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The Code of the Grey Jedi


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If grey jedi had a code, would it go something like this?


There is forever conflict

Between peace and passion


All are ignorant of their opposite

For knowledge is strength


Knowledge is a conduit

For serenity and power


Serene power is the key

For victory over conflict


Only through harmony

There is peace


To protect harmony

The Force is your sword and shield.

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If grey jedi had a code, would it go something like this?


There is forever conflict

Between peace and passion


All are ignorant of their opposite

For knowledge is strength


Knowledge is a conduit

For serenity and power


Serene power is the key

For victory over conflict


Only through harmony

There is peace


To protect harmony

The Force is your sword and shield.


This is the actual grey code from what I've seen:


There is no Dark Side, nor a Light Side

There is Only the Force

I will do what I must to keep the balance

The balance is what keeps me together

There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish

There is passion, Yet peace

Serenity, Yet emotion

Chaos, yet order

I am the wielder of the flame, the protector of balance

I am the holder of the torch, lighting the way

I am the keeper of the flame, soldier of balance

I am a guardian of balance

I am a Gray Jedi

Edited by Dmbender
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There are no "grey" Jedi. The idea of "grey" comes from Jedi following the will of the Force and doing what they think is right. Qui-Gon Jinn and Jolee Bindo are examples of grey Jedi. While they still serve the Jedi order and the Light, they follow what the Will of the Force tells them.
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From what I remember, Lucas swatted away the notion of grey jedi that bioware was trying to create in KOtOR, put his foot down and difinitively said NO, you are either dark or light, no in between. I remember this because it made me sad. ^_^
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Didn't Yoda say: "Once you start down the path, forever will it dominate your destiny" So in turn can you really go from dark to light? Anakin did, but where do you draw the line of gray?


There is no grey line. You are either Sith or Jedi. "Grey" jedi follow the will of the Force, but still follow the Light.

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There is also the Je'daii Code from the Dawn of the Jedi series by Dark Horse...


There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no fear, there is power.

I am the heart of the Force.

I am the revealing fire of light.

I am the mystery of darkness.

In balance with chaos and harmony.

Immortal in the Force.

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If grey jedi had a code, would it go something like this?


There is forever conflict

Between peace and passion


All are ignorant of their opposite

For knowledge is strength


Knowledge is a conduit

For serenity and power


Serene power is the key

For victory over conflict


Only through harmony

There is peace


To protect harmony

The Force is your sword and shield.


There is no grey Jedi. Jedi in and of itself is a Force-using organization of light. Anything not falling within the Jedi Order's dogma is not considered Jedi, they're considered rogue Force-users, which were outlawed by the Convention of Civilized Systems along with the Sith. Just like there's no such thing as a 'dark' Jedi. There are only Jedi and Sith, everything not falling into either category is simply a person with the Force, possibly in possession (however illegally) of a lightsaber or any other variation of the high-energy particle weapon.

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If grey jedi had a code, would it go something like this?


There is forever conflict

Between peace and passion


All are ignorant of their opposite

For knowledge is strength


Knowledge is a conduit

For serenity and power


Serene power is the key

For victory over conflict


Only through harmony

There is peace


To protect harmony

The Force is your sword and shield.


"Use logic over morals and don't be a douche."

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Didn't Yoda say: "Once you start down the path, forever will it dominate your destiny" So in turn can you really go from dark to light? Anakin did, but where do you draw the line of gray?


Dominate your destiny, not neccessarily dominate you.

It means once you do something Dark-Sided you have to live with that for the rest of your life. Even if you turn away, you spend the rest of your existence living it down. Every day of your life you're looking over your own shoulder, questioning everything you do, afraid every choice might take you back.


Oh, and Krystian, the quote comes from Empire Strikes Back.

Edited by Dartanel
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From what I've seen, both from the (fan)fiction and the many, many fans of this "Grey Jedi" concept, the most to-the-point code would be something like this:


I want all the cool stuff of the Dark Side but none of the drawbacks.

I am a special snowflake, you can't judge me.

I am too edgy for the Light side of the Force (otherwise simply known as the Force to canon sources and Lucas) but the Dark Side seems like a downer. I wanna remain pretty!

My power level is over 9000 and my roleplaying demonstrates that.


This "Grey Jedi" thing is laughably getting out of hand, same with the Revanites. There's no "code" really except you want everything, want it now, and want no drawbacks or allegiance to anything but yourself.


That's called the Dark Side in denial.

Edited by Neverfar
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"Use logic over morals and don't be a douche."


Funny. My logic professor at university told me first day of class that logic was a tool, a useful tool, but people who wave it around like a bludgeon or to rhetorically justify their opinions were, well, also tools. :D


The Jedi have codes of restraint, voluntary I might add (You can leave the Jedi Order at any time, it's not a prison sentence). The Sith do not, embracing the furthest reaches of selfishness and passion and lust for power, their rules only pertaining to conduct with other Sith.


You "Grey Jedi" want all the goodies, none of the codes or drawbacks. Your "code" is "all opinions are equally valid and invalid so I will pretend I'm smarter with my vague middle ground".


In other words, you're Jedi hipsters. UGH.

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Thats subjective to say the least, there is a balance between the Two sides, no one is inherantly Light side or dark side, and to become dark side one must creep slowly away from the light, there IS a middle ground


The best example of an Order of "Grey Jedi" for lack of a better term are the Imperial Knights from the Legacy Comics. If you havent read them I recomend it they give you a better perspective of "Grey Jedi" that you might not otherwise think about.

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And yet no one listens. Pretty much every G-Canon source states that there is no grey side. You are either good or bad.


More to the point, central Star Wars canon and Lucas himself indicate that the "Force in Balance" is, indeed, the Light side itself. To put it another way, the Force is light and all things pertaining to it until it is selfishly twisted, manipulated, or coerced down paths it would not normally follow. That's why Jedi say "the Force will guide me" or "the Force is with us," instead of seeing it as a tool or a weapon like the Sith do.


All this "Grey Jedi" talk is a desire for power without consequence, without harsh labeling. Even the talk about a "code" is laughable since what "Grey" fans seem to be seeking is unrestricted power.


Again, this is simply the Dark Side with an attempt at a relabeling. In some EU sources it is called the "Great Heresy" by the Jedi. In other sources, mostly the crappy edgy new novels, it's indulged instead of criticized, and what a shame that is.

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Grey Jedi don't use the dark side in most cases.


"Rogue Jedi" would be more appropiate, as indeed some Jedi left the restrictions of the Order. This talk of "codes" for Jedi that actively abandoned the Jedi code is ridiculous at best, though. Speaks of bad fanfiction or bad EU.

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"Rogue Jedi" would be more appropiate, as indeed some Jedi left the restrictions of the Order. This talk of "codes" for Jedi that actively abandoned the Jedi code is ridiculous at best, though.


I'm sure an individual that has gone rogue might still have his own code of honor to guide him, but it's a personal code instead of anything handed down from above. As such any effort to write down a "grey code" is useless.

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