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Huttball & pull


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OK, I just got "pull" on my Shadow, and Huttball is now the most diabolically fun game in the universe!:D


While it would be totally OK with me to just run around and piss off the other side by "yoinking" them around the field... just wondering how you strategically use it? I can only pull enemies, as far as I can tell. I know the "pull into acid, stun", "pull into fire, stun", because I've had that done to me so many times. I pull enemies away from the ball carrier. I was so proud when that Mara leapt up to our about-to-score-but-was-almost-dead ball carrier, and I yanked said Mara back down into the pit (and we scored!). :)


But is it worth it to just pull one-of-many defender off the ball carrier, or do you save it for specific things? What other ways does it come in handy?

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For me it all depends on who has the ball, where the ball is, etc. Your biggest 'win' with a pull, at least in my opinion, is to grab them right before they score a goal. Sometimes you can pull them into the fire, but usually I like to pull them into the 'pit' area right in front of our goal line.


So if I see them with the ball and in our half of the field, then I will not use it on just anyone, I'll save it. But if we have the ball, or they have it, but they're in their half of the field, then I'll use it for anything(usually I still use it on the ball carrier, but to just delay him as much as possible by pulling him back into their side of the field, doing my best to keep them there.


Another really good time to use the pull is when they're passing the ball to a teammate. Pull the teammate they're passing to, and you can make the ball reset. Team this with good communication/someone on your team who knows to stay in that circle, and you can force the interception to give your team the ball.


It really is fun no matter where you use it though.

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Guess you covered most usefull moments. Sometimes i just decide to pull e.g. healer away from enemy ball carrier if ball carrier is attacked by enough dps.


Also there are some situation, where u can save it. E.g. non leaping class carry the ball down in the pit and theres enemy waiting for pass close to scoring line. Then you dont need to attack ball carrier. Just aim at waiting guy and pull him while the ball is in the air.

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Yep, it's a fun ability. :)


I'm not too worried about saving it, I use it pretty much whenever I see a need for it. The cooldown isn't that long anyway.


Another good use for it is when one of your teammates are capturing an objective, if someone is about to interrupt them, you can pull them away.

This is especially useful on Alderaan, we've gotten mid often in the start because the enemies were given a combination of stuns, knockbacks, pulls, roots, ... This messes up a lot of people who aren't used to it, they don't realize that they quickly need to use something such as a ground targeted AOE ability in order to interrupt the person behind the node, or use some abilities to quickly get out of the CC, etc.

Edited by Rassuro
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If you have a leaper with the ball, go to the top of the catwalks above the enemy goalline and chill out. When he gets within range, pull an enemy off him and up to you, which he then follows by leaping, gains the immunity to CC, and runs down the ramp and across the line.
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If you have a leaper with the ball, go to the top of the catwalks above the enemy goalline and chill out. When he gets within range, pull an enemy off him and up to you, which he then follows by leaping, gains the immunity to CC, and runs down the ramp and across the line.


very clever and great teamwork +1

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your best bet for pull is used on a ball recipient. This is usually because in huttball, the retarded pugs generally fill up the ball runner's resolve right as he's about to hit the last 2 fire traps, so that you can't pull him anymore.


pulling the recipient is kinda tricky though, you have to anticipate the throw. you can generally tell if there are 2 people from the same team on opposite sides of the fire.


anyways, check out this video for reference.


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OH! I didn't know you couldn't pull someone with a full resolve bar! That must be why it didn't work for me a few times. I thought maybe they ran out of range or something, but the resolve bar things sounds more likely, since the button was still active (lit up) on the bar. Thanks for that (and, for all the other replies too).
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OH! I didn't know you couldn't pull someone with a full resolve bar! That must be why it didn't work for me a few times. I thought maybe they ran out of range or something, but the resolve bar things sounds more likely, since the button was still active (lit up) on the bar. Thanks for that (and, for all the other replies too).

yes, it's bioware's way of saying F U to the "tanking" type AC. our gap closer is heavily effected by resolve - (basically only works if they have no resolve) while the dps AC all have leaps that don't get impacted by resolve.

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Fun things I like to do with pull:


- When attacking in Voidstar commit suicide on the bridge and take someone with me. I run right out of the spawn, they are stuck behind the spawn door.


- With another stealth buddy pull the guard off of something and backpeddle. Most times they will take the bait.


- Pull people behind the huts in NC and knock them off the cliff.


- Pull people off the end zone ledge in HB.

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^^ yep, but one of the most awesome things to do is to pull someone who is about to score into the fire. Or even better, when they get a stop and your team was about to score, if they don't throw away the ball you pull them into the fire to get it back then sprint in for the point.
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I haven't managed to pull anyone back into the fire who was about to score, but I had a rather more mundane pull, just getting them back away from the goal long enough for the rest of my team to finish killing them off. Wasn't as dramatic, but still effective. I find, also, that when doing a fire or acid pull, I'm having trouble getting the stun off before they manage to run just far enough to get off the trap. Is there a trick to that? Can you throw the stun while they are still flying towards you or something?


Also was respawning just as they were about to score and I was trying to pull them up onto our spawn-ledge (which insta kills them, and they don't score - at least I think so). But the rest of my team was there and filled up their resolve bar before I had a chance. To be fair, they wouldn't know I was up there, or that my pull was off CD, and it's not like I had time to type, "don't fill their resolve, I'm up here and going to pull them to their death as soon as they get close" - before the person just ran across the goal. :')

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One of my favourites is an offensive pull. Quite often, we'll have the ball and be near their endzone but our ball carrier will get nuked. When the ball passes to the enemy, I then pull them in to the nearest firetrap, killing them. The ball then passes to me and I'm only 20m from the goal line. Typically, most of their team will have already jumped in to the pit heading to the middle so its an easy score!
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I haven't managed to pull anyone back into the fire who was about to score, but I had a rather more mundane pull, just getting them back away from the goal long enough for the rest of my team to finish killing them off. Wasn't as dramatic, but still effective. I find, also, that when doing a fire or acid pull, I'm having trouble getting the stun off before they manage to run just far enough to get off the trap. Is there a trick to that? Can you throw the stun while they are still flying towards you or something?


Also was respawning just as they were about to score and I was trying to pull them up onto our spawn-ledge (which insta kills them, and they don't score - at least I think so). But the rest of my team was there and filled up their resolve bar before I had a chance. To be fair, they wouldn't know I was up there, or that my pull was off CD, and it's not like I had time to type, "don't fill their resolve, I'm up here and going to pull them to their death as soon as they get close" - before the person just ran across the goal. :')


I find that jumping and then casting the pull works best. When you jump it brings them on a higher arc so they take slightly longer to reach you. Usually the GCD will be close to if not over when they get there ready to be Spinning Kicked :D

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OK, I just got "pull" on my Shadow, and Huttball is now the most diabolically fun game in the universe!:D


While it would be totally OK with me to just run around and piss off the other side by "yoinking" them around the field... just wondering how you strategically use it? I can only pull enemies, as far as I can tell. I know the "pull into acid, stun", "pull into fire, stun", because I've had that done to me so many times. I pull enemies away from the ball carrier. I was so proud when that Mara leapt up to our about-to-score-but-was-almost-dead ball carrier, and I yanked said Mara back down into the pit (and we scored!). :)


But is it worth it to just pull one-of-many defender off the ball carrier, or do you save it for specific things? What other ways does it come in handy?



When there ball carrier has the ball i look for who there passing to while stealth then pull the passer out from under the ball did this 7 times last night in one match was fun. The other team never scored because of that because are dps was to high to just run and heal the ball carrier. Pull the passer just as you see the white circle of the pass starting and watch the nerd rage.

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I was pulled backwards by a seeming treasonous teammate yesterday. Instead of healing they accidentally pulled me, and almost right into the fire (only a step away). They are lucky they didn't kill me, I would of came down on them like a 10 ton boulder. :hope_07:


you would not be able to since there is no friendly fire


unless you mean you would go to where he is living and punch him in the face

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yes, it's bioware's way of saying F U to the "tanking" type AC. our gap closer is heavily effected by resolve - (basically only works if they have no resolve) while the dps AC all have leaps that don't get impacted by resolve.


It isn't tanks that are being screwed over by this, it's really just Shadow tanks. And Vanguard DPS. So, to say that DPS Advanced Classes all have leaps while tanks have pulls is kind of wrong (Vanguard tanks have both, so we can effectively say they aren't hurt by this, and Guardian tanks ONLY have leaps).

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It isn't tanks that are being screwed over by this, it's really just Shadow tanks. And Vanguard DPS. So, to say that DPS Advanced Classes all have leaps while tanks have pulls is kind of wrong (Vanguard tanks have both, so we can effectively say they aren't hurt by this, and Guardian tanks ONLY have leaps).


Shadow tanks are not hurt by this either, since they have force speed as a gap closer as well. Even stealth would count as a gap closer in my book.

Edited by Ghostuka
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It is a blast.


Huttball has always been a slog on my main (arsenal merc) sometimes I can land a well timed stun (not any more after 1.4 nerfs) and sometimes I can burst DPS, but for the most part there isn't a lot I can do to realy have an impact on the game.


Playing alts is a whole different story.

Just the other day I had a couple...

In a tie game on my jedi toon. Picked up the ball and ran up near the green goo pit. Spotted an enemy player just this side of the lower platform. Jumped to him, force pushed him through the flames to the goal line, then jumped to him and scored.


On my vanguard.. the other team had two players 'up top' on our side waiting for a pass. They got the ball, then ran up the middle. Started to pass to the players they had waiting. I harpooned one, and another vanguard who was next to me I hadn't noticed harpooned the second. Simultaneously we pulled/stunned them into the fire, and the pass was wasted. The only thing missing was a 'high-five' emote between us, it was great.


The whole thing is about having an impact on the game.

With leaps/pulls/speed huttball is a lot of fun, with classes that don't have any of those tools huttball is just a lot of feeling useless.

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