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Should George Sue The Pants Off of Tim Kring?


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Sylar just runs around happy-go-lucky with telekinesis and shooting lightning out of his hands. I don't care that he stole those powers (among others), but he's literally a red lightsaber away from a lawsuit. Too bad Heroes got canceled before they got the chance to call him a Darth. Someone needs to teach them that you don't mess with Lucas. Edited by CephalicRex
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I'm sure he has sued for less. Maybe he didn't win, but I'm sure they gave it the good old college try. Also, I don't know who invented this "wizard" you're talking about. Too bad he won't come forward. He would've been a rich man. Edited by CephalicRex
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I don't think George Lucas would get very far....


Telekinesis and shooting lightning from hands predates Star Wars...


Lightning Lad is one example if you follow comic books at all.


Jean Gray and Professor X from X-men among others...


So Lucas sueing over something like that would be a waste of money, and in some states could open Lucas up to be countersued.

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Everyone rips off everyone else. That's how the industry works. Most steal things from mythology, slap a new paintjob over it, and call it something else. You think the English came up with the idea of the Grim Reaper on their own? Nope. Greek Myth people. Total ripoff of Thanatos, the God of Death. The only difference is they exchanged a sword for a scythe. No different than the Romans ripping off most of their gods from the Greek when they moved.


No matter what, so long as these guys don't call it "The Force" or say a weapon is a "lightsaber", Lucas can't do jack about it. Energy swords have appeared in other media as well Doesn't matter what they look like. Long as they don't cal lit by a copy written name, Lucas can't do jack. Feck, villain in Marvel called Whiplash used a laserwhip. And that predates Star Wars' use of it I believe.


I know a few animes with similar tools. The Slayers. Gourry Gabriev has the "Sword of Light". It's a magical weapon that produces an energy blade in the form of a sword. Lost Universe, main char Cain has a psycho-blade; hilt that produces a blade of energy via the holders psychic power. SoulTaker, Kyosuke Date is given an Electromagnetic Blade, which still looks like a white lightsaber.


Doesn't matter. Long as they call it something else or has some different background. There's no grounds for suing anyone.

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Meta-humans or Mutants. Whatever you want to call them. Heroes was a comic book come to life. It had NOTHING to do with Star Wars. If you think it did, then you are seeing stuff that isn't even there. Does anyone go on and on about "The Force"? No. Does anyone mention "Lightsabers"? No. Hell, the graphic novels for Heroes were done by DC Comics. The point of Heroes was to see how people reacted to complex characters with superpowers but no costumes. George has no business even considering a lawsuit against Tim Kring.


Tbh, he'd probably get a bit further trying to sue Kevin Smith for Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. :p

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Meta-humans or Mutants. Whatever you want to call them. Heroes was a comic book come to life. It had NOTHING to do with Star Wars. If you think it did, then you are seeing stuff that isn't even there. Does anyone go on and on about "The Force"? No. Does anyone mention "Lightsabers"? No. Hell, the graphic novels for Heroes were done by DC Comics. The point of Heroes was to see how people reacted to complex characters with superpowers but no costumes. George has no business even considering a lawsuit against Tim Kring.


Tbh, he'd probably get a bit further trying to sue Kevin Smith for Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. :p


Seeing as how Smith is a huge Star Wars fan, I would venture to gues he got permission before hand. Chris Rocks Character even jokes about someone getting sued for it a line Smith probably wrote. i still LMAO when i watch that film, when Jay tries to go down on fisher, priceless.

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Seeing as how Smith is a huge Star Wars fan, I would venture to gues he got permission before hand. Chris Rocks Character even jokes about someone getting sued for it a line Smith probably wrote. i still LMAO when i watch that film, when Jay tries to go down on fisher, priceless.


So UcwutIdidthar. :D

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Sylar just runs around happy-go-lucky with telekinesis and shooting lightning out of his hands. I don't care that he stole those powers (among others), but he's literally a red lightsaber away from a lawsuit. Too bad Heroes got canceled before they got the chance to call him a Darth. Someone needs to teach them that you don't mess with Lucas.


Don't think jedi or sith can regenerate. Also Sylar's powers are two specific and unique to be considered jedi. Where as their's are well rounded with a few unique powers per individual. Sylars is just stealing. but anyway *** is Tim kring and what does he have to do with heros?


If anyone deserves a lawsuit it was dave chappelle and his SW's parady sketch.

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Don't think jedi or sith can regenerate. Also Sylar's powers are two specific and unique to be considered jedi. Where as their's are well rounded with a few unique powers per individual. Sylars is just stealing. but anyway *** is Tim kring and what does he have to do with heros?


If anyone deserves a lawsuit it was dave chappelle and his SW's parady sketch.


Though it was hilarious.

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I'm going to clear up a few things.


1. Tim King is the creator off heroes (for above poster)

2. I don't think George should actually, or would have a legal basis to sue. I was just trying to start a dialogue on copyright and other legal matters. I find strong provoking statements, whether they reflect my own opinion or not, are good for conversation starters--as well as breaking the monotony of the ubiquitous "random force user vs. Random force user" threads.

3. I love the series and the character Sylar. He is a certified bad@** in the world of fictional heroes and villains.

4. Expect more threads of similar conversation provoking style later.


That is all.

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Sylar just runs around happy-go-lucky with telekinesis and shooting lightning out of his hands. I don't care that he stole those powers (among others), but he's literally a red lightsaber away from a lawsuit. Too bad Heroes got canceled before they got the chance to call him a Darth. Someone needs to teach them that you don't mess with Lucas.


Not viable, every sci-fi and fantay and high-realism (heroes and villains) in the past and in the future dealing with supernatural powers and tech will turn out to be quite similar - read up on Warhamer 40k and Psykers, check the pen&paper "facts" and their list of powers against the old WEG and Saga edition of Star Wars or compare D&D vs. any other fantasy spell-list.


Check out the various gods and entities in fantasy.. usually you will find the same old, same old- god of war, god of nature, god of trickery, god of creation, god of death-- god of blah blah.. etc. etc. etc.


Take a look at the usual fantasy races like Dwarfs, Elves and Orcs, or the whole Vampire-mythos for that matter or the currently in-the-flow Zombie-mythos.


Only when there are to many pieces connecting you "might" consider a lawsuit, Sylar aint close enough- not by a long shot.


Most inspiration came out of folklore and old-world deities and religions explaning god-like and supernatural powers.. like uhm, walking on water..

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