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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hutt Faction


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I have wondered why they did not have a 3rd faction for more the neutral classes like Smugglers and Bounty Hunters.

Even if it was not Hutt and maybe one of the other Criminal factions it just makes more sense. Smugglers and Bounty Hunters should have the choice to work for both sides.


Problem about trying to do this now is that the Classes already have there Stories made and implemented in either the Sith and Republic Alliances. You would have to separate them somehow or completely rewrite them.


Personally though I would love to see them somehow do this, especially if they were to think about adding PVP Bounties. Mainly because Bounty Hunters should be able to Hunt both the Republic and Sith Players. Problem I see right now is that Bounty Hunters are in the Sith Alliance when it comes to PVP.


Anyways that is how I feel about it.

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A third faction would probably help. World PvP in particular. While classes could mostly be mirrors of existing classes, there would need to be a few unique abilities to be a draw, and a unique class story. Ideally a class story that uses both imperial and republic planets.
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I would suggest coming up with new storylines for the Hutt faction. Yes, you'd have more than one stoyline for each class, but there can be overlap, especially in the early missions.

ed- The game's architecture makes it really easy to add new missions/stories. Hardest part would be doing the new animation/voice acting.

Edited by Dukehart
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I think it would be cool, but I don't think it will ever happen. They'd have to write four new storylines, complete with voiceovers, and considering that quite a few of the FP's are faction specific, probably a few more of those two.


All that, and you wouldn't have any new class mechanics or archetypes added to the game.

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I agree with the idea that smugglers and Bounty Hunters need to START neutral... I mean basic lore tells you both BH and smuggs are businessman up for grabs to the highest bidding jobs... The story lines for both even reflect that... the BH looks to start his career and wants to make his fortune and finds the best way to get your foot in the door is to work for the Hutts... The smuggler takes the path he chooses when he gets stranded on Ord Mantel... Point being they BEGIN their respective stories neutral. So what FORCES them to choose to work for the Republic or work for the Empire?

Common sense would suggest, as in all stories involving war and sabotage, that the bad guys (Empire) usually gets all the major money, and the good guys (Republic) usually try to appeal to your sense of honor, which is in a sense what they do here too. But, who is to say that a smuggler wouldn't rather be rich or that a BH doesn't find a sense of honor?

My suggestion, if not working in a whole new faction, let these two classes remain neutral at the beginning and have their alignment dictate their loyalties. We can agree that by basic class quests alone, by the time their finish their starting planet, they will either be Light I or Dark I. From there let Light smuggs/BH go to work for the Republic and Dark go to work for the Empire.

No need to rewrite their stories, simply create an alternate story for each class.

Now one might ask what about those already stuck in their respective factions? You can either OFFER a reset of their alignment ( I say offer because, in case they do not wish it, they do not have to gain Light/Dark V all over again) or force them to earn the realignment by running flashpoints and quests and gaining the alignment points in opposing direction themselves.... You can even give a legacy perk to grant increase in alignment, or they can use Diplomacy to gain the alignment.... However, upon changing faction the MUST complete the other factions story quest chain to reap the alignment benefits.... this is just MY IDEAS on the matter

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So, how about making the Hutts a full faction? Classes could be Smuggler, BH, Assassin (like Imp agent) and rogue Jedi/Sith.


Hutts are fat slugs.... I sure hope your talking about "working for" the hutts and not actually playing them.



Maybe instead of starting out as a hut cartel you start as public or empire and get persuaded to turn in to a cartel member?

Edited by Oldmaveric
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So what FORCES them to choose to work for the Republic or work for the Empire?


The Corrupt Jedi Order Master Jun Seros and Supreme Councillor Janarus do a pretty good job making the Bounty Hunter's choice for him by



murdering all of his friends in cold blood


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This was proposed by the community in Beta. It is how, IMO, the game should have launched. Raven Night had a pretty active thread on it, I cant remember exactly what he proposed (it was pretty thorough), but I think it was something like this..


Sith and Jedi remain as is.

Dark trooper or Stormtrooper for Empire as mirror to Trooper

Officer or Operative for Republic as mirror to Agent


Smuggler and BH start in whole new faction, criminal faction. Not sure what he called it. He added two other criminal classes but I dont remember them. I think one of them had the ability to control "pets", or fighters/thugs as its weapon set, and the other could don disguises and worked with spice.


The Smuggler had a "Runner" as an Imperial mirror, and the BH had a Marshal as a mirror for the Republic. I liked the idea of a Marshal, a law enforcement officer that would seek out those running from the law. You would reach a certain level (very early) and then choose to go either Imperial or Republic.


I thought it was a great system, much better than the system launched with the game.

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I already role-play someone who works in the underworld, specifically The Exchange. I would love to see a underworld centered faction like Black Sun, Hutt Cartel, The Exchange, or perhaps simply a Underworld faction that includes all of the above. This would take a lot of work on Biowares part, I'm almost positive, but I think it would be worth it in the long run. Maybe a expansion somewhere along the line could feature this?

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The only thing that could make this happen is a new post 50 class story for the classes that are going to join the new faction, the existing story exists and cannot be altered (nor should it or it will harm those of us following the stories). The other option of course is a new faction with new classes on that faction in a large expansion.
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