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Space Combat Revamp Proposal


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I got some info from Damion Schubert (Principal Lead Systems Designer) about this for you! He says that the "super secret space project" is certainly not dead and is in development. Unfortunately, we're not ready to say much more than that about it. We do, though, have more space content coming in the near future, and will continue work on the "super secret space project!"


Thank you Kubernetic for finding this quote.


While "super secret space project" is extremely vague, I don't think they'd make such a big deal out of it if they simply intended to give us more rail shooter missions.


As we do not know the progress of the project, I think it's safe to say that they're still working on everything. I'm changing the purpose of this thread. It is now about suggesting things we'd like to see in the "Super Secret Space Project" ASSUMING it's going to be some kind of free-roam game.




-Give players a wider selection of ships - Unlockable and Purchasable Ships

-Ship exterior customization (Color, Emblems, Engine/Laser colors)

-PVP and PVE quests

-Rare spawns

-Ability to board enemy ships

-Don't delete the old space missions, Instead put them into a separate terminal on the ship and call them "Combat simulations".

-Add Air to Ground missions for certain planets.


Feel free to add anything else you might like. Let's keep telling Bioware that we want them to put their space project on a higher priority!


I'm going to keep my original post here in case people want to read it to get their own ideas.


Thanks for reading!



Original Post: "Space Combat Revamp Proposal"

(Please read carefully before posting. Also, PLEASE keep it constructive. This is a long read, so please bear with me.)




Remember Star Wars: Rogue Squadron for the N64? Star Wars: Starfighter for the PS2 and Gamecube? Space combat in SWG? While there are more games I could mention, I'll just stop there. This is what I imagine when I hear "Star Wars" and "Space Combat" used together. At the moment, what Bioware has given us is a very small taste of space. Traveling from planet to planet or using our holo terminal are really the only reasons we use our ships. I mean in addition to space missions and some companion conversations.


The rail shooter that we have right now just feels very restricted. While it is quite pretty to look at and very simple to play, it does not give us a feeling of how vast the Star Wars universe truly is. The missions are very repetitive and are also reused at higher levels. Proper implementation of space could very well bring old players back and attract new ones. Bioware already has all of the art assets they could possibly need. All they need now is coding. I know, that is no easy task and cannot be done overnight.


Bioware has been VERY quiet about their plans to update space since PAX2012. At least that was the last time I heard about it. With SWTOR going free to play, we do not know what they intend to do with space from here on. It is possible that they have since scrapped it to focus on other content. I have a feeling that this is true because they are still developing and releasing more rail shooter space missions.


As a player that loves flight/combat sims, I would LOVE to see space come to life in SWTOR. But if Bioware has truly scrapped their plans for a space revamp, then I urge them to reconsider.


>>>Proposal / Ideas


What is it that us players are asking for? To my understanding, we all want free-roam space flight with PVP/PVE and Quest/Group content. From here, I'm going to suggest features and provide examples using (poorly) photoshopped screenshots.




Let's start with where to go. On your faction's fleet or any space station/port there will be a terminal near your ship. Click it and you will get a window with 2 options, "Select Ship" and "Depart with selected ship". You can also just walk up to your ship's door and click it to get "Depart with this ship" or "Enter Ship". From within your ship, you can still go to the galaxy map and travel quickly from planet to planet. If you decide to go to space from your hangar, you may roam your current region or activate your hyperdrive and jump to another region within the galaxy.


>>>Getting Ships


You will start out with your class ship and can acquire others through credits, fleet commendations, or random drops.


Example: [Mark VII Security Code] You will buy a datapad with a security code from a vendor located next to the fleet speeder vendor. Go into your inventory and click the datapad to learn the security code. This will unlock your new ship for use next time you leave for space.


>>>Imperial Ships


-Mark VII Interceptor



Top Speed: * * *

Maneuverability: * * *

Firepower: * * *

Armor: *

Shields: *


The Mark VII Interceptor is a fighter type ship that sacrifices armor and shields for maneuverability and speed.


-Extinction Bomber



Top Speed: *

Maneuverability: *

Firepower: * * *

Armor: * * *

Shields: * * *


The Extinction Bomber is a bomber type that sacrifices maneuverability and speed for increased armor and shield effectiveness.


>>>Republic Ships


-Talon Fighter



Top Speed: * * *

Maneuverability: * * *

Firepower: * * *

Armor: *

Shields: *


The mirror to the Mark VII Interceptor


-Raven Bomber



Top Speed: *

Maneuverability: *

Firepower: * * *

Armor: * * *

Shields: * * *


The mirror to the Extinction Bomber


>>> Class Ships


Top Speed: * *

Maneuverability: * *

Firepower: * *

Armor: * *

Shields: * *


Stat-wise, class specific ships will be the middle ground between fighters and bombers. These ships will also be free since you receive them from your class quests.


More ships can be added as time goes on. In my opinion, giving players the ability to choose which ship they want to use is important.


>>> Legacy Ships


Legacy Ships would give players a slightly wider selection of ships to choose from. They can unlock these ships by getting the appropriate classes to 50. (Faction restricted)


Example. I'm on my Bounty Hunter, but I want to use my Level 50 Agent's ship instead.


>>> Ship Visual Customization


-Additional Color Schemes

-Markings/Emblems selection

-Laser Color selection

-Engine Color selection


>>> Guild Capital Ships


I am open to suggestions on how these could be implemented.


>>>Controls and Movement


Here is a (poorly made) diagram showing the control layout for your ship when out in space.



Some things I forgot to add:


-Your ship is fixed into the middle of your screen just as your player character is.

-Your mouse turns the ship left and right, up and down as you move freely through 3D space.

-Double tapping S or W will instantly increase or decrease your acceleration level to the maximum/minimum.

-Holding alt unlocks your camera, letting you look around space without moving your ship.

-U-turn (don't know if there's a better word) useful for getting your sights on an enemy that is chasing you.

-Abilities bought using fleet commendations are activated via keybinds. (like they are now)

-Tab cycles through secondary weapons.


>>> User Interface


The current space combat UI is very nice and is not too intrusive. In order to revamp space though, we may need some additional things such as a minimap with radar and a meter that shows your current speed.


>>>Weapons / Combat


Space combat will feel just like a fighter sim (Think Ace Combat). You can shoot your lasers at a target by aiming your crosshairs at them. If your target is within your sights long enough, you will lock onto them, allowing you to fire your secondary weapon.


Each ship will have the following:


-Standard Laser weapon

-Missiles (secondary weapon)

-Shields (Only recharges after combat ends)

-Hyperdrive (used for jumping between regions)


You may buy these upgrades for your ship using fleet commendations:


Secondary Weapons:


-Focus Laser - (A laser that shoots a stream over 3 seconds, damaging enemies.)

-Proton Torpedo ( Intended for use against large ships.)


Defensive Upgrades:


-Countermeasures (Attacks do not hit you for 3 seconds. 3 charges per engagement)

-Repair Droids (astromech droids repair your ship, restoring 15% HP over 10 seconds. 2 minute cooldown)

-Emergency Jump (Jump to Light Speed and travel to the safety of your faction's fleet. Only useable in combat. 1 hour cooldown)


>>> Space Missions


You can pick up PVP/PVE daily and weekly missions in the supplies and combat training sections of your fleet respectively.




[space Daily] (PVE) Destroy 3 large-scale enemy ships.

[space Daily] (PVP) Destroy 15 enemy player ships.

[space Weekly] (PVE/PVP) Destroy 200 turrets or player ships.

[space Weekly] (PVE) Group with other players to destroy the enemy Capital Ship and its escort.

[space Weekly](PVP) Kill 50 players attacking our allied Capital ship.


>>> Surface Missions


While I like this idea. I think we should take one step at a time and get into space first.


Flying above the snow on Hoth and blowing up Wampas and walkers from the air would be fun, IMO.


>>> Enemies





-Small Ships (fighters, bombers, Rares, Aces)

-Medium Ships (Carriers and Transports. Usually neutral, but still attackable)

-Large Ships (Cruisers and Capital ships, hardest to destroy.)


You will find your enemies in their respective territories and in contested space. You may come across a patrolling capital ship and its escort or you may find a small scouting party. You may also come across a neutral ship carrying civilians or cargo. You can blow it up if you feel like it!


Larger ships can be destroyed by blowing up their command centers. You must first destroy their shield generators.




Destroying enemy (NPC) ships and turrets grants XP. You get double XP and 1 fleet commendation for destroying enemy player ships. Destroying a cruiser or capital ship grants the most XP and gives 10 fleet commendations.


Destroying a rare spawn or Ace ship gives normal XP, but will likely drop a ship security code, or some kind of ship customization.


Every ship you shoot down, you gain another mark on your kill score. Your score is separated into the following categories:



-Enemies (NPC)



Titles and in-game custom gear could be some rewards for reaching certain numbers.




Space is divided into 5 regions: The Seat of the Empire, Hutt Space, Coreward Worlds, The Distant Outer Rim, and The Unknown Regions. This gives us 5 potential zones, each with their own maps and loading screens. This way loading becomes less of an issue and also gives you a reason to use your hyperdrive to travel to other regions. (Does not effect quick travel from the galaxy map on your ship)


Each region is already divided into Imperial Space, Republic Space, contested space, or neutral space.


Things you will find in space:


-Friendly/Enemy Players

-Enemy/Friendly/Neutral NPCs

-Enemy/Friendly stations

-Star Ship Graveyards

-Mine Fields

-Ice Fields


-Planets and Faction Fleets

-Random ship wrecks (some may be explorable)

-Find Scavenging, Archaeology, Treasure hunting, and other gathering profession items by clicking (clickable) debris found in space.

-Rare Spawn ships

-Ace ships/squadrons


>>>Space Stations and Planets


Simply fly within range of a planet and click it to pop up a window with 2 (3 possible) options reading "Land on [Planet]" or "Enter Station Hangar", and"Return to Space".


Class quest ships and stations can only be accessed through the galaxy map. Unless someone is up for some extra work. I feel that (class quest) ships that everyone can see, but not everyone can interact with would be a waste of space.


>>>Old space Content


There will be no need to delete old space missions. All you need to do is relabel them as combat simulations and move them onto a separate terminal within the player's ship. They will still grant XP and fleet commendations.


>>>The End

I know that not everyone will agree with my ideas, but that's just what they are - ideas. If I give numbers, then keep in mind they are examples only. The overall point is that we want a free-roam space environment for our ships.

If I forgot to add anything obvious, tell me nicely. Please keep bumping this thread with your constructive feedback. Let Bioware know what you like and don't like!


Thanks for reading my post!


(Image source: Swtor gameplay)

Edited by Xenotoxic
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If guild capital ships become available after a space revamp, how do you think they'll work? Will they require a player to pilot or will they be on autopilot, leaving only turrets available for player interaction?


Give me your thoughts so I can add them to the "Guild Capital Ship" section!

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I hope this wouldn't mean all space missions become pvp areas.


On pvp servers, yes. On pve servers, I assume something would be implemented for people that don't want to take part in pvp. Keep in mind, you can complete your dailies/weeklies in any region of the galaxy.

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I would just like to know something. For me its more a communication issue than an actual design concept issue. I know they have some project going on but people dont know if its a complete revamp or just the same type of missions just on a bigger scale. I realize if there are changes such as the one listed here it will take a long time to implement but at least we will know whats going on.


When you have people paying montly fees you should make an effort to give upcoming game ideas to the public so they at least can be excited about potential upcoming features

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I got some info from Damion Schubert (Principal Lead Systems Designer) about this for you! He says that the "super secret space project" is certainly not dead and is in development. Unfortunately, we're not ready to say much more than that about it. We do, though, have more space content coming in the near future, and will continue work on the "super secret space project!"


Thank you Kubernetic for finding this quote. We now know that their "super secret space project" is at least still in the works. I will edit this into the original post.

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  • 9 months later...

Is this "Super secret space project" still in the works? I realize this thread is almost a year old, but what the OP had in mind is something very similar to what I've wanted since release. To me, the Star Wars Universe is just as much about space combat as ground-based missions, and I'd very much like to see something a lot more open than the "rail shooter" missions we currently have.

I'm not saying "Jump to Lightspeed" from SWG should be imported into SWTOR, but I think it was the best expansion SWG had. It was almost like getting a whole new game, but it pretty much made SWG "complete" as far as making space content as viable as ground content.

Something like this could never be implemented as an Update, I'm sure. It would have to be a full-blown Expansion - but I'd be more than willing to pay for it. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

This is not a "make or break" thing - I love the game as it is - but it would be a huge bonus, and I'm hoping this project is still in the works.

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Possibly the best necro thread ever. We can only hope there's more on the horizon for space missions. I'd love to see free roaming space missions. Would give a whole new dynamic to the game. Even rp-server people would love this, giving their smugglers a chance to, you know, smuggle. I envision a very Firefly-esque environment where players are pirates, smugglers, bounty hunters, legit traders, private escorts, etc. Free-roam space sims are wildly entertaining and their inclusion in the swtor franchise would go a long way to round out the experience for most players.
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One thing I would like to see added along with free roaming and hopefully some of the other ideas mentioned by the op. The one thing is to add better armaments, armor, and ship components for I believe cybertech crafters. I am pretty sure that is the crafting class for ship equipment. I agree with being able to have other purchased ships. It might even be feasible to have a bay on the players current ship from which to launch any secondary vessels. Also as mentioned by the op not to drop the current space missions but also missions could be added that require a fighter class vehicle that fits inside the current player ships, and even possibly extra ships could also be stored on guild capital ships in fighter hangars. This could be used in group space combat take the capital ship in then guild members launch their fighters from the ships hangar bays.
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  • 3 months later...

It's been over 3 months since the last post on this thread. I want to keep it alive. I played SWG primarily for Jump to Lightspeed. X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter is one of my all time favorite PC games.


For the current iteration of SWTOR the easiest thing (it seems to me) to implement would be the Guild Capitol Ships. They could even be a standard Destroyer type ship for Imps and . . . what are the Rep capitol ships called???


Once in a guild the Capitol Ship for that guild could show up as another way point on your galaxy map, like the Fleet Station. It could have a simple arrival video clip, again like flying to the Fleet.


I'm not suggesting that the guild ship would be combat capable or even flyable, but just as a guild hall with trainers and mailboxes and such. It would be AWESOME for RPing!


Keep the pressure on. Let the Devs know this topic is important.

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It's been over 3 months since the last post on this thread. I want to keep it alive. I played SWG primarily for Jump to Lightspeed. X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter is one of my all time favorite PC games.


For the current iteration of SWTOR the easiest thing (it seems to me) to implement would be the Guild Capitol Ships. They could even be a standard Destroyer type ship for Imps and . . . what are the Rep capitol ships called???


Once in a guild the Capitol Ship for that guild could show up as another way point on your galaxy map, like the Fleet Station. It could have a simple arrival video clip, again like flying to the Fleet.


I'm not suggesting that the guild ship would be combat capable or even flyable, but just as a guild hall with trainers and mailboxes and such. It would be AWESOME for RPing!


Keep the pressure on. Let the Devs know this topic is important.


I don't think you'll have a problem there. A day doesn't go by where I don't see a thread, or a post in a thread, or a forum signature that doesn't mention a guild cruiser. I think it's a good idea, but personally I believe it should be a tertiary concern to the devs.

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The Op has really gone to town here, that is one full on post:eek:.


Anyway yes much more needs to be done with space as opposed to the current pretty boring and repetative on a rollercoaster-rail space missions, that are poor in real satisfaction. Buying different types of ships would be cool also customiziation of your own ship aswell both on looks outside and decoration inside for vanity purposes. I would like to see is new ship based engineering crafts to augmnet and upgrade your ship with different capabilities and abilities with your own ship parts that you can learn and craft as oppsed to buying the standard linear upgardes we have now.


Introduce more space based missions in the single PVE story, especailly with smugglers as it tends to make more sense with such a class, where you have to get passed dangerous pirate blockades in a non railed way for example. Include a different style flashpoints or operations where in your team using your own ships you have to fight past enemy fighter ships and board a larger ship to take it over fighting your way in. Or like the death star sort of thing deliver a neculer payload to destory an inner part of some massive juggnaught of a ship. Or air to ground attack on some massive base.


Guild base ships been talked about alot but they must have actual purpose as opposed to just some fancy guild meeting place. Make use of them as battle cruisers in new PVP guild v's guild warzones. Again using new ship engineering crafts guild members can upgrade their main guild ship with different capabilities.


You could have a good old ding dong of a space battle between two opposing guild ships were one player is piloting various other players are manning different gun positions, one is managing defence and energy management others are on repair duties.. A real team effort player level and gear would not matter but good team work and communication would really be the difference. You could even have smaller single fighter ships being flown out for the main ship by other guild members to engage the enemy that way.


It would be fun and because gear and player level would not matter in a space battle it would be engaging to all guild members regardless of your level. Guild v's Guild Boarding parties could be done but gear comes into play then so there must be a way of equalizing players to an agreed level beforehand.


The issue with Guild v's Guild battles is really the difficulty in getting everyone from both sides online together ready for such arranged battles. :cool:

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This is what I want. It just is. I would easily pay for an expansion to have a space environment similar to SWG. I really loved being able to just go fly out in space, explore a bit around the area, maybe kill some pirates if I was in the right place, then plot a hyperspace route, watch my ship auto-pilot align, and then shoot off into the distance. I loved the combat, the upgrades and customizations, and the freedom. I spent much more time in space than on the ground in SWG. Oh, and having a space yacht was the coolest thing ever, and being able to seamlessly switch from piloting to walking around my ship.


Now, I'm sure we all realize that this is a large project, and I hope the Super Secret Space Project includes at least the basis of this open space paradise we're all dreaming of. I certainly don't feel that ships need to be customizable to the degree they were in SWG, it was pretty detailed. But basic upgrades, and cosmetic options, such as lazer/engine color that was mention previously, would be awesome. I also think that it would be awesome to have group missions where a group could fill in the turrets/pilot on a ship. I would really enjoy that, as well as missions where there are separate ships working together.


The previously mentioned guild capital ships would also be sweet, I've thought a lot about implementing guild areas/HQs/bases. I think it would really help promote guild bonding and actually becoming familiar with guild members outside of a raiding type atmosphere. Vendors and trainers would great. Bank access, training dummies, etc. I mean they basically added the option for those to the current ships, not vendors and trainers, but a lot of other stuff. I do prefer to avoid the fleet, because it can lag and get crowded.


Anyways, mostly rambling, sorry about that, but I would do practically anything to get that kinda space environment.

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This is what I want. It just is. I would easily pay for an expansion to have a space environment similar to SWG. I really loved being able to just go fly out in space, explore a bit around the area, maybe kill some pirates if I was in the right place, then plot a hyperspace route, watch my ship auto-pilot align, and then shoot off into the distance. I loved the combat, the upgrades and customizations, and the freedom. I spent much more time in space than on the ground in SWG. Oh, and having a space yacht was the coolest thing ever, and being able to seamlessly switch from piloting to walking around my ship.


Now, I'm sure we all realize that this is a large project, and I hope the Super Secret Space Project includes at least the basis of this open space paradise we're all dreaming of. I certainly don't feel that ships need to be customizable to the degree they were in SWG, it was pretty detailed. But basic upgrades, and cosmetic options, such as lazer/engine color that was mention previously, would be awesome. I also think that it would be awesome to have group missions where a group could fill in the turrets/pilot on a ship. I would really enjoy that, as well as missions where there are separate ships working together.


The previously mentioned guild capital ships would also be sweet, I've thought a lot about implementing guild areas/HQs/bases. I think it would really help promote guild bonding and actually becoming familiar with guild members outside of a raiding type atmosphere. Vendors and trainers would great. Bank access, training dummies, etc. I mean they basically added the option for those to the current ships, not vendors and trainers, but a lot of other stuff. I do prefer to avoid the fleet, because it can lag and get crowded.


Anyways, mostly rambling, sorry about that, but I would do practically anything to get that kinda space environment.


I am with you brother I miss those times a lot I hope EA does something similar to that soon.

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