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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

*Spoiler* Who did you choose? (Trooper)


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I chose Dorne becuase my Trooper still dislikes him for beign a ***** earlier. I wanted to promote M14X if they allowed it but nooooooo. Would have promoted Vik if he was there.


Oh and if you promote Dorne and build up Aric's rep some after that.....



There is a scene where he whines and cries over your choice.


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I promoted Dorne and I regret it. IMO, Jorgan deserves it more. I just picked Dorne because I thought it might have an effect on the romance side to her story (HINT: It does not).


This is exactly what I did and I regret the decision every time I log in. Jorgan deserved it more, absolutely.

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I promoted Jorgan for all the obvious reasons.


As for stuff that changes, I can remember Jorgan repeatedly mentioning the promotion. Who you pick also gets more dialogue in the end of the chapter missions for 2 and 3, if I remember.


Also, one of the romance scenes features Jorgan flexing his XO authority, which makes me wonder if a lady can romance him if she promoted Dorne.

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Jorgan,He's more than earned his position back,He's proved himself invaluable to my squad, combined with his years of experience and his "get the job done" attitude, with him I can be assured that he won't compromise an entire op for any reason at all.He's a dependable solider and a good ally:cool:
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I made Garza choose. I couldn't. She picked Aric.


I felt so bad for Elara. Like, here she is, doing her best, but hated despite that she gave up everything for the Republic...


Then again, I would have felt bad for Aric, too. (Since he really was screwed over.)


I think that they both were worthy. (Although watching the two of them snipe at each other was hilarious.)

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I promoted Jorgan. He was the scapegoat when Tavus and the others defected and he didn;t deserve to be. he has more experience and has been with the squad longer. He is also the love interest for my female trooper. Elara is a very capable officer but is not yet XO material.


I havent gotten that far in the Trooper story yet since I have been focusing on my Sith Inquisitor. However I would Promote Jorgan, like many have said he was punished because of the Defection and I felt that was not justified in the least. I mean Tavus out ranked him so Jorgan couldnt have really prevented it even if he had known about it. Also from what I have seen he has more experience in a command position and is senior to Elara. Plus I feel he deserves his rank back.

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its xenoist


if your going to correct do it right


now can someone correct my spelling and grammar i know you want to

Actually I can't find the term 'xenoist' in the OED; where did you find it? 'Speciest' is in the OED, for those who are curious. Not that it really matters, of course, it's just semantics.

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I chose Jorgen. Firstly, he's the most experienced soldier in the entire squad, including the PC. Secondly, he was thrown under the bus to save Garza from scrutiny, and that just doesn't fly with me. Thirdly, I trusted him with the lives of everyone else.


That third point is the most important. My Commando was romancing him, but that had bearing on the decision whatsoever. The best qualifier for a second in command slot is "If I die, who do I trust in the hot seat?" Elara's a fine soldier and a highly skilled officer, but she's never held a command position. Jorgen's been the man on the spot when it hits the fan, and the only reason he's not the CO of Havoc is because of politics. The choice was a sinple on for me.


Elara makes a dammed fine #3, by the way. In the Bastion it was my Medic Commando and Jorgen on the sharp end, leaving Elara to handle the rest of the squad and the reinforcements, and she didn't even get flustered having to direct and cover the rear of three separate assaults on a fortified position at the same time. She's command material, and if the story were dynamic enough for me to do so, I'd tell Garza exactly that. Jorgen just has the edge in experience.

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Arguably, it makes it more troublesome in the setting if the person you're sleeping with is in the same direct officer chain that you are in. If she's a sergeant, she's enlisted and technically not in the same direct place that would be considered "fraternization" in a modern military.


In other words, if this story was more dynamic and responsive, you'd be in a lot more trouble promoting someone strictly because you like sleeping with them. It'd make for poor troop morale, among other things.


If the story followed what happens in real life at all, both the Player Character and Jorgen/Dorne would have their careers destroyed and be stripped of command, and quite possibly be booted from the Army, for having a romantic relationship at all. Jorgen is a subordinate officer so fraternizing with him would be a career killer. Dorne is even worse, being enlisted and under the Trooper's command, since then theres the specter of the possibility that the Trooper was abusing his command authority to get in her pants. In Dorne's case, she might be able escape getting a dishonorable discharge, but only if she were willing to throw the Trooper under the bus to saver her own ***.


Even worse still is that it's Wartime. So there will be very little chance that anyone would escape unscathed. At best, both the Trooper and the LI would be separated and sent to different units after getting busted. Units far enough apart that interaction would be impossible outside of scheduled leave time. Oh, and both could kiss any hope of advancement or promotion goodbye.


The surviving Havoc officer wouldn't even miss out on the *hitstorm, as he or she would have no ground to stand on to plead ignorance. They might retain command of Havoc after the Trooper and his/her LI are hammered, but it's not likely. Dorne could probably field a case that as enlisted personnel, she was nervous about outing a command officer she was assigned to. Doing so would probably save her career and keep her on as Havoc's new CO. Jorgen would be screwed over hard, as this situation would be the second time an egregious violation of Military Law happened on his watch. Even if he remained part of the Army, he'd be branded both incompetent and a troublemaker and his career would effectively be over.


TLDR: Romancing Elara or Jorgen is fun and cute, but were it to happen in a real military unit it would destroy Havoc Squad completely. Best not to measure it next to real life. :p

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Not all real life militaries operate(d) like US army. Consider ancient Rome, for example.


TLDR: Romancing Elara or Jorgen is fun and cute, but were it to happen in a real military unit it would destroy Havoc Squad completely. Best not to measure it next to real life. :p

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I went with Jorgan. I like Elara too, but I went with the guy that probably deserved it the most.


Now, as for all this talk about fraternization and whatnot --- given that it does not come up at all, why are we all assuming that the Republic Army / Marines (or whatever you would classify Havok Squad as belonging to) even has any such rules about relationships between personnel in the service like in the real world? We're talking about a fantasy setting here ;). (For that matter why does an army unit have its own personal warship? And so on and so forth.)


Given that It doesn't have any bearing on the story at all, I would suggest that it isn't against regulations. If it was a case of them violating the regulations, then I'm sure the writers would have had it affect the plot in some way, such as having to cover it up so they didn't get busted back down to private. Instead, it doesn't come up period.

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If the story followed what happens in real life at all, both the Player Character and Jorgen/Dorne would have their careers destroyed and be stripped of command, and quite possibly be booted from the Army, for having a romantic relationship at all. Jorgen is a subordinate officer so fraternizing with him would be a career killer. Dorne is even worse, being enlisted and under the Trooper's command, since then theres the specter of the possibility that the Trooper was abusing his command authority to get in her pants. In Dorne's case, she might be able escape getting a dishonorable discharge, but only if she were willing to throw the Trooper under the bus to saver her own ***.


Even worse still is that it's Wartime. So there will be very little chance that anyone would escape unscathed. At best, both the Trooper and the LI would be separated and sent to different units after getting busted. Units far enough apart that interaction would be impossible outside of scheduled leave time. Oh, and both could kiss any hope of advancement or promotion goodbye.


The surviving Havoc officer wouldn't even miss out on the *hitstorm, as he or she would have no ground to stand on to plead ignorance. They might retain command of Havoc after the Trooper and his/her LI are hammered, but it's not likely. Dorne could probably field a case that as enlisted personnel, she was nervous about outing a command officer she was assigned to. Doing so would probably save her career and keep her on as Havoc's new CO. Jorgen would be screwed over hard, as this situation would be the second time an egregious violation of Military Law happened on his watch. Even if he remained part of the Army, he'd be branded both incompetent and a troublemaker and his career would effectively be over.


TLDR: Romancing Elara or Jorgen is fun and cute, but were it to happen in a real military unit it would destroy Havoc Squad completely. Best not to measure it next to real life. :p


Well it isn't like a male Trooper and Elara are really hiding it. I mean they file paperwork(Form 3578-K) to inform the military that they are an courting, so apparently under the rules and regulations of the Republic military it is allowable under some circumstances. Realistic or not, that apparently is how it is. *shrug*

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This was something I thought about a lot as we were developing the storyline. Ultimately, I think that if there were a mission where one character performed the XO job better than the other, Players would feel obliged to metagame and choose the "better" character regardless of personal/roleplay preferences. I think this is borne out somewhat in the posts from players who (sadly) chose a character solely out of fear of losing their romance options. (As other posters have confirmed, romances are not affected by this choice.)


My goal was for there to be no "correct" choice from the game's perspective, only from your own point of view as the commander of Havoc Squad. On that note, it's very fun reading everyone's opinions on the choice, so thank you all for sharing. :sy_havoc:


I understand the whole metagame for the 'Best' choice, but there doesn't have to be a 'better' choice, just a 'different' choice.


For me, personally, I like it when I'm 'punished' for a choice, because it gives some meaning to the choice at least. Although, going for the no 'correct' choice was the best way to go I'll have to agree. Most players will be upset at that.


If anyone has ever played the amazing 'The Walking Dead' game ( The show is also great ), I just like the feeling that you just might have screwed things up.


In the end, the story is going in the same direction but how you got there was different.

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Promoted Dorne. Jorgan's just been demoted by a General, so as a Captain you're putting your own career on the line by repromoting him almost instantly. Besides which, Jorgan's an absolute arse toward you when he outranks you and if that's how he thinks an officer should treat a subordinate......


Female trooper btw, so no, not doing Elara. She's hypercompetent, smart and as I was going DPS with her as my medic sidekick, made sense that way too. Plus she pronounces Lieutenant properly even if she does sound like a posh southern bint.

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Jorgan always gets my XO spot. He's has the most experience being both the XO and CO of the Deadeyes before his command posting on Ord Mantell, and he knows how to prioritize duties. I almost never had a conflict of interests with Jorgan when on a mission, he's willing to do what needs to be done but doesn't let things go too far (such as when you are ordered to take out civilian targets).


Elara is tied down by her obsession with regulations - Did we really need to put in a paper to show High Command that we're boning, luv? 'cause that's not embarassing at all - which, for Havoc Squad, is actually a detriment, not a plus. Time and time again Havoc Squad goes "off-road" (especially in later acts) where trying to do things by the book slows you down. She's not as quick thinking on her feet as Jorgan is, choosing to cite regulations rather than going on instinct even when the regulations aren't going to cut it - she's Lawful Good, is what she is, and Havoc Squad can't afford that sort of dead weight.


Elara is honestly better suited to "Mission Control", not to be the XO (or CO) in the field. That's the role she serves on Taris which really shows her stuff.


Promoted Dorne. Jorgan's just been demoted by a General, so as a Captain you're putting your own career on the line by repromoting him almost instantly.


I think in-story, more than a year passes between Ord Mantell and you being promoted to Captain. Jorgan also mentions that the General who demoted him called and offered to give him his post back with a promotion (I don't remember if that means promoting him back to Lieutenant, or a promotion up to Captain), which Jorgan turned down to stay with Havoc.

Edited by HellbirdIV
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  • 2 weeks later...

I picked Dorne. As a DPS Commando, nothing is better than "Let me help you" as I'm laying down firepower. So all that healing of the boss should amount to something. Think of her heals as Companion Gifts to me :) Plus she smarted off to Commander Tyvus :D


Jorgan is a good soldier, both companions agree with most of my decisions but I remember him being as ***** to me when I was a Sergeant, while Elara was there like a challenge. I have to admit, her "romancing" is hilarious....

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