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Illiterate Teenagers/Old farts in regards to the Community


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It is starting to get to me. At first I didn't say much. Constant comments in general which were always misspelt. You see I transferred from Frostclaw 2 months ago to Nightmare Lands and my honest to god question is did I transfer to a teenage community?


Honestly guys stop slacking and learn to spell. That goes for any age btw.

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It is starting to get to me. At first I didn't say much. Constant comments in general which were always misspelt. You see I transferred from Frostclaw 2 months ago to Nightmare Lands and my honest to god question is did I transfer to a teenage community?


Honestly guys stop slacking and learn to spell. That goes for any age btw.


So you some kind of English teacher on a rant?

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So you some kind of English teacher on a rant?


So you some kind of troll looking for a bridge to hide under?


Someone expresses their frustration at people not using proper English and you try to hassle them about it? :rolleyes:


Come on. Surely you have better things to do.

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It is starting to get to me. At first I didn't say much. Constant comments in general which were always misspelt. You see I transferred from Frostclaw 2 months ago to Nightmare Lands and my honest to god question is did I transfer to a teenage community?


Honestly guys stop slacking and learn to spell. That goes for any age btw.


I personally think getting worked up about spelling errors in a video game is a little... lets say obessive. But when I was taking online course at the University and I would see posts from students that looked like something a high school freshman could write.... Yeah, that bothered me.

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It is starting to get to me. At first I didn't say much. Constant comments in general which were always misspelt. You see I transferred from Frostclaw 2 months ago to Nightmare Lands and my honest to god question is did I transfer to a teenage community?


Honestly guys stop slacking and learn to spell. That goes for any age btw.


I personally don't see the big deal of why people get so riled up about other people's grammar in a game, forum, etc.when they know exactly what the writer is saying. I'm not being condescending or saying your crazy or anything like that so I apologize if it comes off as that - I'm just expressing my own personal opinion.


It just doesn't seem that important to me, but everybody has their weird pet peeves. Also, please don't call them "lazy" it's not like it's their job or homework assignment to type in a Star Wars game forum or chat. I can understand calling the kid typing on his iphone at a fast food restaurant when there's a huge line of customers lazy, but a random person in a game that has no real practical value? Just ignore them, it's really all you can do.


I'm not telling you to listen to them and give them a chance, just try to understand that just because some people don't think typing in a star wars forum or chat is worth the effort doesn't mean that they're illiterate. There's nothing wrong with them for not caring either, there's absolutely nothing serious about except that it annoys grammar nazis. But overall, it's your pet peeve and you should handle it the way you want, I'm just giving my own two sense.


P.S. It's "misspelled", "misspelt" isn't a word lmao, sorry, just had to.

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Hmm.... I often adapt my writing to what's happening currently. If I'm sitting on the fleet, taking a cup of tea and crafting, well then we get nice long full sentences. If I'm in the middle of a fight, a guildie needs a quick answer to a question or someone on general chat needs help, well then you are much more likely to see a "I'll help U 2 sec".


Besides, if you are in the middle of something, a short clean memo can sometimes be helpful. "Dear Jedi Knight I saw running past me two seconds ago. Could you be so kind as to come back to the south point. We are just about to have a very nice Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent over for tea. Much appreciated your soon to be dead Scoundrel healer".

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I personally think getting worked up about spelling errors in a video game is a little... lets say obessive...


And using spelling such as "u" instead of "you" are not errors. They are chosen type forms. It's not any different than using stenography (shorthand). Excepted only few people would natively and comfortably read a full "shorthanded" text. But that's not a problem with the issue at hand (no pun intended :p).


I personally don't see the big deal of why people get so riled up about other people's grammar in a game, forum, etc.when they know exactly what the writer is saying....


Exactly. Language exists to serve communication, and never to rule over it.

Edited by Elysith
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This is the internet, not English class. Grow up, and get over it. People aren't going to change the way they type/spell just because you have issues. Actually, coming to complain about it in the forums makes you look like one of these immature teenagers you're complaining about, and that's just sad.
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lol u don kno wut ur sayin. y lrn 2 spell? YOLO.


gt n a* in swaglish nyway, who needs 2 spell?





Yeah, writing that just gave me cancer. I hear you, agree with you, and am now going to scrub my hands for the next hour to try and wash away the disgrace that were my original two... sentances.

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It is starting to get to me. At first I didn't say much. Constant comments in general which were always misspelt. You see I transferred from Frostclaw 2 months ago to Nightmare Lands and my honest to god question is did I transfer to a teenage community?


Honestly guys stop slacking and learn to spell. That goes for any age btw.


Even as it becomes less and less popular, I continue to think that how you present yourself in text reflects on who you are and what you value. I've made typos trying to type something fast, but there are choices to use text speak or not to even bother to try to spell things right, it makes me think you probably take other shortcuts, or else you really are illiterate. If you really are illiterate, then I guess that's a sadder situation.

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Language is communication, and communication is the foundation of social games, particularly MMOs. If you are unable to properly communicate a simple sentence, I'll assume that you are unable to follow a simple dialogue. Thus, you are useless to me and I have no interest in playing with you. Read a book.
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It is starting to get to me. At first I didn't say much. Constant comments in general which were always misspelt. You see I transferred from Frostclaw 2 months ago to Nightmare Lands and my honest to god question is did I transfer to a teenage community?


Honestly guys stop slacking and learn to spell. That goes for any age btw.


misspellings don't bother me anymore. the text short hand however is something totally different.


i just laugh as it is some poor kid and just let them flail away in chat trying to get a response. if someone is too lazy to type two or three more letters then dear god what will they be like in a group.:D

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It's easy to tell the lazy against the foreign. It is very much a current teenage generation thing, and it annoys me too because effective communication goes a long way. I would be equally as annoyed if someone I was talking to face to face, decided to save some time and effort by talking really quickly, mispronouncing certain words and missing other words out completely, even if I could get the general idea of what they were talking about.


It also annoys me that when picked up on it, the response is that they don't care.


People who use "lol" as punctuation :mad:

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So you some kind of troll looking for a bridge to hide under?


Someone expresses their frustration at people not using proper English and you try to hassle them about it? :rolleyes:


Come on. Surely you have better things to do.


Ranting about English in a game is pretty sad. And really who cares except this person?

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ok weight. ur conseerned about ppl not using propur english on the interwebZ? i'd liek to point out that ur forgetting ur on the interwebZ111!1


Not even kidding, though. It's the Internet. If you're most irritating problem is people not using proper English in an MMO, then you need to get out more.

Edited by DarthEccen
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ok weight. ur conseerned about ppl not using propur english on the interwebZ? i'd liek to point out that ur forgetting ur on the interwebZ111!1


Not even kidding, though. It's the Internet. If you're most irritating problem is people not using proper English in an MMO, then you need to get out more.


Some of us play on RP serves, you know, and discernible language is vital to our enjoyment of the game. Unless you're RPing a troglodyte with a recent head injury, e-speak is actually detrimental to the immersion in the game for the people around you.

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