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Darth Bare A****sss


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Look, i'm sure a hundred people have posted this query before...


But I have maxed my character and her healer. That apparently doesn't mean sheet to Bare Ace and his 20k attack.


Please excuse me for being bitter, I don't mind losing every now and then. But striking Barass until he's below 50% and being at about 80%.... and then losing 5-6 times in a row to some gawd DAMNED stupid uber 50K dmg instakill attack is getting VERY old. If someone would care to explain to me how I'm supposed to defend against this... I'd be perfectly willing to listen. If I'm supposed to create some marauder character with 30-40-50K + hps then you can all sit and spin.


I have continued playing this game beyond my friends leaving for $$$ reasons because I could muddle through solo. If you all want to tell me that I must depend on the kindness of the sheet eating jack aces who hang around SWTOR chat to help me? Well, let's just say that they can sit on the same frying pan the Syrian assassins have waiting for them.


I don't mind this game being slanted towards group play. But the aspect that has kept me paying dues is that I can play it solo. If I have 0% chance of killing Barrass solo....? Then I'll see about renewing my subscription to something else.


I'm not trying to be an acehole. I just want to know how to beat Barrass without begging aceholes to help me.



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The final boss of the Jedi Knight story has a similar 1 hit nuke, you can't LoS it so you must interrupt. These 1 hit moves usually have at least a 3 second cast and the boss won't use them until he's under 30% HP, then he spams them every 12 seconds (which is how long your primary interrupt takes to recharge) so you have to be quick on the Interrupt, As others have said make sure the Target Cast bar is on so you can see him channeling the move, don't get distracted just concentrate on hitting him until you see the cast then Interrupt. Once you know what move to look for you should have no problems, juts don't waste you interrupts on his lesser moves, leave them to your defensive CDs and healer companion (if he's still alive). Edited by magi_melcior
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30/40/50k marauder? You're sure we're playing the same game?

I did Baras today with my marauder who had (mostly custom armor with blue inserts lvl 44-50, except for purple lvl 50 hilts in both lightsabers) with his measly 11k hp and killed him - not without problems; I still had to use call on the force, fury regen, most defensive CDs and a health pac (and lost my companion in the process), but nevertheless he went down. Okay, it might have gone smoother had I interrupted his nuke later (after all, voice of the emperor has a ~5s casting time or something like that).

All, in all, Lord Draagh 2.0 gave me more problems since he was (apart from the missing nuke) a far tougher opponent than his master. No, the key is interrupting. And I'm not sure, but isn't the casting bar active by default? (I started playing 1,5 months ago and can't recall activating it)

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The final boss of the Jedi Knight story has a similar 1 hit nuke, you can't LoS it so you must interrupt. These 1 hit moves usually have at least a 3 second cast and the boss won't use them until he's under 30% HP, then he spams them every 12 seconds (which is how long your primary interrupt takes to recharge) so you have to be quick on the Interrupt, As others have said make sure the Target Cast bar is on so you can see him channeling the move, don't get distracted just concentrate on hitting him until you see the cast then Interrupt. Once you know what move to look for you should have no problems, juts don't waste you interrupts on his lesser moves, leave them to your defensive CDs and healer companion (if he's still alive).




Sweetie and I have been trying to figure out why it is that every boss fight that he had to struggle with his Warrior gave me little to no problems with mine and, I think I know what's been happening now. I always fight watching my quickbar and the bosses casting bar with only the occasional glance at my health. And, the longer it takes for that casting bar to go up, the more prone I am to wait before hitting my interrupts right before they get it off in order to try and time it so that the cooldown's finished before the next Big Bad's about to arrive.


Good tip on the fact that the Knight's have a similar power to contend with at the end of their story arc too, btw, because, he's been stuck at the same fight for a couple of weeks now and, I don't have anyone high enough pub side to help him. Thank You Kind Stranger for the tip! (Maybe now he can stop feeling so glum about the 'little woman' besting him....):D

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Hey OP, let us know how it went. I've been following this thread (when I got down time at work) and I'm curious to know how you fared against old fatty. I died a few times myself until I realized that that ability he has absolutely cannot be allowed to be cast. It definately caught me by surprise the first time. Anyhoo, Good Luck & Stomp His Face!
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I took him down at level 48 with crappy gear, and a crappily geared vette.


I just brought in a bounty hunter to help me. if you can't solo a guy, just bring in a teammate.


That is always an option but for fights like this I prefer to solo it. Well it's solo if you don't count my companion :rak_03:

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Interrupts are important. I think, somewhere in the immortal tree, there is also a skill that gives you 2 second invulribility when saberward is cast. I cheesed off'd a marauder with that one so many times.:d_evil: Edited by Caprindo
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Is that what it is called? Alright. I have a tendency to zone into my own skill bar too closely trying to time attacks and combos. But I'll keep an eye on him. Thanks for the info guys.


Just a suggestion, but you really want to break that habit. In Operations there are quite a few abilities that will one-shot you if you don't interrupt them. For example, the 3rd boss fight in EC involves a minefield, there is a droid that will knock you back into mines (which will one shot you) if you do not interrupt.

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Interrupts are important. I think, somewhere in the immortal tree, there is also a skill that gives you 2 second invulribility when saberward is cast. I cheesed of a marauder with that one so many times.:d_evil:




It's a baseline Juggernaut ability; every Jugg is invincible against melee and ranged attacks for 2 seconds after Saber Ward is cast.


I got Baras down on the first try with my Immortal Juggernaut, using Quinn. First phase was very comfortable, second seemed so as well until Quinn just died and only when I killed the fat joker did I realize that my own health was at 3%. I probably missed his nuke somehow but still did it.

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