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The ONE thing I despise about this game...


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The one thing I despise about this game is the damn gear. I cannot stand how some of the gear looks. Almost every piece of gear after level 40 look likes complete crap. The thing that bugs me most is that from the cinematic trailers shown prior to swtor's release show some great looking gear that appeal to nature of each class.


For example, the trailer for "Empire has Returned" showed some great gear for Jedi Knight/Sith Juggernaut, Jedi Shadow/Sith Assassin, Smuggler, Trooper. The gear shown in that trailer just fit each character. When playing through the game, you think the gear is going to be OK since most gear under 40 looks pretty decent. When you get to the endgame pvp/pve gear, most of us just stopped and were like "what the hell were they thinking?"


As a sith warrior and jedi knight classes I don't want to look like a complete machine, as an inquisitor/sage I don't want to wear a skirt all the time or at least not how the game has it now ( the one in the trailer looked tasteful to me), I also don't want to look like a shaman or swamp monster and would also like a little more than 8 or so choices for head pieces. Don't know how much variation you could have with bounty hunter gear since their gear standard was set by the Fett's, however the endgame pvp and pve gear pieces are just weird to me, mainly referring to the head and chest pieces. Can't really speak for commando or smugglers since I haven't leveled one to 50 yet.


I think most of the hatred this game receives is derived from the small things. Obviously I have no idea how long their process of programming "X" and "Y" into the game would take, but I truly believe that adding the small things will increase the quality of life for every player in the game. Adding the ability to color your armor the color of your choosing or even choosing which piece of gear you want to unify your entire gear set to. Also a big thing for end game is that everyone looks the same endgame. Just like creating an augment slot, you could create a slot in a piece of armor to equip a piece of gear that has a set bonus. Maybe being able to name your own weapons would be cool too! (All IMO obviously)


I know that everyone says that they "got rid of their old design team," but I want to see it Bioware! With this new tier of gear thats coming out, and correct me if I'm wrong, the new tier will look exactly like campaign but with new colors? Show me gear that looks like it belongs in star wars, not something that looks like it came out of a bad SciFi Movie :)


I have a bunch of ideas for this game, whether or not they can actually be implemented into this game is a different story :) lol

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I have yet to find a Bioware game where all the armor looks great. Most games have a few good sets but also real stinkers. Some of the Dragon Age armor or the stuff from Mass Effect looks really stupid, especially the helmets, I mean dented kettles would look cooler.


A few of things that bug me in ToR regarding the gear designs are:

1. Capes, why does half the Jedi and Smuggler gear have capes, this is not DC Universe, we're not playing Superman or Batman, if you look back over the Star Wars canon how many characters had Superhero style capes, Malek and Darth Vader are the only 2 I can think of and Vader's was more a wrap around cloak.

2. Lazy designs. The end of game gear is all the same design, for example the Jedi Knight Tioneese gear is identicle to the Columi and Rakata except for a color change, Off-White, Brown and Gold, Dark brown and Silver. And the BH armor is the same as the Campaign, again with just a color difference.

3. PvP armor, this stuff is just sad. The battlemaster is OK ( a bit dull) but the War Hero, looks like Bioware raided the left over designs from the Dragon Age team and the helmets look like a cross between Power Rangers and the Insecticons (from Transformers).

4. Cost, the best looking gear in the game is either the Social Stuff (and no I am not talking about the Slaver Girl outfit) the recent Sandpeople set was cool, or the Legacy Gear from the Vendors on the Capital World. But you have to pay huge amounts of cash to make them worthwhile. In the case of the legacy gear (not Birthright, but renown and exalted) you have to pay 100k or 250k for the chest then spend 90k taking out Mods from your current gear (it's around 30k a mod if they're BiS), another 30k putting in a Mk6 Augment Slot and another 35k to transfer the augment (if it's a purple one) across, so we're talking 225k to 375k just to get a decent looking chest piece and it doesn't even have set bonus.

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With this new tier of gear thats coming out, and correct me if I'm wrong, the new tier will look exactly like campaign but with new colors?

Yeah that's true, and that's laughable.

They introduce a new tier of raiding. It just makes sence to introduce a set of gear with a new appearance as well (like every other game does in this case, you know?). But no, they give us same old recolored bh/campaign set. A fact that they can't/don't want to create just 8 unique gear looks for the entire new raiding tier makes me very worried about this game's future, to say the least. I just don't know what to expect next if such things are already happening.

Also, it's kinda funny how they decided to copy exactly the last tier of gear. The one which had much more negative feedback about it than any other piece of gear. Good thinking, very good thinking.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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Yeah that's true, and that's laughable. They introduce a new tier of raiding. It just makes sence to introduce a set of gear with a new appearance as well (like every other game does in this case, you know?). But no, they give us same old recolored bh/campaign set. A fact that they can't/don't want to create just 8 unique gear looks for the entire new raiding tier makes me very worried about this game's future to say the least. I just don't know what to expect next if such things are already happening.


Its not a new tier. Campaign/Black Hole is the start of tier 2, and this is a continuation of tier 2.

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Its not a new tier. Campaign/Black Hole is the start of tier 2, and this is a continuation of tier 2.

Not really, just take a look at the recent developer blog:

This Operation introduces the next tier of progression in Star Wars: The Old Republic, including a new set of PvE gear.
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I despise the fact that we as a community can't seem to do anything other than repeatedly state how much we hate the game.. That is hardly contructive, and if you hate the game so much.. Why are you posting here in the first place?? :rolleyes: Edited by MajikMyst
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Campaign gear is an aesthetic and statistic nightmare. The Consular gear looks like a potato sack with a pink bonnet. And what exactly is the purpose of a sage having 25k health anyway? Boss fights are DPS races, not staring contests. Everything about the campaign gear is poorly done. Better to choose black hole mods to put in Rakata gear than to waste your time getting their tier 2 crap.
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I agree with the first two posts. The worst looking gear hands down has to be for the Consular. Especially the helms! Amy Beth Christenson was the lead costume designer for the Force Unleashed 2. She's moved on to Lucasfilm animations now. It would've been awesome if she had designed the gear for this game. As it sits right now the gear looks more like it came from World of Warcraft than Star Wars.

I can't remember which dev said that the gear had to look simple at first gradually looking better until you get to the end game gear where it was the most prestigious. It was not those exact words, but it was something to that effect.

That kind of thinking is completely wrong. Why cant you look awesome throughout your leveling experience right from the start. I completely disagree with that sorta way of thinking. Ok, so you're leveling up and the gear must show that?!


BS. Two words. Appearance tab!

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I despise the fact that we as a community can't seem to do anything other than repeatedly state how much we hate the game.. That is hardly contructive, and if you hate the game so much.. Why are you posting here in the first place?? :rolleyes:

It's been said many times. People don't hate THE game, people hate certain things ABOUT the game. Take me for example - i love the SW setting, i love the Old Republic era (thanks to KOTOR 1-2), i like leveling in this game (mostly), i like the look of most 1-50 custom gear, i like my sentinel, powertech and assassin class mechanics. But at the very same time i hate some annoying bugs which are there for a long time and god knows when or if they are going to be fixed at all, i hate the lack of music on planets, i hate the look of end-game gear, i don't like the way Bioware leads this game, and many other things which are not worth mentioning right now. At a point, when all the negative stuff will outweight the positive stuff for me, i'll leave. Until that happens, i'm going to post here my negative feedback in a vain hope for some changes.

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I despise the fact that we as a community can't seem to do anything other than repeatedly state how much we hate the game.. That is hardly contructive, and if you hate the game so much.. Why are you posting here in the first place?? :rolleyes:


For a few reason. One, there's not many other places they can go to. two, feedback starts usually with a concern. sometimes the "concerns" get out of hand. but this one i agree with allot.


My issue isn't necessarily the but-ugly gear (no offense to those that like...I'm not a fan). it's the fact that I have to take a severe hit to use it unless I'm in campaign gear (which very small portion of the populace really has). some class specs get a huge bonus from their set bonuses. but if i want those, then this whole "customizable" thing they threw at us is out the window.


and this is in addition to the enormous cost of switching gear. I know im going off track a bit, so ill end that tangent here. But it is part of what makes this whole gear design issue paramount IMO. if I could customize ALL the gear in this game, I could care less about what the real gear looks like.


I found a shirt/pants combo that I just loved on my new PT. the only problem was, the shirt was a white lvl 2 item from the starter planet. Now, if i was in LotRO (which has to date one of the best customization processes out there), then I could throw that cool looking rustic garb outfit together on one of my costume sets, and It wouldn't impact my real gear whatsoever.


My real set could look like the reincarnation of the fly meets the swamp thing....but on the outside, I'm rustic farm-girl with a few blaster slung on my belt. now THAT's customization....and it would make all the arguments about the gear design TOTALLY IRRELEVANT. well, about 95% irrelevant. there's a few that would still gawk at the sheer absurdity of the designs...but they still wouldn't care that much because they could still look like whatever they wanted!


I have no clue why Bio insists on locking us into this horrible gear swapping process...when adding tabs and swapping skins is all it would take. perhaps there's a mechanical limitation...I dunno. but the current system is forcing many to wear gear that they can barely look at, and in all honesty, that's a bad design decision. there are many out there that are directly and largely impacted by how their characters look

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Is it that hard to understand? There is a CASH SHOP coming. It will, in part, sell GEAR, i.e. shells to change your look.


The upcoming tier of gear is the same style as Campaign/BH because EA/BW knows it was not well received, does not reflect the Star Wars universe at all, and wants players to spend cartel coins in their CASH SHOP for better looking armor.


Alongside perhaps a new, more limited budget and time constraints, it's that simple.


Did you happen to watch the recent interview of the new lead writer discussing his role and the stories in TOR? People like him work on the game. They know Star Wars inside and out and then some. The fact that poor looking armor is still being launched is no accident.


These games are a business, and TOR has underperformed in EA's own words. If you have a few extra dollars to spend, you'll surely be satisfied with your armor in a few months. Until then, lose some stats here and there and make a good-enough orange set like everyone else. :)


If you play a Jedi Shadow and were born with Y chromosomes, you especially have my sympathies.

Edited by arunav
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I despise the fact that we as a community can't seem to do anything other than repeatedly state how much we hate the game.. That is hardly contructive, and if you hate the game so much.. Why are you posting here in the first place?? :rolleyes:


If you payed any attention to my post. The only thing that bothers me is the gear. I didn't say NOTHING about hating the actual game. You sir should read more than the title of posts. You can't give constructive advice for gear design because the solution is as simple as making it look more like star wars and less like a knock off scifi movie.

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I despise the fact that we as a community can't seem to do anything other than repeatedly state how much we hate the game.. That is hardly contructive, and if you hate the game so much.. Why are you posting here in the first place?? :rolleyes:


The one thing I despise...Since when does that mean I hate the game? Armor needs to be done well, what we have now is pathetic.

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I wish they would expand on the "Match color to chest" thingy. It seems kind of lazy if you ask me.


It'd be cool if we could choose the color of each piece. Maybe I want my head to be red and have orange pants! We'll see what happens in time I suppose.

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i dont understand why they dont make some high level gear that is just plain and simple. id assume vader would have been a level 50 juggernaut, yet he didnt have horns sticking out everywhere. his armor was basic.


yoda: level 75 consular, wore simple robes

Emperor palpatine: level 65 sorcerer: plain black robe

Maul: level 45 assassin: plain black garments


we dont see crazy looking armor ever in the movies

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I despise the fact that we as a community can't seem to do anything other than repeatedly state how much we hate the game.. That is hardly contructive, and if you hate the game so much.. Why are you posting here in the first place?? :rolleyes:


Tell ya what.. you pay his/her monthly sub and I am sure he/she will gladly refrain from posting if you tell them to.

What ,you wont pay the sub for them.. well in that case he/she can post whatever and whenever they like!


Did the OP say anything about hating the game.. NO but then I guess reading isn't ya strong point.

But hey if ya dont like what ya see, dont read the forums!... if your enjoying the the game so much, why are you here instead of playing.. ooh yeah to troll post and attempt to create a flame war...... so do us all a favor and belt up!

Edited by Bloodstealer
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wow three pages. . .mmk. . ..


only. . . .


this isnt hte first time the lame *** end game gear looks have been complained about.


listen OP, no one in their right mind has EVER been happy with the endgame gear aesthetics.


/thread. . . right? i mean, we all hate it right? so end of discussion right?

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