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Stealing the thunder / players like to solo


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So if I walk into a restaurant in real life, sit down at some stranger's table and "help" her eat her meal, then my reply only need to be that once she complains is that I was only trying to help her eat it faster so she'll have more time to spend on other things, and surely she realizes that we live in a social world and is *required* to be social with everyone 24/7 simply because she exists in the same world with them. If she still continues to be upset, then she is just being rude and anti-social. How dare she want to enjoy a nice meal by herself when there are other people right there in the same world who can help her eat it!
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So if I walk into a restaurant in real life, sit down at some stranger's table and "help" her eat her meal, then my reply only need to be that once she complains is that I was only trying to help her eat it faster so she'll have more time to spend on other things, and surely she realizes that we live in a social world and is *required* to be social with everyone 24/7 simply because she exists in the same world with them. If she still continues to be upset, then she is just being rude and anti-social. How dare she want to enjoy a nice meal by herself when there are other people right there in the same world who can help her eat it!


This analogy and this thread in general makes me sad for humanity.

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I don't necessarily jump in if I see a player fighting for dear life. On my Jugg and Assassin, I just taunt the monster/mob to me and let him attack me while the player kills it. I don't want them to have this misconception that I'm trying to steal their kills.
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I don't necessarily jump in if I see a player fighting for dear life. On my Jugg and Assassin, I just taunt the monster/mob to me and let him attack me while the player kills it. I don't want them to have this misconception that I'm trying to steal their kills.


To me that's still rude. The way I see it, people interfering with my fights are saying you can't handle this and need my help.

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To me that's still rude. The way I see it, people interfering with my fights are saying you can't handle this and need my help.


I see your point, but if you see a level 37 character trying to kill a level 40 elite.. I gotta help the man, even if it means tanking for him.

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I see your point, but if you see a level 37 character trying to kill a level 40 elite.. I gotta help the man, even if it means tanking for him.


To each their own, but personally I would leave them alone since I know how much it pisses me off when people interfere with my fights. Would be hypocritical for me to assist others and then yell at them when they assist me.

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1. I know there are players that want to help other players beat the Elite Boss's, these plople just jump in and steal the thunder from the player that the quest was intended for.


A . If a person is battling the Elite Boss and you see that their health is 75% gone, by all means help the player out, if you wish or throw some heals...


B . If you are a player that likes to help, then ask the player who is getting ready to fight the Elite Boss if he or she need help. This is the proper respect and you are not stealing the glory of the kill. Yes, I play imperial and Republic and knowing that I can solo a Elite Boss's is a great feeling.


2 . I have seen many time player just jump in and steal the thunder from other players , that like to Solo this game and see how the combat is... Not all Eite Boss's are alike in combat style they have differnt specials, that make it a challage. If you attack with same attack you will loose....you as a player have to change your attack and special attacks to confuse the AI's then you will win. The only way to beat a Elite Boss's is to watch and learn and loose a battle a time or two... to know how to win the battle.... The Art of War Sun Tzu



Be Respectful of other players and ask if they need help, But If you see player at 25% or less health, He or She is battling an Elite Boss then by all mean help him or her out, if you wish.....please do not steal there thunder/victory because I'm sure you will not like it if a player took yours.


Yup, because a player who is on the losing end of a mob fight is going to have the time to chat with you when you ask. :D

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I'll only help someone if they clearly need it, and I do it way more often with my healer than my gaurdian tank. Its easier to just fire off a heal or two than it is to leap in and actually take over their fight.


One guy did get upset with me though for healing him so I think some ppl take it too seriously, believing that I was suggesting they were incapable of handling a fight without help or something.

Edited by DrewFromPhilly
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When I come across someone fighting one of those, I help. It takes little time to help them kill it, which is less time than it takes to ask permission, check the health of everything within a 100m radius, whisper them, emote if they would like help, and wait for the secret handshake to tell me that this person understands they are playing a non instanced part of a multiplayer game. There are instanced portions of the game, which allow players more control over who they can see and who can participate in battles.


It's unreasonable to expect other people to waste their time creating the illusion that they aren't in the common areas of the game. They are in the game, and it's not their problem to scurry around trying to be invisible until they determine whether another player gives them permission to be seen and heard.


If someone is a jerk to me and puts me on ignore because I spent a few seconds helping them, then that's fine. I really wouldn't want to be teamed up with someone like that in group finder, so they're doing us both a favor. Most people who are ok playing a multiplayer game will say thanks or just go on with their business.

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Fun yes. Socially intereactive.... LOL...... NO.


It's still X random strangers all ganking the same thing, and none of them actually interacting socially with one another at all. Unless you conisder being in the same place whacking the same moles being social.


Oh, right Andryah, 'coz getting players to congregate in the first place and interact in-game is NOT a potentially strong foundation for further social interaction. Damn, you got me there! ... OH WAIT.


Of course GW 2's event mechanics doesn't automatically guarantee you a friend list filled to the brim. It does, however, ensure you run across and complete ingame objectives with a whole host of people, which you may continue your endeavours with. Sure as hell beats SWTOR's semi-empty planets whose population density is equal to the Australian outback.


Alas, I digress, common sense is likely wasted on you, seeing how you're unable to cope with anything even remotely critical towards SWTOR. I really do hope you get paid in some shape or form though, otherwise I'm flabbergasted; it's fine you like the game, but your incessant need to put - sometimes outright far-fetched and crazy - positive spin on everything to counter other people's opinions and, sometimes, well-justified problems with the game is becoming outright disturbing.

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Shouldn't you(the OP) be respectful that the game is an MMO? That there are tens of thousands of other players playing on the same server you're playing on?


Now I'll agree that if someone comes past you while you're attacking said Elite mob that to steal a quest node, or steal a chest. . .that's disrespectful and extremely selfish in my eyes.


But you not wanting me to say, force leap to said mob so I can get to my destination faster or even help you take him down because deep down I feel like I'm helping is very arrogant of you. I get it, you wanna stroke your epeen and say to yourself 'imma bad mother_____, because I took down an elite mob'.


Get over yourself, there are plenty of single player games that you can play where no one will hurt your precious little ego.

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I think you are playing the wrong game if you want to solo stuff outside of an instanced area because part of an mmorpg is other people in the world around you, and some times they like to be nice... yet your complaining about it.... great. Edited by Oldmaveric
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I almost died after a very very stupid mistake on my part, and two helpful troopers got me out of that one. Have also helped others who seems to have been in trouble and afterwards not a single one has been angry. We simply waved at each other, exchanged a whisper or two and went along with our things for the day. So I will continue to help out people, just because the experience I have had so far has always been one of general "Thanks mate". If I would one day end up helping someone who didn't want me to do so, and afterwards were angry with me. Well, then I guess they will end up putting me on ignore.


For me it is just as natural as helping out someone who's got a bad tire stuck beside the road, pick up the glove that one person dropped and handing it back. If I can help someone out I will, just like I appreciate it when someone helps me.

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I must admit, mostly as my Jedi, i like to give the padawans a little helping hand when they are trying to solo a creature or boss thats a fair bit tough. (Probably the roleplayer in me... i dont know) But i always let the padawan take most of the battle and prefer to give them a little healing hand. <<Make sure you read that right) Its not my attempt to steal thunder. I just like to wander Tython etc... Some of the low class worlds. (What thunder would there be to steal) I think you are being a little unkind to players who meant no harm and just wanted to help out. Fair enough, if they obviously try and use you to beat the boss then you are right. But i'm willing to bet, mist of the people you are insulting are those people who just wanna give you a little assitance.


Think about that. Chill man :)

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So what I've learnt from this thread is that I shouldn't try to be nice to people in general, because a small number of people think that being helpful is actually insulting. Good to know. If someone asks for my help, should I help them or is that the "give a man a fish" territory?
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So what I've learnt from this thread is that I shouldn't try to be nice to people in general, because a small number of people think that being helpful is actually insulting. Good to know. If someone asks for my help, should I help them or is that the "give a man a fish" territory?


Dont let a minority put you off. keep on giving a helping hand Tatile :)

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Dont let a minority put you off. keep on giving a helping hand Tatile :)


The thing that worries me the most is having someone tag along behind me for god knows how long stealing all my mobs because I may have buffed them at some point :/


Maybe if Bioware allowed macros we could say "I'm only buffing you, not trying to steal your THUNDER or anything"? I do admit I find this complaint to be odd. I guess those who find help insulting have been treated like babies most of their life?

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The thing that worries me the most is having someone tag along behind me for god knows how long stealing all my mobs because I may have buffed them at some point :/


Maybe if Bioware allowed macros we could say "I'm only buffing you, not trying to steal your THUNDER or anything"? I do admit I find this complaint to be odd. I guess those who find help insulting have been treated like babies most of their life?


It happens, true. But most of the time those people are lower level than you. And lets be honesst, in that case, they can only follow you so far ;)

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The other day I was randomly questing one of my lower level toons. I came across a guy that had somehow agro'd 3 strongs and he was in sorry shape and about to die. He had one strong down to about 30% or so but the others were above 90%. He had around 25% of his health left. I unleashed an AOE and dropped the mob he was fighting and chewed the other two down to about 40-45% then tossed a heal and buff onto him and kept him alive while he finished the other two strongs.


My thanks for saving his butt? A slew of cursing and nasty messages.


If that had been an isolated event I would just chalk it up to some WoWtard but it's happened a number of times with different players. Now... I am inclined to stand there and watch them die.

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You DO realize this is a Massively Multiplayer(note that word) Online Role Playing Game? Having said that, this game requires you to be social and interact with others. If you're going to take offense to people helping you out, you should really think twice next time your laying on the ground with a menu that offers you revive options.


Or you could try your hand at soloing a World Boss to see how that turns out....just saying.


You know, if some retard wants to try to take on a world boss solo, or a group of mobs they obviously can't handle, or even one that is out of their class for that matter....that's their business, maybe they're doing it for a reason, maybe not, but it's not for you to decide that you're so awesome that nobody can play the game without your help. IF I wanted help, for example, I'd ask on general chat, or /whisper a nearby player... I wouldn't go into a situation I knew I couldn't win just hoping some super-awesome player would come along and save me.


My point is, it's not your place to interfere with other people's gameplay. Just because it's an MMO doesn't mean everything you do has to be done in a group, people can do what they want... that's what they pay for. You running around trying to show everyone how big your e-junk is by stealing their kills to be "a hero" only impresses yourself. If you can't get that then my only conclusion is you must be a poor picked-on little kid and this is your only means of redeaming your self-esteem, in which case you need to see a psychologist and not run around pissing off other people just because you think it's some right you have.

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I personally don't like it when someone jumps in and starts fighting something I'm already battling. Their intention could very well be to help me, but I view it as either:


1. They don't think I'm capable enough to win the fight, which is really none of their concern.


2. They are trying to rush me out of the way so they can get to what they want (ex. - that particular boss is spawned by clicking something). This seems the more likely to me, as it fits well with the "get out of my way, I'm in a hurry and I'm more important than you" attitude that is so prevalent in MMOs.


For me, it's not about "thunder" -- it's that I use tough fights as learning experiences. It gives me the opportunity to push myself and see just how much I can or can't handle. I get to try out different strategies and combinations of powers. If someone interrupts that, even with good intentions, I don't learn as much as I could have otherwise.


I want to know what my character can handle so that I will be a better player. That has come in quite handy in group missions where the team *almost* gets wiped, but I (or other players) can finish things off and salvage a fight.

Edited by Kalabakk
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Interesting. I don't really play hero and look to save anyone in particular. But there have been a few cases where I have encountered other players near death and I have helped them. In each and every case they have been very grateful. In one case we ended up running the rest of an areas quests together and he asked me to join his guild as he was a GM.


My point is... all seems to be working as intended. The challenging mobs are instanced and usually part of a class quest and not at issue. Helping when warranted is not stealing thunder.

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