 people on the PVP server will not support a merge of their server?


I guess we can get the 15-20 people from RP NOW instead of waiting until November when the F2P comes....:p


World PVP in this game is not like other games due to different zones for Sith/ republic and when you get to 50 99% of your PVP is in warzones. We need all 3 servers merged. All people I have spoken to from the PvP server support this.

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A time frame would be appreciated, because quite honestly it is pathetic that you would just "forget" about us. I logged on this morning specifically to create the ninth character that I have been waiting months to create, but no, only the NA and Euro servers have that option.


Despite wanting this though, DO NOT take our servers down during the usually considered prime time to fix it. We get enough of that without having another week of it.


It's amazing you seem to think you can dictate terms to Bioware.


The four slots were clearly a glitch or oversight of some sort. We've been told it'll be taken care of. They're not going to give an estimate because people will be standing around with stopwatches if they do. So show some patience and relax.

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World PVP in this game is not like other games due to different zones for Sith/ republic and when you get to 50 99% of your PVP is in warzones. We need all 3 servers merged. All people I have spoken to from the PvP server support this.



I really don't care if I am pvp, pve, rp anymore. World pvp does not exist on our servers and if it does it is usually organised and it's the PVE server that is doing it! I just want LOTS of people to play an MMO with on a server that has low ping.


I'm on the pvp server and it's the same small group of people online. If they aren't going to merge our servers at least let us transfer off the pvp server to the pve server. I'll even pay for it!

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Hi folks! Thanks for raising awareness for this! Rest assured that Oceanic servers will be getting 12 character slots as well. Apologies for the confusion and the wait as we work on making this adjustment. Thank you for your patience!



Thanks for the update Joveth. While we seemly have your attention is there any chance that you can throw us a bone on if there is any plans on doing something with our server populations. Please don't let our populations dwindle away into nothingness.

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e.g Australia, the servers are made up of the Asia Pacific region from Japan to Tasmania all with different time zones which mean that there is not "peak time" and so when life's demands interfere with game time server population falls.


This made me lol a little. Think you need to take a geography lesson. Japan and Tassie are pretty much the same timezone, only 1 hour difference. The maximum time difference for players on our servers is about 4hours. There will be some exceptions to this, but I would say our peak time is about 8pm-12am server time. Not much different to any other servers. Infact any q after about 10pm is a big long wait FPs and WZs.

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Personally, i don't see how a server merge in our region is going to increase our pop by much, maybe (fingers crossed) that F2P will bring in the crowds


The APAC PVE and RP servers are hanging in there. From what I heard, the PVP server is close to dead. F2P won't help because informed new players will know about it and won't roll on the PVP server.




I am surprised when I found out this morning we did't get the 12-slot from the overnight update.


So I made the conclusion...... BW has been silent on the subject of any plan for the APAC server becuase they don't want to break the bad news to us..........BW has put F2P implementation as their priority and decided not to allocate any resource to the relatively small player base on the APAC server.


I prefer to believe the dev response on this thread. But that surprised me even more. They just oversighted the update for the APAC server?

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The APAC PVE and RP servers are hanging in there. From what I heard, the PVP server is close to dead. F2P won't help because informed new players will know about it and won't roll on the PVP server.




I am surprised when I found out this morning we did't get the 12-slot from the overnight update.


So I made the conclusion...... BW has been silent on the subject of any plan for the APAC server becuase they don't want to break the bad news to us..........BW has put F2P implementation as their priority and decided not to allocate any resource to the relatively small player base on the APAC server.


I prefer to believe the dev response on this thread. But that surprised me even more. They just oversighted the update for the APAC server?


the RP server is dead/dying. Don't take it from the TORStatus people because they don't seem to understand that a servers max number of concurrent logins are different between region/server type.

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So we're all in favour of the server merger!


When I say "All" I mean most of us, including the PVPers, but they will "handle" the rest ;)


When I say handle I mean kill, of course, and when I say kill, I mean erase from existence. :rak_03:

Edited by Evgen
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Hi folks! Thanks for raising awareness for this! Rest assured that Oceanic servers will be getting 12 character slots as well. Apologies for the confusion and the wait as we work on making this adjustment. Thank you for your patience!


Thank you for once again ignoring the apac area, you ignored us in release and you have ignored us with the extra character slots. Three servers ignored and you consider this confusion, in this so called confusion did you forget any US servers or euro servers, the answer would be no because you had to consolidate those ones. We know you wont be able to add the extra slots to the apac servers with out taking them down (we are not that stupid) but please do not take them down for another 8 hours. This needs to be done this week (should be today) do not wait for next tuesday.


It would be nice to give the apac servers a small compensation for this confusion but then everyone else would complain so this wont happen.


I would settle for a better explaination as to why we got forgotten.

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Thank you for once again ignoring the apac area, you ignored us in release and you have ignored us with the extra character slots. Three servers ignored and you consider this confusion, in this so called confusion did you forget any US servers or euro servers, the answer would be no because you had to consolidate those ones. We know you wont be able to add the extra slots to the apac servers with out taking them down (we are not that stupid) but please do not take them down for another 8 hours. This needs to be done this week (should be today) do not wait for next tuesday.


It would be nice to give the apac servers a small compensation for this confusion but then everyone else would complain so this wont happen.


I would settle for a better explaination as to why we got forgotten

We are APAC players. Enough said.

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Hi folks! Thanks for raising awareness for this! Rest assured that Oceanic servers will be getting 12 character slots as well. Apologies for the confusion and the wait as we work on making this adjustment. Thank you for your patience!


Because that would be an undstandable oversight. You guys are doing a bang up job at EAware!

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