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How often do you do die in solo PVE?


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I die a fair amount of times but usually that's because I did something stupid (like not paying attention to the situation until it was too late). There are also times where I died the first few times just because I hadn't figured out how to beat a gold star or boss enemy. Overall I'd say when I solo I average about the same amount of deaths I might in a single player RPG game.
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Usually 2-3 times a level, with all classes, but I play higher than me by 2-3 levels, including bosses .


40-50 was a bit higher death ratio on one because at 50 I realized I hadn't purchaced my advanced shadow skills since 40 :p


I do tend to forget to update armors and such "occasionally"...lol....too many to keep track of :p

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Especially on my sage. Even though I played somewhat overleveld (+3 or so) I ran into a few extremely hard to crack nuts.


One was the initial group in the toxic waste facility on Taris. I died more than a dozen times there, and then went about sneaking around it. Quyzen is vastly overrated as a tank - those guys ripped through him like he was some basic mob NPC. (Rakghoul armour damage I suppose);


Another one is the end boss (the female jedi) on Alderan. Deadly.


With my Tank specced Knight I had trooble with that sith on Taooine. Died at least 10 times there as well until I found a mix of stuff that worked AND perfectly executed the right sequence.


Aside from Bosses, I also sometimes die when enraging more than 1 Mob, or running into especially deadly Mobs. There is a 3-Silver patrol in the Republic Balmorra Battlements. There is also a Multi-Gold-Group standing, nearby, both in a standards, non heroic area.

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I don't die particularly often, but it certainly happens. I'm enjoying the story for Sith Inquisitor at the moment, level 41, and I've died at least five times on the way there. I will say, once the Sorcerer gets a lot of their abilities, they are TOUGH. I have gotten out of more hopeless situations using Madness spec than I could have survived with any of my other characters... like aggroing three toughs and their accompanying standard mobs, all two to three levels above mine, while using Khem Val (tank). Never would have survived that on my trooper or agent or knight unless I had out a healer companion.


Just have to say that you sig made me laugh outloud and wake the house. Love it!


Sometimes I die if I feel like doing something a bit foolish just for testing it out, pulling an extra group, taking a different comp from the one that I usually travel with. It is really fun, but sometimes it does result in a very dead JK.

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Solo pve used to be much more challenging , then last sept or oct they nerfed the hell out of it.


Wow made alot of money dumbing down mmos for the add/softhead generation but i think bioware lowered the bar past the money making limit and made solo pve a time sink of button mashing you have to go through to watch your story progress or get to the end game.


And for the question, no i hardly ever died leveling up. in fact i would bet that i died more in ever quest on my rogue before level 10 than i did leveling all 5 of my 50s in swtor combined.

Edited by Mallorik
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I die a lot because I invent my own content....like trying to run flashpoints solo if possible, running content in extremely low gear, using only my lightsaber or rockets, pulling mass mobs 5 levels below me and seeing whether or not my comp can dispatch them before I die...etc.


I like to challenge myself in this way. So death is pretty normal for me in this game.


Yeah I make some silly decisions as well, but I have been taking vicodins daily for over 7yrs.....simply creating my own fun.



I would say on average I die 2 to 3 times per night total(I play several characters each day). Sometimes it is simply not being comfortable with the class cause I bounce around so much. Other times for taking on something I know I have no business facing. For mobs that are supposed to only stand around, I have got my share of deaths to wandering mobs as well.



The one I hate most is when BW has 2 or more tough mobs in a grp like there are a bunch of normal characters. If you do a quick scan you might only catch 1 of them, and come to find out there were more. Have died several times in that manner.

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I died a spectacular number of times as my first character. Poor little Inquisitor, I was a completely newbie-ish clicker who hadn't the faintest idea what she was doing, or even how to build a meaningful rotation. Arguably, i'm still C-3P0 level competence... but back then I was Jar Jar. I had to level to 36, respec from Darkness to Madness, grinding space missions till I was seeing the backside of my Fury in my sleep, and doing about a third of the (non class story bits) of Taris before I was able to go back and finally beat the end of Act one boss in the Temple.


After that, she crawled on to Hoth, where the blinding white got a bit too much and I levelled a smuggler up instead... who got as far as Lightspring (the *old* Lightspring) with very little problems and far, far fewer deaths, generally only when she accidentally pulled an elite by being trigger-happy and not noticing the mob she was targetting was dead and that her target's auto-targeted the elite standing in the background... and all his strong friends, when she's on rather tiny health... At lightspring, I stuck completely, read the forums and fumed for a bit... noticed an argument about 'clickers', wondered what the dickens that was all about, read about it, recollected those numbers on the first action bar that I'd always known you *could* trigger by keyboard but never really seen the point... realised that you could *add* numbers to the *other* Action bars... practiced on a few mobs, then stormed lightspring playing *that* way and wiped the floor with the opposition. Corso still died though. I think he regards his regular trips to the afterlife as a sort of holiday.


Fewer deaths after that, until I got into the bad habit of playing dramatic iTunes soundtrack themes alongside my Smuggler's backside-kicking, which unfortunately leads to a certain amount of getting carried away and storming into fight after fight without noticing that one's health bar is a trifle empty.


Thus far, my little newbie Sage has died twice, on Coruscant. The first time was due to her dramatically vaulting across a barrier between two halves of a staircase... and only then realising there was a gap in between that was missing... floor. Coruscant is not a health and safety conscious workplace. The second time was poetic justice. I'd noticed a neutral little outlaw lounging near a parapet, picked a fight with him, and was just trying to get him in the exact right position to Force Wave hit him so he'd go flying off it to his plummeting doom (is that a tiny bit dark side, for a Jedi Sage?), wasn't actually hitting back because I didn't want to kill him before he was ready for the coup-de-grace, which got me a little bit low on health, and then my force wave annoyed three Black Sun thugs.

Probably would have been fine even then, if Qyzen hadn't been taking his sweet time getting back from underworld trading.

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Died a lot.


But only because as an IA I was testing out which 4x heroics I could stealth around in and complete on my own after all my friends quit playing. Still enjoy the danger of seeing how far I can get before something which can one shot me detects me.


Might be why I'm liking 'that other new game' so much at the moment. That sense of danger is ever present there.

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Assuming you are the appropriate level?


I only ask, because it seems player death in PVE is extremely rare.


On a side note, how often does your companion die when you survive the fight?


My current char is a 13th IA with no deaths, but my companion died once. I was chain killing and forgot to watch her health.


the most serials problem is the game engine and bugs,

last nite, i just fought 4 golden level 50 jedis and the system lag me to death,

GD it, i dont even lag at 4/4 hm ec,

just solo daily in balxxx is lag?

***, we dont fight as 40ppl vs 40ppl , ok?

fix it BW, ASAP.

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For me, it depends on what companion i bring with me.


Tank companion = they will most certainly fall against elites or multiple strongs, but by then the elite is close to death or the last strong is close to death and i can kill them before they kill me.


DPS companion = They will die pretty fast, so both you can your companion have to be top notch geared to beat down the elites and strongs fast enough that you can win, even if your companion goes down.


Healer Companion = Well, the downtime is virtually non-existant, unless you run out of resource (ie. Force, Energy, Ammo or too much Heat)


It seems like, despite bioware saying that you can use any companion and not feel gimped or punished for the choice, you seem to be punished for it ingame.


In the end, for best performance of leveling in pve, bring your healer companion, if you want high downtime or death, bring the tank or dps companions.


All i can say is, they need to balance them out, they have the healer companion working right, now they need to buff up the companion dps considerably or their survivability and they need to give the sodding tanks their armor bonus back, otherwise, whats the point in having a tank companion if they go down just as quick as a dps companion, while dishing out pathetic dps.


Just my opinion i guess.

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I died a few times on leveling my IA to 50. It was typically in a boss fight after a dialogue sequence. Simple fact of the matter is that, as a sniper, it makes zero sense to engage an enemy from the center of a room, face to face, toe to toe. After respawning and recharging, getting my position, it was little problem. I've died plenty of times being silly, but I've never had a moment where I didn't anticipate death.


Edit: Addendum: I don't feel like an epic toon having to drag a companion along with me. For some reason it makes me feel gimp. In fact time to kill is quicker in the low levels while as levels increase my character gets weaker as it becomes more dependent on companion and fights take more rotations. Shouldn't I be mowing through the chaff with all those added levels under my belt?

Edited by Pheroras
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I think it really has to do with your experience as a player.When the game first went live you would see a bunch of player bodies as you were doing a quest.Now a few along the way but not as many as before.People learn the system so they have a higher survivability rate.
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for best performance of leveling in pve, bring your healer companion, if you want high downtime or death, bring the tank or dps companions.

Just my opinion i guess.


for leveling? yes,


but for 50 daily heroic quest, maybe not,

i found mako cant save me from being attacked by 4 golden jedis and 1 commando,


so i replace her,

i use jawa,

IDK Skadge or blizz is better tank,

but that jawa make me can solo 50 H2+ quest.

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I've died more than once by not paying attention and wandering into heroic 4 areas or across world bosses


or elevators... elevators have killed me more than any other PVE enemy


My Guidmates and I have taken to calling every elevator we come across "Darth Elevator" because of how dangerous and evil they are.

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Not often anymore. While leveling as powertech, I did die on occasion as Mako would randomly stop using her healing abilities. (never had to watch my health bar, so I never noticed until it was too late) That was months ago; I hope it's fixed by now.
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