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your most hated planet in swtor


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I don't "hate" any planet but my least favorite is likely taris mostly just due to the fact I hate rakghouls myself and they are EVERYWHERE!


Its like going to a planet that is just filled with the one thing you hate, the planet isn't the problem though. Its the mobs, also I think it has some of the hardest platforming datacrons. :D

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I didn't play the old Kotor so the throw back of Taris doesn't effect me. I found the planet fun but I will say Balmorra is my least favorite planet and the teleporting crap needs to be taken out. Doesn't belong in the SW universe.


Sure it does, I remember when spock was all like. Beam me up scotty I have a sith about to cut me in half! :D



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Belsavis by a long shot. Close second would be Voss. Voss just seems so un-Star Wars-y...it looks like something from WoW or GW.


Which one then? :p


Balmorra is my worst nightmare, honorary mention goes to Quesh but that's at least very short. I hated Hutta as well, a big ugly swamp is just unappealing to me.

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In terms of bad design, Belsavis hands down. I kind of like the Esh-ka, Rakata, and the prison revolt dynamic; the backround for the planet also seems pretty cool (Ice Planet with Jungle like hot-spots, regardless of the plausibility). But how they designed getting from Point A to Point B is just terrible, it makes Balmorra look good.


In terms of atmosphere and how the planets feel, Voss and Quesh are easily the worst. Voss seemed like a really cool idea (the Voss-Gormak War, cloak-and-dagger Republic and Imperial Diplomacy, etc.) however it just feels so boring, small, and lifeless. As someone else said, it feels so Fantasy that it makes me think I am playing something else. The Planet makes the Force not feel like the force and just old school magic and mysticism. Quesh seems like something Bioware thought was a cool idea, but ran out of ideas on quickly, yet was still put in the game and it shows.

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the most boring planet?



1-10: Tython

11-30: Tatooine and Alderaan

31-42: Hoth and Quesh

43-50: Ilum



1-10: none

11-30: Balmorra and Tatooine

31-42: Hoth and Quesh

43-50: Ilum


Hated planet?

Quesh - Never liked it.


Favorite planet?

Korriban - Never a dull moment on that mountainous dust-ball.

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Why would anyone say that the small areas in planets are too big!? Ok, maybe if they were just copies of familiar pieces. Every square meter doesn't need to be somehow special. I like riding my speeder bike on some of those Dune Seas "endless" patches.


Same thing. Planets with "too much" content. I don't get it. How can there be too much to do? You people know that only class quests are "obligatory" in progressing story?

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Belsavis because u must always follow the roads, or else, if u try open traveling u may have to turn arround. Also I cant get 1 way point to unlock the upper map traveling!! its very frustrating experience. I ve searched everywhere, how to unlock 1 way point and in generall unlock the traveling.. but no luck after 3-4 50s i got...


In the other hand, I love HOTH, this planet have lots of potential for content, if they ever consider it...

Edited by Oyranos
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Belsavis most definately.

Quest are frikin everywhere, go here then travel 5 miles to go here, finish that quest and travel another 5 miles, then go into a transporter system then go 5 miles north to get dailies then go back south to turn it.


Its pretty terrible.

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It does, it just continues off the first one so you might not have noticed. It's called Balmorra: Bonus Series 2. The one on Voss does the same thing.


Yup.Balmorra pub side is nice for picking up credits if you do Bonus 2.No matter which chr I do I make a chunk of change.

One I like the least is Balmorra imp side.Don't know why.Ok Bug Tussle area is boring!!!!!

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Taris, pub side: Wouldn't be bad but after running my first toon through it I was sick of rakghouls, then ran 3 more through -.- Imp side was great. Looked cool since it was at night and hardly dealt with rakghouls.


Balmorra: After killing a few million rakghouls the loads of collicoids put me in auto-play boredom mode again.


I don't hate these planets, but they're definitely my bottom two.

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