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Ebon Hawk PvP Shout-outs


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Its an honest question, sir. I've often thought about putting a toon on the pvp server, but wasn't sure just how "much more" pvp there was than is already here on TEH.


Honestly, not much. The population is lower than here, and still not everyone PvP theres. Lots of bads go there, too.

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There really shouldn't even be a need to answer this.


Stated with all the wisdom and insight of someone who has been absent from the game for the past 4 months.


Curious, but why the return? What was wrong with the server you went to? Any reason for your return, or just felt like returning?


After returning from a long lay off from the game to find 8v8 removed and severely diminished activity across many PvP guilds (including my own), the original purpose of migrating to another server was forfeit.


I'm glad to see many familiar faces still active on TEH.


A shout out to all the players and guilds who have shown an interest in getting regular ranked 4v4 play started on this server.

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Stated with all the wisdom and insight of someone who has been absent from the game for the past 4 months.


So you're saying that Game Genie's manifesto has changed during that time? I find that hard to believe.


For those who are new, or to those who have forgotten, you're saying this isn't the same Game Genie who was notorious for leaving an empty seat at the table for these sit downs in the past? This is no longer the Game Genie that used every available gear and map exploit? We're to believe that you have turned over a new leaf from your days of pooling players to create a neigh unbeatable super multi-guild, only to later claim that you were all leaving the server in the name of competition, then inevitably return because being on top is what it's really always been about?


Okay, I'll buy it. For now. But you're going to have to make a believer out of me. There's just too much history there for me to just blindly hold hands and sing campfire songs.


As for my self-inflicted exile, I have a business to run and the summer months get very busy. It was a needed break anyway.

Edited by TheronFett
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Its an honest question, sir. I've often thought about putting a toon on the pvp server, but wasn't sure just how "much more" pvp there was than is already here on TEH.


You'll find that the queue pops faster for both regular warzones and solo arena, I do not have a team on POT5 so I cannot comment on the team ranked arena queue.


The quality of regular warzones will, generally, be just as good/bad as it is here; expect less whining but more rage quitting. If you are playing on the republic side things are going to be much worse, there was always less talent/groups on the republic side and since 2.4's announcement the majority of those players/groups have un-subbed or returned to their origin server.


The best way to summarize POT5:


Pre server transfers - slightly higher quality of pvp than TEH

Post server transfer - amazing pvp if you were running with a group, regular matches often had multiple ranked players/teams; ranked matches were possible any time you could queue eight.

Post 2.4 announcement - A large percentage of the ranked groups un-subbed, disbanded, or returned to their home servers; general pvp is meh, but there are more people queuing for all types of pvp.


I still log into POT5 to run solo arena, but in general I find that I enjoy playing on TEH more than POT5, but that probably has more to do with the fact that I know a lot of people on TEH and my friends/guild list is always empty on POT5.

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You'll find that the queue pops faster for both regular warzones and solo arena, I do not have a team on POT5 so I cannot comment on the team ranked arena queue.


The quality of regular warzones will, generally, be just as good/bad as it is here; expect less whining but more rage quitting. If you are playing on the republic side things are going to be much worse, there was always less talent/groups on the republic side and since 2.4's announcement the majority of those players/groups have un-subbed or returned to their origin server.


The best way to summarize POT5:


Pre server transfers - slightly higher quality of pvp than TEH

Post server transfer - amazing pvp if you were running with a group, regular matches often had multiple ranked players/teams; ranked matches were possible any time you could queue eight.

Post 2.4 announcement - A large percentage of the ranked groups un-subbed, disbanded, or returned to their home servers; general pvp is meh, but there are more people queuing for all types of pvp.


I still log into POT5 to run solo arena, but in general I find that I enjoy playing on TEH more than POT5, but that probably has more to do with the fact that I know a lot of people on TEH and my friends/guild list is always empty on POT5.


Jerc still plays?

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Okay, I'll buy it. For now. But you're going to have to make a believer out of me. There's just too much history there for me to just blindly hold hands and sing campfire songs.


Speaking as sort of a middle man to all the 'old drama,' it's not about the history for those still worked up about it, it's the lingering and petty bitterness towards a group of players just cause they can be bitter.


Also, just as a sort of teasing, lulzy observation. The timing is waaaay too good here. Theron comes back just in time to ***** about Game Genie again.






Edit: herpaderp, shout out thread, I should do one. Uuuhh... Hrm, shoutout to all the folks reenacting the bubblestun days! Who keep dying horribly despite their trashy relic bug. ^.^ You guys keep things fun with many lolz. Ah, good times, goooood times... :3

Edited by Aikiyc
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Yeah, imagine my surprise to re-sub only to find GG is coming back. Yay. But, if I can turn over a new leaf, I have to give them the benefit of a doubt as well. Only time will tell.


For instance, played against Sevrin in a few matches today and I didn't talk smack once. You would've been proud.

Edited by TheronFett
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Stated with all the wisdom and insight of someone who has been absent from the game for the past 4 months.




After returning from a long lay off from the game to find 8v8 removed and severely diminished activity across many PvP guilds (including my own), the original purpose of migrating to another server was forfeit.


I'm glad to see many familiar faces still active on TEH.


A shout out to all the players and guilds who have shown an interest in getting regular ranked 4v4 play started on this server.


Thanks for answering. Makes sense. Our server, while it may not be a PVP based server, still has a high population of players who PVP.

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He unsubbed the night that the Vanguard/Sorc answers came out.


That seems a little childish to me, and funny considering the devs actually listened to the feedback (crying) and worked extra hard to buff Vanguards. Hell, if I'm not mistaken Jerc was an AP fan and now AP is truly viable (not to mention AP in Ion is almost broken with how good it is). And Assault, while not the hands down best DPS spec for PvP anymore, is still very capable, and what its lost in burst it has at least somewhat made up for in survivability, not to mention its still the simplest DPS spec to play in the game.


I'm a Vigilance fan, Vigilance has never been the best spec or fotm, I'm not about to quit because of it. But I do know Jerc was primarily a PvP guy, and I'll be honest, if PvP was the only thing I played this game for, I'd have probably quit a while ago, but that's cause I prefer open world PvP to stuff like small warzones and arenas.

Edited by wadecounty
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That seems a little childish to me, and funny considering the devs actually listened to the feedback (crying) and worked extra hard to buff Vanguards. Hell, if I'm not mistaken Jerc was an AP fan and now AP is truly viable (not to mention AP in Ion is almost broken with how good it is). And Assault, while not the hands down best DPS spec for PvP anymore, is still very capable, and what its lost in burst it has at least somewhat made up for in survivability, not to mention its still the simplest DPS spec to play in the game.


I'm a Vigilance fan, Vigilance has never been the best spec or fotm, I'm not about to quit because of it. But I do know Jerc was primarily a PvP guy, and I'll be honest, if PvP was the only thing I played this game for, I'd have probably quit a while ago, but that's cause I prefer open world PvP to stuff like small warzones and arenas.


He quit because of the way they responded, he was actually very happy about Arena/buffs to AP, but felt that Bioware's constant mishandling of the game combined with their childish responses to the sorc/vg questions was insulting to customers.


I honestly think that this was the straw that broke the camels back though, and not the "reason" that he, or anyone else, left the game; and Jerc was not the only one who un-subbed after that weekend.


Reasons that people un-subbed (not just Jerc):


1: Removal of ranked 8vs8 just months after selling server transfers

2: Poor class balance

3: Dismissive/insulting attitude towards customers

4: Letting bugs/class issues go unresolved for months at a time


Honestly, the main reason I still play, aside from the fact that I like the setting, is that I've met a bunch of cool people that I still enjoy associating with and we have not found another game that we all want to play together (also, this is a cheap form of entertainment and I'm just a few months away from paying off my student loans!)


I feel you on the pvp thing, open world just does not work in this game, we attended a few open world events on POT5 that Cilas organized and the game engine could not handle it. I've actually been doing a lot of flashpoints since I returned to TEH to break the monotony of pvp, and I'll probably step into a few operations when friends need a spot filled.

Edited by alexsamma
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I feel you on #1, #3 is a case by case basis but in general EA games have a horrible rep there so you're probably right.


2 and 4 though, eh, for an MMO I think on the whole they've done a pretty nice job in the balance area, compared to some other games. I think we're all confident we could design a better game in our heads, but putting it into practice it doesn't always work the way you think it would.


Also, for the answers to the sorc/vanguard questions, the questions themselves were written poorly. The vanguard ones, if I'm not mistaken, came off as one huge run-on sentence, it looked like it was written by some kid in middle school. The devs took the negative feedback from that and put more effort into their responses for the next set of classes, but the class reps also noticed how poorly those questions were written and put a lot more effort into making well articulated questions, so I think both sides shared blame for that debacle, and not nearly enough was placed on the sorc and vanguard reps for the awful wording of their questions.

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Having relooked over both the vanguard and sorc answers, I don't really feel it changed my opinion on anything.


I'm still seeing sorcs and vanguards in warzones beating the **** out of me when played well, tank vanguards in PvP perform just fine, and sorcs in general still have plenty of survivability when they use their full kit. Bubble, barrier, force slow, stun, whirlwind, knockback, speed, hell even force lightning's slow and the immunity to interrupts that the alacrity ability gives.


Hell, looking at my merc, if I'm DPS, I got shield, overload, stun, mezz, knockback, hydraulic overrides, aaand... uhm... what, instant cast on 2 min CD? Couple of things in the trees? Not any better than the sorc. And if you really think about it, it's not that the sorc really needs that much a buff (sure, few QoL things, but who doesn't need those? :rolleyes: ), but the mara and sniper need a bit of a reduction in the defensive CD department. Which I think they alluded to recently, yes? :D


Edit: also what kandel said. the reps for sorc and vanguard were kinda... bad. xP

Edited by Aikiyc
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I feel you on #1, #3 is a case by case basis but in general EA games have a horrible rep there so you're probably right.


2 and 4 though, eh, for an MMO I think on the whole they've done a pretty nice job in the balance area, compared to some other games. I think we're all confident we could design a better game in our heads, but putting it into practice it doesn't always work the way you think it would.


Also, for the answers to the sorc/vanguard questions, the questions themselves were written poorly. The vanguard ones, if I'm not mistaken, came off as one huge run-on sentence, it looked like it was written by some kid in middle school. The devs took the negative feedback from that and put more effort into their responses for the next set of classes, but the class reps also noticed how poorly those questions were written and put a lot more effort into making well articulated questions, so I think both sides shared blame for that debacle, and not nearly enough was placed on the sorc and vanguard reps for the awful wording of their questions.


I totally agree that the sorc/vg questions were horrible, and to some extent the devs were correct in their answers, but I do think that professionals should be a bit more "professional" in how they respond to these questions. I don't think we should hold community reps to the same standards as we do developers.


Vanguards did need a bit of love (I think they got a bit to much tbh, but I'm biased) and sorc issues are very legitimate in pvp, especially arena; I haven't participated in any nightmare mode pve content, but since 2.0 I've felt like sorcs/sages are very strong healers and dps and in PVE.


For regular warzones I don't think class balance is really a big issue, but at the highest level there are obvious problems; I imagine progression PVE is similar (though I could be wrong).

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I feel you on #1, #3 is a case by case basis but in general EA games have a horrible rep there so you're probably right.


2 and 4 though, eh, for an MMO I think on the whole they've done a pretty nice job in the balance area, compared to some other games. I think we're all confident we could design a better game in our heads, but putting it into practice it doesn't always work the way you think it would.


Also, for the answers to the sorc/vanguard questions, the questions themselves were written poorly. The vanguard ones, if I'm not mistaken, came off as one huge run-on sentence, it looked like it was written by some kid in middle school. The devs took the negative feedback from that and put more effort into their responses for the next set of classes, but the class reps also noticed how poorly those questions were written and put a lot more effort into making well articulated questions, so I think both sides shared blame for that debacle, and not nearly enough was placed on the sorc and vanguard reps for the awful wording of their questions.


I totally agree that the sorc/vg questions were horrible, and to some extent the devs were correct in their answers, but I do think that professionals should be a bit more "professional" in how they respond to these questions. I don't think we should hold community reps to the same standards as we do developers.


Vanguards did need a bit of love (I think they got a bit to much tbh, but I'm biased) and sorc issues are very legitimate in pvp, especially arena; I haven't participated in any nightmare mode pve content, but since 2.0 I've felt like sorcs/sages are very strong healers and dps and in PVE.


For regular warzones I don't think class balance is really a big issue, but at the highest level there are obvious problems; I imagine progression PVE is similar (though I could be wrong).

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Okay, I'll buy it. For now. But you're going to have to make a believer out of me. There's just too much history there for me to just blindly hold hands and sing campfire songs.


The key word here is history.


I have no interest in 'making believers' out of those irked, sometimes justly but often irrationally, by my guild's actions in the past.


My focus is on getting some form of competitive ranked play kickstarted on my original server, something which will be made significantly easier once the Relic annoyance has been resolved.


Our current roster stands at just 6 active members and recruitment remains closed.

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The key word here is history.


I have no interest in 'making believers' out of those irked, sometimes justly but often irrationally, by my guild's actions in the past.


My focus is on getting some form of competitive ranked play kickstarted on my original server, something which will be made significantly easier once the Relic annoyance has been resolved.


Our current roster stands at just 6 active members and recruitment remains closed.

Myself as well. Planning to get Gladium to a decent size (20-30) of PvPers that want to run ranked.

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Myself as well. Planning to get Gladium to a decent size (20-30) of PvPers that want to run ranked.


A good start to attract PVP'ers is to make a guild rule to remove the exploit bug from all your members. At this time, if what you say you only have 6 members. Then the members in your guild exploiting is at 100%. Unless that's what you want out of guild, i'd say that's a horrible way to start.


Smash - MVP

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At this time, if what you say you only have 6 members. Then the members in your guild exploiting is at 100%. Unless that's what you want out of guild, i'd say that's a horrible way to start.


You are either quoting or addressing the wrong person here.


I cannot vouch for Gladium's stance on Relic exploitation, but members of <Game Genie> do not use this item in ranked arenas at all.


Personally, I do not use the relic even in a non-rated capacity, but I have no issue with others doing so as the fault lies strictly at Bioware's door.

The bug is to be removed tomorrow, regardless, so this debate can end shortly.

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