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Who do you vote for MVP?


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I'm currently struggling to understand why highest damage receives votes. Is that ******* marauder/insert dps here going to town on a tank receiving heals really deserve a MVP vote?


It is not always that. From my experience, "good healers" get more MVP votes than DPS classes. But then again, I see tanks and people who can "turn the game around" getting a lot of MVP votes too. In good teams, people notice who make decent contribution. Which is a nice thing.

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I think its important for dps types to look at their total damage and their total kills ... efficiency in killing per damage done is what counts in my book. I commented on a video in the juggy forums to the guy that was in it re: the amount of damage dealt (2nd highest - mostly meaningless aoe smash on high life targets) vs. the number of kills he had (2nd lowest) .... on the same team, there was a healer who had high healing, the 2nd lowest damage output, but the HIGHEST kills. That healer would've gotten my vote!
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Did someone actually heal me and keep me alive?Did they stay and defend an objective?Were they a good sport during the match?

These are my criteria.No one gets a vote if the team loses.Only guildies if any in the match.


Whiners, complainers and those that are generally disruptive get nothing from me.

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1. Somebody who guards me for a good portion of the match.

2. Somebody who heals me frequently.

3. Somebody who keeps me company guarding a node.

4. Somebody who pays me a nice compliment on my play in chat.


If none of the above, then I'll usually vote for someone who guards the less active node or makes a crucial cap in CW/NC, or top heals. Top heals in VS unless there was no dedicated healer OR it was a landslide victory in the attacking round, in which case I'll vote for highest damage. Huttball I often vote top objective points because I think that's the one warzone where objective points tend to accurately reflect the top contributor (not always, but often).

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My MVP priority list:


(1) Friends/Guildies, I'm pvping with.

(2) A solid healer, who did an awesome job of spreading the heals around and playing smart. (Not all healers are good at what they do)

(3) A solid tank, put out decent damage with a high protection amount.

(4) Someone with high damage, that played objectively. (If it was a powertech, or jugg that hit an insane overall damage amount but had 0 protection, they will not receive my vote. Happens quite often)

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I normally MVP the best healer, unless I feel that another player has been exceptional (e.g. a healer who didn't heal as much as the top healer, but pulled my glass cannon *** out of the fire once or twice). I can understand why people would vote based on damage output, protection, kills, etc... All of our roles are important, but there's a reason that you go for the healers first.


Forgot to mention people who guard nodes with me. My main is a sentinel. She's not overly difficult to kill. Stay with me, and we're much more likely to keep that node.

Edited by SintheSinthe
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I use a priority list to determine who I vote for.


For a win:

1. Guy who stayed with me on Defense (assumes I'm defending a node)

2. Top Objective

3. Top Healer

4. Top Protection


For a loss:

1. Least Medals


I do not ever vote for top DPS or top kills as those have a high potential to be completely meaningless.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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Depends on what I am playing kind of.


If I am not a healer,

and I got healed; i will look for that healer.

I didn't get heals but know a healer was working; will look for high heal of a dedicated healer

Then objectives unless

We lost big time. then I am going most deaths. They need it and tried


If I am a healer, it's protection, or if I see a DPS regularly watch my back, or then the above again.

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In order:


Top heals (if not a sorc guarding a node and lifetapping)

Top objectives

Top Protection

Top damage


or if I queue with friends I vote for them regardless.


If someone has a game winning play/save etc and I see it I vote for them.


Sometimes I even vote for the guy who did 40k damage in a full voidstar with no other stats. He needs it more, I have never understood how some people can be so bad at their class...


I cant count how many times I have had 250k more healing than the next healer (if any) and still get no votes. Its discouraging when I could just be spamming railshots into peoples faces instead if I played my dps, and just have more fun. A game or two of not getting any love while healing PUGs ensures there will be no healers in future games.

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In order:


Top heals (if not a sorc guarding a node and lifetapping)

Top objectives

Top Protection

Top damage


or if I queue with friends I vote for them regardless.


If someone has a game winning play/save etc and I see it I vote for them.


Sometimes I even vote for the guy who did 40k damage in a full voidstar with no other stats. He needs it more, I have never understood how some people can be so bad at their class...


I cant count how many times I have had 250k more healing than the next healer (if any) and still get no votes. Its discouraging when I could just be spamming railshots into peoples faces instead if I played my dps, and just have more fun. A game or two of not getting any love while healing PUGs ensures there will be no healers in future games.


Yeah I don't know how that happens, In PuG matches I typically see healers get 3 votes per match minimum. Sometimes 6-7. As a DPS I always vote for the healer. Unless they actually campaign for votes in chat when the match ends, then I will remember their name and never ever vote for them again.

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In this order

1) Friends

1a) If I notice someone doing something special and often. Directing well, scoring, preventing caps, etc.

2) A tank protecting me or with ridiculously high overall protection.

3) A healer healing me or with ridiculously high overall heals

3) A dps with ridiculously high damage

4) Someone with less than 8 comms if it looks like they tried.

5) High objectives.

6) nobody (only if we lose and everyone stunk it up)

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