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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Character Transfers - How can BW be so Inept?


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They haven't said it, but it's the only method that takes care of the people who filled two Origin servers that went to the same Destination and lets BW do forced transfers even for people who aren't currently playing the game.


Remember they said they would never delete any characters.




I did see that. But, that doesn't neccessarily follow that 8 will be the number. If you look at the current log in screen, things seemed to have been resized to accomodate 4 additional slots. If one has more than the allotted slots and BW holds to the claim of not having to delete characters, one could infer that a possibility will be the ability to transfer to another destination server ( I would assume BW would pick which servers would be the secondary targets ).

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shrug they apparently still cant figure out how to get a smooth and effective copy process for the PTR...I dont get why they dont just wipe all toons whenever the PTR is taken down and then just allow us to copy over the most current versions of our characters every time PTR comes up to test something new. Im sure it would take a little time and energy but how difficult could it really be if they have already had practice by doing it with server transfers?
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shrug they apparently still cant figure out how to get a smooth and effective copy process for the PTR...I dont get why they dont just wipe all toons whenever the PTR is taken down and then just allow us to copy over the most current versions of our characters every time PTR comes up to test something new. Im sure it would take a little time and energy but how difficult could it really be if they have already had practice by doing it with server transfers?


Because it makes sense.

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They haven't said it, but it's the only method that takes care of the people who filled two Origin servers that went to the same Destination and lets BW do forced transfers even for people who aren't currently playing the game.


Remember they said they would never delete any characters and they recently changed the UI for the character select screen. It now looks like it could possibly have tabs added to it pretty easily.




While this does make sense I think that there is no way in hades that they give everyone an additional 8 slots. That is a proven money maker in F2P. Im expecting to see additional slots available in the cash shop for $10 a pop.


Edit: UNLESS they decide to do it for the current subscribers. But I wouldnt get my hopes up.

Edited by Imhotep
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While this does make sense I think that there is no way in hades that they give everyone an additional 8 slots. That is a proven money maker in F2P. Im expecting to see additional slots available in the cash shop for $10 a pop.


Edit: UNLESS they decide to do it for the current subscribers. But I wouldnt get my hopes up.


Yeah wishful thinking they're going to give us 16 slots per server. IMO they'll just transfer your overflow characters to another random server or, at best, let you pick which server to transfer to. I doubt they'll give us 16 slots per server even if we have to pay for them. People that have more than 8 characters *already* have their characters on multiple servers...what's the big deal of having them on multiple servers after transfers?

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Yeah wishful thinking they're going to give us 16 slots per server. IMO they'll just transfer your overflow characters to another random server or, at best, let you pick which server to transfer to. I doubt they'll give us 16 slots per server even if we have to pay for them. People that have more than 8 characters *already* have their characters on multiple servers...what's the big deal of having them on multiple servers after transfers?


Make Legacy Account bound instead of Server bound, Cross Server Mail to Legacy, keep 8 slots per server, and allow for an alternate destination for full servers. Then everyone has up to 40 characters per legacy spread across 5 or more servers all sharing the bennifits of Legacy. Happiness ensues.

Edited by Urael
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Yeah wishful thinking they're going to give us 16 slots per server. IMO they'll just transfer your overflow characters to another random server or, at best, let you pick which server to transfer to. I doubt they'll give us 16 slots per server even if we have to pay for them. People that have more than 8 characters *already* have their characters on multiple servers...what's the big deal of having them on multiple servers after transfers?


Look carefully at your character select screen, since the patch last week. It's been adjusted to accomadate at least 4 more character slots, once they patch it in.


IMO, the first step is they will use it to accomadate character transfers off of the locked servers (ie: characters not yet moved due to character limit overloads), because it's a honest issue that needs to be resolved since they currently do not let you move characters to a server of your choice (though they have said the will address this limitation inthe future). So it appears subscribers will receive up to 12 slots. Free players though.... probably must buy the option to move off of locked servers and must buy most of the 12 slots, which is how other MMOs do it basically.

Edited by Andryah
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Yeah wishful thinking they're going to give us 16 slots per server. IMO they'll just transfer your overflow characters to another random server or, at best, let you pick which server to transfer to. I doubt they'll give us 16 slots per server even if we have to pay for them. People that have more than 8 characters *already* have their characters on multiple servers...what's the big deal of having them on multiple servers after transfers?


But those same people have been asking for 8 more slots per server so they can consolidate their characters. Add into that the cost of character transfers after the F2P launch and you have a nice profit margin for BW / EA even after giving away the 8 free slots to players who were in-game before the Origin servers were locked down. Plus having the possibility for 8 extra slots per server still gives them that much more to make off the F2P players who have to pay for those extra slots.



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I'm willing to bet it's intentional so they force people to roll from scratch.


I've played through ord mantel today and apparently the trooper chain is critically broken. This is something they wouldn't have caught if everyone was just hanging on the fleet with their 50s or custom made insta 50 toons.


It's vital for them to iron out the starting planets as much as possible before f2p hits. What kind of PR would it be if they launched it and class quests are borked at lvl 7, that'd be a disaster.

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So it appears subscribers will receive up to 12 slots. Free players though.... probably must buy the option to move off of locked servers and must buy most of the 12 slots, which is how other MMOs do it basically.


I would hope that it would be free to move off of locked servers. The reason: some of the people still on the locked servers could be ones that were placed there by BW during the whole guild population exercise before release. If there is a way to assertain this ( I am sure that account creation/character creation date could be used ) maybe use a date that all character created BEFORE the servers were locked get the free option. Characters created after servers were locked have to pay.

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BW, I can give you guys some phone numbers to all the other MMO's that have successfully implemented this service. Maybe they can help you guys out.


The transfers have been a mixed bag for my toons. My Pubs got shipped to The Bastion. That server is awesome and still thriving.


My Imps got shipped to Jung Ma from Ajunta Pall. That server is not doing as well. The community is pretty fragmented and the population rarely peaks around the average we had on AP. On top of that, my toons were moved from a West Coast to an East Coast server so now I experience lag/latency/connection problems from time to time. Somewhat disappointed in this change.


To add insult to injury, after the first wave of transfers were closed, I found out that my Imps didn't have to move to Jung Ma after all. Apparently, BW made a change after I transferred and I could accepted an option to move them to The Bastion. Of course, I never received any sort of information or notification of this option as I would have happily taken it. So now they are just sort of effed and trying to make the best of the situation.

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I would hope that it would be free to move off of locked servers.


If you are a subscriber, definitely. If you are free-riding.... I'm ambivalent about it because you had to have been a subscriber along the line to roll on the locked servers, so if you want to consolidate characters off the locked servers you should either resub, or pay a transfer fee to do so. Complete character set movement to a consolidated server is not something to be given to free players IMO. But hey, Bioware will decide this, not me or other players.

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If you are a subscriber, definitely. If you are free-riding.... I'm ambivalent about it because you had to have been a subscriber along the line to roll on the locked servers, so if you want to consolidate characters off the locked servers you should either resub, or pay a transfer fee to do so. Complete character set movement to a consolidated server is not something to be given to free players IMO. But hey, Bioware will decide this, not me or other players.


I see your point. But, again I think the fact that some where placed on the servers they were on by BW because of where they placed guild pre-lauch should be taken into account current subscription or not. This would be a small subset and cleared up rather quickly. Think of it as a gesture of good will. Not necessary but, at this point BW need all the help they can get.

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But, again I think the fact that some where placed on the servers they were on by BW because of where they placed guild pre-lauch should be taken into account current subscription or not.


Makes sense.


My guess: they may give freemiums with characters on selected servers (such as you describe) the ability to make a free move if the character is above a cerain level (like 40, just to pick an example) as it provides good will to characters where obvious time was invested into the character by the player. Clearly they were subscribed previously, and clearly they invested notable time into said characters.... so yeah.... reward that with good will in the form of free transfer option. There is precedent from Bioware as to goodwill gestures - from their free time awards to people who reached 50 (or a minimum legacy level) earlier.

Edited by Andryah
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Its been nearly half a year since Bioware began the character transfer progra






Dude, it's been almost exactly 98 days (as of 1500 EST, 9/11/2012). On Earth, we refer to this as fourteen weeks, or alternately, three and a half months.


Perhaps you are from Venus where the yearly rotation is much shorter? (LINK) If so, welcome!



Your alarmist hyperbole detracts from whatever point you were trying to make.

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Yes, I noticed the change to the character select/creation screen, and I wouldn't be surprised if they gave us up to 4 more slots, but I still think 8 extra slots is wishful thinking, but I'd be happy to be wrong. :cool:


It's the only way I can think they could force transfer a full server of characters to a Destination server without any issues. If they try to split up such a transfer between two servers, what happens if the other server is full too? How do they decide which characters go to the primary destination and which go to the secondary destination? What happens if the secondary destination is a server that player doesn't play on at all? What kind of backlash could that cause?


No, my theory is still 8 free slots to all subscribers who were playing before the Origin servers were locked and a easy forced transfer to the already set up Destination servers.



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Can we get more character slots first? Two servers worth of characters in one server worth of slots is *********** stupid!


Giving the extra slots early would be a bad idea if they want to be able to transfer your characters from Origin servers into those slots. If they did that you could quickly fill them again and ruin the whole process.



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  • 6 months later...
Lol half a year.


You realize it took those other companies (like WoW) more than half a year to finally implement that service? Make that a few years of people constantly on the forums suggesting and begging for it.


Then, it finally comes out and the players who weren't involved in that process (the suggesting, asking for updates, etc)

Think it was just some feature that was thought up and implemented the next month...


Just because another game has it doesn't mean the devs can just say "yeah let's just copy those guys and have this service ready next week" I imagine it's more complicated than that...


The real issue here is that TOR launched with no contingency plans... For anything. This is what got them into such a harsh position immediately after launch.


How does a game launch with multiple realms and have no means or plans for a character transfer service. Honestly this baffles me. This feature should have been available day one; the game should not have launched without this feature, among a great many others that should have been there at launch.


This really boils down to arrogance and lack of research on the part of the devs. Poor planning is why this feature is not here yet.

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