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Appearnace Tab Is Needed....Badly


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I think it would be alot more fruitful to start threads about where you can find a particular look as an orange or where to find the schematics to produce them and how to gather what you'll need than continuously campaign for a feature the devs seem to be against. Of course, that would require work and not whining.


And where is the logics saying one thing precludes the other? I'd love an A-Tab and think the current system doesn't appease my customization desires. At the same time I look for more information regarding the orange system cause we are going to be stuck with it for a long long time.


But I understand your phrasing as just a way to disregard a perfectly valid claim and try to make it moot. But it won't work because the current mod system feels overly punishing for something as simple as appearance customization. And as such, threads like this one are more likely to keep coming and growing the more people start playing and experiencing the game.


I mean, queue problems and other more pressing things can only go so far. Nobody doubts BW is going to solve these ASAP.

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There's an option to do this? Where? I don't see it and I just looked in inventory, character sheet and preferences.


There used to be. They removed it because. . . it worked. They are redesigning it into some unknown system that they will implement later.


The point of the OP with that statement is that Unify color doesn't do anything to improve undesired models.

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I think they will add it soon-ish, probably when they add Microtransactions to the game. This is typically a feature where they could ask extra $$$ for.


They're going to add additional stuff to pay for?! This is a pay to subscribe game, with a monthly fee, not a freaking free game with a cash shop. To have both is entirely messed up....


This is seriously the type of thing that would push it too far and piss me off enough to quit. I don't appreciate being treated like a cash machine.

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You're right about that, at least to a certain point. It's just different ways to achieve appearance customization (through tabs, or mod/crafting). Still, if orange items are the only way to customize your apparance, then all items should be orange (or at least "apperance customizable", since as I understand it, orange items also let you add new stats and such, and perhaps stat modding should be limited to special gear).


That's the problem I see with this system. You're limited to getting special gear if you want appearance customization, and get stuck with ugly gear till you do.




this is what I been saying. until then let's hope that come release we'll start seeing more orange stuff up on the Galactic Auction House.

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There used to be. They removed it because. . . it worked. They are redesigning it into some unknown system that they will implement later.


Why would they remove the feature BEFORE they added the new appearance feature? God they make no sense the way they do things sometimes. At least leave in the match color to chest option, then remove it WHEN the new system is ready to implement. At least you had SOMEthing there, now there's nothing.


The point of the OP with that statement is that Unify color doesn't do anything to improve undesired models.


Oh I agree, we definately need an appearance tab or appearance customization crafting or something, at the very least armor color dyes like guild wars and neverwinter nights had yeeeeeaaaars ago.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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A very good point, my friend. I know of at least 1 person specifically whom I've seen complain about others rolling on orange items that aren't stated for them who has also posted against an Atab. I suspect that person is not the only one. They are just too wrapped up in p0wning n00bz to see their own contradictions.




Well, unless you are talking about threads of "I just posted <orange item X schematic> on the GTN on <server Y>, here's a link to the item that it makes on DarthHater so you can see what it looks like", I'm not sure how that would work. Random, non-previewable is random and non-previewable. There isn't an real way of discussing where to get a particular look, and that is assuming you even know the particular look you want, rather than just knowing it isn't one of the 3 orange items you've had the fortune of coming across to this point.



That would be me... and YES I flat out said DO NOT ROLL ON OTHER CLASSES ORANGES..

Unless the primary class already has it..


that is the same rule in every single MMO to date..


I ROLL ON ONLY SITH WARRIOR speced items.. and pass on anything that does not suit me or my comp.

make sure everyone gets their gear.


this is not rocket science.. you dont roll on gear that is speced for someone else..

if i want something I will go farm for it with my guild so there are not hurt feelings.

in a PUG you dont roll against someone that can and will use it right then and there.


if the specs on it are STR/END.. then it goes to the SW.. if its Cunning/end it goes to the Op... its not that hard to figure out.

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Threads gut buried so fast on this forum, people post too many threads.




This does need attention. The community is calling for better customization, and so many other games have an appearance tab, anarchy online had it years ago. City of Heroes has full customization of appearance like crazy. Neverwinter Nights had armor appearance crafting and item color dyes TEN years ago. Guild Wars at least had armor color dyes YEARS ago. This is something that's pretty much required in an MMO, the players really want it. Why do they resist player suggestions and just go "nope, we're going to do some other crap"? The key to the success of an MMO is listening to what your players want for their $15 a month. If you don't listen to what your players want, you're not encouraging them to stay.

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Why would they remove the feature BEFORE they added the new appearance feature? God they make no sense the way they do things sometimes. At least leave in the match color to chest option, then remove it WHEN the new system is ready to implement. At least you had SOMEthing there, now there's nothing.




Oh I agree, we definately need an appearance tab or appearance customization crafting or something, at the very least armor color dyes like guild wars and neverwinter nights had yeeeeeaaaars ago.


I would settle for NWN-esque customization at this point. After playing NWN1 for years (in servers with heavy community content with appearance tailors and dyes), then playing City of Heroes and later settling in Champions Online for two years, I can't live without appearance customization. At least let us mod everything and dye it like in NWN1.

Edited by VisionStorm
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That would be me... and YES I flat out said DO NOT ROLL ON OTHER CLASSES ORANGES..

Unless the primary class already has it..


that is the same rule in every single MMO to date..


I ROLL ON ONLY SITH WARRIOR speced items.. and pass on anything that does not suit me or my comp.

make sure everyone gets their gear.


this is not rocket science.. you dont roll on gear that is speced for someone else..

if i want something I will go farm for it with my guild so there are not hurt feelings.

in a PUG you dont roll against someone that can and will use it right then and there.


if the specs on it are STR/END.. then it goes to the SW.. if its Cunning/end it goes to the Op... its not that hard to figure out.


Actually, you weren't the person to whom I was referring. And, for the record, I tend to bet pretty much what you might call a push-over on gear rolls. If an item is only a minor stat boost (+1 or 2 or so) I tend to not roll need, preferring to only use the need button on things I "need" rather than can simply use. But then, I also stop and hold the door for others to go before me (even when going into Starbucks where they will end up in line in front of me) let people merge in front of me when driving, cross the street or parking lot while I wait, or yield contested parking spaces to others.


But, if you stop and think about this, the only way the argument that orange gear is the answer to customization is if that gear becomes equally as viable to "need" on based upon it's appearance as it is based upon it's stats. Otherwise, if you say stats first, by extension, you are saying that the system is a stat system with appearance customization as a secondary feature. As such, it is not the answer to customization issues.

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I would settle for NWN-esque customization at this point. After playing NWN1 for years (in servers with heavy community content with appearance tailors and dyes), then playing City of Heroes and later settling in Champions Online for two years, I can't live without appearance customization. At least let us mod everything and dye it like in NWN1.


Yeah maybe I'm a little spoiled by City of Heroes especially, but I MUST have appearance customization to really get into my characters. And it just seems like this is standard MMO features this day and age, everyone wants it, I would even say it's one of teh MOST wanted features. The game should not have launched with some form of appearance customization for gear. Especially considering that customization during character creation is sooooo very limited.

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It can't be hard to code for an appearance gear tab: Two character sheet pages, one with gear that has active stats, one that sets your appearance and the stats don't count. At least give us back the "match color to chest piece" option which was already coded for, until something else is put in place.
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I hope that they'll just add more stuff into the game :)

More masks/robes/etc are very needed. Right now through huge chunk of game I cannot find any light armor pants / lower-robe that actually would look great (and: yes, I could use normal stupid pants for light armor, not just skirts everywhere!) not even saying about head gear for majority of non-heavy classes. :rolleyes:

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LOL, this^


You have to dig to find stuff you posted on like 15 mins ago, sometimes. And we don't even have a search feature yet :p


These forums are ran on vBulletin software. They have a search option. Bioware is just too lazy to turn it on in the admin options. I know...I have run a vBulletin forum for years.

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These forums are ran on vBulletin software. They have a search option. Bioware is just too lazy to turn it on in the admin options. I know...I have run a vBulletin forum for years.


They don't want to turn it on cause servers running vBulletin struggle with traffic like that, and vBulletin search function is far from optimal, so turning it on would only case serve performance issues.

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I hope that they'll just add more stuff into the game :)

More masks/robes/etc are very needed. Right now through huge chunk of game I cannot find any light armor pants / lower-robe that actually would look great (and: yes, I could use normal stupid pants for light armor, not just skirts everywhere!) not even saying about head gear for majority of non-heavy classes. :rolleyes:


It really bugs me when gear pieces are all mismatched in color. At the very least they need to give us back the "match gear" option or give us armor dyes.


I agree, there are way to many similar looking avatars without it. EQ2 does it best, you can make a staff look like a dagger if you want. Every slot on the paper doll has an appearance slot.


Yeah this too. Without customization, everyone of the same level winds up looking about the same, and end game when everyone has the best available gear, everyone looks EXACTLY the same.


Come on Bioware, you made a great story driven concept and put the RPG back in MMORPG, and I give you credit for that, but you left out some things that RPG players absolutely must have to fully enjoy and immerse themselves in the story and learn to love their characters.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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It really bugs me when gear pieces are all mismatched in color. At the very least they need to give us back the "match gear" option or give us armor dyes.


Yeah I really don't like the reason they gave for taking that away:


"It worked so well, people started complaining that it felt like their gear was never changing"


....all that thing did was match colors. The gear design is your problem. You need more diversity of GEAR DESIGN. :rolleyes:

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There will never be an appearance tab as long as the orange moddable gear is in the game. Otherwise that gear is useless and trash.


Now they should bring something into the game so we can change the color of the pieces. It's just bad because not only do you look like a clown, but your companion will as well if you put gear on them. (although they do have sets to collect)

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"It worked so well, people started complaining that it felt like their gear was never changing"


They should never REMOVE features because a few people complain. They should only add features. There's really no good reason to take that out. Characters look like clowns when they're wearing different colored mismatched gear parts.


Come on BW, please read this thread... for now just re-enable the gear matching until you develop some other appearance customization.


And most of us would be perfectly happy with an appearance tab with slots for other gear, and that would be easy for you to implement, you wouldn't have to do alot of extra work creating a whole new system, that would work fine.

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Totally agree, just had to swap my sith marauder's gear for better stats gear, but it looks so out of character, now i look like the love-child of a jedi consular and a smuggler, not good... appearance tab (for PVE areas only, can understand disabling it for warzones and the like) would make this game perfect... well that and reducing server que times :p
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Yeah I really don't like the reason they gave for taking that away:


"It worked so well, people started complaining that it felt like their gear was never changing"


....all that thing did was match colors. The gear design is your problem. You need more diversity of GEAR DESIGN. :rolleyes:


Easy, don't use the option. Problem solved. I don't get why we had to lose such an "option" (i.e. not a "requirement") simply because a couple of people wanted a bunch of mismatched armor pieces. Want to see your gear "change" as you pick up stuff? Don't turn on the "match gear" option :rolleyes:

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Easy, don't use the option. Problem solved. I don't get why we had to lose such an "option" (i.e. not a "requirement") simply because a couple of people wanted a bunch of mismatched armor pieces. Want to see your gear "change" as you pick up stuff? Don't turn on the "match gear" option :rolleyes:


It sounded like less an issue of people wanting their gear to not change as it gave the impression of less different types of armor in the game.

cause most of the armor skins amongst similar types are just color swaps, especially among boots and what not. it really wasnt the best reason IMHO, but they said it will come back soon once they get it working more how they want.


or we complain enough.

Edited by Rayje
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Easy, don't use the option. Problem solved. I don't get why we had to lose such an "option" (i.e. not a "requirement") simply because a couple of people wanted a bunch of mismatched armor pieces. Want to see your gear "change" as you pick up stuff? Don't turn on the "match gear" option :rolleyes:


Exactly. Instead of just turning off something they don't like, which they can easily do, they would rather just take it away from everyone else.... messed up, selfish way of thinking.

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