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Developer Update: Class Changes and Balance in Game Update 1.4


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i see most of the people are too focused discussing how bad the overload/force wave change is, they forget to see the other changes that is to be made on their class. Yes, the 360 kb is good in a sage/sorc perspective, but now that its a 120 cone in front of you, its now instant, without animation delay, and healer sage/sorc has now immunity to roots and snares for the duration of force speed w/c makes leaps root effects to be of no use so they can't easily close the gap like they always do. Dps sages/sorcs now has their Backlash/Kinetic Collapse buffed up, the effect no longer break on damage so you have 3 secs to do dps or run away and Polarity Shift/Mental Alacrity other than increasing your alacrity now grants immunity to interrupts and all sage/sorcs now has an instant cast force free heal. What i see here is that the class actually gained more survivability, more heal, and more time to dish out dps Edited by AmeliaTimandre
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i see most of the people are too focused discussing how bad the overload/force wave change is, they forget to see the other changes that is to be made on their class. Yes, the 360 kb is good in a sage/sorc perspective, but now that its a 120 cone in front of you, its now instant, without animation delay, and healer sage/sorc has now immunity to roots and snares for the duration of force speed w/c makes leaps root effects to be of no use so they can't easily close the gap like they always do. Dps sages/sorcs now has their Backlash/Kinetic Collapse buffed up, the effect no longer break on damage so you have 3 secs to do dps or run away and Polarity Shift/Mental Alacrity other than increasing your alacrity now grants immunity to interrupts and all sage/sorcs now has an instant cast force free heal. What i see here is that the class actually gained more survivability, more heal, and more time to dish out dps


PLEASE read our actual concerns voiced by the people who play the affected class first before making such a statement - then you will understand why we dont care for or want the changes at all. The so ill-conceived band-aid "buffs" thrown are not any real compensation.


We dont want them.

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PLEASE read our actual concerns voiced by the people who play the affected class first before making such a statement - then you will understand why we dont care for or want the changes at all. The so ill-conceived band-aid "buffs" thrown are not any real compensation.


We dont want them.


Eh, speak for yourself - they sound pretty great to me.


Added immunity to stuns/roots from these marauders that attack me all the time? Yummy.


Crazy knockback offensive overload, instead of this silly little one we currently have? Yay!


Instant, free, 5k heal on a 30 second cooldown? Combine that with the medpacks we currently have access to, and this is potentially an enormous game changer. We'll see.


From a sorc heals perspective, the changes sound fantastic on paper. But again, we'll see how they play out.


Don't presume every sorcerer plays the same way you do. Or that we're all as resistant to change as you.

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Don't presume every sorcerer plays the same way you do. Or that we're all as resistant to change as you.


I dont presume every sorc is like me. But talking to the many full time sorcs on my server and reading this thread and the other one (changes for PvP affects PvE /sigh) im pretty sure a very large proportion of sorcs are against the changes.



Added immunity to stuns/roots from these marauders that attack me all the time? Yummy.


Crazy knockback offensive overload, instead of this silly little one we currently have? Yay!


the immunity to stuns/roots are only when you are using force speed. and as in the dev's own words they plan for you to use it to run away (not something i want to be doing)


and just how is the current overload "silly" whereas the new version a "crazy offensive" one? because 120 degrees is so much better than 360 degrees right? Dont tell me an extra 5m range suddenly makes it soooo much better....


You'll forgive me if i don't take your word for it with regards to the "yay"s that you mentioned....


Id much rather they didnt touch overload and electrocute and didnt give us the "moderate" insta-heal (like the "moderate" threat reduction maybe?) and other band-aid stuff.

Edited by BaronV
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Added immunity to stuns/roots from these marauders that attack me all the time? Yummy.



Unfortunately the moderators seem to have deleted an excellent post giving a detailed analysis as to why the combined nerf of overload + electrocute makes it WORSE for you to defend against marauders and sentinels in PvP.


And it sounds like you are only looking at this from a PvP perspective. You forget that there is a whole half of PvE players that these changes affect negatively - worse still if you like to solo play (like myself)

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Eh, speak for yourself - they sound pretty great to me.


Added immunity to stuns/roots from these marauders that attack me all the time? Yummy.


Crazy knockback offensive overload, instead of this silly little one we currently have? Yay!


Instant, free, 5k heal on a 30 second cooldown? Combine that with the medpacks we currently have access to, and this is potentially an enormous game changer. We'll see.


From a sorc heals perspective, the changes sound fantastic on paper. But again, we'll see how they play out.


Don't presume every sorcerer plays the same way you do. Or that we're all as resistant to change as you.


Immunity to stuns/roots is only available with talent points. It is not baseline and is therefore not a class buff but a talent redesign.


Knockback is being nerfed. The extended range is a red herring since it grants NO BENEFIT to the sorcerer that our current range does not already offer. We already have a long enough range to move melee into their deadzone. Additionally, changing one of our very few defensive tools into a weak offensive tool doesn't help our survivability at all. Finally, the "instant cast" has already been nerfed to "reduced delay".


The heal may or may not be useful, depending on how much health it grants.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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Immunity to stuns/roots is only available with talent points. It is not baseline and is therefore not a class buff but a talent redesign.


Knockback is being nerfed. The extended range is a red herring since it grants NO BENEFIT to the sorcerer that our current range does not already offer. We already have a long enough range to move melee into their deadzone. Additionally, changing one of our very few defensive tools into a weak offensive tool doesn't help our survivability at all. Finally, the "instant cast" has already been nerfed to "reduced delay".


The heal may or may not be useful, depending on how much health it grants.


The only Sorc/Sage that even remotely would call these "benefits" would be healing sorc/sage players. The ability to avoid CC for 2 seconds during force speed are only available in the healing spec. So, DPS sorc/sage don't get it. Furthermore, DPS sage/sorc already spec'd for 20s force speed, which remains 20s post patch because lightning effusion is losing its trait to lower the cooldown of force speed.


The ability to knock someone back 15m instead of 8m is a nerf for 2 reasons. First, those without spec'ing for no minimum jump distance had to have 10m minimum distance...so the knockback now allows them an instant jump to you (15>10) whereas before they would have to run to you (after their 5s root wore off). Second, at 15m you will not be able to stun them afterwards to prevent the jump, since the stun range was nerfed to 10m (except for snipers, who keep their 30m stun range even though sorc/sage is also a range-based class). So, you actually knock them out of your stun range, so they can just jump back on you instantly. Of course, there's also the reality that in PvP players will now try to position themselves to your side/back, whereas before they didn't bother because it was 360-degree ability. So, with players actively trying to move out of your 120-degree cone, it's probably more than just a 66% nerf, probably more like 75%. The "instant" effect of the overload from the animation is a bug fix, not a buff to compensate, as other classes that still retain their 360-degree knockback has always been instant.


DPS sorc/sage got the ability if they spec high up a DPS tree nobody uses a brief uninterruptable ability to go along with the increased alacrity. Again, nobody goes this high up this tree except maybe in PvE, because the cast times are so long that a squishy class can't afford to do. Unlikely this changes anyone's spec for PvP. Moderately helpful for PvE.


Yes, we do get an instant self heal every 30 seconds for a "moderate" amount, which really helps justifying taking a sorc/sage over a Powertech/Vanguard for DPS in a RWZ??? Seriously? Might be a bit more helpful for a healing spec sorc/sage, but really unlikely since it doesn't help you heal your team, just yourself. Furthermore, even for heals it's better to take an operative/scoundrel healer (much higher survivability plus instant-heals without the power issues of a sorc) and/or a merc/commando healer for burst heals because they have heavy armor. Both of them have so much more survivability that they can spend time healing the team instead of themselves, which is the point in a RWZ.


I understand a lot of players focus on PvE or do casual PvP. But for competitive PvP players, these are big nerfs and pretty much removes sorcs/sages from competitive PvP RWZ teams.

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It is apparent that BW refuses to answer the voiced concerns here. This discussion forum is a waste of time since they hardly ever get involved with the players who are not in their testing guilds (reread the announcement again you will see they mention the test guilds).


I think I will take to trolling tickets and other customer service venues.

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But for competitive PvP players, these are big nerfs and pretty much removes sorcs/sages from competitive PvP RWZ teams.


Do people still try to take DPS-spec sorcs onto ranked teams? That must be awkward for their teammates. I know I personally generally dislike healing them, because it's largely a waste.

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There's no reason to deride people for liking the changes, especially if they PVP. There is also no reason to blame the PVP community IMO. Before this change it was irritating to come up against these abilities, and this change will probably be better PVP wise.


IMO it is better to deride the developers for not using more foresight in the changes. Both of these abilities are iconic class abilities that fundamentally change how the character is played is solo PVE. This is a bad change overall for that reason alone.


There was no acceptable reason, IMO, that the changes could not have been made to effect only PVP. IMO the best solution would have been to add PVP only talents, and disable the current talents in PVP.


This removes the PVP problem, gives players the option of using one or the other in Raiding and also allows the PVE solo crowd to remain unaffected. It also makes balance possible...it has been proven time and time again that universal talent changes rarely if ever can be balanced when the change effects all playstyles.

Edited by LordArtemis
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There's no reason to deride people for liking the changes, especially if they PVP. There is also no reason to blame the PVP community IMO. Before this change it was irritating to come up against these abilities, and this change will probably be better PVP wise.


IMO it is better to deride the developers for not using more foresight in the changes. Both of these abilities are iconic class abilities that fundamentally change how the character is played is solo PVE. This is a bad change overall for that reason alone.


There was no acceptable reason, IMO, that the changes could not have been made to effect only PVP. IMO the best solution would have been to add PVP only talents, and disable the current talents in PVP.


This removes the PVP problem, gives players the option of using one or the other in Raiding and also allows the PVE solo crowd to remain unaffected. It also makes balance possible...it has been proven time and time again that universal talent changes rarely if ever can be balanced when the change effects all playstyles.


I agree, becuase the problems I have run up on in the game are when it is a PVP fix, turns out to screw a PVE ability that was fine. I.e this 10 meter range for force stun / cryo grenade. As a tank I use this constantly in PVE to defend my healer, and as we all know the companion doesn't always stay with in 10 meters of you. Now when I am in pvp, it is rare I am out side of that ten meter range when I do use it, HOWEVER I have used it to break a bomb plant or to stop a hutt ball guy while near the 30 meter range. My complaint is that the Devs have now removed one of the few abilities that Shadows have to draw / recapture / get aggro when you are on a CD on taunts. This will bring every fighting technique into Less than 15 meters (possible to get project higher with the off spec BM/WH gear) with the exception of (mass) mind control and the 15 seconds (very very short window) for telekinetic throw. They have truly made this class damn near worthless IMHO, since I can role a vanguard (which I have) and he can at least shoot people at the 30 meter mark, and Guardians will retain their throw ability.

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I dont presume every sorc is like me. But talking to the many full time sorcs on my server and reading this thread and the other one (changes for PvP affects PvE /sigh) im pretty sure a very large proportion of sorcs are against the changes.


/raisesarm, i do like them. The problem that im seeing in these changes is that pretty much 2-3 weeks after launch when sorcerer healers get used to their new mechanics, owh lord.... ure going to see some wine nerf rage fest happening on forums. So yeh i do like the changes, meaning i dnt belong to the vast majority.

Dnt think just because u dnt like them (cause plain and simple you havent analyse them properlly with a cold head and are just raging for the sake of raging) that the "VAST" majority is thinking the same thing as u.




the immunity to stuns/roots are only when you are using force speed. and as in the dev's own words they plan for you to use it to run away (not something i want to be doing)


Actually with the right talents you can break current root/snare effect AND become immune for the the next 2 secs of force speed on future root/snares. Perhaps you should read abit more your future talent trees and more about patch notes and stop listening to speculations and misinformed players.


and just how is the current overload "silly" whereas the new version a "crazy offensive" one? because 120 degrees is so much better than 360 degrees right? Dont tell me an extra 5m range suddenly makes it soooo much better.....


Err yes it does make it way much better, the problem is that actually now you have to stop bashing your head on the keyboard and KB 8 players around you and actually think as most of all classes have done in the past and position yourself to throw others away, shocking i know, it needs a bit more skilled approach.

Its the same thing with the nerfs on patch 1.2 to sorcerers when all of us were "owh my god were doomed", we were still the most OP healing class in PvE and we still are currently the most OP healing class in PvE, ofc in PvP an operative or a merc pre-patch 1.4 are better but now, after patch goes live we just balanced the scale.

Edited by Kophar
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Are there players out there that are having problems with the solo pve? Seriously? These changes aren't going to make that much difference...


This is what I wasn't fully grasping when people were saying the changes were damaging to "solo PVE." Maybe I've just been geared for too long, and there are people out there having trouble with dailies or something.

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Actually with the right talents you can break current root/snare effect AND become immune for the the next 2 secs of force speed on future root/snares. Perhaps you should read abit more your future talent trees and more about patch notes and stop listening to speculations and misinformed players.


Actually maybe some of us don't want to have to respec our skill points completely altogether bar none just to benefit from this one single ability that you speak of. Are you that clueless about how skill trees work? Are you that clueless that there are 3 skill trees for each class, and that right now the viable builds (for high-end play) for sorcerers are extremely limited, and that even the slightest change to our builds will threaten to destroy whatever little balance builds that we've managed to create after hundreds of hours of experimentation theorycrafting? Are you that clueless that you don't realize that Sorcs have zero burst DPS and are last choice heals in PvP, so we can't afford to lose skill points in our healing/madness tree just to get that one single trait?


Err yes it does make it way much better, the problem is that actually now you have to stop bashing your head on the keyboard and KB 8 players around you and actually think as most of all classes have done in the past and position yourself to throw others away, shocking i know, it needs a bit more skilled approach.


Did you just say 120 degree overload is better than 360? Yeah in PVE maybe. Spoken like someone who has never been ninjaed from behind or had multiple melee classes surrounding you.


Its the same thing with the nerfs on patch 1.2 to sorcerers when all of us were "owh my god were doomed", we were still the most OP healing class in PvE and we still are currently the most OP healing class in PvE, ofc in PvP an operative or a merc pre-patch 1.4 are better but now, after patch goes live we just balanced the scale.


No. After patch 1.2, people just stopped inviting DPS sorcerers to join their rated teams and most of us rerolled or quit the game. Sad but true.

Edited by iheartnyc
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Knockback is being nerfed. The extended range is a red herring since it grants NO BENEFIT to the sorcerer that our current range does not already offer. We already have a long enough range to move melee into their deadzone. Additionally, changing one of our very few defensive tools into a weak offensive tool doesn't help our survivability at all. Finally, the "instant cast" has already been nerfed to "reduced delay".




Sometimes you really DO have to spell it out for others i guess...

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Actually maybe some of us don't want to have to respec our skill points completely altogether bar none just to benefit from this one single ability that you speak of.

^this hit the nail on the head



Did you just say 120 degree overload is better than 360? Yeah in PVE maybe. Spoken like someone who has never been ninjaed from behind or had multiple melee classes surrounding you.

^this - except its just as bad in PvE if not worse. Many people use overload to get mobs who surround us off our back. Eg: when solo playing or when the tank loses aggro (dont say get a better tank - sick of hearing that arrogant statement).



No. After patch 1.2, people just stopped inviting DPS sorcerers to join their rated teams and most of us rerolled or quit the game. Sad but true.


true, though many people who still wanted to play sorcs cause they were attached to their characters (like myself) just swallowed it and moved on. This time I think for a lot of people they will decide that enough is enough and unsubscribe all together. I know several people who already have. The rest will probably just avoid playing sorcs once they finish their class quest.

Edited by BaronV
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Dnt think just because u dnt like them (cause plain and simple you havent analyse them properlly with a cold head and are just raging for the sake of raging) that the "VAST" majority is thinking the same thing as u.




Perhaps you should read abit more your future talent trees and more about patch notes and stop listening to speculations and misinformed players.




Err yes it does make it way much better, the problem is that actually now you have to stop bashing your head on the keyboard and KB 8 players around you and actually think as most of all classes have done in the past and position yourself to throw others away, shocking i know, it needs a bit more skilled approach.


I just love how you make sweeping assumptions about me and the people I have discussed this issue with, based on what you like/dont like; while you accuse me of making sweeping assumptions about others based on the same...:rolleyes:


Its the same thing with the nerfs on patch 1.2 to sorcerers when all of us were "owh my god were doomed", we were still the most OP healing class in PvE and we still are currently the most OP healing class in PvE, ofc in PvP an operative or a merc pre-patch 1.4 are better but now, after patch goes live we just balanced the scale.


LMAO! Joke of the day...


Honestly Im sick of trying to explain our objections over and over and over again to every run off the mill schlamiel (not sure if its a real word) who just randomly appears here to try and take pot-shots at anyone who opposes these changes and make insinuations that they havent read-up or are just trolls raging for the sake of raging, or dont know how to play or whatever - all without even bothering to take the trouble to read and understand the many well thought out points of objection raised...


Im just about reaching the acceptance stage of the 5 stages of grief wrt these nerfs and come 1.4 I'll probably just swallow the (yet another) slap in the face of sorcs and play my favorite character less and less; if i dont unsub entirely.


Really all im debating in my head right now is if I should unsub right away or wait till the F2P launch to unsub. (not that I have any intention of EVER spending a single cent at the cash shop)

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I just love how you make sweeping assumptions about me and the people I have discussed this issue with, based on what you like/dont like; while you accuse me of making sweeping assumptions about others based on the same...:rolleyes:


The difference is i allways talk in singular terms i.e: myself you on the other hand talk in plurals, therefore you are assuming that like you said the "Vast" majority thinks like you do and guess what, i dnt, so i aint in that so vast majority as you say. Thats what i said, so l2read.




LMAO! Joke of the day...


Honestly Im sick of trying to explain our objections over and over and over again to every run off the mill schlamiel (not sure if its a real word) who just randomly appears here to try and take pot-shots at anyone who opposes these changes and make insinuations that they havent read-up or are just trolls raging for the sake of raging, or dont know how to play or whatever - all without even bothering to take the trouble to read and understand the many well thought out points of objection raised...


Im just about reaching the acceptance stage of the 5 stages of grief wrt these nerfs and come 1.4 I'll probably just swallow the (yet another) slap in the face of sorcs and play my favorite character less and less; if i dont unsub entirely.


Really all im debating in my head right now is if I should unsub right away or wait till the F2P launch to unsub. (not that I have any intention of EVER spending a single cent at the cash shop)


Than unsub allready and leave us underpowered sorcerers continue to play and have fun with it. I dnt see any problems with what was patch 1.2 nerfs, never had actually and i dnt see nothing else but a boost in patch 1.4 but by all means if its 1 less whinning poster around, please unsub and good riddance.

Cause plain and simple, only a blind player didnt see that us sorcerers needed the nerf on 1.2 and only a double blind man dnt see that the KB mechanics both on sorcerers and mercs alike were OP and that the force speed change plus the instant heal is a boost.

And now if youll excuse me im going to put you on ignore cause im tired of players that think the world will end cause they cant face roll anymore.

Edited by Kophar
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The difference is i allways talk in singular terms i.e: myself you on the other hand talk in plurals, therefore you are assuming that like you said the "Vast" majority thinks like you do and guess what, i dnt, so i aint in that so vast majority as you say. Thats what i said, so l2read.



When I talk in plurals it is for two reasons:


1) because I have discussed with this issue at length with many others both here on the forums and on my server and so actually have good reason to believe that a large number of sorcs oppose these changes. The fact that I said that I have discussed this with many others is something you seem to intentionally ignore in every response you make


2) My plurals refer to the people who oppose the change and not ALL sorcs. I have repeatedly said that not all sorcs oppose it (again something you seem to intentionally ignore)/. Judging by the quality of the language in your responses I can only assume that your grasp of the english language is sub-par and hence I guess it is understandable that you are unable to discern the nature of the plurals in my sentences...





Than unsub allready and leave us underpowered sorcerers continue to play and have fun with it. I dnt see any problems with what was patch 1.2 nerfs, never had actually and i dnt see nothing else but a boost in patch 1.4 but by all means if its 1 less whinning poster around, please unsub and good riddance.

Cause plain and simple, only a blind player didnt see that us sorcerers needed the nerf on 1.2 and only a double blind man dnt see that the KB mechanics both on sorcerers and mercs alike were OP and that the force speed change plus the instant heal is a boost.

And now if youll excuse me im going to put you on ignore cause im tired of players that think the world will end cause they cant face roll anymore.


LOL Im a "whiner" because I dare to voice out opinions that are different from yours?! Im a "whiner" for making well reasoned arguments that you choose to ignore?! Im a "whiner" because I intentionally kick-up a storm and repeat the opposition in the hopes of rolling back the changes? Then GOOD! IM PROUD TO BE A "WHINER" BY YOUR DEFINITION.


Go ahead and put me in your ignore list. It''ll make me happier too. You are'nt here bringing up reasonable points, nor are you going to change anyone's opinion with your arrogant personal attacks.


At any rate I don't care about what you think. Im not interested in changing your opinions. The only opinions that I want to change are that of the DEVS - because they are the only ones who are capable of rolling back this maddness!

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I'd just like to say to Mr. Peckenpaugh and the rest of the developers, that this game is wonderful! I'm like a kid again with my action figures! I think that the thankless work you are doing acting as this game's force (holding it together) is really great, like in this article on class balancing. Thinking like an adult and constantly griping is not how I'm using this game. Any person griping about something like the look of helmets would kill themselves for a real scale replica of one. That is the kid in all of us, and cannot be denied by any of us adults who never left in that galaxy far away since we were kids. It may have taken 3 days to download, but I've never been happier with a game, and that's the truth.


Keep up the good work guys, and don't let the Hater-Hutts in their pizza box palaces get you down. Back to my action figures now.



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When I talk in plurals it is for two reasons:


1) because I have discussed with this issue at length with many others both here on the forums and on my server and so actually have good reason to believe that a large number of sorcs oppose these changes. The fact that I said that I have discussed this with many others is something you seem to intentionally ignore in every response you make


2) My plurals refer to the people who oppose the change and not ALL sorcs. I have repeatedly said that not all sorcs oppose it (again something you seem to intentionally ignore)/. Judging by the quality of the language in your responses I can only assume that your grasp of the english language is sub-par and hence I guess it is understandable that you are unable to discern the nature of the plurals in my sentences...







LOL Im a "whiner" because I dare to voice out opinions that are different from yours?! Im a "whiner" for making well reasoned arguments that you choose to ignore?! Im a "whiner" because I intentionally kick-up a storm and repeat the opposition in the hopes of rolling back the changes? Then GOOD! IM PROUD TO BE A "WHINER" BY YOUR DEFINITION.


Go ahead and put me in your ignore list. It''ll make me happier too. You are'nt here bringing up reasonable points, nor are you going to change anyone's opinion with your arrogant personal attacks.


At any rate I don't care about what you think. Im not interested in changing your opinions. The only opinions that I want to change are that of the DEVS - because they are the only ones who are capable of rolling back this maddness!


Baron, for your sake.. please see my sig.


And funny how everyone always complains about Sorc changes while barely anybody complains about Sage changes. Guess the QQ is on the Imperial side.


Honestly, I PVP as a Sage, have from the start. I miss my pre 1.2 spec, it was fun but very OP. I see the changes now and see some nerfs and some extra tools and 1 change that will require me to change the way I play my class.


I see a challenge, to still be nr 1 in damage done despite all the nerfs. And you aren't changing any Dev's minds about changes like this. Not in one MMO has an ability change ever been taken away from going live. Devs will always prefer testing changes like this in the field and tweaking it after receiving live numbers. So better live with it and adapt then rage on a forum, it will keep yourself a lot calmer.

Just say I told you so when they finally do admit their mistake and change things again. This is the way Multi-class PVP balancing has always gone and always will go.


"Scissors is fine!

Nerf paper.




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totally agree with you there. was always nice to knock a enemies away from my sage when they run up behind me in a fight. don't really understand why this is necessary.


Why is it that 'balancing' inevitably means "We're going to start to slowly but surely make this game suck now, and hope you will still have as much fun not getting to do the things you enjoy most in our game?"


Somebody had the idea the other day to maybe just increase the cooldown on the effect, but NOOOO, that would be too easy and still fun. . .


You watch. I've seen it happen in every single MMORPG I've ever played. One by one the fun will be sucked out by whiners who can't cope because they can't figure out how to play like everyone having fun did, until all the fun is gone, and so are the subscribers. Until then, enjoy!

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