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Tank players have control issues?


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Heyo! lol so nothing too serious in this thread, but am I the only one who's noticed that most people who play tanks have control issues?


Now, I completely understand them leading the pack and jumping into the fray first, that's usually the best way to go about it.


However, what I've realized is that people who have tank mains but are currently on DPS chars still have that same control issue! They always charge ahead of the tank (and when I'm personally tanking I'm a fast tank), sometimes before we're done taking out the first group of mobs!


Also, they seem to have issues on how to navigate through a HM/Op. It's their way, or they'll just go off and do it by themselves.


I guess what I'm saying is, whether or not you have a tank character, if you are NOT the current tank, let the CURRENT tank lead. I've seen a lot of arguments come forth from this.


Does anyone else notice this? Or I'm a just a fruit basket short of a pickle?


Vent/insight fin!


(P.S tankers, when you dps, don't focus on the elite. Pick off the weak mobs first. Yanno. The one stabbing our healer? Thanks!)


EDIT: Forgot to add one more negative thing to this. I always feel awful for the healers because most can handle this, but shouldn't have to. Also, if that DPS dies, they blame the healer. "Umm heals??"


Umm, know your role?

Edited by mavsynchroid
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Yes you are correct. There are dps who run ahead of everyone and initiate combat. However, I don't know whether they are just used to being tanks, or if they are just really impatient. Or both. I'm guessing just impatient *****.
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Yes you are correct. There are dps who run ahead of everyone and initiate combat. However, I don't know whether they are just used to being tanks, or if they are just really impatient. Or both. I'm guessing just impatient *****.


Sorry I should have added, I've been asking the dps who do this recently after noticing this pattern what their mains are, and I'd say roughly 70% of the time it's a tank.

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Yes you are correct. There are dps who run ahead of everyone and initiate combat. However, I don't know whether they are just used to being tanks, or if they are just really impatient. Or both. I'm guessing just impatient *****.


Don't be

!!! ;)
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It's been this way as long as i can remeber, Bad Tanks are control freaks that blame everyone for anything that doesnt go according to thier plan. Bad DPS run around and aggro everything that moves.


Oh yeah, that's true, but my point was I think a lot of the bad DPS stem from having tanks as their main, and they just jump into a mob group thinking the healer will cover their *** before the tank gets there. Just bad role.. playing?

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Yes you are correct. There are dps who run ahead of everyone and initiate combat. However, I don't know whether they are just used to being tanks, or if they are just really impatient. Or both. I'm guessing just impatient *****.


LOTS of impatient and honestly whiny players out there!


I have 3 50s currently (Sage healer, Commando healer, Scoundral DPS) and its pure fustration for me that many players refuse to let me mark my targets in heroics (cough cough Black Hole CTS cough cough).


For the sage and commando its annoying but I can still get my CC off (I just stop healing people till I do and if we die, so be it, LEARN SOME PATIENCE)


For my Scoundral though its enough to drive me crazy.

I can only cc non droids from stealth but have lost count how many times im half way to a target when some impatent kids attacks or fires off their own cc making it impossible for me to cc my target


You tell them

You tell them a 2nd time

You tell them a 3rd time

either they are freaking idiots or they need to get some patience.


As a healer though I do have some control over these "players"


Once had a guy that would not heal up after fights at all.

He would race from one fight to next and just expect me to heal his damage


I asked if he would please take a moment and heal after fights, Ill keep him alive but what hes doing is moronic


He told me "your the healer, your job is to heal me"


Strangly he died the very next combat


After that he started to heal after combats


So these no pateince kids can be taught, if you have the kahoonaas to actually teach them a lesson or 3.

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Seems to be impatience and competitiveness more than "tanks."


I'm a main tank, and even when tanking, I double-check readiness instead of charging ahead. On the other hand, a DPS I used to group with all of the time (who was all dps all the time) always ran ahead simply because she wanted to push through content as fast as humanly possible and didn't mind the challenge of trying to survive while I tried to collect everything. (Heck, she'd run rooms ahead)


In general, I've come across more situations where it's the "c'mon, let's fly through this" players rather than the "I'm a tank" variety.

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Seems to be impatience and competitiveness more than "tanks."


I'm a main tank, and even when tanking, I double-check readiness instead of charging ahead. On the other hand, a DPS I used to group with all of the time (who was all dps all the time) always ran ahead simply because she wanted to push through content as fast as humanly possible and didn't mind the challenge of trying to survive while I tried to collect everything. (Heck, she'd run rooms ahead)


In general, I've come across more situations where it's the "c'mon, let's fly through this" players rather than the "I'm a tank" variety.


I agree that there's both of these. There are tons of people who just want to blow through the content. I guess I'm being more specific when I started noticing dps attacking an elite with me while weaks were burning down a healer and what not. AOE Taunts have cooldowns yanno -_-. I guess I'm not being clear on the difference between anyone just wanting to blow through content and DPS acting as tanks, only bad tanks.

Edited by mavsynchroid
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I love it when tanks leap way ahead of my Commando healer. It's especially awesome when they don't like heal after combat. So they leap in at 70% health 45m ahead of their healer who is now walking super slow.


Or when people pull before I can get my Mind Maze off. Or leap to the guy/AoE the guy I just CC'd.

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Do tank players have control issues?? Their entire job is to control the mobs so they are not attacking the healers and DPS..


And then you have DPS that think they are tanks.. Who love to pull stuff and make it harder for the tank who now has to pull off them.. Personally I love the let them die method..


I have also met some healers with the same issues.. They also like to pull stuff.. Again, same issue and method come to mind..


Healers and and DPS ask us to tank, then you all need to let us tank.. We certianly wouldn't dream of attemping to do your job.. Stop attempting to control everything by attempting to do ours??


Do tanks have control issues?? No.. The people with control issues are the ones that are attempting to do things beyond their current role.. Usually DPS and healers.. Just saying..

Edited by MajikMyst
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Heyo! lol so nothing too serious in this thread, but am I the only one who's noticed that most people who play tanks have control issues?


Now, I completely understand them leading the pack and jumping into the fray first, that's usually the best way to go about it.


However, what I've realized is that people who have tank mains but are currently on DPS chars still have that same control issue! They always charge ahead of the tank (and when I'm personally tanking I'm a fast tank), sometimes before we're done taking out the first group of mobs!


Also, they seem to have issues on how to navigate through a HM/Op. It's their way, or they'll just go off and do it by themselves.


I guess what I'm saying is, whether or not you have a tank character, if you are NOT the current tank, let the CURRENT tank lead. I've seen a lot of arguments come forth from this.


Does anyone else notice this? Or I'm a just a fruit basket short of a pickle?


Vent/insight fin!


(P.S tankers, when you dps, don't focus on the elite. Pick off the weak mobs first. Yanno. The one stabbing our healer? Thanks!)


EDIT: Forgot to add one more negative thing to this. I always feel awful for the healers because most can handle this, but shouldn't have to. Also, if that DPS dies, they blame the healer. "Umm heals??"


Umm, know your role?


This did not have anything to do with Prophecy of the Five while running a Flash Point with Darcon (My level 29 Sniper) did it? If so, I know EXACTLY why you are saying this. People never want to let the Tank be a Tank. First a Tank needs to run in, jump in, gather aggro by first hitting the boss target, then hitting an AoE to ensure the rest of the mobs are good and taunted. Yet, more often than not, the team is firing away before you get there. When asked to chill out and let the Tank do they Tanking, the general attitude is, "lol, w/e you say" as if you are being a tard for even bringing it up.

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Yes you are correct. There are dps who run ahead of everyone and initiate combat. However, I don't know whether they are just used to being tanks, or if they are just really impatient. Or both. I'm guessing just impatient *****.


Ok, I have to admit, in Flashpoint runs my husband and I do run ahead of the tank. A lot. We're both in full Black Hole on our mains (alts are Rakata/Black Hole/Columi mixes to keep the stat balance right): I'm the healer, he's the face-melter. For the most part it's: run, CC strong mobs, deal with trash guys, kill the rest. We do usually run with tanks from our guild and we've not yet had anyone complain.


My husband did tank in WoW (had a Paladin, so tanking was pretty much auto-run and occasionally hit skills), so I'm used to healing at a fast pace and burning through trash. With my main healer being an Operative, we also spend a lot of our time skipping trash rather than killing it. It is to do with impatience in part and, to be honest, unless HK-47 bugs out or something really bizarre happens, the fights are boring and un-engaging. Skipping trash requires slightly more focus than not skipping it, it's just a different way of doing the instance.


And before you ask, yes, we have gone through some Flashpoints with companions when the two others have dropped for whatever reason. We do slow down when asked, but play by the assumption that everyone's as sick of the same trash pack as we are. Most people have appreciated learning new skips.

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This did not have anything to do with Prophecy of the Five while running a Flash Point with Darcon (My level 29 Sniper) did it? If so, I know EXACTLY why you are saying this. People never want to let the Tank be a Tank. First a Tank needs to run in, jump in, gather aggro by first hitting the boss target, then hitting an AoE to ensure the rest of the mobs are good and taunted. Yet, more often than not, the team is firing away before you get there. When asked to chill out and let the Tank do they Tanking, the general attitude is, "lol, w/e you say" as if you are being a tard for even bringing it up.


Unfortunately, this is what happens far more often than not. >.<

Edited by ProsaicProse
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I'm a main DPS with an alt tank and I can sort of relate to this issue. I find tanking to be a real drag sometimes when everyone in the group is charging ahead all attacking different mobs.

Problem I guess is that once you are geared and used to doing HM / Nightmare Ops, everything else seems sooooooo easy mode. On my main I do catch myself quite often lately not waiting for the tank while doing HM FPs or daily H4s :o . It's realy a bad habit I'm glad doesn't carry over into HM Ops for me.

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I will say that some tanks are control freaks, but I'll also say that it's good manners to follow the tank. I don't ever run out in front of the tank (when DPSing or healing). Even if I get like 10 metres out in front I'll stop, turn around, and wait. I find running out in front of the tank to be both disrespectful and stupid. I expect the same treatment when I'm tanking. As the healer, I don't heal DPSers that run out and grab aggro before the tank. I'll just let you die for not having manners or sense.


However, there are just so many impatient people that just want to skip every enemy and spacebar through every conversation regardless of their role in the Flashpoint. They always know the best way to get around enemies and everyone else is always wrong. Those people get added to my /ignore list as soon as I've got my Black Hole Commendations in my pocket.

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More DPS need to realise they have Aggro release abilities that allow them to release aggro gathered from an opponent. Smuggler has that Surrender ability, Marauder has that short burst stealth move. If your tank is unable to hit taunt on an enemy because of cooldown, use these moves to get the enemy attacking the tank again.
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i love tanking.


i love that when i go into a dungeon, i take personal responsibility for the lives of my team mates.


i ran hammer station today and we wiped on some mobs.


my first response was not to berate the healer, i asked:


"is everything ok? am i too squishy?"


i got a whisper:


"ur good, we have bad heals, he's dpsing more than healing"


i think the ones that blame everyone else, dont have that sense of responsibility and thus, do not take or attempt to take ownership of mistakes.


im a boss tank.

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I'm a healer, and I'm happy to let people that rush in or wont heal between fights, die. You're part of a team and you have a job to do, so do it right or go home. People usually learn, or they abuse you and you leave to find more reasonable players.


I'm interested to see if the GW2 method solves the problem. I always thought the three role system was a flawed design. The real world doesn't have tanks, and if there were, the enemy would do exactly what we do. Pick off the weak and healer targets first.

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I'm a healer, and I'm happy to let people that rush in or wont heal between fights, die. You're part of a team and you have a job to do, so do it right or go home. People usually learn, or they abuse you and you leave to find more reasonable players.


I'm interested to see if the GW2 method solves the problem. I always thought the three role system was a flawed design. The real world doesn't have tanks, and if there were, the enemy would do exactly what we do. Pick off the weak and healer targets first.


think the avengers.


Captain America is a tank (because he directs and controls the flow of the fights)


Hawkeye and Iron Man are RDPS


Hulk, and Thor are MDPS


and Black Widow is the healer.



Edited by Ricktur
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Sorry I should have added, I've been asking the dps who do this recently after noticing this pattern what their mains are, and I'd say roughly 70% of the time it's a tank.


So experienced tanks, playing dps alts, who can't play their role as dps then?


Now, tanks in most MMOs deserve to be in control, because let's face it.... the dps in the average group are like a bunch of kittens constantly climbing out of their box and /clawing the dog and drawing agro. :D

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