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Bioware please get the word out about High Pop Test Server


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This server is an awesome opportunity for us east-coasters to play together on a massive server and get cross server group finder + ranked warzones. Unfortunately no one is on this server because they don't know about it. Please publicize and maybe add an incentive so people will go, and possibly stay on that server. It is a great opportunity that not many are taking advantage of. :(
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E-mails have been sent, it's on the launcher, and it's gone out in social media. I feel like BioWare has done its part.


On the other hand, there are people that don't want to test. BioWare's seeming lack of attention paid to testers has pretty much scared off the ones that were willing to do it. I can't say whether or not they give a nerf, but that's what it seems like.


There are also the giant group of people that just don't want to test. For example, I'm paying BioWare for this service. I consider it BioWare's responsibility to test this stuff out before it goes live. I can understand that BioWare sees the players as an easily accessible source of large amounts of testers, but many players don't feel that they should be seen as testers. Some want the live product to be good without having to do the work for the company that is providing us with the service.

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it's listed all over the forums and on the front page of this site as the newest news plus they sent out e-mails about it... what more do you want?


come to think of it I think BW should make all it's announcements about the game by sending a Stripper-gram to my house

Edited by Liquidacid
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there are people that don't want to test. BioWare's seeming lack of attention paid to testers has pretty much scared off the ones that were willing to do it. I can't say whether or not they give a nerf, but that's what it seems like.


^^^This. I'm aware of it, but I refuse to test on it. What's the point?

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On the other hand, there are people that don't want to test. BioWare's seeming lack of attention paid to testers has pretty much scared off the ones that were willing to do it. I can't say whether or not they give a nerf, but that's what it seems like.


There are those of us that would like to test but, would like more formalized testing than just "login and play" type testing.


Also, given how BW seems to have treated all the feed back from the beta test community, I can see why there are those that don't want to jump in and test only not to be listened to again. Once bitten .. and all that.

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Do you guys not realise that your paying to test the content for them which is part of their job. What no one elses see a problem with that?


And computer users haven't been "testing" operating systems for microsoft since ... well the invention of microsoft. :rolleyes:

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This server is an awesome opportunity for us east-coasters to play together on a massive server and get cross server group finder + ranked warzones. Unfortunately no one is on this server because they don't know about it. Please publicize and maybe add an incentive so people will go, and possibly stay on that server. It is a great opportunity that not many are taking advantage of. :(


What is the concurrent population cap on that server? Anyone know?? Beuller? Bueller?


It's clear they made the data array on the server HUGE to accept large numbers of characters. But the question remains (and as far as I know they have not commented)..... what is the population cap?

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Do you guys not realise that your paying to test the content for them which is part of their job. What no one elses see a problem with that?


There you go again Whitewalkers.


And for the record, I see no problem with this BECAUSE it is voluntary. Nobody is putting a blaster to your head or a lightsaber to your keester to playtest.


Now, if they FORCED you to do it, then I would be willing to listen to you complain. But they are not. Nor are they forcing you to play the game or post in the forums.

Edited by Andryah
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What is the concurrent population cap on that server? Anyone know?? Beuller? Bueller?


It's clear they made the data array on the server HUGE to accept large numbers of characters. But the question remains (and as far as I know they have not commented)..... what is the population cap?


In The Fuzzy language adopted buy BW ... (e.g. soon(™)) ... Many! :D


Or maybe it's like asking

? :confused:


But, yeah .. would be nice to know .. I suspect there hasn't been enough people to log on to stress test it. Isn't this Scorpiennes area of expertiese? :)

Edited by Urael
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And for the record, I see no problem with this BECAUSE it is voluntary. Nobody is putting a blaster to your head or a lightsaber to your keester to playtest.


I think Whitewalkers was prolly an ok chap once upon a time ... but, then he took that blaster bolt to the knee and well ... :D

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Do you guys not realise that your paying to test the content for them which is part of their job. What no one elses see a problem with that?


The more people you have hammering at the content the more likely you are to find bugs - also, people are weird; players can come up with scenarios that developers and in-house Q&A might not have thought of, so that also helps. Not to mention not everything caught in Q&A get fixed before getting pushed to live (as has been stated quite a few times in The Trenches) - players can cause a ruckus and get these errors fixed.


The only problem with this is that Bioware doesn't treat the PTS like a testing server, it treats like a live preview server.

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The more people you have hammering at the content the more likely you are to find bugs - also, people are weird; players can come up with scenarios that developers and in-house Q&A might not have thought of, so that also helps. Not to mention not everything caught in Q&A get fixed before getting pushed to live (as has been stated quite a few times in The Trenches) - players can cause a ruckus and get these errors fixed.


The only problem with this is that Bioware doesn't treat the PTS like a testing server, it treats like a live preview server.


Is that why its called a test server?

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Well when have you tested anything for microsoft and paid $15 a month for it?


First of all L2quote! :p


Second of all, I have no words for why you didn't get my jest.


This has been a common "perception" of computer users because of all the patching etc. that goes on with software. It's a meme that has a bit of truth to it. :cool:

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I wouldn't do it. Characters on that server are temporary. Anything you do - any progress you make - will be gone when EA decides to kill the server. Since it's a test server, we know that day is coming.


Therefore, the only reason to be on that server is to test.


I already know that EA doesn't listen to word 1 of feedback from testers.


The prospect of spending my time playing a character on a server to generate zero benefit for myself OR for the game is... less than appealing.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Is that why its called a test server?


Ideally the test server allows players to use up-coming content and class changes and see if they work in the environment they're designed for - such as class skill and tree changes in PvP/PvE. It's to give developers feedback about how classes are performing, how new items or new areas are doing, to see if they've accidentally broken anything, largely to prevent issues from making it to live. A good example of why you need a test server is when Bioware deleted everyone's Matrix Cubes for three days.


Edit: Haven't seen an answer to my question yet. Is the Big Pop sever only available to US/East Coast players at the moment, or can anyone roll on it?

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I wouldn't do it. Characters on that server are temporary. Anything you do - any progress you make - will be gone when EA decides to kill the server. Since it's a test server, we know that day is coming.


Therefore, the only reason to be on that server is to test.


I already know that EA doesn't listen to word 1 of feedback from testers.


The prospect of spending my time playing a character on a server to generate zero benefit for myself OR for the game is... less than appealing.



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Ideally the test server allows players to use up-coming content and class changes and see if they work in the environment they're designed for - such as class skill and tree changes in PvP/PvE. It's to give developers feedback about how classes are performing, how new items or new areas are doing, to see if they've accidentally broken anything, largely to prevent issues from making it to live. A good example of why you need a test server is when Bioware deleted everyone's Matrix Cubes for three days.


Edit: Haven't seen an answer to my question yet. Is the Big Pop sever only available to US/East Coast players at the moment, or can anyone roll on it?


Is that not TESTING:rak_02:

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