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Just Called Gamestop , and got told


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I was called twice by Gamestop via "robo-call" with an announcement that the game would be available for pick-up today 19Dec2011.


I called my local Gamestop and they told me that they could not release the game or break "street date" until 20Dec2011.


I just wanted to let you all know that not ALL stores are going to honor the robo-call you got from corporate on Sunday 18Dec2011.


Ah, so that's what the ROBOCall I got in my voice mail was saying... it was in French and the only things I could make out were "EB Games", "GameStop", and "Star Wars: The Old Republic"


I'm living on Montreal and ordered my wife's copy from the local EB Games, but that must be why it was in French.

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Holiday hours for most stores the last week before Christmas have them open until at least 11PM so why not stay open another 1.5 hrs and have a midnight release?


Actually I have even seen alot of stores this time of year who will actually be open to midnight and those include a couple local malls that have game stops in them, I dont know if the GS will be open that late but most malls "encourage" all their stores to stay open to the times the mall requests.


So most likely if a Game Stop isnt staying open then it is probably because of all the early launch pre orders.


Game Stop has WoW midnight releases because you cant get an early expansion code that allows you to start earlier than the actual release date.

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Gamestop has been complete garbage for years. Why people still spend money there is beyond me.


I beg to differ. My local Gamestop is ran by a bunch of nerds. They are on top of everything! I love the crew that works there. Very knowledgeable and passionate about gaming. I get on the spot reviews about products I'm about to purchase. Remember the whole code debacle back in July. My local Gamestop's manager didn't have a single problem with the code issuing because he was on top of it like a baws.


Guess my town is just lucky. :cool:

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I work at GameStop in Denmark, and in no way represent the company in this post.


Our store decided not to run for midnight launch since everyone, and I repeat, EVERYONE has gotten their early access codes. So if there are anyone out there enthusiastic enough for a midnight launch, they have already preordered and gotten the code :)


That was our thoughts behind the situation at hand.


Best wishes to you all, see you in the game!



That's a bad call. You're going to miss out on a sale and all the people wanting to run out and get it at midnight are going to go to Walmart instead.


Not everyone preordered.

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My gamestop has a Midnight release. But what's the point? I'll pick it up on my way home from work tomorrow.


to make sure the morons don't sell my prepaid CE to someone that shows up?


that has happened before.. now I go to midnight and get it..

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I beg to differ. My local Gamestop is ran by a bunch of nerds. They are on top of everything! I love the crew that works there. Very knowledgeable and passionate about gaming. I get on the spot reviews about products I'm about to purchase. Remember the whole code debacle back in July. My local Gamestop's manager didn't have a single problem with the code issuing because he was on top of it like a baws.


Guess my town is just lucky. :cool:




My local gamestop rocks. A friendly bunch of guys that haven't mislead me yet. I count on those guys for honest reviews, they've dissuaded me from buying several games that weren't worth a crap. You folks are just unlucky.

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the man actually said that not 1 gamestop store will be having a midnight release


The man lied, the Northeastern DM is my neighbor and this Midnight launch is going to be the largest such event yet for GS they have already poured a crap ton of money into it...Hell we even have a chapter of the 501st and members from NYjedi coming to our midnight launch.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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We are not having a midnight release because , everyone who has pre-ordered Star wars the old republic has gotten early access codes so that we did not have to have a Midnight release.... he then continued to tell me Bioware will be turning the servers off at midnight , and they will bring them back up all at once...


what really made me laugh was to come........


he then stated that they also were not doing a midnight release because "it does not compare to a WoW release , and they have not had enough pre-orders to have a midnight release. he then told me he had participated in multiple beta's and that there is just not enough buzz for them to have a midnight release


i love that the game isn't even out yet , and people already say "it's no wow"


WoW had around 500,000 pre-orders. The pre-orders for this game has exceeded 1.2 million. WoW release has been beat. Anyway my gamestop has a midnight release. I'll be there early to be first in line.

Edited by Rhyltran
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i also loved how he basically said


"i played tor" multiple beta's he stated


and then said "it's no wow"


how can one who works for a place selling the item basically say that the game isn't that great


he obviously likes wow better , and i don't care lol


"it's not like it's a WoW release" were his exact words

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Actually this game already has a _much_ bigger release than any MMO in history, including world of orcraft or whatever your dad played.


Once the numbers are crunched it will be the biggest and smoothest launch of any MMO to date.

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From the manager at my game stop last Wednesday "We are not having a midnight release because it is only being released on PC and GameStop never does midnight release for a PC only game"


The funny part is I just found out that two of the three GS in my area are doing a midnight release, number three is the one I have a reserve at.:mad:


I will be walking into the store at 10 am tomorrow to pick up my game and ask the manager how the midnight release was at the other GS stores for a PC game, with a big evil grin on my face :D

And just to be an *** I might even point out that if you count online sales PC games made way more money than consoles.

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Unless of course, you want to stay back a xpac for whatever reason..


Just so you know... SWTOR had just NA pre-orders (NOT DIGITAL!!) almost one million alone...


then throw in origin pre-orders and the rest of the world, easily 2 million.


If you're going to sit on the SWTOR forums and defend WoW I suggest you leave.. NOW.



I think this person needs to take a deep breath, stop playing video games until they obtain some perspective on life or stop being an insufferable *****.


SWTOR is targetting WoW as its competitor. Comparisons to the game are inevitable and there are many who are playing SWTOR who still play WoW. Stop raging and go get laid or something.

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I just called my Gamestop (Ohio) and was told they are not having a midnight release, but I'm good friends with the manager. Normally a mid-night release is based on the locality of the stores collective sales on an item. I sometimes doubt this because Assassin's Creed Rev. had a mid-night release and there was only about 10 people in line. All in all, it's not that big of a deal. I believe Bioware said they are give a grace period, so I can easily go get my wife's copy tomorrow. I ordered via origin and already got my code.
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I went into my local Best Buy yesterday, and as their Christmas hours are open til 11pm they are just going to stay at the store and re-open the store at midnight tonight for anyone that would like to pick up their pre-order.


Also they advised me that they have way more CE's available than they have pre-ordered. Which is is interesting, as I was always concerned I was being sold a CE when they had already sold out.

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Gamestop employees? Lying? I find that hard to believe.




I have yet to go to a single gamestop ask a question, and get the truth. The conclusion i have come to is you pay crap, you get crap. In otherwords, gamestop is employing the slugs of society.

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My local gamestop rocks. A friendly bunch of guys that haven't mislead me yet. I count on those guys for honest reviews, they've dissuaded me from buying several games that weren't worth a crap. You folks are just unlucky.


It is a store to store bases... yes some stores have excellent employees who know what they are talking about and don't fold to corporate policies, but as for policies and training and what what have you they have been going down hill quit a while. Their corporate trains new hires to use lies and deceit to force sales that might or might not happen on their own. For example after Arenanet said just the day before "No release date, closed beta by end of year, but not open beta" the store employee lying to my face saying it comes out in November, that Arenanet said so and that I should pre order it for a Christmas gift... And for those naive parents buying their kid a game for the holidays believing what he is saying will feel like they just got sucker punched by Arenanet despite the lies coming from Gamestop employees to up their pre order numbers and not Arenanet who have said many of times that it would not be out for the holidays because they are not rushing it.


Point is any company you can have good or bad stores with in them, that in itself does not make the company bad or good, BUT policies that either encourage deceit, lying, stealing, cunning methods make for an overall bad company, while those who honor telling the truth even if it may cost them a short term sale are overall good ones, because if the company is honest enough to go "hey if you want x item the store down the street has better prices, but if you want y item we beat them" most people will shop there even if they are not the best priced because they are not getting lied to.


Are there good Gamestop local stores and local management? Of course. But is that the standard training and policies? Nope not even close, they do a lot of shady business practices, such as lying about release dates to up pre orders, taking product out of certainer games because it competes with their product (Deus Ex comes to mind), and advertising certain games coming with something they don't (Pre order items in used copies of RAGE, and access to the catwomen parts of Batman Arcam City in pre used games comes to mind)

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