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Why Bioware should shift most of their focus to PvP


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PvP section of the forum:

37,260 Total Threads, 663,055 Total Posts


Flashpoints, Operations, and Heroic Missions section of the forum:

6,159 Total Threads, 66,567 Total Posts


While not a perfect metric, it should indicate what the majority of the player base has a vested interest in.


Edit: Please stop posting numbers like only 5-10% of the playerbase does such and such unless you have a link to where you got your statistics from. The only numbers I will be posting are above and those can be validated by going to http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=3


As an avid PvPer it would not take much to make me happy. New maps is all it would take. They don't even have to be AWESOME new maps, they just have to be NEW maps. Look at Call of Duty; they sell a game for $60 and then charge $15 every quarter for 4-5 new maps. It seems like this would fit in very well with the new F2P model.

Edited by nellosmomishot
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PvP section of the forum:

37,260 Total Threads, 663,055 Total Posts


Flashpoints, Operations, and Heroic Missions section of the forum:

6,159 Total Threads, 66,567 Total Posts


While not a perfect metric, it should indicate what the majority of the player base has a vested interest in.

I wish Bioware would run a poll for their *existing* players, instead of just a poll for players who're in the process of unsubscribing.


I totally believe that if they did so... they'd realize the primary part of their game that's currently "working" is PvP. And they should be playing to their strengths, instead of throwing more money at stuff that isn't working.

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Or it's because more people complain about what's going on in PvP than in PvE.


All the PvP section seems to be is the same posts about either broken resolve, complaining about PuG's, RWZ farming, WH gear, or crying out for nerfs/buffs for classes. Sure there are more threads in it, but does it really count when they are all about the same things?

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Or it's because more people complain about what's going on in PvP than in PvE.


All the PvP section seems to be is the same posts about either broken resolve, complaining about PuG's, RWZ farming, WH gear, or crying out for nerfs/buffs for classes. Sure there are more threads in it, but does it really count when they are all about the same things?


Yes, because it means there is that many more people complaining. Don't forget that the PvE forums were rife with complaints about the pillar bosses not working in EV, among other things.


I personally would really like to see a breakdown of player time spent in warzone vs. player time spent in flashpoint / operation.

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Forum posts equals the smallest subset of players. In other words, the majority of players never use forums; this goes for all games. Also, if you want to go by posts it should be filtered so that it's not total posts in a section but how many individuals post because a lot of people post over and over and that's not a good indication of anything except that person likes posting a lot (because as I already said, the majority of a game's players never use the game's forums). Besides, they have game tools at their disposal that let them know the real data of how many people do what. Forums are nothing compared to what actual goes on in-game. Edited by KurganNazzir
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As an avid PvPer it would not take much to make me happy. New maps is all it would take. They don't even have to be AWESOME new maps, they just have to be NEW maps.


I'm an avid PVPer too and I don't think new maps would do anything for me, in PVP the other players are the content, not the maps. I would like to see a continued commitment to class balance, further polish of the Ranked Warzones system with the inclusion of Solo and Duo que. As I mentioned in other threads, I think it would be good to have a competitive mode where all gear is equalized in power. Another interesting feature that has been mentioned since before launch was Spectator mode, and let's not forget that we still don't have any news on World PVP.


So that's a bunch of stuff I'd like to see in the future, I think we have enough warzones already.


Personally, I can't wait for Free-to-Play, I was tired of Subsidizing the development of Flashpoints and Ops with my subscription, I bought this game because of the story, but once I played that, PVP is what kept me around and I hope they expand on that.

Edited by ChazDoit
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PvP section of the forum:

37,260 Total Threads, 663,055 Total Posts


Flashpoints, Operations, and Heroic Missions section of the forum:

6,159 Total Threads, 66,567 Total Posts


While not a perfect metric, it should indicate what the majority of the player base has a vested interest in.


As an avid PvPer it would not take much to make me happy. New maps is all it would take. They don't even have to be AWESOME new maps, they just have to be NEW maps. Look at Call of Duty; they sell a game for $60 and then charge $15 every quarter for 4-5 new maps. It seems like this would fit in very well with the new F2P model.


Well, if we're extrapolating from sample populations, let's take the Asia Pacific Servers. There's one server or each type. The PvE one has a good, strong population. The RP one has a good, strong population. The PvP one? Not so much. F2P will probably see an uptick in all three populations, but the one that is really struggling is the PvP one - even the RP one pops more frequently. So, people for whom PvP is their main reason for playing (as opposed to those who see it as complementary, non-essential, a mini-game or avoidable) appear to be in the minority.


PvP players, in seeking a competitive edge, tend to be more active on forums and the like, and I agree with other posters that they are more common because of that, rather than because of superior numbers overall. But only Bioware knows for sure.

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PvP section of the forum:

37,260 Total Threads, 663,055 Total Posts


Flashpoints, Operations, and Heroic Missions section of the forum:

6,159 Total Threads, 66,567 Total Posts


While not a perfect metric, it should indicate what the majority of the player base has a vested interest in.


WRONG. Most of those threads out of the 37,260 have negative things to say about PvP. Hardly any of them show interest.


The reason not as many threads are in the FP, OPS, and Heroic sub-forum, is because that stuff has been mastered and not many people complain about it. Have you ever read most of the threads on these forums? They're basically whining people.

Edited by LG_XxLegacyxX
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I've found the most satisfying portion of endgame to be PvP. And I did not PvP at all while leveling characters. It's the only thing that doesn't get old, because each match is different, no matter how many times over one plays a zone.


I would hope BW would release more maps, because it seems like a relatively easy way to expand post-50 content. Different versions of Huttball, Denova, or Voidstar would work, as only a few things about the terrain would need to be changed and balanced for mechanics.


Open world PvP would make the game infinitely better, but it seems as though the engine can't handle it. If this was in endgame, and done well, it may have kept a lot of players interested in the game, tiding them over until more content became available. The fight between factions can occupy your time well as you wait out a continuation of story (Interlude!), as the Ops and FPs get old after doing them a few times, enough to get geared up. PvP does not, simply because it is distinct each time you participate.


Perhaps there will be a fix in place of Ilum on Makeb. It's my hope that EA/BW see this as a huge hole in their game, and one that can boost it substantially if made better, endgame PvP.

Edited by arunav
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My guess is that 90% of the player base in SWToR at the moment don't care for five cent about PvP.


It's game, story and endgame that is important. PvP is NOT the main factor and if you play this game for the PvP then you are in the wrong game.


Edit: On the other hand, I would not mind if the PvP got updated too. I have no problem with that. Update as much as you can, but BW main focus should always be PvE and story.

Edited by LordRahlik
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My guess is that 90% of the player base in SWToR at the moment don't care for five cent about PvP.


It's game, story and endgame that is important. PvP is NOT the main factor and if you play this game for the PvP then you are in the wrong game.


Edit: On the other hand, I would not mind if the PvP got updated too. I have no problem with that. Update as much as you can, but BW main focus should always be PvE and story.


They no longer have the budget to put out class story content often, which basically leaves Ops and FPs. These are not very story heavy, and simply don't have the replay value that PvP does.


The game clearly isn't evolving as planned. Focusing a little more on World PvP and additional WZ maps/zones could add to the endgame in the new F2P environment well.


I would like to see more class story content, but it simply isn't realistic to expect that anytime soon. At this point, it might even be ever, depending on how revenue goes from F2P.


Edit: did you listen to the recent interview with BW's Lead Writer? He basically says at the end of the interview class-specific story content isn't a focus going forward, comparing the classes to various established Marvel heroes (read: class stories) and future content to the Avengers movie, where different heroes come together to accomplish a large task (read: planetary arcs, Ops, FPs). We'd all like to see Chapter 4, but until TOR has a budget to work with, it isn't happening, just as there isn't going to be a new space platform without a significant investment from EA. There may be a future to the game yet, but right now it is up in the air and not looking so good.

Edited by arunav
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I've found the most satisfying portion of endgame to be PvP. And I did not PvP at all while leveling characters. It's the only thing that doesn't get old, because each match is different, no matter how many times over one plays a zone.




I never thought I'd get into pvp. There wasn't any on LOTRO, which is the last MMO I played before this. I hardly pvp'd from 1-49, and was really into the story. When I hit 50 though, I got hooked. Knowing that you're building a reputation as you optimize your build and improve your skills / gear is key to me - being the guy people want on their team, and the other faction hates to see.

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BioWare knows how much time what percentage of players PvP.


Just because it is a topic that gets posted about a lot doesn't mean it's the most popular part of the game. It just means that it is the one about which players have the most to complain about.


It's a big game, and people want different things. Of course there ought to be new PvP content, and there will be. But it is the thing that I, for one, care about least.


No, it is not the main gist of the game for most players. No, it shouldn't be. PvP if you like that, and enjoy the content you do get - because you will. But it absolutely is not why most people are here.

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BioWare knows how much time what percentage of players PvP.


Just because it is a topic that gets posted about a lot doesn't mean it's the most popular part of the game. It just means that it is the one about which players have the most to complain about.


It's a big game, and people want different things. Of course there ought to be new PvP content, and there will be. But it is the thing that I, for one, care about least.


No, it is not the main gist of the game for most players. No, it shouldn't be. PvP if you like that, and enjoy the content you do get - because you will. But it absolutely is not why most people are here.



To be honest most PvP players have already left, a vast number came here on the back of the pre-release hype, realised quite quick it was hype, and the engine couldn't handle anything much bigger than 15v15 and left.


The lost a LOT of customers because of that.


However with F2P I don't think there's a particularly great untapped resource of PvE players out there, so it would likely behoove them to aim F2P squarely at floating PvP players.

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PvP section of the forum:

37,260 Total Threads, 663,055 Total Posts


Flashpoints, Operations, and Heroic Missions section of the forum:

6,159 Total Threads, 66,567 Total Posts


While not a perfect metric, it should indicate what the majority of the player base has a vested interest in.


As an avid PvPer it would not take much to make me happy. New maps is all it would take. They don't even have to be AWESOME new maps, they just have to be NEW maps. Look at Call of Duty; they sell a game for $60 and then charge $15 every quarter for 4-5 new maps. It seems like this would fit in very well with the new F2P model.


Little something to think about here...


If the pvp players have so much time to spend making posts complaining about balance, gearing, bragging, or whining in general, then they aren't spending that time playing are they?

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It's game, story and endgame that is important. PvP is NOT the main factor and if you play this game for the PvP then you are in the wrong game.


Edit: On the other hand, I would not mind if the PvP got updated too. I have no problem with that. Update as much as you can, but BW main focus should always be PvE and story.


This is your personal opinion.


SW:TOR was marketed, quite heavily I might add, as a game where both PvP and PvE would be equally important at endgame and have equal development focus. Whilst we all knew that the story would be an important part of the game, we were also told that pvp would have equal importance.


That is the primary reason I came to this game. Every other MMO I've ever played has been either focused on pvp or pve, never both. As a result, the ugly stepchild tended to be rubbish. Examples of this is PvP in LOTRO (pretty basic, tacked on, very little development), PvE in WAR (again, terrible design and balance).



So, whilst PvPers may well now be "in the wrong game" (yeh, cos its your call right?) because of the lack of pvp content, the point is that PvPers were right to expect decent pvp when they first bought the game. The fact that we lack PvP content is a result of poor budget allocation and terrible programming re world pvp, not because of a focus on PvE. Many of us who PvP do both PvP and PvE and we wish to see development in both, but at this point in time we feel especially upset about PvP because the promises made during pre-release have never been fulfilled. Essentially, the marketing department (and largely Gabe) lied to us.

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