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Appearnace Tab Is Needed....Badly


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After playing for a long time, in beta and now in live, I have concluded that an appearance tab is needed. I was a big supporter of the Unify Color To Chest Piece option, but not anymore. I rolled a Sith Sorcerer, and took synthweaving. Looking ahead at the high level crafted gear...its all ugly as hell. Especially the kendo style mask. I am now firmly in the appearance tab camp. Unify Colors to Chest Piece can't fix ugly designs.


Stop forcing on us what you think we want. We want an appearance tab! Is it that hard to understand that we might not like your gear designs?


To be honest, I like the idea of people looking odd. One of the bonus of getting a full set of armour is that it matches.

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An appearence tab is not needed, orange items exist for this very reason, it's not handed to you on a plate but is something you have to work for. Work for it and savour the effect when you achieve it.

Personally I have armourmech and will willingly look like a clown because my character wants the best armour that is going to let her survive, only after max level will I think about purposefully going the moddable item route.

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An appearence tab is not needed, orange items exist for this very reason


No, the reason orange items exist is to customize stats. An appearance tab is very much needed, and it wouldn't hurt you at all to let us just have it since so many people want it.


There have been pages and pages of threads about this for two years through the whole beta process. SO MANY people want it. If you don't care, fine, don't use it, but don't try to keep the rest of us from getting it.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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I sit here and watch my wife playing rift today. She spent HOURS doing nothing but arranging her wardrobe items recoloring them and making her toon look just the way she wanted..

When i ask her if she wants to play swtor with me she say NO. She has watched me for months in beta and says since she cant make a character look like she wants here she has zero interest.

People can make fun of this type of player all they want but to ignore a large part of the market is silly.


Oh and she is no where close to alone in her views. She was in vent doing this with about 20 other players. All of them helping her out with dye's and stuff. She went nuts when one of them directed her to a vender that had a bikini top! that would match her bottoms style wise.

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I sit here and watch my wife playing rift today. She spent HOURS doing nothing but arranging her wardrobe items recoloring them and making her toon look just the way she wanted..

When i ask her if she wants to play swtor with me she say NO. She has watched me for months in beta and says since she cant make a character look like she wants here she has zero interest.

People can make fun of this type of player all they want but to ignore a large part of the market is silly.


Oh and she is no where close to alone in her views. She was in vent doing this with about 20 other players. All of them helping her out with dye's and stuff. She went nuts when one of them directed her to a vender that had a bikini top! that would match her bottoms style wise.


This. Widening the market is a good thing. Who cares if you think it's frivolous.


Someone will enjoy it, above poster is proof.

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I sit here and watch my wife playing rift today. She spent HOURS doing nothing but arranging her wardrobe items recoloring them and making her toon look just the way she wanted..

When i ask her if she wants to play swtor with me she say NO. She has watched me for months in beta and says since she cant make a character look like she wants here she has zero interest.

People can make fun of this type of player all they want but to ignore a large part of the market is silly.


Oh and she is no where close to alone in her views. She was in vent doing this with about 20 other players. All of them helping her out with dye's and stuff. She went nuts when one of them directed her to a vender that had a bikini top! that would match her bottoms style wise.


Very good point. Style is important to alot of people, especially women. That's why the fashion industry exists.


Some of us MMO players are drawn to this kind of customization, it helps with our immersion, it helps us use our imaginations.


I played City Of Heroes for years and one of the biggest selling points in that game was you could customize your character appearance basically any way you want and create a whole PERSONA.


It's about CREATING a CHARACTER, about adding DEPTH to that character, so that it's not just EQUIPPING another AVATAR. Many of us enjoy being CREATIVE.

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Very good point. Style is important to alot of people, especially women. That's why the fashion industry exists.


Some of us MMO players are drawn to this kind of customization, it helps with our immersion, it helps us use our imaginations.


I played City Of Heroes for years and one of the biggest selling points in that game was you could customize your character appearance basically any way you want and create a whole PERSONA.


It's about CREATING a CHARACTER, about adding DEPTH to that character, so that it's not just EQUIPPING another AVATAR. Many of us enjoy being CREATIVE.




Also i dont understand why it is that much underlooked in game, its not like the design doesnt exist, just code something so ppl can tick one piece for appearance... i mean its not that simple but somehow it is...

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Also i dont understand why it is that much underlooked in game, its not like the design doesnt exist, just code something so ppl can tick one piece for appearance... i mean its not that simple but somehow it is...


It's actually not that hard. Anarchy Online had an appearance tab yeeeeaaaarrrs ago, and it's such an old game. Yes, all the mechanics are in place, the models are there, it just requires a little tweaking. It is simple


I think a lot of people want this. Let us look how we want not what lthe best gear looks like.


Yeah exactly,don't have us all looking the same because we all have the same gear in end game




Another thing to think about: Bioware put so much effort into the dialogue in this game to make it a more dynamic, atmospheric, story driven experience, with the focus on characters. They did an awesome job with the dialogue system and team conversations. Appearance customization would add more interest in the dialogue. When team members when their social dialogue rolls, they get to speak, their character plays a role int eh conversation, and you could show off the appearance you designed, making your character more of a character in the story, more of a unique entity.


It is also a main feature in dcuo , swg, d&do, etc


its not about copying, its about being logical.


As well as CoH, Anarchy, Vindictus and many other MMOs. Like I said, if they want this to be a leading MMO, they have to keep up with the times and compete with other games by adding in all the stuff that they have, so they can say "we have what they have and more"

Edited by AeonWeapon
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Every single piece of gear you see is available in a moddable version.


You just have to get it, if you cant handle it you dont deserve to look bad ***.



Edit : Moddable gear are essentially just for appearence. Its also a huge part of crafting( you can craft moddable version of any green gear you have found). And every moddable gear you find can sell for a high price (even its level 10) if its rare and/or looks cool.

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Every single piece of gear you see is available in a moddable version.


You just have to get it, if you cant handle it you dont deserve to look bad ***.


Blah blah... we shouldn't have to work for cosmetic stuff. Gaining power should take effort, but creating a unique appearance if you want to shouldn't be tedious or overly time consuming. Many of us have limited game time and shouldn't have to waste it on time sinks.


Besides, as far as I've seen, mods just effect stat bonuses, not armor ranking and things like that. You still need the best strength armor, then you put mods in it to get the stat bonuses your character needs. Appearance should be apart from that. Otherwise you're stuck using a certain armor still because it has a high armor rating, and you just put in the mods you need for stats. I may not be clear on how the mod system works though, so I could be wrong about that.


But still either way, like I keep saying, it doesn't hurt anything to let us have easier appearance customization, it adds so much to the immersion and to the great dialogue system. You lose nothing by letting us have it. You just want to argue.


Besides, like I said before:

People who preach that we have to "work" for every little thing, or who talk about "time sinks" are missing two very big points:


1. Grind is not fun, a game should not feel like work. Yes it should take effort to achieve power in the game, but when it comes to cosmetic stuff and roleplay elements, in a game that is story driven and meant to set an atmosphere and immerse players above ALL else, appearance customization should not be difficult, should not have to be "earned" or take "work".


2. Many of us don't have hours and hours to waste away doing tedious things in the game like grindy stuff, messing around with tweaking gear, or shouting for a team for 30 minutes. Many of us have jobs and responsibilities and can only free up maybe a couple hours in a day to relax and play the game, and we want to spend that time having as much fun as possible, we don't want that limited time to be wasted. A "time sink" is exactly that... a waste of my precious time.


Preach to me about "working" for things when you have to work 8 hours per day, 5 days per week, with an additional hour each way spent traveling to and from work, plus take evening night classes 4 days per week which come with reading and writing assignments, and try to spend enough time with your girlfriend that she doesn't forget you exist and dump you lol. Somehow, I doubt your life is so busy.

Stop trying to make me waste my time with time sinks and stop trying to tell me my fun time has to be work. I already have enough work to do in real life.

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Blah blah... we shouldn't have to work for cosmetic stuff. Gaining power should take effort, but creating a unique appearance if you want to shouldn't be tedious or overly time consuming. Many of us have limited game time and shouldn't have to waste it on time sinks.




Yes you should. Aside from the stat, there is a very limited number of thing that can serve as a reward in a mmo. Fluff is one of it. It doesn't affect raider so they cant whine they have to grind x to get y.


I dont even understand how you could consider working to get a fluff item grinding. It is not necessary, if you feel like your working on a game ( not having a good time ) just for your char appearence then this is pathetic, just dont do it.


I for one am having a blast trying to find mod item and create an unique look, i dont want everything handed to me.



PS: i was a supporter for Appearence tab in every mmo i played, but not this one. This one dont need it. Learn how the game work before qq ing


Besides, as far as I've seen, mod just effect stat bonuses, not armor ranking and things like that. You still need the best strength armor, then you put mods in it to get the stat bonuses your character needs. Appearance should be apart from that. Otherwise you're stuck using a certain armor still because it has a high armor rating, and you just put in the mods you need for stats. I may not be clear on how the mod system works though, so I could be wrong about that.


You are wrong, moddable gear are purely appearence . The mod are your stat in this game. Armoring change your armor rank btw.

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Like I said, if they want this to be a leading MMO, they have to keep up with the times and compete with other games by adding in all the stuff that they have, so they can say "we have what they have and more"


SWTOR : We have everything they have with a sw storyline. ;)

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However you see it, people have been asking for an appearance tab for two years. If you feel we have to work for appearance, we would still have to, because we would have to gather the gear parts to put in our appearance slots, it would just be a bit less tedious. Personally i think it would be even better if there was a system like DCUO where you retained the appearance options for every item you ever equipped and could change the look at will.


I still don't feel we should have to work for a character appearance though. And our options would still be limited by what fancy looking gear is available to characters at our particular level. I hate tedious activities in these games, I have so little time. I just want to spend a few minutes to make my character look cool then go on playing the game. I don't have alot of time to waste tweaking things, and if I have 2 hours at the most to play each day, I shouldn't have to invest that entire time to make my character look a certain way if I want to.


Bioware: make the most of the awesome social dialogue system and let us make unique characters to participate in team dialogue and show them off when we will social rolls


And boobaffet answer me this: Why are you arguing? Would you lose anything if the many, many players who want an appearance tab got what we wanted? Why does it matter enough to people like you that you want to put us down for wanting it? Because it seems to me that there's alot of people like you have no good reason for being against us except to be argumentative, contradictory naysayers, who are just trying to be annoying and put other people down.... Give me one good reason why we shouldn't have this, and I don't mean "it can be done with time consuming modding", tell me one negative effect it would have on the game to let people make the appearance they want more easily. Tell me one good reason why it would make your gaming experience less enjoyable.


Because I can tell you this, for me and others, NOT having an appearance tab or at least easy color matching, is making the game less enjoyable for me and many others. (The guy who posted above, who's wife doesn't want to play with him because she can't customize her appearance, is a perfect example... there TOR has lost a player [his wife] and he's also having less fun because he doesn't have his wife in game teaming up with him.) I AT LEAST want them to put back in the "match color to chest" option they already coded for, or put in something like the armor color dyes that Guild Wars had from launch day one.

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However you see it, people have been asking for an appearance tab for two years. If you feel we have to work for appearance, we would still have to, because we would have to gather the gear parts to put in our appearance slots, it would just be a bit less tedious. Personally i think it would be even better if there was a system like DCUO where you retained the appearance options for every item you ever equipped and could change the look at will.


I still don't feel we should have to work for a character appearance though. And our options would still be limited by what fancy looking gear is available to characters at our particular level. I hate tedious activities in these games, I have so little time. I just want to spend a few minutes to make my character look cool then go on playing the game. I don't have alot of time to waste tweaking things, and if I have 2 hours at the most to play each day, I shouldn't have to invest that entire time to make my character look a certain way if I want to.


Bioware: make the most of the awesome social dialogue system and let us make unique characters to participate in team dialogue and show them off when we will social rolls


And boobaffet answer me this: Why are you arguing? Would you lose anything if the many, many players who want an appearance tab got what we wanted? Why does it matter enough to people like you that you want to put us down for wanting it? Because it seems to me that there's alot of people like you have no good reason for being against us except to be argumentative, contradictory naysayers, who are jsut trying to be annoying and put other people down....


You already have an appearence tab its called moddable gear. Instead of buying regular gear for your apperence and put them in an appearence tab, you buy/find moddable gear and mod them.


Its a great system ( not saying it can't be better) there is no need to scrap it with an appearence tab.


And i dont want to see it changed cause it affect me. Me too i like to costumize my char and give it an unique look. But the current system works great and i dont want to see it changed cause some people just want everything handed to them.

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I think they are going in a really good direction with moddable gear, this allows you to mod items that look good. ie. wearing a hat that I find acceptable I got 20 levels ago; I been upgrading it since I got it. Only problem is that you lose out on Armor Class and thus have much lower mitigation because of it. Like to see the mod system tweaked so that you can use any moddable gear without losing massive chunks of AC. Due to my current get up, I have 2%+ less mitgation compared to current gear that looks awful. Plus there is a few items that get no increase in armor from mods at all like bracers and other certain pieces ie. found lvl 40 ish modable bracers that stay at the base 10 AC yet with a lvl 45 mod that adds 110. Still, if I use a lvl 45 bracers instead (even if AC worked on em), I get 200+ more armor...


If they improve and tweak the mod system, then there will be no need for appearance tab...

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Only problem is that you lose out on Armor Class and thus have much lower mitigation because of it. Like to see the mod system tweaked so that you can use any moddable gear without losing massive chunks of AC.


Exactly, which is why we should be able to have one set of gear for the best stats we can get, and another for appearance. Without having to constantly put new mods in the same items, which aren't even as effective. You definitely shouldn't have to choose between best AC you can get or a look you like.

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I think they are going in a really good direction with moddable gear, this allows you to mod items that look good. ie. wearing a hat that I find acceptable I got 20 levels ago; I been upgrading it since I got it. Only problem is that you lose out on Armor Class and thus have much lower mitigation because of it. Like to see the mod system tweaked so that you can use any moddable gear without losing massive chunks of AC. Due to my current get up, I have 2%+ less mitgation compared to current gear that looks awful. Plus there is a few items that get no increase in armor from mods at all like bracers and other certain pieces ie. found lvl 40 ish modable bracers that stay at the base 10 AC yet with a lvl 45 mod that adds 110.


If they improve and tweak the mod system, then there will be no need for appearance tab...


moddable gear (orange ) are fully moddable and scale with armor rating.


If your moddable hat doesn't have as much armor its for one of those three reason:


- Its bugged

- Its not fully costumizable (not orange) and doesnt have an armoring slot

- Its light/medium and you are supposed to wear medium/heavy

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This isn't needed, they just need more moddable gear.


Also artifact and legendary gear should be fully moddable as well, at the moment it isnt which kinda makes it less useful than custom gear which is supposedly a step down :/

Edited by NasherUK
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Exactly, which is why we should be able to have one set of gear for the best stats we can get, and another for appearance. Without having to constantly put new mods in the same items, which aren't even as effective. You definitely shouldn't have to choose between best AC you can get or a look you like.


You really dont know what your talking about dont you?


Do yourself a favor and learn about the game before whining.



Moddable gear are as good if not better than any other gear.

You dont have to choose beetween AC or stat.

You can keep your level 10 lightsaber ( as well as any orange gear) for as long as you want. Yes ! for ever. No gear will ever be better, the mod are your only stat.


Say it with me : GEAR = Appearence ONLY Mod : STAT


They are not like your wow jewelcrafting, why is it so hard to understand.

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moddable gear (orange ) are fully moddable and scale with armor rating.


If your moddable hat doesn't have as much armor its for one of those three reason:


- Its bugged

- Its not fully costumizable (not orange) and doesnt have an armoring slot

- Its light/medium and you are supposed to wear medium/heavy


Then it's bugged. Wearing lvl 29 get up that you buy from CE vendor...I throw those mods into a lvl 40+ orange gear, I get around 400+ more armor. This applies to everything else I have come across. Not ALL items scale when modded. Using gear that is my type and I know what moddable gear looks like, so please don't tell me I am mistaken. Reported this in beta, too.


Yes, some items like weapons and such do in fact scale, but not all. Losing out valuable mitigation can be bad, so this needs to be tweaked and ironed out like I said in my first post.

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