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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will anything actually retain customers?


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People want PvP like in WAR, but they left WAR.


People want sandbox elements like in SWG, but they left SWG.


People want community and character customisation like in CoH, but they left CoH.


People want the amount of end-game content of WoW, but they left WoW.


So even if SWTOR was some ultimate MMO force, bringing together all of these features together and adding in some fully voiced class stories. Would it actually retain a larger amount of people for very long?

Edited by Hessen
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Nope, it wouldn't have skill shots, or be realistic enough, or difficult enough, or easy enough, or have enough mini games, or include Master Chief, or enough humor, or balance, or big enough, or better voice protocal, or less lag, or more friends, or less computer spec requirements, or linux support, or real money auction house, or work on an iPhone, or not be apart of EA.



I think you get the idea...

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content content content! BW has to start pushing out content like clockwork


The only MMO that pushes out content like this is Trion's Rift. there is an event every other month or so, so many that it actually irritates some folks. people will come and go during MMO'S some for raids / dungeons / FP'S and some for xpacks.


What retains my sub is the story / lore. my only beef i guess if you could call it that is it is not a sandbox, there is no single player dailies, or real reason to go back to the planets after you hit 50. which is sad because of all the work they put into it. dont get me wrong the heroics are fine but having regular single player dailies / hubs gives players a convieniece of doing them any time they want to even when other player dont.

Edited by DarthSabreth
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People want PvP like in WAR, but they left WAR.


People want sandbox elements like in SWG, but they left SWG.


People want community and character customisation like in CoH, but they left CoH.


People want the amount of end-game content of WoW, but they left WoW.


So even if SWTOR was some ultimate MMO force, bringing together all of these features together and adding in some fully voiced class stories. Would it actually retain a larger amount of people for very long?


Their only option is to say "#$%& popular opinion. Let's go oldschool and turn TOR into a modern EQ!"


Well, probably not... but it's nice to dream.

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content content content! BW has to start pushing out content like clockwork


Its not even the amount of content so much as the rate of it imo. The wait 3 months and receive 1 ops/warzone(assuming no gaps for feature updates) leads to a sort've weird cycle of repeating the same thing over and over for a long time and then suddenly having a lot to do.


If they can handle the 6 week between smaller updates schedule they set for themselves post f2p I think things will work out.

Edited by Vandicus
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We need diverse game play, along with all those features the op brought up, our toons need to feel like they live in the world and not just playing through it, content is great but we need different types of content, not just another war zone or another op this is not new content just more of what we already have, can't keep adding ferris wheels to the theme park and expect people to keep coming back the park over an over, we need some play grounds and roller coasters.. I really think the f2p model is more of a band aid than a fix for the sub lose problems, f2p folks can get bored as well. Scripted content can only get you so far.


The trends in mmo's and online games have changed so much since game like wow and swg launched, for one there are tons of games to play now and with the transient nature of mmo'ers these days maybe the companies just make content to satisfy the nomads of today's mmo's.


I did read some research about a year ago that said modern mmo players only stay in an mmo for 3 to 6 months, sure seems like the mmo industry makes these games with that in mind these days, which is sad, I like to stay in an mmo for years and have done so in the past. But find the new generation of mmo's does not give me the feeling that my toon lives in the world, just playing through. :(

Edited by kevlarto
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People want PvP like in WAR, but they left WAR.


People want sandbox elements like in SWG, but they left SWG.


People want community and character customisation like in CoH, but they left CoH.


People want the amount of end-game content of WoW, but they left WoW.


So even if SWTOR was some ultimate MMO force, bringing together all of these features together and adding in some fully voiced class stories. Would it actually retain a larger amount of people for very long?



WAR had it's devs slashed sinces its Beta, it was basically in maintance mode since it went Live.

SWG had incredible mismanagement along with some flaws and bugs.

CoH was a very light game, but still lasted for age.

WoW is the most successful MMORPG in history.


Yes, people can be retained, but it need to be done by quality, fun and innovation.

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People want sandbox elements like in SWG, but they left SWG.


We will never know the true effects of SWG. The first wave of people ( the majority of the subs) left with the abysmal "combat upgrade" (CU). Game was fine before that, people where happy, still don't know why $oE jumped the shark on the CU. NGE was the nail in the coffen. Sure NGE maintained "some" of the sandbox elements but, many of the player driven content was lost with the changes to the game since the CU. Pre-CU SWG was SWG at it's finest.

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over 9 months in and we still get choppy combat delay combat system...I played WOW and GW2 then I logged on SWTOR and I was just horrified at the delays. They need to optimize their pile of crap beta version of hero engine and fix the game...they need to release the content they promised us like nightmare ec at end of july etc...they need to communicate better and tell the EA marketing dept to butt out and stick to their number crunching surveys. They need to actually play the game they are making and Im not talking about testing something for 5 mins...they need to level up a toon from 1-50 then grind to gear for raiding and go into an actual guild and raid with them to get a feel for the game...they need to delete current space mini game and open space up to free roam with pvp and multiplayer abilities....they need to stop polishing turds and get something new and innovative going here because what they have atm is nothing more than WOW in space w/ combat delays grindfest of daily quests w/ some pvp on the side and 4 bosses every 5-6 months...I honestly feel that bioware had no idea what it was getting into here and is in over its head...its like they stopped caring about what they put out and just decided to put out anything they could to appease the idiots and give them some breathing room...I'm tired of trying to justify my subscription or even playing when this goes f2p...its like they just dont care.
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I have subscribed from release day until today. I didn't really plan to quit, but I simply stopped playing. I'm not entirely sure why, but I simply got bored. I think the problem is a combination between boring basic game mechanics (quickslot rotation), too many uninteresting typical MMO quests in between the story quests, and even the jedi knight story wasn't exciting enough for me to finish (destroy super weapon on ever planet you get to, basically).


I had no plans to play GW2, but ended up testing it, and it's refreshing playing something that feels different.

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WAR had it's devs slashed sinces its Beta, it was basically in maintance mode since it went Live.

SWG had incredible mismanagement along with some flaws and bugs.

CoH was a very light game, but still lasted for age.

WoW is the most successful MMORPG in history.


Yes, people can be retained, but it need to be done by quality, fun and innovation.


The point is that people want this game to be like those games, but with a star wars skin. But the content that they want is the same stuff they've already done and got bored with elsewhere. A star wars skin on the same stuff is only going to keep them for so long.


I agree that innovation is important, but people who are leaving at the moment are leaving because it doesn't have what they want, not what they don't know they want. (that makes more sense in my head than it does written down)

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We will never know the true effects of SWG. The first wave of people ( the majority of the subs) left with the abysmal "combat upgrade" (CU). Game was fine before that, people where happy, still don't know why $oE jumped the shark on the CU. NGE was the nail in the coffen. Sure NGE maintained "some" of the sandbox elements but, many of the player driven content was lost with the changes to the game since the CU. Pre-CU SWG was SWG at it's finest.


CU was released because they bled 50,000 subscribers in a quarter. NGE was released because they bled around 80,000 subs after CU.

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CU was released because they bled 50,000 subscribers in a quarter. NGE was released because they bled around 80,000 subs after CU.


Intrepid server says hello. CU was the cause of the 50,000 bleed. CU did nothing to save SWG it drove off people. It ruined all the "non-combat" classes. It ruined the games economy. It ruined all the player controlled events.

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Intrepid server says hello. CU was the cause of the 50,000 bleed. CU did nothing to save SWG it drove off people. It ruined all the "non-combat" classes. It ruined the games economy. It ruined all the player controlled events.


The SWG "economy" was a monopoly.

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The SWG "economy" was a monopoly.


Not on intrepid we had plenty of people competing. The only time short term monopolies formed where when new crafting comsumables were added. Once everyone figured out where to get the new consumables and who were willing to farm them (or pay people to farm them for them) the competition went back to normal. There was a whole buisness in just farming mats and selling them to crafters. All killed by the CU. Don't get me started on how the entertainment industry got nuked.

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The point is that people want this game to be like those games, but with a star wars skin. But the content that they want is the same stuff they've already done and got bored with elsewhere. A star wars skin on the same stuff is only going to keep them for so long.


I agree that innovation is important, but people who are leaving at the moment are leaving because it doesn't have what they want, not what they don't know they want. (that makes more sense in my head than it does written down)


The thing is though SWTOR is rather sadly basically a WoW-Clone with nothing like the content. :(


It doesn't have WARs RvR (it doesn't have RvR any more at all).

It doesn't have SWGs breadth or depth or anything sandboxy.

It doesn't have CoH customisation.


The game needed another 6 months in Beta to be ready for release, but even then it was not going to be an innovative game, and that's what is needed to retain people.

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People want PvP like in WAR, but they left WAR.


People want sandbox elements like in SWG, but they left SWG.


People want community and character customisation like in CoH, but they left CoH.


People want the amount of end-game content of WoW, but they left WoW.


So even if SWTOR was some ultimate MMO force, bringing together all of these features together and adding in some fully voiced class stories. Would it actually retain a larger amount of people for very long?


It probably would retain large player base. You would only need to pay for one mmorpg that has those features as oppose to play wow, gw2, sandbox mmorpg, and a similar CoH mmorpg. Thus, base on pure economics it would make sense to subscribe to this super mmorpg. Unfortunately, I doubt it any mmorpg will have all those features in the near future.

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