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The Making Fun of Darth Baras Thread


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No one likes playing the Hypergate WZ with Baras he gets stuck in the door trapping people outside during discharge.


Darth Baras is the best defender in pvp, he just sits there and people can never click it.


Darth Baras doesn't need a bomb to blow the doors in voidstar, just pull his finger.

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That's gold lol


Does anyone else think that if TOR became a movie John Goodman would be perfect to play Baras? :D


Either that or Mike Myers in his Fat Bastard costume.


Emperor: I must ask you to stop, Baras. As much as I like seeing Jedi in pain, the thought of you naked creeps me out.

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Either that or Mike Myers in his Fat Bastard costume.


Emperor: I must ask you to stop, Baras. As much as I like seeing Jedi in pain, the thought of you naked creeps me out.


"I need to do a Force Charge I just hope my wire guys are ready!" :D

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Nice, but I'm going to miss your Sir Copperfield quote :p


Thanks. I'm now posting stories on (send me a PM for the website), and those are lines from 'Knight & Warrior' which I've posted there. I've pretty much stopped playing the game, and have cancelled my paid sub. It's going to expire within the next few days, and if I'm able to post here after it expires, I will. Yeah, I think Sir Sheldon Coppertard has learned his lesson... hopefully. Anyhow, if you wanna check out my literary skillz, send me a PM. That goes for anyone else here who wants to read some good hard action Sci-Fi, not just Star Wars stuff. :D

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